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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Florida Dog.

You know it couldn't be Florida Cat, they're too smart to be so absurd.

I recall reading the Florida Man phenomena owes something to police reports in the Sunshine State having to be made public fairly soon after the events that unfolded. It's not necessarily other states don't have weird ****, it's just Florida's **** comes to light before any other state's does.


38 minutes ago, Armagon said:



I love the pun in the name. I don't think other generic Drivers had wordplay names.

Why'd they put them there anyway? You're a bad person for picking the fight, since they're just harmlessly in town looking a bulletin board. If I were to imagine the reason, they're probably the first Driver enemy you can fight, and don't those seem to have a good chance of dropping Core Crystals?


I done something unusual- I've almost brought a fanfic to "completion". And I know I'll be able to finish it. No dialogue makes it utterly dreadful to read, and it's slow, meandering through what is less a narrative as it a series of landscape portraits. But, I did it. It took this idea for a fanfic that I had in my head and committed it in full to written word, albeit it was probably more beautiful kept in my mind. I'm up to almost eight single-spaced pages, it's all I've been doing today lifeless I am.

Still, it's a little gift to Torna. And I might with the table set around it, be able to hone in on one particular moment of interest and bring out the imagined poignancy through a short dialogue.

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34 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Why'd they put them there anyway? You're a bad person for picking the fight, since they're just harmlessly in town looking a bulletin board. If I were to imagine the reason, they're probably the first Driver enemy you can fight, and don't those seem to have a good chance of dropping Core Crystals?

Well said bulletin board is the one that contains images of Rex, Nia and Tora so him being an enemy actually makes sense, since he's looking to turn you in to the authorities. Of course, there's gameplay/story dissonance there since Rex, Nia and Tora aren't really fugitives so then you become the bad guy for taking out that poor Driver every time you walk into Torigoth.

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Wait, it's a whole week of offers? Hmm...

Just my luck, the internet provider went AWOL for almost the entire day. Some kind of problem it took hours to solve.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh yeah, the finale was total bullshit. Everything was being set up for Ash to win but then TPC wanted Charizard dick-sucking.

Of course, Ash won the Alola leauge, which is historic but i haven't seen the buildup to that so i'll refrain from commenting on it.

That was certainly a disappointment.

I saw the buildup and the reactions... it's, well, personally it was somewhat disappointing.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Today in "things i really didn't expect". Hungrybox has gone on the news before to talk about esports but this is on a whole different level. Not complaining though, it's pretty nice.

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I have a question: Is there a way to transfer files from one micro SD card to an other one? 

I need more GB for my Switch to download games, so I bought a 256 GB card, but I do not want to lose all my files (mainly Three Houses) when by removing the 64 GB card. 

Is there a way to avoid it? 


@Acacia Sgt

Black Friday officially will start on 29th November, but many companies use this event to offer special sales before. They usually last till early December unless it is a one-day-offer like Amazon has some of. 

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22 minutes ago, Lysithea said:

You include the Crossbell part as pointless?

The part after that is, I agree, but the part with Lloyd and Rixia is essential for CSIII's plot. 

Pointless in the sense that it came out of nowhere and didn't add much to CS2. If it's essential to CS3, that's fine and all, but while playing CS2, I didn't feel like that parted really belonged there, honestly.

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9 hours ago, Lysithea said:

I have a question: Is there a way to transfer files from one micro SD card to an other one? 

I need more GB for my Switch to download games, so I bought a 256 GB card, but I do not want to lose all my files (mainly Three Houses) when by removing the 64 GB card. 

Is there a way to avoid it? 

Save data is stored to the Switch itself. If you change SD cards, you'll only have to redownload the games. You'll only actually lose your screenshots and recordings but you can access these on PC if you have a micro SD card adapter. That's also how you would transfer files. Put your SD card in your PC, copy the files to your PC. Then, swap the SD cards and copy over the files from your PC on to the SD card.

2 hours ago, Lysithea said:

Lloyd is as inflationary used in RPGs for human's name as Yggdrasil is for trees. 


2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I know of three Lloyds: the guy above, the protagonist of Tales of Symphonia and the Black Fang member from FE7.

2 hours ago, Lysithea said:

With Lloyd Bannings from Crossbell duology I come to four.

Don't forget Lloyd Fire Emblem. Both of them.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Pointless in the sense that it came out of nowhere and didn't add much to CS2. If it's essential to CS3, that's fine and all, but while playing CS2, I didn't feel like that parted really belonged there, honestly.

