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42 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Namco owns everything Xenosaga though. The KOS-MOS and T-elos copyrights in Xenoblade 2 are attributed to Namco iirc. So Namco shouldn't have any problem using Xenosaga stuff in their other games. 

I tried to look that up. Couldn't find anything of the sort as I looked up through the credits.

In any case, I'm pretty sure there is a difference between ownership and usage. Which also differentiates between a group and the individual (see Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still becoming a licensing nightmare after Mitsuteru Yokoyama's death). Just because a company own another doesn't mean they can just use their stuff without asking permission first.

Now granted, KOS-MOS has appeared in stuff that don't involve Monolith Soft. Like Tales of Hearts, and her costume has cameos in Vesperia and Soul Calibur III. However, I also couldn't find anything pertaining copyright usage there to see who her copyright is attributed to. 

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So my PC died. Screen got all fucked up. I have enough money to order a new one but for the meantime, I won't have access to my PC stuff. What I will do is hook it up to my TV so I can see what I'm doing as I move the files to an SD card.

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Ninja technique! HELL DESCENT!!!
*drops sign that says "Hell" on it*

19 minutes ago, Benice said:

Tee Hee


14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

So my PC died. Screen got all fucked up. I have enough money to order a new one but for the meantime, I won't have access to my PC stuff. What I will do is hook it up to my TV so I can see what I'm doing as I move the files to an SD card.

That sucks, it really does.
Hope you can get a replacement soon!

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I just finished Skyward Sword again yesterday. I remembered why it's my favorite game. Say what you will about the motion controls, but I love them. Twilight princess was incredibly easy and it was refreshing to have generic monsters not be autokilled.

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To me, there's always something special I'm when playing my favorite game.
It's hard to describe exactly how it feels, but I always know that when I'm playing my favorite game, it is something special to me. And that special feeling will remain no matter how others may think about it.
Maybe it's just me getting getting mushy over nothing, but hey.

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30 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

That sucks, it really does.
Hope you can get a replacement soon!

I've spotted an ideal replacement on Amazon but I'm also heading to Walmart to see if they've got it.

But before that, I tried hooking up my PC to my TV so I can see what I'm doing as I try to transfer my files to an SD card. Except that didn't seem to work. If I can't get it work, I've accepted that I'll lose everything on it minus the stuff I've got on a backup USB.

The stuff I might lose includes all my PC games. Redownloading is no problem but the saves is a different matter. Looks like I won't be completing Cold Steel 3 for a while.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

So my PC died. Screen got all fucked up. I have enough money to order a new one but for the meantime, I won't have access to my PC stuff. What I will do is hook it up to my TV so I can see what I'm doing as I move the files to an SD card.

Sorry to hear that!

I know how it must feel like...

I lost two tablets and PC this way in the past two years.

13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Lolivier = Alfin

The one you are talking about is Trollivier 😉

That's true...especially after seeing end of chapter 2.


Anyways done with chapter 2.

I loved it (aside from the soundtrack). It had a fantastic character cast , story got intense and I saw some character development. Campy fight was weird. Though he was nerfed by not being Peppernella anymore. Anyways my thoughts about the new big boy Siegfried:


Have I heard his voice before in former parts somewhere?


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

But before that, I tried hooking up my PC to my TV so I can see what I'm doing as I try to transfer my files to an SD card. Except that didn't seem to work. If I can't get it work, I've accepted that I'll lose everything on it minus the stuff I've got on a backup USB.

That's weird. Backing up your entire system may be a different story, but if it's just about your documents, music, games and such, I don't exactly know what could go wrong there except for space running out on your SD Card.

1 hour ago, Falcom Knight said:

Anyways my thoughts about the new big boy Siegfried:

  Reveal hidden contents

Have I heard his voice before in former parts somewhere?


I mean... (spoiler alert)


The game doesn't exactly try to hide who he is. It's pretty clear from the second he appears that he's (I mean it, don't click if you don't want to see)


actually Crow.

