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The overuse of the F word


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Why do you guys think I'm offended by it? I'm not. I said it's silly. Do you know what that means? I feel the same way Shuuda does about it and think people just want to sound cool or tough by using it to empaphise on something, especially on ranting or expressing your anger about something.

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It only bothers me when it get used in topics that are supposed to be for serious discussion or helping others. It and a few others should really only be allowed to be used in FftF. (as in, it should be moddable if used outside the forest). Using it elsewhere only serves to start up arguments and never contributes to a serious discussion regardless of how much you feel you have to get that off your chest.

Nobody has ever said anything to me any time I have used any version of the word in a serious post, in any of the odd half-dozen forums I've ever been in. It's either been literally censored, which is laughable, or the thread went on about its business. This, too, shall pass.

+1 Shuuda

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Come on guys, this is the general forum. I'm especially disappointed in you Mumu >:(.

I'm disappointed in you. Let me repost what I said without the profanity.

I don't care if people say fuck all the time. It's just a word, and it isn't even that offensive.

Would you have removed that? Of course not. It's a perfectly reasonable if somewhat short post. I wasn't trying to be funny or being stupid or whatever when I added in the excessive profanity, I was trying to make a point. I feel that in many cases people are too sensitive to specific words. I consider this a very bad thing because it causes people to get hung up on someone's use of profanity while missing out on what they're actually saying. To put it more clearly, I think that people should ignore the use of profanity and focus on what people are actually trying to say. Throwing in a few "fucks", "shits", or "pisses" shouldn't be an issue.

Your reaction demonstrates my point more gloriously than I could have ever done so myself.

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I'd say it's impolite to use in formal company, or like, your elders. Granted I am Chinese and thus have respect for elders ingrained into my system, but I'd rather not curse in front of parents and teachers unless the teacher curses him/herself because my parents sure as hell don't.

But in informal situation, while it shouldn't be used every other word, I don't see the issue of it being used as an intensifier.


"I'm very angry today" vs "I'm so fucking pissed today", I feel the latter gets the point across better.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Because you need to curse to express something. Mainstream sucks.

You . .


You haven't been readin the whole thread, have you, there, friend

At the opposing extreme, my parents gave up their right to be offended by language before I turned 10.

It's at least true that it's just not particularly smart to use around people in directly senior positions if you're not particularly clever about it, though, and I do sometimes have to be reminded not to swear around Asian parents, to be honest :[

Edited by Rehab
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I've actually nearly slipped a few times with a math teacher I respect a lot since we were like, best friends back when I was in his class, so I'm a lot more familiar around him than other teachers. I go to him for questions because he teaches better than my math professor, and one time I had to retype something like "solve the fucker completely" (in the context of matrix multiplication because fuck math finals) to "solve the thing completely" before showing him my notes. XD

@ Soul: I never said you can't express something without cursing, I said cursing is used as an intensifier to make the phrase more intense.

Obviously in the context of "It's a nice day today, isn't it?" You don't want to curse. But something like "I got a 100 on the math final! Fuck yeah!" It works better.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Because you need to curse to express something. Mainstream sucks.

let's release underground mixtapes that outsell mainstream albums like lupe

i also want to remind everyone that we're not really debating the nature of the tabooed word but

the overuse of the F word
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Define overuse.

Unless it's spamming it every other word or cursing in front of elders who are not okay with it, I don't see its use as overuse personally. Everyone has a different definition of overuse here, and one's use may be another's overuse.

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Most people will probably assume its overuse stems from it being used in place of actual thought. Which, of very little does it get used that way. Most of the time it's used (in common-speech context), it works to accentuate a conversation. Its function is the same as "like" and "kinda" and the rest.

Pretty fuckin' cool.

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I swear a lot. Mainly in general conversation when I'm talking about something I don't like, or when I need to exaggerate something. Like, "They're fucking huge", when giving an opinion whilst my mates and I are perving on hot girls, for example.

Or another example, to amplify my disgust in something I would say "That's fucking ridiculous".

It's just a word to me, as Revan said. However I can control when, where and who I use it around, assuming I'm not in some form of foul mood. That goes for other swear words I normally use, too.

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I'm disappointed in you. Let me repost what I said without the profanity.

I don't care if people say fuck all the time. It's just a word, and it isn't even that offensive.

