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worst fire emblem character fire emblem 7-12 7-12

uber joshua

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Huh NM, you didn't mention Miccy/Marcia/Tanith/Sigrun. Did you think it would just be redundant because of your sig?

Anyway.... (going by "least favorite with regards to personality" if we have to draw distinctions)


FE8: Lute

Those would be all the playable ones I can think of, I'm sure I'll come up with more soon.

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hey kay, rath is awesome and is a lv20 nmd trooper on my file

First off, PEMN. Get familiar with this term, it's your Best Friend.

Second, this is from the guy who said Kent is the worst? Golden.

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First off, PEMN. Get familiar with this term, it's your Best Friend.

Second, this is from the guy who said Kent is the worst? Golden.

Why do you have to be such a buzzkill? Besides, PEMN only applies in debates/tier lists anyway, he's just stating his opinion (and he can be as biased as he wants about it).

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I'm only putting unfavourites since I couldn't care less about efficiency or strength (seeing how my style is try out different characters for each playthrough).

FE7: Sonia

FE8: Valter

FE9: Haven't played

FE10: Haven't played

FE11: Wendell

FE12: Malice

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Why just FE7 through FE12?

Actual Worst

FE4pt1: Ardan, Tiltyu, Alec

FE4pt2: Daisy, Hannibal, Femina

FE6: Wendy, Sophia, Bors

FE7: Nino, Karla, Wallace

FE8: Amelia, Ewan, Marisa

FE9: Ena, Bastian, Rolf

FE10: Lyre, Fiona, Astrid

FE11:, Est, Lawrence, Maria

Least Favorite

FE4pt1: Ardan, Noce, Alec (stat and skill related).

FE4pt2: Patty (stat and skill related), Corple (jointime).

FE6: Sue (Basically a female version of Rath with added fragility, and by extension, less usefullness.)

FE7: Florina (She's a good unit I'll admit. But her personality doesn't match how she is as a unit, seeing how unbearably weak it is.), Rath (He has the potential to be a good mounted archer, but he joins right around when the game is half over, making training him rather pointless. Adding to that, the guy could at least be a little bit more sociable and smile more.)

FE8: I play this game too few times to actually care about anyone.

FE9: Shinon (Freaking racist.)

FE10: Sothe (character derailment victim), Micaiah (blatant Mary Sue), Shinon (didn't change much from FE9).

FE11: Maria (I used her once, never again will I do so. Too much trouble and the payoff isn't as good as opposed to someone like Wrys or Lena.), Wolf (Just don't like his bases.), Sedgar (see Wolf)

Edited by Little Al
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7: Florina


Least Favorite:

FE7: Ehhh...probably Dorcas. I dont really hate anyone in that game. Im not a fan of the archers either but i dont hate them. (units that is)

FE8: Knoll

FE9: Mia and Sothe

FE10: Mia and Micaiah


FE7: Wallace and Karla

FE8: Knoll

FE9: Sothe

FE10: Lyre

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Personality wise:

FE6: Totally Merlinus he's a jerk , not funny and a preecher thats wrong also he's bald

FE7: I actually like everyone since they are pretty well developed...oh Wait...Karel for being the blankest Character ever he may look cool but "kill kill kill" isnt enough for me Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

FE8: See above but without the Karel part

FE9: Elincia is your bland typical Princess Bastian was kind of annoying too but at least he is unique.

FE10: Micaiah :Mary Sue nough said . And Sothe has the worst change of personality from a little pseudo mysterious Thief to a know-it-all wanabe Lord...He also is the canon slave for Marycaiah .

FE11: Est . Attention whore.

FE12: Est. she abandoned Abel for no reason (Maybe supports explain that) ?

Combat wise:

FE6: Wendy and Sophia go figure .

FE7: Canas cannot atack without AS loss unpromoted :/

FE8: Ewan.

FE9: Shinon is the best unit earlygame but worse than a rained Rolf and definately worse than Stella.

FE10: So many i cannot count mainly Meg , Laura (past part 1 she's useless) and Fiona even though i used her and she maxed EVERITHING except HP.

FE11: Arran sheesh how he could lead a troupe is beyond me maybe in FE4 . But i like him personality wise wink.gif

FE12: lol more than Half of the cast is useless but for an example lets say Frost a late joining Bishop with decent rank but...just look at his stats... .

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If Rath smiled more, he'd steal every other woman in Elibe.

It's not just not smiling. All he basically says is "..." because he feels "words are not necessary". Even so, would it kill him to be more open and less serious? And way to exaggerate.
As for the two Horsemen, if you want them to have nice numbers, reclass to General, and laugh.

