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The overuse of the F word


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fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck

I don't fucking care if people fucking say fuck all the fucking time. It's just a fucking word, and it isn't even that fucking offensive.

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Why is it such a bad word. Most people find tabooed words relieve anger more, because you feel like you're getting back at the person by using them.

While it's true that scientific studies show the use of tabooed words relieving stress, the topic at hand is the "overuse" of said word. When you repeat the same word over and over, it might have an effect of emphasis for some audiences but in the case of this tabooed word it deflates the effect and doesn't serve to validate your points or arguments as one would desire.

The "lolumad" kids clique of the internets would beg to differ with me here though, I'm sure.

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Why is it such a bad word. Most people find tabooed words relieve anger more, because you feel like you're getting back at the person by using them.

I've found this to be true. For some reason I just can't cool off with words alone ... not unless those words are Shit, Fuck, or Goddamn. Can't even get a hold of my anger without spouting mainstream phrases. My self esteem just dropped a little :facepalm::XD:

fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck


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I agree. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I'm not a fan of the F-bomb, and I get sort of uncomfortable around people who use it regularly. It's just the way I was raised, I guess. Plus, it loses its meaning when you use it all the time. When my friends say it, it's no big deal and no one gives it a second thought. When they hear me say it on occasion? They actually physically raise their eyebrows and take a step back. XD

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I definitely recognize I use it more than I should, but I don't see it being so much of a damaging thing anymore. It's still considered a curse word but there are words that have taken its place.

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I don't curse at all, I hate cursing.

usually when someone uses those kind of words, I just stop listening/reading.

I feel like people who curse a lot have anger issues, and haven't been raised very well.

(sometimes I try to see cursing in sentences literally, lines like that can become hilarious. try it sometimes!)

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Here's a video which nicely states just about how I feel about the subject:

Of course, I don't like it when people swear all the time just to make themselves look tough of cool, but I don't think swearing is at all a bad thing when used at the right moment.

Edited by Shuuda
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It only bothers me when it get used in topics that are supposed to be for serious discussion or helping others. It and a few others should really only be allowed to be used in FftF. (as in, it should be moddable if used outside the forest). Using it elsewhere only serves to start up arguments and never contributes to a serious discussion regardless of how much you feel you have to get that off your chest.

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My eyes have been opened... I see how my brother got into that habit lol. He basically says fuck at almost everything lol. He loves that movie too :lol:

also, while i'm not bothered by the overuse of the word, i do dislike people whose sentences tned to be 75%+ curse words

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It's really just a word. And all it does is add emphasis.

These lemons are good. These lemons are fucking good.

What if "fuck" was not a bad word but still existed? Nobody would care then.

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Yeah, this. Anyone who gets pissy at a word alone is retarded. What matters is the context it's being used in.

For example, if someone were to say "I don't like black people, I believe they are worth less than me solely because of their skin color" people would call that person an idiot, but they would be less violent about it. Whereas if someone were to say "Fuck niggers" people would get pretty pissy. This is fucking stupid, though. The first is worse because it's directly saying that you believe black people are worth less than you, whereas the latter could mean any number of things, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you think black people are worse than not black people.

Context, children.

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For songs/rap it's an easy way to fill extra syllables, which is very necessary for the songs flow. When I write I do some songs that are specifically swear-free, just to exercise my ability to use other words, which is harder. But a lot of them use swears to make it flow better.

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