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What do you think are the best and worst promotions in FE?


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FE9 Weapon Knight -> Paladin promotions are pretty fucking epic, since on top of being the best class in the game anyway because of huge Mov, OP Canto and just being good, but the stat boosts are also pretty good compared to other promotions, and you get a free weapon type of your choice, even if that does basically just mean you get free axes.

Can't really think of the worst right now.

Edited by Defeatist Elitist
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best: fe7 cav->paladin. stat gains aren't all that amazing IIRC but you get complete manipulation of the weapon triangle. the only problem was finding places for all the weapons. All around good unit.

worst. fe10 rogue-> whisper Sothe was pretty close to being useless around the endgame for the times I played through. then again so was micaiah.

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From the games I've played (FE6+7):

Best: Mercenary -> Hero (6), if only because they desperately needed WTC and 2-range. Myrmidon -> Swordmaster is a runner-up for +30 crit.

Worst: Fighter -> Warrior (7), because no Speed and only E Bows sucks. Then again, all promotion bonuses took a nosedive in the transition from 6 to 7.

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Worst: FE5: Lord -> Prince

"I FINALLY managed to get this wimp to promotion; maybe he'll start not su-"

"...goddamn it Leaf"

Best: FE4: Prince -> Master Knight

"Blargh, not like Leaf's going to improve all that much...thank god he got a moun- holy crap those promotion boosts holy crap those caps holy crap that weapon selection"

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Thank god they now have 1 range melee options now!

Not very many units have 2-range melee options.

(yes, I tease)

Edited by Integrity
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Best: Cavalier->Paladin (FE6 and 7 only)

Gaining WTC is good. Especially when you promote Kent and Sain in LHM and then Iron Axing it to S-Rank..

Honorable Mentions

Eirika to Horse!Eirika: A better Swordmaster, no crit, yes horse.

Hector to Hector v2: Hector benefits from this. Swords are useful, even if axes are better. Plus he's one of the few who can wield those stupid blades.

Worst: Ewan to Shaman

He doesn't have the CON for those tomes. Keep him on Anima Magic.

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Hector to Hector v2: Hector benefits from this. Swords are useful, even if axes are better. Plus he's one of the few who can wield those stupid blades.

Aaaand then he can't be Rescued by 95% of the game, suddenly. That's a pretty huge disadvantage.

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Best: Falconknights, because of flying horses with staves.

Worst: Thief Fighter, wtf. I don't even know if dancers can promote to Dancer Fighters or Spoony Bards or whatever, but if they do, I'll pick that.

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Dancers don't promote.

I'm not sure what you're complaining about with Thief Fighters getting Pursuit (FE4) / Ambush (FE5).

Edited by Othin
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Lara is kind of a weird exception, though. She actually "demotes" when she becomes a dancer.

In terms of stats, sure. But it seems more like she's shifting between class series than promoting to the next stage of a specific series. One could call it a highly limited form of reclassing.

Edited by Othin
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Dancers don't promote.

I'm not sure what you're complaining about with Thief Fighters getting Pursuit (FE4) / Ambush (FE5).

I don't see how Ambush helps them, but Pursuit is reasonable.

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