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[FE4] Tag Team Draft The Third


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1. This draft is for 4 people (3 + myself). Units that are free for all are: Sigurd, Diadora, Celice, Yuria, Oifey.

2. First, the mothers will be drafted (snake draft style: 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1, etc.), and their children (but not substitutes) come with them. For example, drafting Ayra gets you: Ayra, Lackche and Skasaher.

3. Then, the fathers, fixed characters and substitute characters (Noish, Shanan, Hawk, etc.) are drafted. However, the person who went last drafting mothers will go first drafting fathers (reverse snake draft: 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.).

4. Each participant will end up with Sigurd, Diadora, two mothers, and their drafted fathers for the first generation, and Celice, Oifey, Yuria, four children characters, and their drafted fixed and substitute characters in the second generation.

5. If you do not post your pick within 24 hours of the last pick, your partner may draft for you.


1. Undrafted characters may not: enter combat, heal, steal, give, visit villages, become lovers (1st gen only), enter the Arena, etc.

2. Exceptions to the first rule: Briggid, Tiltyu and Claude are free use in Chapter 3; Leaf, Fin and Nanna/Janne are free for use in Chapter 7; Shanan is free for use in Chapter 7 until Yied is conquered; Levin and Sylvia are free until Mackily is conquered in Chapter 2.

3. Undrafted characters may receive and give items through Talk conversations that do not require the participants to be lovers.

4. Dew may raise the bridge in Chapter 4 without penalty.

5. NPC units may do as they please without penalty.

6. Using Arenas is allowed for drafted units.

7. Hidden events (Ardan's Pursuit Ring) may be activated without penalty unless it requires that undrafted units be lovers. This includes Sylvia's Defender.

8. You may recruit Holyn for his sword but otherwise rule 1 applies to him.


1. Non-holy weapon users (Jamka, Ayra, etc.) have a 3-turn penalty, per unit, per castle. Holy weapon users (Levin, Aless, etc.) and Dancers have a 7-turn penalty, per unit, per castle. Using a Holy Weapon user before they get their Holy Weapon (Cuan in the Prologue) is counted as a normal penalty. A "give" command results in a 12 turn penalty.

2. Penalties count each castle separately. For example: in the Prologue, using Arden in-route to Jungby incurs a 3-turn penalty. He can chip once, or solo the map, it's still a 3-turn penalty. Once Sigurd seizes Jungby however, using Arden again (in-route to Evans) will result in another 3-turn penalty.

3. Second generation units are free to fall in love but the rule on giving applies. They may also not initiate special conversations.

4. First gen units may die (completely unequipped) in order to prevent them from being paired.


You and a partner of your choosing will be playing FE4 together. The First Partner will be playing Gen 1 (Prologue - Chapter 5) and the Second Partner will play Gen 2 (Chapter 6 - Final). You will give the other partner a save after you finish the first generation.

Please denote which partner will be the primary drafter. You may both confer with each other, but I only want one person drafting so it doesn't get confusing. If they are gone, the partner may step up and draft for the team. Pairings can be agreed upon, but how the First Gen is played is up to the First Partner.

- Horace(1) and Integ*(2) - (Ethlin,Leaf,Altenna), (Brigid,Patty,Faval), Noish, Claude, Azel, Dew, Linda, Femina, Tristan, Dimna

- Lumi(1) and Furet*(2) - (Ira,Lakche,Skasaha), (Lachesis,Nanna,Delmud), Holyn, Beowulf, Arec, Aless, Yoharuba, Mana, Aserlo, Hanivall

- Rein(1) and Psych*(2) - (Tailto,Arthur,Tinny), (Aideen,Lana,Lester), Lex, Midale, Cuan, Laylea, Hawk, Loddervan, Radnay, Yamuka

- Kim/Iris(1) and Kam*(2) - (Fury,Fee,Sety), (Sylvia,Leen,Corple), Levin, Fin, Shanan, Amid, Daisy, Aldan, Yahne, Yohan


Edited by Kam
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I will.

Boy I have a helluva lot of playing to do.

Wait, Cam, what's with the "reserved"? Is another group in this already?

Furet and Lumi might do it, (Furet's just gotta ask Lumi if she wants to) so he reserved it for them. If she doesn't want to, it goes to you two.

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I thought I explained this in IPChat :<

But he wasn't in IPChat, hence he asked. :>

Oh Darros you ninja, you.

Edited by Iris
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hahaha you stupid fucker I almost didn't draft because the OP hints that you're first draft :P

Anyway, Team Victory! will go for Ethlin, because because.

EDIT: And this is perfect because now I'm holding up exactly nobody until fourth scrubs draft HOORAY!

good night girls



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Also, I have never done Tiltyu Lex, and do not think a draft, where the pairing has a huge chance not only to get RNG screwed, but also unlikely to succeed thanks to speed, is a good place to try it for the first time.

Also, Horace's combo of Ethlin Briggid is only hilariously surpassed by getting Tiltyu Briggid.

Edited by arachnidsGrip
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