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4 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:
16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Sky 3rd's final boss has been the "kindest" final boss for me so far aside of its Supernova attack.


I generally found all final bosses in the series on the easy side so far

then Ao happened XD

That one...

By far the hardest, most annoying, most gimmicky and most bullshity final boss lol.

4 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

It's balanced, but some bosses really gave me trouble, especially if their speed surpassed mine.


There's a reasony why i say it has the best gameplay in the series 😉

4 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

For mentioned boss I struggled, she could not really help me unfortunately. 


How's your Estelle build? I have her dual purpose: Physical attacker and Support. But you need to configue your Quartz in a certain way to get that, and her defense get's heavily punished for it.

Not that defense stat is important in Trails anyway

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^Not gonna open that spoiler. XD


I discovered a secret area in Mary Skelter and now I have a new character following me around. This new girl tries to tout herself as a "Demon King" and speaks haughtily to everyone in an effort to appear threatening, but she constantly fumbles her words. And for whatever reason, the only exception to that is Alice, whom she acts totally subservient to, much to Alice' dismay.


*tips witch hat*

Also, here is an actual conversation between Sleeping Beauty (SB) and Rapunzel (R):
SB: Rapu Rapu
R: Nemu Nemu
SB: Rapu Rapu Rapu
R: Nemu Nemu Nemu
SB: Rapu Rapu Rapu Rapu
R: Nemu Nemu Nemu Nemu
SB: Rapu!
R: Nemu!
(this is the Japanese version; in English, they trade "Rappy"s and "Sleepy"s instead)

It was so beautiful and deep, I cry every time.

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

There's a reasony why i say it has the best gameplay in the series 

How's your Estelle build? I have her dual purpose: Physical attacker and Support. But you need to configue your Quartz in a certain way to get that, and her defense get's heavily punished for it.

Not that defense stat is important in Trails anyway

Not at all... because I dropped all her quartz for that.

(Doing it for each character I don't use temporarily)

I would have used her as support unit with some time, earth and water quartz. In SC she mainly earth walled, so I attempt to do the same with her in 3rd. Yes, I rather would have made her become a caster than a phsyical unit.

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2 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

I would have used her as support unit with some time, earth and water quartz. In SC she mainly earth walled, so I attempt to do the same with her in 3rd. Yes, I rather would have made her become a caster than a phsyical unit.

Yeah, definetly the build then. Because my Estelle could earth wall, heal, support and have good str (up to par with Joshua)

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Random Kaguya because i am bored


>Lockdown extended until May 3rd

Yeah, pretty sure i will get CS3 in the next few days then. Let's hope this won't lead me to dropping the series

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2 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

I didn't find Zero's final boss that bad.

The only annoying part of Zero's final boss is when it hits it's second phase and becomes to immune to all physical attacks except S-Crafts and Duo Crafts. But that's when you bombard it with Arts. Arts Reflect is also really good here. Whenever the final boss does it's triple element attack thingy, having Arts Reflect is so good.

1 hour ago, DragonFlames said:

Rena Strober and her singing talent were utterly wasted on that crap.

When i see Lost in thoughts All Alone slander on my TL


(It's a tragedy there was never a full version of the Nohr version, that's really what we should all be mad about)

16 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Random Kaguya because i am bored

I too will also post a random Kaguya


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

The only annoying part of Zero's final boss is when it hits it's second phase and becomes to immune to all physical attacks except S-Crafts and Duo Crafts.



I don't remember this at all lmao. It was a pretty normal fight except for the dissapearing platforms.

Maybe your physical fighters weren't well optimized? Did you spam Burning heart?






2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I too will also post a random Kaguya



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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

I don't remember this at all lmao. It was a pretty normal fight except for the dissapearing platforms.

Wait, so i don't remember the unblockable attack of the Ao final boss and you don't remember the final boss of Zero becoming immune to physical attacks.

Did i just Mandela Effect the whole thing? Because i swear, he does become immune to physical attacks.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Maybe your physical fighters weren't well optimized? Did you spam Burning heart?

Well that couldn't have been it either because i found Arts to be kinda sucky in Crossbell so going physical was definitly the way for me.


3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:







Golden Deer would definitly be Estelle's house.

There's also Black Eagle and Blue Lions versions in the comments.

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



The best dance.

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48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

When i see Lost in thoughts All Alone slander on my TL


(It's a tragedy there was never a full version of the Nohr version, that's really what we should all be mad about)

A challenge, eh?

Joking aside, it's just not a very good song in my opinion.
In addition, It's overused as hell within the game itself.
And it's associated with what I consider to be the biggest atrocity of a character in all of Fire Emblem.
That is not a recipe for success in my book.

