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On the subject of Zelda


Note: Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker got remakes, so this tierlist refers to those versions and not the originals

Note: 2: Link's Awakening here refers to the DX version, that's the one I played. $60 for the HD remake is too much imo. The list here also refers to OG Twilight Princess, as I never played the remaster.

Note 3: Majora's Mask refers to both the original and 3DS remake because both versions are raw.

7 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

About a 6-7 hour introduction, yeah. Goat herding, fish catching, and slingshotting until you actually get the wooden sword, and even then it's pretty uninteresting.

Fishing can unironically take like two hours.

5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Every sane person hates pokemon after that shitshow of an 8th gen


I miss when Pokemon was good. My faith in the franchise dropped just like my friend's faith in Pixar after watching everything after Cars 2.

5 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

All jokes aside, I have since seen gameplay of other Zelda games (due to that same friend who let me play Twilight Princess), and they didn't really do much to get me invested, either.

Fair enough.

I do recommend to try at least one of the 2D Zeldas (A Link Between World would be my strongest recommendation on that) to see if that clicks with you more.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

All jokes aside, I have since seen gameplay of other Zelda games (due to that same friend who let me play Twilight Princess), and they didn't really do much to get me invested, either.

That's kind of where BotW most strongly diverges from the typical formula. It's a Skyrim-esque open world that you explore at your own pace, with something to earn, find, forage, and use at every corner. Unlike other Zelda games, it might be something that would interest you, kind of like an RPG. But who knows? Not every game is for everyone.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Fair enough.

I do recommend to try at least one of the 2D Zeldas (A Link Between World would be my strongest recommendation on that) to see if that clicks with you more.

I'll probably pass on that, since the entire franchise just doesn't interest me a whole lot.
Thanks for the recommendation, though!

1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

That's kind of where BotW most strongly diverges from the typical formula. It's a Skyrim-esque open world that you explore at your own pace, with something to earn, find, forage, and use at every corner. Unlike other Zelda games, it might be something that would interest you, kind of like an RPG. But who knows? Not every game is for everyone.

BotW was actually one of the Zelda games I watched my friend play. It wasn't very appealing to me, either.


Are we actually discussing rather controversial video game hot takes in a civilised matter? What kind of parallel universe have I stepped into?!?

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Just now, DragonFlames said:

Are we actually discussing rather controversial video game hot takes in a civilised matter? What kind of parallel universe have I stepped into?!?

It's all I've ever wanted when discussing gaming with other people. It's not hard if people let people have their opinions. If this was Reddit I would've been given a vulgar insult by now. That's why I'm no longer on Reddit, plain and simple.

9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

On the subject of Zelda


This is my personal Zelda tier list. Admittedly, Skyward Sword ranks so high because of how good the story is as well as childhood nostalgia. I'm also not much of a 2D Zelda fan. I prefer the 3D titles.

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Just now, twilitfalchion said:

It's all I've ever wanted when discussing gaming with other people. It's not hard if people let people have their opinions. If this was Reddit I would've been given a vulgar insult by now. That's why I'm no longer on Reddit, plain and simple.

Should I call you a poopyhead, just to invoke that nostalgia?

Joking aside, I agree with you.
I don't use any kind of social media in general, this forum is the only one I visit. I have heard stories about other places, Reddit among them, and have been part of a Pokémon forum a long time ago (which served to draw me away from that franchise forever), and that reinforced my desire to never go there.

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31 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Yeah, Brawl was awesome, I agree.
Smash 4 was a disappointment to me, and from what I've played of Ultimate, it didn't really get much better from Smash 4, so I have no desire to buy that game, either.

Subspace Emissary was great and always has replaybility.

I only played Smash 4 for 3DS which was just a filler. I know the Wii U version is extended, but not as much as that I'd have been interested in this.

If the story mode of Ultimate is fine, then it's a good Smash game. Already representing that many series is already a pro.



Honestly? I don't blame you for thinking like this.
While Pokémon helped me a lot through my troubled childhood, my opinion on it has gotten worse and worse and worse over the years. The garbage community it has has only amplified that feeling.
And then the 7th Generation came along and just killed all interest I had.

Don't get me wrong, I like the Pokémon's gameplay, I just can't stand how it's marketed. 

Technically said I played and even completed a Pokémon game. It just featured Touhou characters instead of Pokémon which were way more adorable.


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I left twitter because I hate it, it provides no proper means of discussion, and it's very easy to self-validate yourself on everything you want to hear due to how the works. I really can't stand the site, been about 100x happier since I stopped using it.

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1 minute ago, Falcom Knight said:

Subspace Emissary was great and always has replaybility.

Subspace Emissary was the best part of Brawl, in my opinion. Even the platforming levels were a lot of fun.

1 minute ago, Falcom Knight said:

I only played Smash 4 for 3DS which was just a filler. I know the Wii U version is extended, but not as much as that I'd have been interested in this.

Courtesy of me not owning a Wii U, I only played Smash 4 on the 3DS, too.

2 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

If the story mode of Ultimate is fine, then it's a good Smash game. Already representing that many series is already a pro.

