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They turned the no-explanation lazy superboss of EF1 into a mandatory boss in Exceed and gave it backstory, a novel idea.

Being alone, it started off a fast battle, I got rid of about 40% of its HP in no time. But, it started casting Soul (2x damage) infrequently, leading me to have Haken use Canfield as a preventative against OHKOs. Then it very often casted Enable, giving it two separate actions every turn. The kicker? It used Self-Repair on its turns with excessive frequency, and that didn't stop it from attacking me in the same action. I had to reorient towards constant offense, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to keep its HP on a downward trend. Thankfully, the two following bosses proved easy, I was afraid that'd be the new norm.



3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Are all SRW Exceed attack names like this? If so, that's amazing.

No, not all. Thats an Overdrive- the strongest attacks in a character's arsenal, so it's free to be over-the-top in name.

KOS-MOS, Aschen, Neige, and Haken all have attacks translated into English. Haken's skills sometimes have a card theme to them, like Texas Hold 'em, High n' Low Draw, Best Flush. Suzuka's attacks are mostly "Jyaki-Gun" (meaning "Devil Gun") + another word. 

For the other characters, their attacks are left in transliterated Japanese. Axel & Alfimi keep it short- no crazy amount of adjectives. Kaguya's are easy to translate too, barring her first Overdrive Nanbu Ittou-ryuu Ougi: Gekkabijin- "Nanbu Sword Style Arcane: Beautiful Blade under the Moon". Xiaomu besides the Overdrives is the same, and so is Reiji.

Alady is the one exception, for he is a martial artist. The martial arts in Japanese entertainment tend to become crazy with the Kanji b/c it sounds more awesome and secret super hard for outsiders to master. The Kanji sometimes are old and uncommonly-used Chinese ones to boot, because the martial arts and Kanji itself originated from China.

Alady's attacks:

  • Kishin Renken (機神連拳) - opportunity god consecutive fist
  • Haou Kuuenkyaku (覇皇空円脚) - supreme emperor air circle kick
  • Kishin Goutetsuko (機神剛鉄甲) - opportunity god strong iron shell
  • Haou Ryoudantou (覇皇両断刀) - supreme emperor double judgment sword
  • Haou Ryoushokaku (覇皇剛衝殻) - supreme emperor strong collision husk
  • Kishin Ranyuugeki (機神乱獣撃) - opportunity god rebellious beast attack
  • Haou Gouraikyaku (覇皇轟雷脚) - supreme emperor thunderous thunder kick
  • Gouha Kishinken (轟覇機神拳) - thunderous supreme opportunity god fist
  • Shinha Mougekireppa (真覇朧撃烈破) - true supreme gloom attack violent wave
  • Haou Maretsuken (覇皇魔滅拳) - supreme emperor demon perish fist


Though, I will add Reiji's 1st Overdrive is very long name: Battou Ougi Shinra Bansho (護業抜刀法奥義・真羅万象) - "Protecting Performance Unsheathing Sword Principle Inner Mystery . True Arrangement Ten Thousand Images".


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Jedi Dunban

Jedi Dunban

...I want to come up with a funny joke about Luke getting a robot hand and Dunban scoffing at the need for two usable ones, but I can't make it happen.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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11 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

This went from tear-jerking to heart-warming to funny. Great support!
Is it bad that I legit ship these two now?

12 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

This support is really good! Ashe and Kloe bonding over their secrets and her being so understanding was very sweet.

Thanks for this feedback!

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

It's up now.


Kloe x Ashe was definitely a nice choice pick since Kloe has perfect understanding for people in need. In Trails in the Sky FC she also is involved in a thievery of a young boy, but I thought it would have gone beyons the scope, if I had brought this in.

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Ladies and gentlemen, I've done it. I did what was thought impossible to do with Arden.




Arden actually did it! He used Pursuit!


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3 hours ago, Benice said:

Ladies and gentlemen, I've done it. I did what was thought impossible to do with Arden.

  Reveal hidden contents



Arden actually did it! He used Pursuit!


Congrats! That’s quite an achievement.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

It might be a little bit different than the examples you mentioned because in Xenoblade, you can't really screw yourself over when it comes to the skill customization, not to mention you can still keep gaining SP even after maxing out your level. Honestly, the skill trees in Xenoblade 1 don't matter too much, some are nice to have but it's nothing like Xenoblade 2's skill trees where you actually do want some of the skills there (though it does make some of the endgame content easier, the last skill in Shulk's fifth skill tree maxes out his Talent Gauge whenever a Vision happens, which is a Godsend). In fact, my first playthrough of Xenoblade 1 back on the New 3DS, i didn't even know you could change skill trees.