And the game does a pretty piss-poor job at hiding it if that was the intention. Which for the sake of my belief in Falcom's writing skills I hope it wasn't.

36 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well, I've ordered a new PC. Should be arriving by next Friday at the latest.

On the bright side, that gives you time to make your no Blade summon run in XC2 without CS3 distracting you.

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1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

That's weird. Backing up your entire system may be a different story, but if it's just about your documents, music, games and such, I don't exactly know what could go wrong there except for space running out on your SD Card.

No no like, I can't get my PC screen to project to my TV. Well, I can but it doesn't seem to show anything. I can see me opening my files menu but i can't see what comes after. That's why I might not be able to save my files. Cause I can't see.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

On the bright side, that gives you time to make your no Blade summon run in XC2 without CS3 distracting you

Yep. The goal was to complete that before XenoblaDE destroyes my free time so I'll have more time now.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No no like, I can't get my PC screen to project to my TV. Well, I can but it doesn't seem to show anything. I can see me opening my files menu but i can't see what comes after. That's why I might not be able to save my files. Cause I can't see.

Oooh, yeah, okay, that makes more sense now.

I'm not tech savy enough to offer possible solutions, but I'll try:
Maybe the issue is that your PC "recognizes" both its own screen and your TV and splits what gets displayed between the two, so you could try and change the settings so only the TV is used for screen display.
Alternatively, the cable you're using (if you are using one, anyway) to connect your PC and TV could have a defective contact, in which case checking it every now and then could work.
I hope this helps a little.

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yep. The goal was to complete that before XenoblaDE destroyes my free time so I'll have more time now.

Your free time turned into an older Atelier game.
Your task: finish a No Blade Summon run of Xenoblade Chronicles 2
The Limit: ~three weeks

Run, my friend. Run through to get the True Ending. And sing out the song of your life. Admittedly, that last part doesn't really work well in this context, but you get the point.

Edited by DragonFlames
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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

So my PC died. Screen got all fucked up. I have enough money to order a new one but for the meantime, I won't have access to my PC stuff. What I will do is hook it up to my TV so I can see what I'm doing as I move the files to an SD card.

This sucks. Hope you get that replacement soon.

I sorta am in the same boat with a third-party Switch controller conking out on me...but I've ordered a new one and it'll be here in a couple weeks.

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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I already like this Sieg better. Just based on the fact that he's (she's?) a bird.

he's not just any bird!

He's Sky player's lord and savior with his debuff, as fast as a Ferrari, accompanies best Princess, and is probably the Grandmaster

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

No no like, I can't get my PC screen to project to my TV. Well, I can but it doesn't seem to show anything. I can see me opening my files menu but i can't see what comes after. That's why I might not be able to save my files. Cause I can't see.

What is your connection method?

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3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm not tech savy enough to offer possible solutions, but I'll try:
Maybe the issue is that your PC "recognizes" both its own screen and your TV and splits what gets displayed between the two, so you could try and change the settings so only the TV is used for screen display.
Alternatively, the cable you're using (if you are using one, anyway) to connect your PC and TV could have a defective contact, in which case checking it every now and then could work.
I hope this helps a little.

Thanks but it turns out, it was my TV that was the problem. Tried it on my cousins TV and I was actually able to see (though I won't be able to transfer everything in one go).

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Your free time turned into an older Atelier game.
Your task: finish a No Blade Summon run of Xenoblade Chronicles 2
The Limit: ~three weeks

Boss that will likely screw me over: college.

Ok jokes aside, summer term starts next week for me which is why I needed a new PC pronto. I was lucky that the term hadn't started yet when my current PC broke.

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

What is your connection method?

HDMI but I already got it under control. Thanks tho.

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Okay, next stop in DQV, Uptaten Towers. With Bianca. Well, anything to save the kitty, I guess.

Well, not tonight. Although I did some grinding to get some equipment and levels.

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