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...did I just fight a guy?


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@ Kiryn: Probably.

I biked across a highway once---those with actual traffic lights, btw, I'm not that stupid as to cross one of those highways without them. It was...unnerving.

In China, though, most cars are alright, but then you get those rare cases where the driver is related to some government bitch and drives like a maniac on a local street. And the worst part is, there's essentially a chinese law that says the victim can sue whoever helps them, which is the cause of why rarely anybody helps people who get hit by cars or even just tripped and fell. China is fucked up.

@ Sage: Dirty Commies are the reason why I'm in America.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I think the drivers here just like to scare cyclists as a form of stress relief as they all create an early rush hour by trying to beat rush hour traffic. One day they will scare me too hard and being the uncoordinated bundle of limbs I am they will find that they have scared the wrong cyclist, because now my bike is tangled in their tires and they are paying my medical bills.

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Please don't get hit. That'd be bad. D:

Although, lol@Chinese "communism."

Well, they do call themselves the "Chinese Communist Party" so commies still work for a shorthand. All the other parties can't do shit anyway.

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I hope I never have to go to mexico.

Or go back to China. In China car runs you over and like nobody helps. That'd be shit.

Unless you're in Hong Kong and then nobody runs you over unless you're poor, and if you're poor nobody gives a shit.

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so first he harassed this girl, and next punched another girl?

I'm very much against any violence, but somehow I'm glad you did what you did!

(still, I would be more impressed if you had solved this without violence...)

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Well, at least you showed him, alright. Tell your friend to knee the dude in the crotch if there's a next time she gets harassed again. Sexual harassment is one of the few things that warrants one of those.

People have died from that. Seriously, if you want to get rid of him, kick him in the back of the knees. That shit hurts very bad and if you're lucky it will cripple him for a while.

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No. even then, no. Do you have any idea how much pain that gives? Think about how painful the cramps and stuff are during a period. Now multiply that by 2 thousand. Thats just the initial feeling.

I thought you got off on pain...

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When defending yourself, you should apply force which is reasonable to the extent of force/harassment being applied to you.

A slap to the face should be a good initial response to harassment, followed by an attempt to get away from him. If it's persistent, then kicking the person in the legs is good. If your harasser still hasn't got the message, a swift kick or punch to the scrotum should do it, proceeded by escaping. Fuck if that's not enough, run into a crowd of people then phone the police, if possible.

Your female friend is weak for not even attempting to get away from him or trying to resist him in any way, especially if she didn't want to get felt up by this person.

From what I'm reading, she may have been fine with getting felt up but might have felt uncomfortable because it was in your presence. Maybe you should talk to her about it if you think I might not be wrong. Hopefully I am wrong.

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People have died from that. Seriously, if you want to get rid of him, kick him in the back of the knees. That shit hurts very bad and if you're lucky it will cripple him for a while.

And about how hard was the kick? I'd imagine to die from that you need some pretty strong force, like at least a soccer kick. I don't expect the average chick to be kick very hard at all, let alone in such cramped space. And depends on how crowded/the aim of the victim it may be very hard to kick to the back of the knees.

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To kick the back of the knees means they would have to get to behind or to the side of the person, which is highly unlikely to be the case when you're the one being assaulted. And on a train.

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I can sorta see a way, but it'd be very hard to aim. I'm not sure if I can pull it off if facing the perpetrator either, and if I do, it won't have much of an impact since it'll be pretty limited to just the lower leg doing the kicking and not enough room for momentum.

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Yeah. Internet pepper spray could really be useful. At least the guy I want to use it on has left the forums.

I didn't exactly see everything he posted, but I don't think Fayt was that bad.

Unless you're talking about someone else.

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Your female friend is weak for not even attempting to get away from him or trying to resist him in any way, especially if she didn't want to get felt up by this person.

Many girls are taught, either verbally or by example or just by countless messages of the environment, that resisting will just make things worse, and/or just not to speak up about things in general. "It's 'just a few touches', whatever discomfort it brings is not worth making a fuss of, defending against it will likely lead to retaliation"-- if someone grows up with this mindset, can we be surprised or condemn them if they aren't able to snap out of it in a crisis? A lot of victims don't stand up for themselves because they've been taught not to all their lives. What's important is not that they be blamed and called weak for "letting [instance of harassment] happen to them" but that they learn that it is okay to defend themselves.

We don't know Kai's friend's situation, so we have no context about why she may have acted as she did. Calling her weak is not going to accomplish anything.

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I can sorta see a way, but it'd be very hard to aim. I'm not sure if I can pull it off if facing the perpetrator either, and if I do, it won't have much of an impact since it'll be pretty limited to just the lower leg doing the kicking and not enough room for momentum.

It's possible, but extremely hard. That's why I recommended shin kicks - easier to hit, and very effective. You can also try to step on the guy's foot, if he's wearing something soft on his feet.

Hitting the knee cap with sufficient force will probably get the message across, but then you risk knee injuries.

why do I know this?

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Many girls are taught, either verbally or by example or just by countless messages of the environment, that resisting will just make things worse, and/or just not to speak up about things in general. "It's 'just a few touches', whatever discomfort it brings is not worth making a fuss of, defending against it will likely lead to retaliation"-- if someone grows up with this mindset, can we be surprised or condemn them if they aren't able to snap out of it in a crisis? A lot of victims don't stand up for themselves because they've been taught not to all their lives. What's important is not that they be blamed and called weak for "letting [instance of harassment] happen to them" but that they learn that it is okay to defend themselves.

We don't know Kai's friend's situation, so we have no context about why she may have acted as she did. Calling her weak is not going to accomplish anything.

Yes, I realise that upon reflection. I don't think I know any girls who would tolerate such things being done to them so it's not so easy for me to imagine someone who would. Weak was a bit harsh, however these people do need to learn to stand up for themselves in such situations.

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