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12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

tbf he already had his focus in Sky, so i wouldn't put that on CS.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I'd agree if it was another character. I'll be honest, i don't ask for much from Blueblanc, he's not really that deep. He's just there to have fun. You learn the most about him in Sky 3rd but as i've mentioned before, everything you do learn about him is simply a possibility and it's never 100% confirmed.

You have convinced me. I'll leave CS alone for that.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

i will call it that from now on.

CS3 basically confirms that to be the truth, too.

8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

now you just need to play the older games and i shall welcome you to the rank of Elitists.

aka Sky Boomers, Kiseki Doomers, etc. xD

I'm contend with being called Compile Heart trash. XD
But if I do get the chance to play the older games, I'll give them a shot.

Edited by DragonFlames
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@Shrimperor ok so i looked it up. We're both half-right kinda. The quiz reveals which of the three Blueblanc backstories is the correct one but it still doesn't actually say his name. And i hope it stays that way. Never tell me Blueblanc's real name, i don't wanna know. It's like The Doctor. Never reveal the actual name.

2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

CS3 basically confirms that to be the truth, too.

*Sky SC.

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5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

CS3 basically confirms that to be the truth, too.


2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

*Sky SC.

*every game in the series. Erebonia was always the bad guy xD

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The quiz reveals which of the three Blueblanc backstories is the correct one but it still doesn't actually say his name.

I mean, that's the most confirmation like thing we will get xD

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

*every game in the series. Erebonia was always the bad guy xD

Calvard don't look too good either. They aren't as warmongery but they are racist (either Zero or Ao mention that Calvard has a lot of anti-East sentiments, or at least a faction of them do). Would be nice to explore that but it seems the actual next Trails arc (so not the upcoming game) is basically a clean slate (but not a reboot) that takes place in Eastern Zemuria.

Which means that one Moon Door in 3rd that sets up Calvard won't be resolved for a long time.


Since we were talking about entertaining Ouroborus characters, i'm gonna bring up McBurn. He's entertaining to me not because he's funny or anything but because he's basically a shounen manga villain and it's amazing. I mean, just look at this dude


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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

*Sky SC.

Just now, Shrimperor said:

*every game in the series. Erebonia was always the bad guy xD

I stand corrected.

What I meant was that CS3 kinda just... spells it out for you. I can imagine that the other games make it fairly clear that at least 75% of Zemuria's problems happen because Erebonia can't keep its power boner in check, though. It would be very inconsistent if they didn't.

If I have to give CS it is that these games really managed to make characters well and truly disgusting to me and all it took was to basically rip off real life (see Osborne and the other political leaders. I'll let you figure out the rest).

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Since we were talking about entertaining Ouroborus characters, i'm gonna bring up McBurn. He's entertaining to me not because he's funny or anything but because he's basically a shounen manga villain and it's amazing. I mean, just look at this dude


Yeah, I like this guy, too. He provided an awesome boss fight in CS2. Sadly, CS3 did him absolutely dirty. Like, absolutely, atrociously dirty.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Calvard don't look too good either. They aren't as warmongery but they are racist (either Zero or Ao mention that Calvard has a lot of anti-East sentiments, or at least a faction of them do).

Calvard is basically America, with Trumpists gaining traction there (also called the anti immigration league in the game). I really suspect at the end of the first Calvard game Zemurian!Trump will get elected as prez or something lol.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Would be nice to explore that but it seems the actual next Trails arc (so not the upcoming game) is basically a clean slate (but not a reboot) that takes place in Eastern Zemuria.

that's not confirmed yet. Kondo didn't say anything yet about what's coming next after Hajimari


What I meant was that CS3 kinda just... spells it out for you. I can imagine that the other games make it fairly clear that at least 75% of Zemuria's problems happen because Erebonia can't keep its power boner in check, though. It would be very inconsistent if they didn't.

Believe me when i tell you the Erebonia you see in CS arc is pretty tame compared to how other arcs describe Erebonia

Edited by Shrimperor
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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Believe me when i tell you the Erebonia you see in CS arc is pretty tame compared to how other arcs describe Erebonia

I have no reason to doubt you on that front.

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It took me a while to notice; but apparently the Kingdom of Saxony still existed... tucked in the corner of the map. Almost literally, as it was only one county large... in Iceland. The northwest county of the four that divide the island. So literally the most northwest most piece of land. Somehow, it got there. Except the people were Pomeranian, not Saxons. Too bad for them they eventually got a heretic ruler. Of what, I don't remember; but Denmark (which already owns the rest of Iceland) Holy Warr'ed them. It was very odd... but par of the course that CK2 can make happen.

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6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, I like this guy, too. He provided an awesome boss fight in CS2. Sadly, CS3 did him absolutely dirty. Like, absolutely, atrociously dirty.

It's ok, CS4 makes up for it. I won't say anything about that though.

I will say though that this awesome remix of the Enforcers theme plays right before one of his fights.

The music and the thumbnail do not match lmao.


6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

that's not confirmed yet. Kondo didn't say anything yet about what's coming next after Hajimari

Huh. I heard otherwise. Well, it won't be too long before we find out.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

It's ok, CS4 makes up for it. I won't say anything about that though.

I can only hope this is true.

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

I will say though that this awesome remix of the Enforcers theme plays right before one of his fights.

The music and the thumbnail do not match lmao.

Holy f***. Where was this in the other CS games?!? Then again, their CS2 theme was pretty awesome, too. As was their battle theme.
Disclaimer: I don't remember exactly if these were played exclusively for Ouroboros members, because it's been a while since I last played CS2, but I associate those themes with them, as I distinctly remember meeting/fighting both McBurn and Duvalie to these.
Is it sad/wrong that McBurn and Duvalie were the most memorable antagonists in CS2 for me?

