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Magic the Gathering Mafia Signups


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This game was originally supposed to be an "Every man for himself CARDS AND HP!" game.

As it turns out, that's really hard to balance. So instead you get this!

[spoiler=Rules and Game Information: READ]mc3_pie.jpg

(note how Red is facing the wrong way)

Hosted by Paperblade, cohosted by Kay

In Magic, there are five colors.

White, the color of order.

Blue, the color of knowledge.

Black, the color of power.

Red, the color of emotion.

Green, the color of nature.

White hated Black for being selfish.

Blue hated Red for not thinking.

Black hated Green for being a hippie.

Red hated White for being overbearing.

Green hated Blue for being artificial.

So they all went to war.

0. This is an anonymous multifaction game. Unlike multifaction games we've had in the past, this will (probably) not come down to 3-5 serial killers having a showdown on Day 50 because everyone's win condition is "You win if your faction eliminates all threats" that gets decided by the fact that one person is a bulletproof hitman mayor or (god forbid) priority. No, we have more class than that.

1. This is an OC game. That means you can talk to whoever you want however you want whenever you want wherever you want about whatever you want unless you get told otherwise. I highly recommend IRC: it's free, easy to use, and I'm basically always there for you to harass.

1.5. However, no screenshots. Seriously.

2. All voting and ability targeting is done towards an alias on another forum. Note that you can still talk to people about the game non-anonymously (IRC, AIM, SF PM, etc.), and can lie to them about who you are on the anonymous forum and so on and so forth.

3. If you are dead, you may only talk to your faction for strategy purposes. Knowledge may not be transferred from a dead player to a living player.

3.5. Death is the end for everyone.

4. You can paste things told to you by the hosts. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM one of the hosts for assistance.

5. Vote in ##VERB: ALIAS. If you intend to change your vote, you must post ##Unvote.

6. If you intend to idle, please say so.

7. Ties in lynches will result in no lynch.

8. There is no recruitment.

9. Be active. The first time your team has to send in a day/night action for you and you don't have a good excuse (such as your internet being out due to a snowstorm), I will start looking for a sub for you. Seriously, you have 48 hours to check these forums and tell us by IRC/PM what you're going to do.

10. If you have any spreadsheets, please inform us and let us have access to them so that we can laugh at how utterly wrong you are.

11. If someone is modkilled, they will lose by default. If you are modkilled when you are already going to lose and just want to fuck with the game, I will send Kay to your house to kill you. And she'll do it. (No Proto you are not exempt from this rule; I'll find another way to kill you)

12. The list of players and aliases is 100% complete. In other words, there are no hidden players nor are there any hidden aliases: There are exactly 17 players and 17 aliases. Being a hidden player sucks anyway. Trust me.

13. Similarly, there are no moles. For fuck's sake, your factions aren't that big.

14. Day and night phases will last 48 hours each. Night phases will end early if all actions are in. Day phases will end early if all actions are in and a majority as determined by me is reached. There is no grace period for lynch majority and/or all actions in other than "Is at least one host at their computer with internet access?"

15. If your role PM contradicts any of these rules, your role PM is right. Rules 2, 3.5, 7, 8, 12, 13, and 20 are not contradicted by any role PMs. In other words, I don't think any role PMs actually contradict any rules, but this rule is here just in case. If you have time to be paranoid about "What if hidden players despite rule stating there aren't any," you have time to be paranoid about things actually relevant to the game.

16. This is a multifaction game. There are five factions. Each faction is a mutual enemy with two other factions and is based on one of the colors from Magic, so you can probably figure out who each faction is an enemy with from that.

17. The game will end as soon as a faction has achieved victory. Due to the nature of win conditions, it is possible for multiple factions to win simultaneously.

18. If I find you have somehow found a way to get into someone else's alias or get into their hidden board on the anonymous forum, you will be modkilled and probably killed IRL by Kay. I made this game anonymous because some people would like to live to see Night 2, so don't try to fucking abuse this forum to find out who is who. If you can trick them into telling you who they are or figure out who they are from posting habits, good on you.

19. Don't break the game by abusing loopholes etc.. If you're unsure if something is against the rules, ask. Otherwise, I will assume you had malicious intent. This is your final warning. Seriously.

20. This game starts on Night 0. There are no kills on Night 0. You can share your role PM whenever.


1. Haze

2. Kaoz

3. Rothene

4. eclipse

5. Rein

6. Psych

7. Sho

8. Shinori

9. StSS

10. Snike

11. Raymond (IRC)

12. Lorddomu

13. Hikarusa

14. Kevin

15. Proto? (IRC)

16. Obviam (IRC)

17. Mysterio


1. Blitz

This will start... whenever there are less other games running.

Edited by Paperblade
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11. If someone is modkilled, they will lose by default. If you are modkilled when you are already going to lose and just want to fuck with the game, I will send Kay to your house to kill you. And she'll do it. (No Proto you are not exempt from this rule; I'll find another way to kill you)

You had better plan to cover travel expenses.

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You had better plan to cover travel expenses.

I wish I could modkill myself NOW. That way, you can deal with APEC traffic and road closures. In other words, you're never getting out of the airport. TEE-HEE~!

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