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10 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of being OP, I am somewhat happy today, as I have made some good progress in Atelier Totori. I got my first Chim (the little things are adorable as heck), I finally got Sterk, who FINALLY does some decent damage to enemies (and by decent damage, I mean he one-shots most normal things) AND he has a relatively cheap AOE move, which is amazing. His MP pool is not sucky this time, either (this was his biggest problem in Rorona), so he's going the be the MVP once again.
Most importantly, however, I have reached Diamond Rank. That's a huge load off my shoulders right there. Now I have a little over a year to do whatever (I'll probably spend it leveling up and upgrading equipment).

Nice nice. And yeah, Sterk is definitely the best character in the game. He's still......weak, compared to his other appearances imo but he still gets the job done. I'm going to assume you haven't gotten the extension yet as of my typing this post (you've reached Diamond but you're probably still in the "break" period). Upgrading and leveling up your characters is definitely a good thing. This is also the point in time where you really want some of the exploration equipment (warp gate is an absolute Godsend and has infinite uses). 

Take it easy for now but remember that you've got the sea dragon boss fight coming up soon. This fight is required for you to get the normal ending and if you remember, it's the same boss that ended my run. Wiki says it's around Lv.50. I found most success in using Lightning Bombs with big monster slayer effects, along with Sterk but ultimately, what ended my run was that it was too powerful for Totori and Rorona (oh yeah, Rorona's......pretty bad in both this game and Meruru, though at least it makes sense why she's so bad in the latter). If you can at least beat that boss, you're essentially in the clear for the normal end. There's a lot more to do to get to the true end and it ties back into the time-limit just not being well designed in this game but i think you'll be satisfied with just the normal end at least.


9 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Honestly, it usually ends with me playing games and sleeping all day xD

That's just me on a regular day.

For my birthdays, i usually just hang around with friends (like this year we went bowling and i didn't win a single game)  but other than that, nothing really special happens. Can't recall the last time i had an actual birthday party. Also, i'm stupidly indifferent when it comes to cake. I don't hate it but i don't really like it that much either. Fuck that, give me pizza instead.


8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Odd, I managed to make everything of theirs by the time I finished the game. Not sure how I could when you didn't.

I just didn't find enough of the items.


7 hours ago, Just call me AL said:

I mean, you can go to Crazy Tracy for revival potions after beating the Bottle Grotto in the original and DX versions. So...

Would you believe me if i said i didn't even know revival potions were a thing until just recently?


5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Same, but it's always good to sit down and have fun with friends. And then lose said friendship in a game of Risk or Monopoly

I too lose friendships in a game exclusively designed to ruin friendships.




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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Would you believe me if i said i didn't even know revival potions were a thing until just recently?

Now I'm thinking that you just went straight into the game without reading the game's instruction manual. I'm saying this because the game's manual literally tells players about Crazy Tracy and her revival potions.

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It's been nearly an hour and it's still updating. I utterly despise forced Windows updates.

1 hour ago, Just call me AL said:

Now I'm thinking that you just went straight into the game without reading the game's instruction manual. I'm saying this because the game's manual literally tells players about Crazy Tracy and her revival potions.

It's been a long while since i last played but i probably didn't read the manual. At least not thourogly.

But like i'm also the same guy who stole everything from the shop because i didn't know how to farm rupees so yeah, i probably was bad at the game.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:
It's been a long while since i last played but i probably didn't read the manual. At least not thourogly.

But like i'm also the same guy who stole everything from the shop because i didn't know how to farm rupees so yeah, i probably was bad at the game.

If it helps, not much effort is really needed to get a lot of Rupees. Since the game itself gives you plenty over time. Treasure chests and all.

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It's very cool that Astral Chain follows Kirby rules in that the entire game is easy as shit but then you get to the final boss and it breaks into your house and kills you in real life.

No but seriously, fuck the Astral Chain final boss. Who designed this, i just wanna talk? The first phase is just dodging, since you can't actually hit it. The second phase is standard Astral Chain boss fight. The third phase is the tankiest motherfucker in the game that spams AoE fuck yous and also has an insta-kill attack. What the fuck? 

I will admit that none of my Legions have been fully upgraded (actually, i don't even think you can fully upgrade all 5 Legions unless you repeat the chapters) but that's because i never felt the need to. Like i said, this game was easy for the most part. Hell, even the final chapter was easy until the fuck you phase of the final boss. No, i haven't beaten it yet.

