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Sounds tragic.

So better saving the read for tomorrow.

I don't want to end the actual nice long weekend with depressions.


I have to admit I already ruined it by playing World of Light. 

It's zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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That moment when Xenoblade goes Xenoblade Stealth Chronicles.

I just commpleted the quest "With much gratitude" with a Lv. 21 party and had to "stealth" some parts. I admit, I didn't expect that from this game.

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Touhou is an enigma because the majority of the series consists of official fangames.

6 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Are we actually discussing rather controversial video game hot takes in a civilised matter? What kind of parallel universe have I stepped into?!?

6 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

It's all I've ever wanted when discussing gaming with other people. It's not hard if people let people have their opinions.

This thread is very good at being civil.

6 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

It's all I've ever wanted when discussing gaming with other people. It's not hard if people let people have their opinions. If this was Reddit I would've been given a vulgar insult by now. That's why I'm no longer on Reddit, plain and simple.


This is my personal Zelda tier list. Admittedly, Skyward Sword ranks so high because of how good the story is as well as childhood nostalgia. I'm also not much of a 2D Zelda fan. I prefer the 3D titles.

Curious, is Breath of the Wild's massive divergence from the formula what puts it that high for you? I recall you mentioning that you value story the most, even something as simple as a reason as to why the hero is on an adventure. Breath of the Wild has a story but it's placed in the backseat (i actually do think the Switch Presentation trailer for the game was false advertising, as it made the story appear to be way more important than it actually was). 

I'd argue Skyward Sword has the best story.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

LoZ openings began utterly directionless on the NES, was followed by the glorious A Link to the Past start b/c the first dungeon is five minutes in. Link's Awakening was fine. Ocarina of Time did a good job making Kokori Forest an open place for teaching 3D newbies- aka everyone at its release- and then tossing you into the first dungeon very quickly. The Oracle games were acceptable on their starts too, though Ages was drawn out more.

But, Wind Waker came to be, and with it godForsaken Fortress. Of everything in WW's beginning- until I get to Dragon Roost Cavern, the tiny bit of battle in the forests on Outset Island is the only bit thats fun to me. And honestly, Wind Waker doesn't get gud overall freed from its bumpiness until after the Tower of the Gods or Forsaken Fortress 2 (technically the breaking of the eternal night curse is what enables freedom- but the Reefs don't become active until FF2 and you want the cyclone warp spell which needs the Bow).

Adding to this, i think Majora's Mask, as much as i love that game, began a trend of slow starts in Zelda games. You're literally forced to wait in Clock Town for three days, the only thing you're really allowed to do is visit the observatory and get the Clock Town fairies. Not counting glitching out of the town, of course.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't mistake me for a superfan of Breath of the Wild though. It's too quiet, more enemy variety is needed, and some other fixes are in order. It's a great base, but this vanilla could use some chocolate-covered waffle cone and caramel mixed in. Or some swirled solid chunks of peanut butter and chocolate crunchies.

It could also stand to have some replayability. For as good as the game is, i never felt compelled to go back. Not to mention it needs substantial post-game content. Motivation to keep playing falls off a cliff after beating Ganon.

5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Brawl is waaaay too slow for my tastes tbh. It all feels so sluggish imo.

And then you go online. Hahahahahahahaha. Pain.

Brawl had the best casual play though.

19 minutes ago, Strullemia said:

That moment when Xenoblade goes Xenoblade Stealth Chronicles.

I just commpleted the quest "With much gratitude" with a Lv. 21 party and had to "stealth" some parts. I admit, I didn't expect that from this game.

Yeah, there are definitely moments where you have to be stealthy. Paying attention to enemy aggro types will save your life.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Curious, is Breath of the Wild's massive divergence from the formula what puts it that high for you? I recall you mentioning that you value story the most, even something as simple as a reason as to why the hero is on an adventure. Breath of the Wild has a story but it's placed in the backseat (i actually do think the Switch Presentation trailer for the game was false advertising, as it made the story appear to be way more important than it actually was). 

