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Your Greatest Achievement?


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Yeah I dunno. Nothing really comes to mind.

When I was like 9 or 10 I won an art contest in my primary school, winning £100 for my school and myself a glass trophy thing shaped like a book. The art competition was "Draw what you think Rugby looked like 100 years ago" (so back in 1899~1900).

Then uhh.

I enjoyed Sixth Form, but the break-up with my ex during the last year pretty much put a downer on it all. Nothing was achieved through my school years.

I went to University. Albeit I fucked up my 'A' Levels during Sixth Form, and this university course has a foundation year (Police Studies) which I had to get an average of at least 60% in to get through to year 1 of the main, 3-year course (Police Sciences). Even if I didn't get the 60% pass needed to get through, and I received between 40% and 59%, I could have done any other university course here except the one I needed to get 60%+ for. Buut I had 62.5% or some shit so HERE I AM. Final year of Police Sciences, doing all right.

University has been pretty much the highlight of my life so far. Greatest friends, most friends, most interesting thing I've done so far.

My life is so uneventful. I have achieved nothing really worthy of mention.

When I receive my Bachelor of Science degree I suppose I'll have something to shout about then.

Oh and completing the Silver Blade hack will be quite an achievement. Where there's a will there's a way, as they say.

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I helped in preventing someone from committing suicide. I guess it might not count since I only pushed them towards stopping, but they were the one not to do it.

I'm not really forthcoming with my good points anyway, because for me it's hard to admit them; I feel as though I am not humble enough otherwise.

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I helped in preventing someone from committing suicide. I guess it might not count since I only pushed them towards stopping, but they were the one not to do it.

I'm not really forthcoming with my good points anyway, because for me it's hard to admit them; I feel as though I am not humble enough otherwise.

Do you mean, like, giving advice? I had a little bit of an opposite experience--I actually pulled someone off a bridge and didn't let them jump. Not so many words involved in that one.

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My greatest achievement was reading an book with over 200 pages in one class(about 50 minutes)i had a test about that book on the following class, and i managed to score a full mark!

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My greatest achievement was reading an book with over 200 pages in one class(about 50 minutes)i had a test about that book on the following class, and i managed to score a full mark!


I can read about 20 pages in 30 minutes... :unsure:

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My greatest achievement was reading an book with over 200 pages in one class(about 50 minutes)i had a test about that book on the following class, and i managed to score a full mark!

When I was young I read about 300 pages in an hour once. But now I tend to read more slowly - still, I also read more difficult books.

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Inviting a friend I've only known over the internet for a few years to the movies.

He's a socially reclusive guy as well and he was very thankful to me and said "Thanks for pulling me out of home. That should cover my socialization needs for the next few months now."

I've lost over 20kg within the span of over a year and I'm still losing.

I have a career path with a perspective now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Inviting a friend I've only known over the internet for a few years to the movies.

He's a socially reclusive guy as well and he was very thankful to me and said "Thanks for pulling me out of home. That should cover my socialization needs for the next few months now."

I've lost over 20kg within the span of over a year and I'm still losing.

I have a career path with a perspective now.

Almost exactly like me, that's cool. I've managed to lose weight by just changing my eating habits, I do exercise some more, but not really on a daily basis.

I've also used reverse psychology to convince people that I'm a genius. In all honestly, I'm not that clever at all, which I do tell them that. I guess "assumed smartness" comes with "not trying to fit in."

Managed to go a whole year without cussing. Which was really hard to do. People really make me mad.

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I've also used reverse psychology to convince people that I'm a genius. In all honestly, I'm not that clever at all, which I do tell them that. I guess "assumed smartness" comes with "not trying to fit in."

Pretty much the same for me, sometimes. I think the glasses are part of it...Honestly, when people think I'm smart I tend to get disappointed in them.

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Inviting a friend I've only known over the internet for a few years to the movies.

He's a socially reclusive guy as well and he was very thankful to me and said "Thanks for pulling me out of home. That should cover my socialization needs for the next few months now."

I've lost over 20kg within the span of over a year and I'm still losing.

I have a career path with a perspective now.

I have more respect for you than for people like life because of this.

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