That's one of my main gripes with Smash as a whole and why I loved Brawl. It's just "hey, remember this character?" the game. It doesn't do anything meaningful with them or introduce them to players who don't know anything about them in any meaningful manner. You may as well be playing with toys.

It's why I believe Warriors All-Stars does a better job of being a crossover game.

6 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

Technically said I played and even completed a Pokémon game. It just featured Touhou characters instead of Pokémon which were way more adorable.

Touhou... I think I've heard about that before, but I can't say I know anything about it.

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1 minute ago, DragonFlames said:

Touhou... I think I've heard about that before, but I can't say I know anything about it.

Are you a secret bullet-hell master?

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Twilight Princess takes a long time to get going. It arguably has the worst start in any Zelda game. I don't blame you for getting bored.


LoZ openings began utterly directionless on the NES, was followed by the glorious A Link to the Past start b/c the first dungeon is five minutes in. Link's Awakening was fine. Ocarina of Time did a good job making Kokori Forest an open place for teaching 3D newbies- aka everyone at its release- and then tossing you into the first dungeon very quickly. The Oracle games were acceptable on their starts too, though Ages was drawn out more.

But, Wind Waker came to be, and with it godForsaken Fortress. Of everything in WW's beginning- until I get to Dragon Roost Cavern, the tiny bit of battle in the forests on Outset Island is the only bit thats fun to me. And honestly, Wind Waker doesn't get gud overall freed from its bumpiness until after the Tower of the Gods or Forsaken Fortress 2 (technically the breaking of the eternal night curse is what enables freedom- but the Reefs don't become active until FF2 and you want the cyclone warp spell which needs the Bow).

Twilight Princess didn't learn much from WW. It's not until the first half is done that the game is free to be fun in the overworld, and it takes forever to get to the fungeons. Although ALttP and OoT do restrict you in the first half, they give you enough wiggle room that it doesn't feel chafing and weighed down by the usual overworld between dungeons stuff.

Skyward Sword wasn't much of an improvement on TP, but it is a step better. Phantom Hourglass is small, and Spirit Tracks is literally on rails. A Link Between Worlds was heavenly however. The illusion of lots of freeeeeeeeedooooom!


Don't mistake me for a superfan of Breath of the Wild though. It's too quiet, more enemy variety is needed, and some other fixes are in order. It's a great base, but this vanilla could use some chocolate-covered waffle cone and caramel mixed in. Or some swirled solid chunks of peanut butter and chocolate crunchies.

A loose LoZ tier list of mine. I don't like tiering things FYI, and I did find entertainment in every game here.


Majora's Mask isn't so much disliked as "Ikana Canyon has too many Redeads, and my mind is wracked thinking about every cycle where you don't save Romani from getting lobotomized". The Zelda gameplay overall is still solid in MM- but I haven't played it in more than a decade.


17 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Subspace Emissary was the best part of Brawl, in my opinion. Even the platforming levels were a lot of fun.

Subspace Emissary is a Kirby game in disguise, modified to account for Smash mechanics and its great variety of characters. Action with mild platforming and the optional puzzle for goodies once in a while- the Kirby formula.

SSE never entirely worked for me. I think swapping damage %s and being KO'ed by being sent flying off the screen to a life-bar would've made it a lot better in retrospect. Though it'd still be hindered by the Smash fighters not being made for action platforming and hence some characters feel weak.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Subspace Emissary is a Kirby game in disguise, modified to account for Smash mechanics and its great variety of characters. Action with mild platforming and the optional puzzle for goodies once in a while- the Kirby formula.

Oh, really? I had no idea! Very interesting!
Though in retrospect, it makes sense, considering Kirby and Smash are made by the same guy...

8 minutes ago, Caster said:

First time for everything!

If I find one on sale for Switch or 3DS or something, I'll give it a whirl.

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Brawl is waaaay too slow for my tastes tbh. It all feels so sluggish imo.

@Falcom Knight


Technically said I played and even completed a Pokémon game. It just featured Touhou characters instead of Pokémon which were way more adorable.

Which one? There're are multipe ones out there. One which is a pokemon hack, and one which is it's own game (Puppet Dance Perofrmance, was it?)


On the topic of touhou, youtube is getting me into Touhou Eurobeats again.

Have been listening to No Life Queen constantly for the last few days lol

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


@Falcom Knight

Which one? There're are multipe ones out there. One which is a pokemon hack, and one which is it's own game (Puppet Dance Performance)

Yes, this is the hack I meant.

I know that a Touhou hack with Fire Emblem gameplay exists, but I'm not sure if it's been finished.

36 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Touhou... I think I've heard about that before, but I can't say I know anything about it.

It's a shoot' em up.

That said I never played this genre before either, but honestly I don't even play it for the gameplay but for the music and characters.

Though most games are managable on lowest difficulty with a bit of practice.



A thing of beauty, except for Camilla, Tharja, and Nowi.

That's my top three


most disliked characters in Fire Emblem.


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3 minutes ago, Falcom Knight said:

It's a shoot' em up.

That said I never played this genre before either, but honestly I don't even play it for the gameplay but for the music and characters.

Though most games are managable on lowest difficulty with a bit of practice.

I'll see if I can find a demo version on any of the consoles I own to see if that's something I would be into. Hopefully those exist...

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