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...did I just fight a guy?


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It's possible, but extremely hard. That's why I recommended shin kicks - easier to hit, and very effective. You can also try to step on the guy's foot, if he's wearing something soft on his feet.

Hitting the knee cap with sufficient force will probably get the message across, but then you risk knee injuries.

why do I know this?

Yeah, I just didn't think of shin kicks off the top of my head since even a fairly light nadshot can at least stun the guy for a long enough time to make a getaway, so I usually recommend that to fellow chicks. I just dunno how hard they can kick, and depends on how cramped it is. if there's a fair bit of space then yeah, backing up slightly and aim at the shin would work pretty well.

I mean, usually the chicks who /can/ kick hard enough, will have already done their share of retaliation.

That made me remember something in high school, actually. A friend was trying to tackle glomp hug me knowing well that I hate physical contact. Reflexively I kicked him in the knee and he went down for a bit. It was kinda funny, but I felt bad about it.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Just go for the crotch, if it causes him serious problems then good!

If it causes serious problems then YOU get charged and will most likely find yourself in jail. That's why it is a last resort.

Assault is not a form of self defense.

Edited by Tangerine
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Being sexually harassed sucks. I'm glad you're alright Kai.

To all men and women of SF who don't like me creeping on them, I apologize and will stop :wub: 'ing you. Besides SlayerX, who hasn't complained yet.

With that, I think they were talking about another guy, though I never really saw anything he did personally (Lumi said what he was bothering her with was over PM so obviously I don't know about that either).

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Yeah, I just didn't think of shin kicks off the top of my head since even a fairly light nadshot can at least stun the guy for a long enough time to make a getaway, so I usually recommend that to fellow chicks. I just dunno how hard they can kick, and depends on how cramped it is. if there's a fair bit of space then yeah, backing up slightly and aim at the shin would work pretty well.

I mean, usually the chicks who /can/ kick hard enough, will have already done their share of retaliation.

That made me remember something in high school, actually. A friend was trying to tackle glomp hug me knowing well that I hate physical contact. Reflexively I kicked him in the knee and he went down for a bit. It was kinda funny, but I felt bad about it.

tell them it's only a last resort. seriously. attacks to the groin, other than being the worst pain a man can get, can have some pretty serious fucking consequences. it doesn't need to be hard. it just needs to be in the right angle/direction whatever. please. think of the dudes, even if they're assholes. they might never be able to have children after that.

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With that, I think they were talking about another guy, though I never really saw anything he did personally (Lumi said what he was bothering her with was over PM so obviously I don't know about that either).

I am Fayt. We were both obnoxious econ majors who liked Legend of Legaia. No more needs be said.

...But seriously, I knew they were talking about another guy, that's why I didn't quote their posts.

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Eh, I didn't like the feeling either. This person and I aren't as close as you and Soluna are but if some asshole who doesn't get any action was feeling up on her, wouldn't you do something about it? =/

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tell them it's only a last resort. seriously. attacks to the groin, other than being the worst pain a man can get, can have some pretty serious fucking consequences. it doesn't need to be hard. it just needs to be in the right angle/direction whatever. please. think of the dudes, even if they're assholes. they might never be able to have children after that.

kids suck anyways, they'll thank them later

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attacks to the groin, other than being the worst pain a man can get,

And yet people in high school/middle school love hitting eachother in the balls. I never could understand why the fuck they'd do that to eachother...

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Eh, I didn't like the feeling either. This person and I aren't as close as you and Soluna are but if some asshole who doesn't get any action was feeling up on her, wouldn't you do something about it? =/

Probably not in the way you did, but I likely would.

Now if it was Soluna, I definitely would.

In any case, the way I'd go about it was standing in between them and telling the guy to back up. He hits me? I push him away. He hits me again? I push him away. I'd prefer to take hits than dish them out.

If he started to really hurt me, then I'd start fighting back.

Or if he hurt Soluna. Then heads would roll.

Edited by Lux Aeterna
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Yes, I realise that upon reflection. I don't think I know any girls who would tolerate such things being done to them so it's not so easy for me to imagine someone who would. Weak was a bit harsh, however these people do need to learn to stand up for themselves in such situations.

It would be good for these people to learn to stand up for themselves, however it's basically our entire society that is preventing them. I mean, in general, posing opposition to ANYTHING can make a social situation seem awkward, and in this case in particular there are a number of social pressures in place that generally ensure the girl won't say anything. The human mind works in an interesting way, and there are a lot of women who have been conditioned to basically do anything/put up with anything to avoid making a scene.

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It would be good for these people to learn to stand up for themselves, however it's basically our entire society that is preventing them. I mean, in general, posing opposition to ANYTHING can make a social situation seem awkward, and in this case in particular there are a number of social pressures in place that generally ensure the girl won't say anything. The human mind works in an interesting way, and there are a lot of women who have been conditioned to basically do anything/put up with anything to avoid making a scene.

You're such a scientist~ Considering everything so unexplainably retarded to be interesting~

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Probably not in the way you did, but I likely would.

Now if it was Soluna, I definitely would.

In any case, the way I'd go about it was standing in between them and telling the guy to back up. He hits me? I push him away. He hits me again? I push him away. I'd prefer to take hits than dish them out.

If he started to really hurt me, then I'd start fighting back.

Or if he hurt Soluna. Then heads would roll.

lol, probably your head would roll. Try calling for help or something.

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