And on a completely unrelated note, that stupid forced Windows update lasted four fucking hours. And it did absolutely nothing. Forced Windows updates suck ass, why do they exist? 


But no, i'm not ending this post on a negative note. Here's a happy Lulua



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Beaten Blue Lions route in hard (till chapter 13 in maddening). 

Now I know why people consider it as the hardest final map. So many long range attackers including most them mages who can 2RKO everyone aside of Ingrid. Also FE5 Fenrir made a return, but thankfully this mage could be ignored. I assume he moves in maddening. I pimped up my Ingrid to become a decoybird for all the mages to get rid of them early. 

Now I try continuing the second maddening file of chapter 13 with an improved team. 

Edited by Ingrid Brandl Galatea
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21 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Same, but it's always good to sit down and have fun with friends. And then lose said friendship in a game of Risk or Monopoly

Relatable. It's why I hate Mario games.

15 hours ago, Armagon said:

Nice nice. And yeah, Sterk is definitely the best character in the game. He's still......weak, compared to his other appearances imo but he still gets the job done. I'm going to assume you haven't gotten the extension yet as of my typing this post (you've reached Diamond but you're probably still in the "break" period). Upgrading and leveling up your characters is definitely a good thing. This is also the point in time where you really want some of the exploration equipment (warp gate is an absolute Godsend and has infinite uses). 

Take it easy for now but remember that you've got the sea dragon boss fight coming up soon. This fight is required for you to get the normal ending and if you remember, it's the same boss that ended my run. Wiki says it's around Lv.50. I found most success in using Lightning Bombs with big monster slayer effects, along with Sterk but ultimately, what ended my run was that it was too powerful for Totori and Rorona (oh yeah, Rorona's......pretty bad in both this game and Meruru, though at least it makes sense why she's so bad in the latter). If you can at least beat that boss, you're essentially in the clear for the normal end. There's a lot more to do to get to the true end and it ties back into the time-limit just not being well designed in this game but i think you'll be satisfied with just the normal end at least.

I'm still in year 3 (so no extension yet, as you surmised) and just got some scenes where Totori asked around for info on her mom (whom I'm convinced will turn out to be dead, judging by people's reactions and words). I got Iksel and Cory to join and I was thinking about switching Rorona out for one of them (because yes, she's not very good in this game).

I will be wholly satisfied with the Normal Ending. I think I already locked myself out of the True Ending, anyhow, because I saw somewhere that you need to trigger all the flags for each character ending (and I can't be assed to put the ever-annoying Gino or Marc in my party).
That boss being level 50 doesn't make me feel confident I can beat it, however. Things are already kicking my butt left and right and I still suffer from a lack of materials. I still haven't found anything that lets me make another Chim, either, so... yeah. Even though I'm in the clear for ranks, I'm still struggling.
Thanks for the tip with the Lightning Bombs, though! I'll put all my energy into (having Chim) making those, then.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

And on a completely unrelated note, that stupid forced Windows update lasted four fucking hours. And it did absolutely nothing. Forced Windows updates suck ass, why do they exist?

I am glad I went for Linux. Everything I have read and heard about Windows 10 and Microsoft in general makes me want to never again use their operating systems.
It's a good thing I'm not a PC Gamer.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

But no, i'm not ending this post on a negative note. Here's a happy Lulua


Gets your spirits right up there.

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Now, i'm not much of an anime dub guy myself but i'm always up for JoJo dubs.

Bucciarati is being voiced by Roy. Narancia is being voiced by Alm a.k.a the Three Houses gatekeeper and that was absolutely done on purpose.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

I got Iksel and Cory to join and I was thinking about switching Rorona out for one of them

I never got around to using Iksel and Cory (i did recruit them but i never actually used them) so i don't know how good they actually are. However, definitely switch out Rorona for someone who can take and deal enough hits. Preferably someone strong enough to serve as a shield for Totori for that upcoming sea dragon boss (you really don't want to use assist attacks for that one).


1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

hings are already kicking my butt left and right and I still suffer from a lack of materials. I still haven't found anything that lets me make another Chim, either, so... yeah. Even though I'm in the clear for ranks, I'm still struggling.