On 5/21/2020 at 2:43 PM, twilitfalchion said:

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: Not only is this my favorite Zelda, but it is my favorite video game of all time. I could go on and on about everything I love about BotW, but some standouts for me are the atmosphere, the story, the gameplay, and the soundtrack. The atmosphere is an aspect of BotW that I feel perfectly sets the tone of a post-apocalyptic Hyrule, with ruins and barren plains and mountains scattered everywhere with small groups people spread out across the landscape. The story is actually something that I always appreciated, even though many others have expressed their dislike or disappointment with it. I see it as a story primarily told through indirect exposition, so the player feels just as confused as Link does when you first leave the Shrine of Resurrection; likewise, as Link regains his memories and more characters are met and conversed with, the player experiences the pieces of the story coming together to form a complete backstory for the game's setting. Without getting too long-winded, for me, BotW's gameplay is the most satisfying and rewarding gameplay of any Zelda game that I've played. The difficulty is perfect (Trial of the Sword is an all-too-delicious challenge to surmount), the variety of solutions to different problems allows for some crazy experimentation, and the combat is more strategic than just "mash sword button to win." Admittedly, the game could've used a fully-fleshed out crafting system to build upon the survival mechanics, but it's still pretty great as is. Lastly, the soundtrack, while not as notable as in previous games, has some standout tracks ("Tarrey Town,"  "Molduga Battle," "Main Theme," "Mipha's Theme," "Rito Village," "Kass's Theme," etc.) that add to the already well-establish atmosphere of loneliness and sadness that the player feels. Another reason I will always have such strong feelings and memories for BotW is that it helped me get through a rough part of my life, when I was dealing with illness in the family. It helped take my mind off the situation and allow myself to relax.

Here's what I wrote on the favorite video games thread as to why I love BotW so much.

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I'm a few days late, but now I finally have XCDE. I started with Future Connected, but I'll probably alternate between it and the main game to keep things fresh. It's kind of surreal to get a direct continuation of the plot after so long.

I think I understand Expert Mode now but there's still a question I have: if I'm overleveled, can I just turn Expert Mode on, lower the party's levels, and turn it back off? I assume I can but I want to know if it functions as I expect.

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2 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I'm a few days late, but now I finally have XCDE. I started with Future Connected, but I'll probably alternate between it and the main game to keep things fresh. It's kind of surreal to get a direct continuation of the plot after so long.

Here's to hoping you enjoy it!

As for me: im now level 72, near endgame! Not too shabby.

Also, I killed Magestic Mordred.

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Not wanting to go once again exchanging Elfin Elixirs one at a time, I just procured enough for part of the money I wanted, then just got the rest the old fashioned way. Also to obtain some extra EXP for the next part of the game.

So, at last, I've made it to Mostroferrato. The moment is getting close at hand, time to do the Engagement Challenge! Off to Mount Magmageddon... some other time.

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Alright, so I'm finished with Xenoblade's main story. Made level 83 at average, now I'm doing cleanup and such. Quests, art manuals, all that jazz.

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7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Adding to this, i think Majora's Mask, as much as i love that game, began a trend of slow starts in Zelda games. You're literally forced to wait in Clock Town for three days, the only thing you're really allowed to do is visit the observatory and get the Clock Town fairies. Not counting glitching out of the town, of course.

I forgot about MM in the history of LoZ here. Thanks. You're right that the forced first cycle is slow, I remember waiting tens of ingame hours on the platform you need the Deku Flower to reach.

-But I did have a game guide, and I'm not sure how long it'd take the "average, unaided player" to do everything needed. Having not played MM in forever, I'm not sure direct the game is with its guidance towards what you need to do, but there isn't a whole lot you can do cursed either. The very first cycle is faster than the rest, being 40% shorter, so you have ~30 minutes in total to do it.

And the slight oddity of this, is that after the first cycle, Majora's Mask quickly rolls into one of the most anti-beginner Zeldas, at least in its 64 incarnation. Because MM had Ocarina of Time preceding it on the same system, it was made virtually assuming you had played OoT first. Time is infinitely repeatable, so I'm not talking about that, everything else starts harder than most standard LoZs I think.

