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What do you think are the best and worst promotions in FE?


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What I mean by this is what promotions do you personally think bring the best and worst improvements to the base class. Feel free to state any and as many as you like... with one exception: You probably don't need to mention FE4's Prince(ss) -> Master Knight, it's really obvious and would just get repeated tons. Any other "obvious" ones are fine though.

Without further ado...

Best: Myrmidon -> Swordmaster.

In most of the playthroughs I've done so far, my Myrms don't seem to be exactly great before promotion. Maybe it's just the games that I've gotten through so far but they tend to be weak, fragile and not even exceedingly quick (their Speed is pretty good on its own but it's not THAT huge and they're easily excumbered by rather a lot of the weapons, particularly the ones that would help to combat their weaker ATK so their AS isn't always super duper hot). Yet, promotion seems to change all that, after a Master Seal or getting to Level 21 they get a lot better, their Speed actually gets good enough that it has a noticable effect, their Strength gets to a passable level AND there's often that delicious critical bonus too! Also, it might just be that the Myrms I used were growth units that took that long to kick in but either way, they actually start "doing their thing" more after promotion than everything else. You could probably say similar things about Archer -> Sniper but I tend to avoid Archers so Iunno.

Worst: Fighter -> Warrior.

Fighters are my favorite unpromoted class in FE! I'm actually not very fond of Warriors though. The main thing is that they don't really change significantly (mainly just being "the same but slightly better") and I've never found a significant use for E Bows when Hand Axes and their "evolutions" work perfectly fine for 2 range. They seem to work well as a good promoted class choice for Hunters in FE11 but they seem to have little to offer as a choice for Fighters themselves. That said, I don't hate the Warrior class and I'm happy when I get my Fighter to promote nonetheless but when other options are available for my Axe-guys, I tend to pick those instead.

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Best: Prince (not -ss) -> Master Knight, because Leaf.


For real: FE4!Pegasus -> Falcoknight. Why? Staves on a flier. HOORAY

Honorable mention to FE9!Cav -> Paladin (bow cavalry! all of them!), Junior Lord -> Lord Knight, and FE2!Sniper -> Bow Knight (5range uguuuuuu).

EDIT: And an extra special mention to FE11: Male Class B (anything) -> Berzerker/Warrior, because that means shit just got real.

Worst: Archer -> Sniper. The only thing they gain is a snazzy sprite.

This doesn't mean I don't like Archers (I do) or I don't like Snipers (I do) or I don't like the Archer -> Sniper path (except in fe8 [rangers], I do). All it means is that the gains are sorta lackluster.

Edited by Integrity
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Best : FE5 Mage/Bard/Sister -> Sage

Expect to see +4-6 in Magic, Skill and Speed, +3-4 in Defense and really nice weapon level ups.

FE5 Mountain Thief -> Warrior is really great too with promotion bonuses nearly as good and the ability to use bows.

Worst : FE5 Lord -> Prince

+1 Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed and Defense. only 8D

Edited by Dio
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Best : FE5 Mage/Bard/Sister -> Sage

Expect to see +4-6 in Magic, Skill and Speed, +3-4 in Defense and really nice weapon level ups.

Actually, shit, I forgot how amazing promoting Asvel was.

Beh, I already have like four honorable mentions already.

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Myrm->SM is good in FE6. +30 crit mang. +15 is alright, but it isn't as useful as FE6's 30. FE12 is also pretty good, though I like to cap out speed as cav, promote to Paladin, then reclass back to Swordmaster for a nice 27 speed on a level 1 SM with the additional +10 avo bonus which is actually pretty good in FE12 because fuck dodging otherwise in that game.

I will agree with Integ on Peg-> Falco in FE4 though because flying staffer is amazing.


Gonna agree with Lord->Prince (FE5). Not even a horse mang, Leaf, why

Also Archer->Sniper is amazing in DS. GBA it's a bit meh and I'd rather just go with the prepromote Snipers, but it's more of the archer bases are too shit for me to train up.

Edit: oh hey Dio's post reminded me

Also yeah Sage bonuses are amazing

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Best: Archer -> Sniper Take an unusable scrub and finally make them...less useless.

Worst: Myrmidon -> Swordmaster Take an unusable scrub and...add 15 crit? How does that help? In some games they don't even gain the crit, and they're still locked to swords!

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Best: My lack of ideas is leading me to default to Priest/Cleric > Bishop, since promoted healers are no longer a liability on enemy phase.