Also, Nia wielding the Monado looks wrong somehow. Especially after that boss fight with you-know-who.
Also also, I hope this little difference in opinion won't put us on bad terms. I would really hate that.

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22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Wait, so i don't remember the unblockable attack of the Ao final boss and you don't remember the final boss of Zero becoming immune to physical attacks.

Did i just Mandela Effect the whole thing? Because i swear, he does become immune to physical attacks.


Strange xD


28 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Golden Deer would definitly be Estelle's house.



Kevin would be a Churchie

Lloyd Blue Lions, due to justice and stuff

Rean Black Eagles because he Emo

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13 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Rean Black Eagles because he Emo

Ngl, I thought Osborne was pretty similar to Edelgard to some degree (they're both pretty ruthless in following their ambition and all), so this fits pretty well.

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31 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, Nia wielding the Monado looks wrong somehow. Especially after that boss fight with you-know-who.

DLC would do that.

And NG+ has it's own share of shenanigans


Two Wulfrics

33 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also also, I hope this little difference in opinion won't put us on bad terms. I would really hate that.

Don't worry about it, i was just messing with ya.

10 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Ngl, I thought Osborne was pretty similar to Edelgard to some degree (they're both pretty ruthless in following their ambition and all), so this fits pretty well.

This is completely unrelated and i literally only bring it up because they have the same name but i want someone to draw Osborne in a Green Goblin outfit. Because the Green Goblin's real idenity is either Norman Osborne or Harry Osborne depending on the story.

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Seeing Wulfric again makes me want XCX armor based on his appearance. Because the Orphe are insect humanoids, make it under their branding. I want XCX2 to milk the moon out of cameo outfits after XCX had nada. Add a Javelin for your melee weapon and you could semi-roleplay as him.

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All the other songs in this game were absolute bops and bangers and then level 6-2 Seashore War comes in and hits me with sadness. I was not expecting this sort of song from a fucking Donkey Kong game of all things.

Seashore War is one of the best songs in this game. Top 3.

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Another day in quarantine, another battle in the Trails fanbase war that reminds me of FE wars in the Fates era.

Except i am on the elitist side this time


oh well. That's what boredom leads to.

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6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Another day in quarantine, another battle in the Trails fanbase war that reminds me of FE wars in the Fates era.

Except i am on the elitist side this time


oh well. That's what boredom leads to.

Becoming the very thing you swore to destroy

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I can't believe I almost went through another dungeon with no encounters. I only had a grand total of... two, two fights through the entire Stairway to Zenithia! Both in one of the last rooms. That's so odd, since I'm sure the encounter rate is not meant to be that low. I'm starting to wonder if it got tweaked, either by accident or deliberately, on the mobile version. Ah well...

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

And NG+ has it's own share of shenanigans


Two Wulfrics

What the actual hell? XD
I guess this answers the question of what could be more awesome than one Wulfric.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Don't worry about it, i was just messing with ya.

In retrospect, I should have known.

Related and also adding to the ongoing Elitist discussion: I remember a time when I was still deep into Pokémon when I went all Genwunner on one of my friends in school and we almost broke off our friendship because of it. Luckily, I realized my mistake and apologized and I haven't taken an elitist stance on anything since then (well, I at least tried not to do that).
This experience has also made me kind of sensitive towards getting on people's bad sides over differing opinions, weird as that may sound.

Now, enough with the sad stuff.
I sat down and thought hard about my top 5 video game music tracks recently that I tend to bring up from time to time. Think of this as my personal video game music S-tier:
5.) Will Power - Persona 5
"Very well...I have heeded your resolve. Vow to me. I am thou, thou art I...Thou who art willing to perform all sacrilegious acts for thine own justice! Call upon my name, and release thy rage! Show the strength of thy will to ascertain all on thine own, though thou be chained to Hell itself!" - Read this quote (said by the almighty Xander Mobus, no less), listen to that song and try not to get hyped.
4.) Dancing Girl - Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth 1
Simple but epic. Just like the bosses you tend to be fighting to this theme. I almost want to knock off a few points from Megadimension VII for not including this track somewhere.
3.) Cygnus - Atelier Lulua
It's Cygnus. Moving on.
2.) Serpent Eating the Horizon - Bravely Default (the live version for extra epicness)
A great reward for what you have to go through to reach that point. The boss itself is fun, too, if easily cheeseable.
1.) Lucia - Nights of Azure 2
*DragonFlames gushing about Nights of Azure again*

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