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TFW you make a realization about an aspect of Future Connected's plot but can't talk about it to anyone because most haven't played it yet and you don't want to spoil anything.



3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-But I did have a game guide, and I'm not sure how long it'd take the "average, unaided player" to do everything needed. Having not played MM in forever, I'm not sure direct the game is with its guidance towards what you need to do, but there isn't a whole lot you can do cursed either. The very first cycle is faster than the rest, being 40% shorter, so you have ~30 minutes in total to do it.

I think the 3DS remake might make things easier for the average player. Much like OG Xenoblade 1, OG Majora's Mask wasn't exactly clear about the objectives of it's side content (though it didn't go as extreme on the unhelpful side) and the remake smoothed a lot of things out.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And the slight oddity of this, is that after the first cycle, Majora's Mask quickly rolls into one of the most anti-beginner Zeldas, at least in its 64 incarnation. Because MM had Ocarina of Time preceding it on the same system, it was made virtually assuming you had played OoT first. Time is infinitely repeatable, so I'm not talking about that, everything else starts harder than most standard LoZs I think.

Yeah, Majora's Mask definitely isn't geared towards newcomers. Well, the OG isn't. The remake lets you actually save at the statues, that alone makes it much easier to get into.

But both versions still cause you to lose all consumable items upon restarting a cycle, not to mention reseting each region's curse, which might upset players having to do certain things all over again. I know it's possible to complete the game in one cycle but it's impossible to do everything in one cycle, even with the Song of Inverse Time.

And then the Twinmold fight in the original is just pain. I essentially needed to get the Romani Milk for infinite MP so that i didn't get screwed over the fight. The remake handles this much better. 

There's a discussion to be had between which version of Majora's Mask is superior but the remake is definitely a lot more welcoming to newcomers.

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Good morning!

Just found out you can buy items using Noponstone gotten from Time Attack mode in XenoblaDE. This includes all the stupidly rare items needed for Colony 6 reconstruction.

I have been relieved of dreading several hours of suffering trying to get those items.


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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Good morning!

Just found out you can buy items using Noponstone gotten from Time Attack mode in XenoblaDE. This includes all the stupidly rare items needed for Colony 6 reconstruction.

I have been relieved of dreading several hours of suffering trying to get those items.


I believe I mentioned this earlier, but yeah, you can buy things. The back and forth your going to have to do is still dreadful, though.

Also: Good Morning, everyone!

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Continuing the journey through Blue Reflection, I fought a thing that would be a final boss pretty much everywhere else. Here? Mid (?)-game boss fight.

If this doesn't say "hey, I could be a final boss, you know?" then I don't know what does.

Also, I'm really, REALLY overlevelled. The last milestone quest before this boss asked for level 20... I was level 36. I should stop advancing character events so much, and cease completing so many quests. But I like the characters a lot, and doing quests is also fun, so the tiny completionist inside me can't help it.

And as much as I love this game so far, I have but one complaint: why does almost every major boss theme so far contain f***ing dubstep?
The game's music is so beautiful and amazing otherwise. Why, why, why, why, why?!?
At least the fights themselves are a lot of fun.

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45 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

If this doesn't say "hey, I could be a final boss, you know?" then I don't know what does.

It doesn't look the part to me actually. There is no central focus for it. Where in very center where those three long pointy sticks are should be a mouth, or an eyeball, or naked lady fused to the monstrosity. Without a focal point, there is nothing to readily venerate or direct one's bellicosity at, which I would usually want in a final boss. It befits more a pawn of the boss or an appendage of it than its heart and soul.

-I critique with no emotion behind it, these are but mild observations.


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Just found out you can buy items using Noponstone gotten from Time Attack mode in XenoblaDE. This includes all the stupidly rare items needed for Colony 6 reconstruction.

I have been relieved of dreading several hours of suffering trying to get those items.

Is it all Collectibles and monster drops, or a limited assortment they were kind enough to put the Black Liver Beans on? -An inquiry on if they've gone back to the universal versatility (of monster drops only- but Collectibles had very little use in XCX) of XCX's Blade Tickets with XC1 Noponstone.

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