Worst: Fighter > Warrior. (GBA) Take an unusable scrub, and... *looks at promotion bonuses* How the hell's THAT supposed to help?? Tch.

Cavalier > Great Knight. Axes don't make up for the loss of move, and FE8 being easy doesn't help its case.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Best : FE5 Mage/Bard/Sister -> Sage

Expect to see +4-6 in Magic, Skill and Speed, +3-4 in Defense and really nice weapon level ups.

FE5 Mountain Thief -> Warrior is really great too with promotion bonuses nearly as good and the ability to use bows.

Worst : FE5 Lord -> Prince

+1 Strength, Magic, Skill, Speed and Defense. only 8D

I agree with this, but I'd like to add FE3 Hunter --> Horseman to the list of worst. Normally I'm ecstatic when something gains a horse, but the promotion gains are so underwhelming. +3 move and +2 to skill and defense, and that's all. What's worse is they lose those small gains indoors.

Worst: Fighter > Warrior. (GBA) Take an unusable scrub, and... *looks at promotion bonuses* How the hell's THAT supposed to help?? Tch.

Warrior promotion gains are actually pretty good in FE6. I don't know what IS were thinking when they removed the speed bonus in FE7/8.

Edited by Gustave
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Any flying unit

I've always been fond of flying units and when they promote into an Alicorn Knight or Not-an-actual-dragon-but-it-kind-of-still-is Lord it's awesome.

GBA Fighters to Warrior

No SPD bonus makes me go ;/

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Leaf's Prince to Masterknight is pretty manly. He gets a horse, pursuit and A ranks in almost everything. Those caps are pretty good too. The FE5 Cleric to High Priest is pretty lame. The stat gains aren't very good and Light Magic's about as rare as Sophia promoting.

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Warrior promotion gains are actually pretty good in FE6. I don't know what IS were thinking when they removed the speed bonus in FE7/8.

FE6: 8 HP/3 Str/3 Skl/2 Spd/3 Def/2 Res/2 Con, +1 Axe rank(+50 Wexp)/E Bows

FE7/8: 3 HP/1 Str/2 Skl/3 Def/3 Res/2 Con, +40 Axe Wexp/E Bows

Don't lump all GBA promotions together.

Even so, it says a lot about how bad FE6's fighters were when even with supposedly amazing promotion gains, they STILL fail to impress... Tsk tsk.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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best: mage -> sage; gaining staves is awesome

worst: Ephraim lord-> Ephraim on a horse; he starts out being the unit with the most epic animation in the game, but when he promotes...

I usually like 1st tier units more.

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I agree with this, but I'd like to add FE3 Hunter --> Horseman to the list of worst. Normally I'm ecstatic when something gains a horse, but the promotion gains are so underwhelming. +3 move and +2 to skill and defense, and that's all. What's worse is they lose those small gains indoors.

I was borderline on adding that one actually. The horse can even be a liability in a few maps such as the desert chapters.

To be fair, Hunters and Horsemen were unrelated in FE1, and IMO should've stayed that way. I don't see how true Hunters like Warren can relate to Wolf or Zagaro who are supposed to be knights serving a liege.

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Best: Thief Fighter -> Dancer. :P:

Actual best: Mountain Thief -> Warrior. If you can get Marty there, he becomes surprisingly good. Indoors, that is. Honourable mentions to FE3 Archer->Sniper, anything that gains a horse.

Worst: Pegasus Knight -> Wyvern Knight. Because oh god, what did they do to that pegasus? :(:

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FE2 Sniper-> Bow Knight gives the outrageously awesome 1-5 range and 8 move combination that makes them amazing, and it's compounded further by the amazing "speed to 40 and +5 move" Quick Ring.

FE5 Lord->Prince is rather terrible.

Edited by Dave Strider
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If I'm aloud to do so: Prince -> Master Knight was awesome, Leaf is awesome. Ironically, Lord -> Prince was pretty :/ for me.

Archer -> Sniper is another awesome thing for me, especially in FE3, Partia rape, FTW!

Don't really have another bad promotion off the top of my head.

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Best: Prince/Princess - Master Knight, due to the huge stat boosts, gains Pursuit, and has access to virtually everything.

Worst: Cavalier - Paladin is pretty unimpressive, because Cavaliers are already excellent as-is. Promotion to Paladin doesn't give too much of a benefit. Lord - Prince in FE5 is easily the worst, however.

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