Honestly, making more Chims isn't worth it because that means making more pies for them to be fed. Just one is fine.



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6 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Pizza is love.


Not my picture. The quality is too good.



I've been burning through what remained of XCX's vast amount of quests over the past three days, and I should hopefully be able to finish them tonight. There isn't exactly much room left in any part of NLA to fit them. Plenty comic, plenty serious, plenty on focused on warriors and battle, plenty informative; in the aggregate, they're good quantity.

My favorite quest so far involves election interference how timely.


The aliens in NLA are having a campaign to elect a representative in the city's government. An Orphe, Sun'barac, asks you to help in a disinformation campaign to bring down the Ma-non candidate.

Why? Because the Ma-non candidate proposes the conversion of all food supplies into pizza and that a "pizza tax" to paid in pizzas be levied, because the Ma-non love the stuff. Sun'barac thinks this is ridiculous and the tyranny of pizza must be avoided at all costs.

His plan to bring down the Ma-non candidate? Well he says he considered among other things taking advantage of the unique form of Orphean reproduction- spontaneous asexual fission capable of being done on-demand- to grow the Orphean population enough to turn it into a powerful voting bloc. But instead he opts to drug the Ma-non candidate, and has you fetch the ingredients and then give the drug to the Ma-non. The drug is perfectly safe, its one effect is to make a person answer everything with a "yes"/in the affirmative. 

You are then treated to a scene of the drugged Ma-non candidate giving a speech to their supporters. It starts well and "normal" with its pizza obsession, and then the candidate rhetorically asks to the effect "People are telling us we'll have to compromise on our pizza goals. Will we compromise? -YES WE WILL!".

That is followed by a series of additional rhetorical questions ending in affirmative answers. When you report back to Sun'barac, he says the Ma-non candidate's answers to reporters' questions were even crazier. The Ma-non candidate has been ruined and no longer in the running.

The Nopon then announce their own candidate in the room you're in. The Nopon candidate gives a speech, which includes a negative 80% tax exclusively for Nopon, so as to expand their wealth. Sun'barac is left flabbergasted, the Nopon candidate is no better than the Ma-non, the drugging was for naught, the aliens of NLA will get a bad representative.

Now at this point, the quest can end if you say the Nopon candidate won't be so bad. But if you propose the Orpheans put forward a candidate as I did, the quest will continue a little longer. Sun'barac then states the Orphe had not considered fielding a candidate, due to making up a minority of the Xeno community. This actually finds weight in how in another quest, an Orphe says that originally there were 7 Orpheans who were captured by the Ganglion and that ended up on Mira. One died escaping, another joined the Ganglion (and you capture them in Murderess's 2nd Affinity Mission), and the remaining five ended up in NLA, which would mean the many Orphean NPCs are the products have a lot of fission in what must be a short time. This is bore out with the fact that most named NPC Orphe have a listed age of 0 (which is no problem when you consider an Orphe is born fully mature).

Getting back to the election quest, you're then asked to run around NLA listening for what people think of the Orphe. Word on the street have people saying they would approve of an Orphean as a rational candidate for NLA. Motivated by this, Sun'barac chooses to then put forward an Orphean candidate, who presumably for the quest ends here, is chosen as the Xeno representative.

The quest blends humor with enough underlying seriousness that it all works. It's nothing revolutionary or deep, but it doesn't have to be.

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>Checks bank account

>Sees balance of $1100 as a result of a $600 deposit

"What the fuck"

>Checks details

>It's a scholarship refund from my college

>Refundselection account confirms it

>I really do have $1100 in my bank account now



1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why? Because the Ma-non candidate proposes the conversion of all food supplies into pizza and that a "pizza tax" to paid in pizzas be levied, because the Ma-non love the stuff.

I can relate to this.


1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

i ate one today.

Me too.

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I probably have a pizza every week, I've the good stuff available everywhere where I live. Best from a restaurant is a margherita with sesame seed crust and a sweeten tomato sauce.

Calzones are good too. They're basically pizzas in pocket pie form with the sauce on the side. Still haven't had a stromboli though (essentially a calzone).

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Purchased Valkyria Chronicles 4 from the e-shop for 20 € despite not having made much progress in the first game yet. It mainly ends by Alicia taking some headshots by messing up with the controls. But I like their story and gameplay and my hometown appears in the first part. 

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