Really? I don't think they are useless at all. If anything, I think it's the opposite way around, 2's are much less useful.

Edited by lightcosmo
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9 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

The jingle when you die is so catchy, though!

That's true. I'm not too frustrated when I die in there, because the death jingle is so darn funny.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

It might be a little bit different than the examples you mentioned because in Xenoblade, you can't really screw yourself over when it comes to the skill customization, not to mention you can still keep gaining SP even after maxing out your level. Honestly, the skill trees in Xenoblade 1 don't matter too much, some are nice to have but it's nothing like Xenoblade 2's skill trees where you actually do want some of the skills there (though it does make some of the endgame content easier, the last skill in Shulk's fifth skill tree maxes out his Talent Gauge whenever a Vision happens, which is a Godsend). In fact, my first playthrough of Xenoblade 1 back on the New 3DS, i didn't even know you could change skill trees.

Basically, deleveling in Xenoblade is pretty much just to keep you from being overleveld, whether it be in the main game or if you want to experience what NG+ has to offer without steamrolling everything. But the only thing deleving takes away is stats, any skills and Arts learned stay.

The cool thing is that you don't have to grind up levels again if you choose to delevel. When you delevel, the excess EXP is converted to bonus EXP, just like EXP gained from sidequests and discovering Landmarks, allowing you to use it to climb up levels should you need to. I recall you saying Etrian Odyssey didn't do that (or was it Mary Skelter), not sure if Blue Reflection does that.

That does sound like a great idea, ngl.

Bold part: I'm not sure about Blue Reflection, either, since I haven't used it there yet (since there is no traditional leveling system, I assume it'll just reset your Growth Point distribution, so you can redo it), but in Etrian Odyssey, there are actually two ways of deleveling: one has you go down by only three levels, but you keep your skill points earned until the level you go down to (for example, going from level 19 to level 16 gives you back 15 skill points on top of the 3 you start with) and you can redistribute them as you wish, while the other method has you go down to a specific level (I think it was either half the level you had or fixed at level 15; the option to do this only unlocks at level 30), but you gain bonus stats and skill points depending on the level you went down from. Mary Skelter is similar to the latter, but you can actually pick the level you want to go down to. In neither case do you keep all your skills and skill points you've earned up until that point, though.

1 hour ago, Shrimperor said:

super small ice drops

And bat poop.
Can't forget about the almighty bat poop.

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12 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Alady's attacks:

  • Kishin Renken (機神連拳) - opportunity god consecutive fist
  • Haou Kuuenkyaku (覇皇空円脚) - supreme emperor air circle kick
  • Kishin Goutetsuko (機神剛鉄甲) - opportunity god strong iron shell
  • Haou Ryoudantou (覇皇両断刀) - supreme emperor double judgment sword
  • Haou Ryoushokaku (覇皇剛衝殻) - supreme emperor strong collision husk
  • Kishin Ranyuugeki (機神乱獣撃) - opportunity god rebellious beast attack
  • Haou Gouraikyaku (覇皇轟雷脚) - supreme emperor thunderous thunder kick
  • Gouha Kishinken (轟覇機神拳) - thunderous supreme opportunity god fist
  • Shinha Mougekireppa (真覇朧撃烈破) - true supreme gloom attack violent wave
  • Haou Maretsuken (覇皇魔滅拳) - supreme emperor demon perish fist


Though, I will add Reiji's 1st Overdrive is very long name: Battou Ougi Shinra Bansho (護業抜刀法奥義・真羅万象) - "Protecting Performance Unsheathing Sword Principle Inner Mystery . True Arrangement Ten Thousand Images".

I love all of these.

If i ever decide to give the DS emulator world another go, i'll try playing the Exceed games. Not sure if doing that will get me into the general SRW franchise but we'll see when the bridge is crossed.

4 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Really? I don't think they are useless at all. If anything, I think it's the opposite way around, 2's are much less useful.

2 has skills that let you start with Arts fully charged, as well as allowing you to chain Arts together. Skills like that are a must-have. I believe there are some that fill the Party Gauge more with every Excellent QTE so there's that.

Compared to that, Xenoblade 1 doesn't really have skills that are must-haves. Even the "vision=full Talent Gauge", as useful as it is, isn't something you want to prioritize getting for the majority of the game (also because you can't, the quest to unlock it comes pretty late).

4 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

In neither case do you keep all your skills and skill points you've earned up until that point, though.

Since the skill customization matters a lot more in those games, i imagine it's like that to prevent exploits. Makes sense.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

If i ever decide to give the DS emulator world another go, i'll try playing the Exceed games. Not sure if doing that will get me into the general SRW franchise but we'll see when the bridge is crossed.