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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I don't remember exactly if these were played exclusively for Ouroboros members

It was also used for Jägers, but they were associated with the Society in CS2, so eh, it's the Society battle theme in CS2


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2 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Holy f***. Where was this in the other CS games?!?

Well it is Cold Steel 4. Cold Steel 4 also uses this amazing remix of Atrocious Raid

For better or worse, Cold Steel 4 is the Avengers Endgame of the series and that basically meant bringing out all the cool shit.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Disclaimer: I don't remember exactly if these were played exclusively for Ouroboros members, because it's been a while since I last played CS2, but I associate those themes with them, as I distinctly remember meeting/fighting both McBurn and Duvalie to these.

I mean, they are the Ouroboros themes. Which makes it odd that CS3 uses this song instead. It's not a bad song at all, i quite like it. But it isn't the Ouroboros battle theme.

It's made doubly weird since their main theme actually does play.

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38 minutes ago, Armagon said:



I don't know what to do with the knowledge that McBurn Trails and Logy Atelier have the same English voice actor.

Also Gray from SoV, Leo from Fates, best bro Ryuji from Persona 5, and Rusty from Stella Glow.
Guy has talent.

36 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

It was also used for Jägers, but they were associated with the Society in CS2, so eh, it's the Society battle theme in CS2


That one's a banger for sure.

30 minutes ago, Armagon said:

For better or worse, Cold Steel 4 is the Avengers Endgame of the series and that basically meant bringing out all the cool shit.

I hope it's not an "all style, no substance" type of deal. Lord knows many modern movies do this...

33 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I mean, they are the Ouroboros themes. Which makes it odd that CS3 uses this song instead. It's not a bad song at all, i quite like it. But it isn't the Ouroboros battle theme.

That battle theme is actually a great example of what I meant when I talked about the music being weak. The song itself is good, but it lacks the energy it would need to properly underscore a battle against Ouroboros' best and thus the hype and grandeur such a battle would (or should) have is lost.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


r/Falcom is now r/Mussememes

Musse everyday, everywhere



Once I got to that scene, I knew it was going to be meme'd to hell and back. I even took a screenshot of that very moment (I think I posted it some time ago).
However, my personal favorite is this one (spoilered for size):


The lack of subtlety on display is what sells it. They're not even trying to dance around it. They just openly throw it in your face.
And I can respect that. XD

5 minutes ago, Benice said:

Every support in three houses be like:

Nice one!

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After a couple conflicts around, I like how my character got the character modifier of "Experienced Duelist", since he was won a few battlefield duels. Which would sound cool...

Except he has that handgun his great-grandmother made. Great Duelist... because he simply shoots his enemies to death! XD

I can't get over how amusing that is...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

After a couple conflicts around, I like how my character got the character modifier of "Experienced Duelist", since he was won a few battlefield duels. Which would sound cool...

Except he has that handgun his great-grandmother made. Great Duelist... because he simply shoots his enemies to death! XD

I can't get over how amusing that is...

He could challenge others to a wild west-style duel and drop a few clichéd lines like "This town isn't big enough for the both of us!" before gunning down his opponent while that one iconic theme of Once Upon a Time in the West plays in the background.

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Hard to pull the wild west duel when you're the only one in the world with a gun.

Makes for great Indiana Jones reference, however. Actually, I'm pretty sure the game does reference that scene in the event description. I'd need to have another duel to confirm. Though that will be for another day.

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18 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I hope it's not an "all style, no substance" type of deal.

From what i remember, it isn't. There's a lot of dumb shit but there's also a lot of cool shit, some of which ends up having major implications for the series' future. But in regards to the Avengers Endgame comparison, though i think it's apt, i also think Cold Steel 4 wasn't as good as Endgame. To clarify (because movies and games are two different beasts), Cold Steel 4 didn't do as good as Endgame in regards to being a "finale".

But on the flip side, i'm still interested in Trails' future after Cold Steel 4 whereas i'm fine with not keeping up with the MCU after Endgame. MCU Phase 4 to me is basically just "watch the ones you want", and all i care about those upcoming Marvel movies are Thor: Love and Thunder, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 and Spider-Man 3 (not the Raimi one). After that, i'm basically out (but i'll never say no to more Spider-Man, provided it's actually good).

26 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That battle theme is actually a great example of what I meant when I talked about the music being weak. The song itself is good, but it lacks the energy it would need to properly underscore a battle against Ouroboros' best and thus the hype and grandeur such a battle would (or should) have is lost.

Ah, i see what you mean now. I mean, i still disagree with the "it's weak statement" but i get where you're coming from.


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The game certainly doesn't shy away from making references when it can. Like, this is a possible outcome when you plot to kill someone (not from my playthrough, I took this image off the Internet)

How accurate is Crusader Kings 2 to real history? - Quora

And they will totally spend the next few centuries debating what really happened...

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Playing Ao's final chapter right now.

...not directly related, but putting aside any other opinions I might have about Red Constellation, they do have a pretty great theme song.


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7 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

However, my personal favorite is this one (spoilered for size):

I doubt Aurelia would fire him lmao. If anything, she would pat him good job if he went for it lel. And congratulate Dragon girl as well.

6 hours ago, Robert Stewart said:

Playing Ao's final chapter right now.

Enjoy the wild ride!

3 hours ago, Reisalin Stout said:

It's not as bad as knowing Estelle has the same VA as Tharja from FE13.




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