Would you have removed that? Of course not. It's a perfectly reasonable if somewhat short post. I wasn't trying to be funny or being stupid or whatever when I added in the excessive profanity, I was trying to make a point. I feel that in many cases people are too sensitive to specific words. I consider this a very bad thing because it causes people to get hung up on someone's use of profanity while missing out on what they're actually saying. To put it more clearly, I think that people should ignore the use of profanity and focus on what people are actually trying to say. Throwing in a few "fucks", "shits", or "pisses" shouldn't be an issue.

Your reaction demonstrates my point more gloriously than I could have ever done so myself.

But you didn't say that, you spammed the f word.

I don't care what "point" you were trying to make, you broke the rules and you got your verbal warn for it. Whether or not you believe people are too sensitive about profanity is irrelevant to me.

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Plus, it loses its meaning when you use it all the time. When my friends say it, it's no big deal and no one gives it a second thought. When they hear me say it on occasion? They actually physically raise their eyebrows and take a step back. XD

Awww same for me XD

Of course, I don't like it when people swear all the time just to make themselves look tough of cool, but I don't think swearing is at all a bad thing when used at the right moment.

Aaaaannnnnnnd yes took the words right out of my mouth.

It's really just a word. And all it does is add emphasis.

These lemons are good. These lemons are fucking good.

What if "fuck" was not a bad word but still existed? Nobody would care then.

Aaaannnnnd you also stole the words right out of my mouth. Mostly the last part.

I've grown with my dad who easily gets offended by bad words. For me though, I decided to never ever cuss cause it was bad, but listening to the actual words never offended me.

Now, they really don't seem to give me any impact at all because I realized the only reason they're bad to say is because people think they're bad to say. So because of that it makes them want to use it, especially if it makes them seem "cool" like shuuda said, but also because of that it makes me think it's really not as bad to say bad words (although it may be pretty impolite to use them as an insult and... just so I don't offend those who aren't used to seeing me use bad words the f word actually may kinda sound bad just because of what it could literally mean)

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I don't curse, and all cursing does is let people who don't know you to immediately assume you are an idiot who can't come up with a better word. When the first word I hear someone say if the f-bomb I instantly decide that I wouldn't really care to get to know them.

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You . .


Weeaboo Translation:

First Panel: "Temē!"

Fourth Panel: "Hehe Kisamaaaaa~"

Fifth Panel: "Omae Omae Omae Omae, Omaeeeeee"

Sixth Panel: "Kimiiiii"

Gotta love those context clues for "cursing".

Edited by shadowofchaos
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My younger brother says it all the time.

My gripe with the word "fuck" is similar to the gripe I have with any other word that's overused. I don't want to hear the word "plethora" every time someone has a plethora of something that they want to share. I mean, seriously, I've run into a plethora of people that use the word "plethora" a plethora amount of times. Needless to say I've gotten angry a plethora of times.

^Yeah, that's why you're annoyed.

I don't think curse words belong in the work place, but otherwise I don't care as long as they aren't used way too much.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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To me cursing has never really been a problem. Its just way to put emphasis on things you say. I seriously don't get people who go assume Im in raeg mode or some drooling idiot just because I said "Radd is fucking useless" instead of "There is not that much use for Radd" and the proceed to ignore everything I say after that as "lol u are so mad" (this actually happened). Then again it can be that the place I live in you hear its local eguilevant plenty of times a day.

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English isn't your first language, so I'll cut ya some slack.

Other ways to express Radd's general uselessness:

"Radd's much less useful than just about everyone else that joins before him"

"I think Radd is absolute rubbish"

"Radd is good gaiden fodder"

"What was IS thinking, making such an underleveled unit like Radd appear as late as he did?"

"Navarre is hotter"

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I have absolutely no problem with regular swearing, whether it be fuck, bitch, or whatever. Overuse of that don't bother me either. In fact, what bothers me are the people who have a miniature heart attack every time a swear word is heard. It's not like swearing makes one an evil horrible being who must perish in hell. Unless using the lords name in vain counts as that or something, I don't know, and to be frank, don't care.

What I do have problems with, in terms of swearing, is when offenses are made against a group. I die a little every time I hear words like nigger, tranny, faggot, and gay used as slurs. That is much worse than saying something like fuck, which isn't really incerdibly hateful by todays standards. It seems fuck is less of a swear words nowadays, amd more just a word.

I swear like a sailor IRL.

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what bothers me are the people who have a miniature heart attack every time a swear word is heard. It's not like swearing makes one an evil horrible being who must perish in hell.

I feel special because I know who you're talking about colon3.gif

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I feel special because I know who you're talking about colon3.gif

So does like half the board

I heard her friend swear recently when she was around and she didn't even cringe. Maybe she freaks out for dramatic reasons.

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