If you want to get into SRW, you'd probably best start with the GBA OG games. Unless you don't care for it, the Endless Frontier games will spoil you of things from the OG continuity. Also, since SRW is a SRPG series, and the Endless Frontier games aren't, as they're spin-offs.

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12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

2 has skills that let you start with Arts fully charged, as well as allowing you to chain Arts together. Skills like that are a must-have. I believe there are some that fill the Party Gauge more with every Excellent QTE so there's that.

Compared to that, Xenoblade 1 doesn't really have skills that are must-haves. Even the "vision=full Talent Gauge", as useful as it is, isn't something you want to prioritize getting for the majority of the game (also because you can't, the quest to unlock it comes pretty late).

The cancelable art one is the best one. The issue I have, is all characters have like, 80% of the same skills, where as 1's trees are unique. And i also like that they are the characters personality traits, it's a neat touch. It makes it feel more impactful, in my opinion, when it's done that way.

Xenoblade 1 has alot of good skills, that I wont name because that would take a while.

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26 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Since the skill customization matters a lot more in those games, i imagine it's like that to prevent exploits. Makes sense.

Yup, agreed.
I mean, it'd be awesome if you kept all the skill points you earned, but that would defeat the purpose of making characters fit specific roles.

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I prefer XC1 Skill Trees to XC2 Affinity Charts. The problem with XC2 lay in the Blade Affinity Charts, the Driver ones were small and simple in their boosts. Blade Affinity Charts weren't overly complex, all the nodes were cleanly divided into 3 Specials' secondary effects, 3 passive boosts, and 3 Field Skills.

What then was my issue? The quantity of Blades. I got around to memorizing a bunch of Field Skill possessors, and which Special of some healer Blades carried a healing effect. But for everything else, I mostly forgot about their skills, by virtue of the sheer number of Blades I was rotating between and the fact that, Corvin Is Win aside, I never needed to learn those passives and Special secondary effects. I honestly don't remember a think about Gorg's or Crossette Affinity Chart, and they were two of my earliest Rares. I don't really recall Elma's not-Overdrive passives either, and she became an absolute mainstay of mine.

XC1 has not two handfuls of playable characters, and each has only 3-5 Skill Trees. Each Skill is individual, which technically means more to keep in mind than that of a single Blade, but the boosts are usually simpler like Driver Affinity Charts. And having far fewer PCs than Blades more than compensated.


2 hours ago, Armagon said:

If i ever decide to give the DS emulator world another go, i'll try playing the Exceed games. Not sure if doing that will get me into the general SRW franchise but we'll see when the bridge is crossed.

TBH, I've only played the two EFs and GBA Original Generations, though I'm interested in SRW Gaiden b/c it's an all-OCs game before OG and I'm want to see more of Shu and his Granzon.

Actual "mainline" SRW is not familiar to me, and I'm mixed on getting into that. I'm not into nor against anime, and even if my OG experience has implanted a bone of mecha-appreciation into me, the fact it'll be pure came-directly-from-anime for 90% of the mecha and soap opera plotlines leaves me feeling hesitant. 

And for your information, the unusual mobile tower-defense SRW spinoff: X-Ω (Cross-Omega) decided to add Godzilla. It's a franchise spinoff, and a Kaiju is giant like a robot, close enough.

But that, and mainline SRW now featuring space battleship anime and sci-fi warriors anime that have no mecha whatsoever in them, leaves me wondering why no Xenosaga yet. Everyone but Jin co-pilots? Thats a minor positive actually, because the sub-pilot will provide an additional 6 Spirit commands for their mech. 

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16 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I prefer XC1 Skill Trees to XC2 Affinity Charts. The problem with XC2 lay in the Blade Affinity Charts, the Driver ones were small and simple in their boosts. Blade Affinity Charts weren't overly complex, all the nodes were cleanly divided into 3 Specials' secondary effects, 3 passive boosts, and 3 Field Skills.

What then was my issue? The quantity of Blades. I got around to memorizing a bunch of Field Skill possessors, and which Special of some healer Blades carried a healing effect. But for everything else, I mostly forgot about their skills, by virtue of the sheer number of Blades I was rotating between and the fact that, Corvin Is Win aside, I never needed to learn those passives and Special secondary effects. I honestly don't remember a think about Gorg's or Crossette Affinity Chart, and they were two of my earliest Rares. I don't really recall Elma's not-Overdrive passives either, and she became an absolute mainstay of mine.

XC1 has not two handfuls of playable characters, and each has only 3-5 Skill Trees. Each Skill is individual, which technically means more to keep in mind than that of a single Blade, but the boosts are usually simpler like Driver Affinity Charts. And having far fewer PCs than Blades more than compensated.