I guess they did it because Cold Steel 1 and 2 take place at the same time as Zero and Azure (Azure's final chapter takes place literally the day before Cold Stee 2's final chapter). So i saw the Crossbell portion of CS2 as a way to tie things together before Cold Steel 3. And as mentioned before, it's important to CS3's plot but there wasn't really anywhere else they could put that in. Although, hmm, they could've made it the prolouge of CS3. Zero started the trend of having the prolouge take place near the end of the game and then pull a "earlier in the timeline" thing and i kinda want it to stop. It's subverted because the prolouge is different compared to when you actually reach that point but still.

The Crossbell portion also brought back the best battle theme in the series so i can't really complain there.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Save data is stored to the Switch itself. If you change SD cards, you'll only have to redownload the games. You'll only actually lose your screenshots and recordings but you can access these on PC if you have a micro SD card adapter. That's also how you would transfer files. Put your SD card in your PC, copy the files to your PC. Then, swap the SD cards and copy over the files from your PC on to the SD card.

Oh nice, that sounds great.

Never ever would have thought it is done in that way. 


I am fairly sure the development of CSIII already started when II was released, so the Rean x Altina fight shall work as cliffhanger for the next part. In general the Crossbell part is not useless since it connects to the Crossbell duology and also to III. 

One of the new characters in CSIII is from Crossbell and is directly affected by Erebonia's occupation. She stands for the conflict between Erebonia and Crossbell. 


I do not know if Trails of Azure has my favorite battle theme, but it definitely has my favorite final dungeon theme. My favorite normal battle theme would be this

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Today something worldshaking will happen to me. I will go to the cinema! The very first time in this millenium because I will have a date with Elsa (aka Frozen 2). I just have watched its prequel yesterday and was so in love that I have to watch the sequel at once. 

Edited by Lysithea
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6 hours ago, Armagon said:


5 hours ago, Lysithea said:

I do not know if Trails of Azure has my favorite battle theme, but it definitely has my favorite final dungeon theme. My favorite normal battle theme would be this

I know I'm boring, but my favorite regular battle theme in the Trails series is this one. It almost sounds too awesome for regular battles, to be honest.

If we're talking about favorite regular battle themes in general, I have to give it to this one.
My favorite area theme is without a shadow of a doubt this one.

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9 hours ago, Lysithea said:

My favorite normal battle theme would be this.

It's pretty great though i always saw it as more of an event theme since it plays both in and outside of battle.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I know I'm boring, but my favorite regular battle theme in the Trails series is this one. It almost sounds too awesome for regular battles, to be honest.

My second favorite battle theme in the series.

As far as regular battle themes in general go, i said Get over the Barrier from Trails to Zero is my favorite Trails regular battle theme but it's also just my favorite battle theme in general. It's tied with Torna's battle theme.

And for my favorite area theme in any game is still Mor Ardain. What's ironic is that the area itself isn't even in my top three Xenoblade areas but it's theme is just too good.

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Oh god, do not confront me with Xenoblade map / battle themes. All of them are too great to pick a favorite. I think Mor Aradin is definitely the grooviest.


I do not know if I would Recapture consider as an event theme since it is also played in the final dungeon of FC, but if I go for regular themes I also would pick Zero's. 


Anyways favorite themes:

Regular battle

Boss battle



Final dungeon

Final boss

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12 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's tied with Torna's battle theme.

Gotta agree, the jazzy elegance is brilliant here. Definitely the best standard battle theme of Xeno. Followed by Mechanical Rhythm, Xenogear's Stage of Death, Time to Fight, XB2's Battle!!, and lastly Black Tar even if for once the lyrics aren't broken English or German.


It is done! My Torna tGC meets -slightly- BKO "landscape" fanfic is written. It took longer than I expected. About two dedicated days. It's single-spaced size-12 font 20 pages, and over 13000 words. No dialogue and glacially paced, but if I ever mustered the courage to write some, I could make the conversion without any worries.

All to get this picture out of my head:


Back in Sheratan, the noontime lunch was delicious thanks with Jin’s cooking put to the test by picky toddlers and the like. He adapted his techniques almost perfectly, leaving some edges to iron out. After lunch, he returned with Lora, Haze, and Gena to handling the kids, and doing a bunch of other chores to keep Gena’s place in a semblance of order. Haze found herself drained later in the afternoon, even as Lora just kept wanting to punch away at it, and sat down asking Jin to take her place. 