I prefer the Hero customization myself. What can I say? I like double attacking. Edited by Little Al
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It's not just not smiling. All he basically says is "..." because he feels "words are not necessary". Even so, would it kill him to be more open and less serious?

Well he did have to survive on his own as a child after being forced to leave his village. Me thinks that would be a reason as to why he's kind of anti-social/reserved/whatever you wanna call it.

Oh right the question dealy and all.

As a unit kind of dealy:

Haven't played FE1-6 so yeah.

FE7: Uh... Wallace and Nino I guess.

FE8: Amelia and Ewan I guess.

FE9: Sothe and Shinon I guess.

FE10: Ha ha. Yeah... Vika, Fiona, Lyre, and Meg I guess.

FE11: Don't care.

Personality wise kind of dealy:

Same thing for FE1-6.

FE7: Karel...

FE8: Marisa...

FE9: Ilyana... A least her Lucia supports let us know she's not always hungry. ;/

FE10: Ilyana again... Then again IS took an axe to the head of characterization so yeah.

FE11: *Tidus laugh*

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Ok, actual worst units:

776: Ronan(archer, stats are in wrong places), Shanam(joke bases, poor growths in everything except HP/str/spd/lck)

SoS: Wendy(knight with poor bases that joins before the Isles), Sophia(underleveled with poor bases and bad weapon type)

BS: Nino(underleveled mage when Pent is already there), Wallace(Overleveled in LM, weak in HHM, inferior Osw1n)

TSS: Amelia(underleveled, trainee, already got 3 cavs and a knight), Ewan(underleveled, trainee, Saleh makes him obsolete in Eir route and Lute does the same on either route)

PoR: Sothe(underleveled, thief, can't promote), Shinon(bad bases for his level, archer, inferior to Rolf)

RD: Fiona(underleveled with bad bases in a group with limited BEXP), Lyre(bad bases coupled with cat gauge)

Not gonna touch FEDS or NMotE.

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FE11-Wrys and Ymir tie (Avoiding Jeigan cause while terible unit is awesome character)

What? Wrys (pronounced WRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYS) was the greatest thing that happened to FE11/FE12. The fact that they took him out of Mystery Of The Emblem is a CRIME punisheable by law in the US (which is the real reason that Mystery Of The Emblem was never released here).

Oh yeah, worst (objectively, of course) units.


FE7- Marcus (he's stealing EXP from units that REALLY need it, like Nino, Karla, & Uther)

FE8- Vanessa (she's amazing, but flying really hurts her usability to below bottom tier units like Duessel)

FE9- Titania (only male Jeigans are any good*)

FE10- All of them, because none of these units were good enough to help me beat the game

FE11- It was a tie between Malledus and Est, but of course Est's pink hair increases all of her growths by 15%, while Malledus has the worst availability in the game, so it'll have to be Malledus.

FE12- Tomas.png


FE7- Bramimmond (like no personality whatsoever; what's up with that?)

FE8- Unnamed hero of Jehanna (seriously missed the boat there, IS, he-she would've been the best character by far)

FE9- Ike's mother (like, no lines in the game, come on IS, surely you have enough writers)

FE10- I haven't played this game, so I'll just pick some random dude/chick/Oliver from FE9 at random. Ah yes, Largo had by far the worst personality in FE10, man I hated that dude.

FE11- It was a tie between Wymp and Rejek, but at least Wymp has that "it's so adorable he's trying his best despite being not so great thing" going for him while all Rejek does is whine about how he's incompetent, so I'll have to go with Rejek

FE12- Man, I sure wish this game came out in English so I could understand what they're saying.

*Except Jeigan, Aran, Dodga, Old Marcus, and Seth (I feel like I'm missing a few here)

Edited by Refa
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FE7- Marcus (he's stealing EXP from units that REALLY need it, like Nino, Karla, & Uther)

FE8- Vanessa (she's amazing, but flying really hurts her usability to below bottom tier units like Duessel)

FE9- Titania (only male Jeigans are any good*)

WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT Vanessa is amazing and Duessel is not bottom tier. And flying hurts her ability, give me a break Almost any unit that has flying can be used. Karla and Nino do not need experience. They should not be used. Marcus does not STEAL experience. No one is entitled to experience. And don't even get me started on Titania.

I hope that was a joke by you

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FE11-Wrys and Ymir tie (Avoiding Jeigan cause while terible unit is awesome character)

What part of "helps out greatly during a point where everyone else isn't strong enough to take care of enemies by themselves" equates to being "terrible", exactly?
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What part of "helps out greatly during a point where everyone else isn't strong enough to take care of enemies by themselves" equates to being "terrible", exactly?

Maybe he sacrificed Jeigan in the prologue.

Edited by Refa
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