I really enjoy the skill trees in XC2, I just like that 1's are personal to the character. The fact that they are more or less useful doesn't matter to me, just that they feel special.

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53 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

TBH, I've only played the two EFs and GBA Original Generations, though I'm interested in SRW Gaiden b/c it's an all-OCs game before OG and I'm want to see more of Shu and his Granzon.

Actual "mainline" SRW is not familiar to me, and I'm mixed on getting into that. I'm not into nor against anime, and even if my OG experience has implanted a bone of mecha-appreciation into me, the fact it'll be pure came-directly-from-anime for 90% of the mecha and soap opera plotlines leaves me feeling hesitant. 

And for your information, the unusual mobile tower-defense SRW spinoff: X-Ω (Cross-Omega) decided to add Godzilla. It's a franchise spinoff, and a Kaiju is giant like a robot, close enough.

But that, and mainline SRW now featuring space battleship anime and sci-fi warriors anime that have no mecha whatsoever in them, leaves me wondering why no Xenosaga yet. Everyone but Jin co-pilots? Thats a minor positive actually, because the sub-pilot will provide an additional 6 Spirit commands for their mech. 

You're missing out, man! Totally try a mainstream game. I'm sure you won't regret it. If not the new ones with their official translations, a few of the older ones have fan translations you can try out.

Ah, yes, Godzilla. As far as non-mechas, Devilman was also added, in SRW DD. Unless it appeared in X-Ω too, though I haven't checked.

I'm guessing Xenosaga isn't added because SRW as a whole is still strictly keeping to non video games. Spin-offs are fair game, which is why they do show up in the Endless Frontier games I'd guess. SRW at first only used anime. It took years before they added manga-only stuff (Alpha 2, with Crossbone Gundam). I'd say that technically speaking SRW started adding space battleship anime with Macross. Outside the Valkyries having transformation modes, it's not really mecha. Though yes, they became more common since SRW V.

Oh wait! Alpha 3 added Virtual on Marz, which is a video game series. Hmm, I guess video game only mechas are fair game after all.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Ah, the arte stalling is so irritating! Why, Monolith? Please fix that, Shield should be going off right away, not 6 seconds after i decide to use it, since Shulk decides attacking is a better option. 

Edit: Okay, so it seems that inputting actions way to quickly makes this happen for the most part. Like, I select one arte after another very quickly, and this is the result.

3 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

> Fighting Dark Black EX (level 330) with characters at level 999
> 0 damage
> wat

Yikes, sounds like that's going to be tough! I wish you luck with that! Or do you mean you're taking 0 damage?

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5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

If you want to get into SRW, you'd probably best start with the GBA OG games. Unless you don't care for it, the Endless Frontier games will spoil you of things from the OG continuity. Also, since SRW is a SRPG series, and the Endless Frontier games aren't, as they're spin-offs.

GBA emulation is God-tier so if I ever do play those, I now know it'll be easy. Thanks for the heads up.

3 hours ago, Karimlan said:

How hard is it? And what kinda rewards would you be passing up if you didn't push through with the quest?

Colony 6 isn't something you need to do but I believe some of the skill trees can only be unlocked through certain Colony 6 quests.

Problem is getting the items needed can be tedious (in DE, you can eventually buy them but I've reached the Fallen Arm and still no sign of the items needed being buyable).

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

And for your information, the unusual mobile tower-defense SRW spinoff: X-Ω (Cross-Omega) decided to add Godzilla. It's a franchise spinoff, and a Kaiju is giant like a robot, close enough.

And MechaGodzilla is a pilotable mecha in it's Heisei and Millennium incarnations so that counts.

Idk if that game has just Godzilla but it was worth bringing up.


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

GBA emulation is God-tier so if I ever do play those, I now know it'll be easy. Thanks for the heads up.

And MechaGodzilla is a pilotable mecha in it's Heisei and Millennium incarnations so that counts.

Idk if that game has just Godzilla but it was worth bringing up.


If you want to try a non OG game, SRW J has a fan translation and is also for the GBA.

MechaGodzilla is in Cross-Omega alongside the regular one, yes.

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Problem is getting the items needed can be tedious (in DE, you can eventually buy them but I've reached the Fallen Arm and still no sign of the items needed being buyable).


The items being unlocked seems to be progression based. I could be wrong, though.

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14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Colony 6 isn't something you need to do but I believe some of the skill trees can only be unlocked through certain Colony 6 quests.

Problem is getting the items needed can be tedious (in DE, you can eventually buy them but I've reached the Fallen Arm and still no sign of the items needed being buyable).

Some of them can be traded for according to the Wiki.

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