When Lora was freed of the next moment’s childcare task and the youngster ran off, Lora exhaled a deep breath. Jin asked if she was well, and Lora unexpectedly as she wiped her brow with her arm, said that boy she was never better!. Jin didn’t quite get what she meant, his stoic face when she turned her head could tell her that. She reminded him of what they talked about in Hyber Village, that they’d run an orphanage together when it was all over. Well, here they were, they got a taste of their future, and as mundane as it was, she liked it. Jin uttered Lora’s name in a tone, that no more words needed, she knew he was reminding her of Malos. She hadn’t forgotten that, that was their present, but with given they were stuck here today, was there anything wrong with sampling what they wanted? Lora in a solemn and nostalgic way said she was not abandoning her homeland and Alrest, this was only a rest before they confronted their duty, a short repose in a sleepy outpost in a world that was very much like their own, imperfect, but so beautiful.

Haze strolled over, a few minutes alone with Jin, and Lady Lora ends up like this, meaning a look of sentimental happiness on her face. Jin refuted this, observing the two had spent far more time together today, Lora didn’t favor him. Haze then admitted she her jealousy as she had before, she couldn’t quite get past it and apologized to Jin and Lora. Jin said it was no big deal, and then noticed Lora looking at Gena, providing for yet another child. Wanting to be careful, but more than that wanting to know, he asked her, was there a reason she was so taken with Gena? Haze criticized the accusatory tone Jin did not mean, but had to place in his voice. He offered an apology, admitting it had been in his mind since yesterday when Lora asked if they could help her.

Lora, still looking at Gena, said yes, absolutely, it’s as he thinks, he sees right through her. Lora spoke, her voice already choking up, “Mother…”. Gena was such a nice woman, the more she showed herself to them, the more the memories came to her. Haze spoke Lora’s name and hugged her tightly, Jin rested a hand on Lora’s shoulder and put his mask in his hand to honor the departed. More words stumbled from Lora, to hear she had son out there for her, the charm she made for both their sakes’, and her’s. Lora began to tear up, a few children noticed, and so did Gena, although she had not listened to the conversation, she could tell someone was hurting. 

Gena stepped past the children toward her new priority, reaching Lora and bending slightly forward as was used to when confronted with situations like this. She considerately asked what was wrong, affectionately referring to Lora as “sweetheart”. Lora attempted to brush Gena aside, she didn’t mean to distract her like this, she shouldn’t behave this way, she’s twenty-seven. Gena said there is no age when it’s wrong to cry for the right reasons, so, what is it? She asked this with a maternal counseling inquisitiveness. Lora took a breath and slowly told Gena, her mother died recently, they had gotten separated, Haze found her in good health, but when she went first thing to see her again, the village was burned down and she was dead. Gena frowned, she was sorry for Lora’s loss, and could draw the connection that she had become a living replacement. 

Gena asked Lora to come outside with her, extending her hand. Trusting in Gena’s power to comfort, Lora let go of Haze and took it, her eyes cast downward. Haze and Jin followed Gena outside into the middle of the open area, as did several children. Letting go of Lora’s hand, she told her to look upwards. As Lora gradually raised her eyes, Gena bent forward, closed her eyes, and held her hands together against her chest. They emerged softly, two seraphic wings of blue measuring more than ten feet from end to end, the smaller wings followed. Gracefully swaying back and forth, emitting an azure-violet radiance, she leaned back, arms out, feet floating off the ground. Mesmerized with awe, Lora, Jin, and Haze; Addam and the seven others who had come back at the very moment this unfolded, their eyes reflecting the motions and the glow. The village children were happy, the grownups too, but what to them was magical yet commonplace, was spellbinding to these.

It lasted only a minute, it felt eternal. Gena rested her feet on the ground again, opened her eyes, and the wings of a benevolent heart evaporated into into light. Lora ran forward and hugged her- thank you.


Edited by Interdimensional Observer
Didn't double check an age.
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I'm messing around with one of two new old computers that I've salvaged from a relative's place just a week ago.

Both have Windows XP, one is a DELL and the other... seems to be an LG computer.

The DELL is going good already, but the LG is in need of some reconfiguration... it seems to have to hard drives - the second one was unformatted and was causing Windows to run CHKDSK every time I started the thing up. I've had to uninstall Norton, because it's just a CPU/RAM hogger at this point (but that's okay, because this computer cannot connect to the Internet anyway...) and I need to find a way to increase the screen resolution WITHOUT having to downgrade the colour depth... because whenever I do so on that computer, the monitor says it cannot connect to that display or whatever... I think the computer has a very limited display driver, so I'll have to compare it with the other computer's display driver. Oh, and on top of that, the LG had a password that I could not crack so I had to backdoor via Safe Mode and create a new account. Since it belonged to a relative of mine I'll have to salvage any documents that may belong to him and mail it to him in a flash drive.

And yes, that hard drive is formatting as I am typing this. It's at 27%

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