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Rate the Unit, Day 5: Bartre


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Right from the start, Bartre has some problems. His bases are a mixed blessing/curse; he has 9 base str with a 50% growth and uses axes, so you know he's going to hit hard, though his hit could use a bit of improvement. His durability is also ok too, with 29HP/4def with 85/30 growths respectively. His biggest problem stat is his pitifully low 3 base speed. While Bartre's growth is decent at 40%, his base basically prevents him from doubling anything(even LOLDIERS) without a speed proc, and can actually get him doubled early on. That being said, he sucks.

Even if one were to train him, he has very stiff competition for a hero crest, considering that the only ones easily obtainable are the C17 and C23 crests, and he's probably the last choice for it, considering that Raven and Guy have better performance than him, and Dorcas at least has a better earlygame, and may want to be promoted as well. Also, Geitz joins right when he's about to promote and already beats 20/1 Bartre in speed(and ties his str/skl/def). And it's not like his promoted performance is anything special either: 47HP/19str/12def at 20/1 is good, but 10 spd at 20/1 going into Chapter 24 is not doubling a whole hell of a lot(he only gets steel lance WK's and steel axe pirates) and Bartre must stay away from heroes as those double him.

Also, the guy recruits Karla, who's also fucking awful... let's leave it at that.

Crap earlygame and mediocre mid/lategame does not a good unit make.


Edited by darkandroid125
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I'm somewhat surprised at both Oswin's and Serra's ratings...

Bartre sucks, especially in 13x, where he's doubled by like everything. Still, he has 1-2 range, and decent chip damage.


Surprised how, exactly? Because I'm shocked the guy with 4 MOV and only early-game to his name beat a healer with high MAG/SPD growth who also claims the best availability in the game.

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Healer= frail=OHKO. Also Healer=slow exp AND lower movement compared to Priscilla.

Why rate her any higher when she is there for like 3 chapters. That and priscilla has better bases(not to mention Serra doesn't really need to heal a lot if you abuse Kent/Sain, in LHM I mean)

Edited by Marth
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Surprised how, exactly? Because I'm shocked the guy with 4 MOV and only early-game to his name beat a healer with high MAG/SPD growth who also claims the best availability in the game.

Well, tbh, for efficient play, which I am kind of assuming, Serra is pretty worthless, and Oswin at least has some very decent earlygame chapters, and he isn't atrocious with an early promotion (I think someone mention a Pirate Ship promotion, he does well with one there because of nice promotion gains, and 5 movement doesn't hurt too much in midgame). He's better than someone like Hector with the early promotion. However, he's not guarenteed the crest, so the 6. whatever is probably merited.

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Well, tbh, for efficient play, which I am kind of assuming, Serra is pretty worthless, and Oswin at least has some very decent earlygame chapters, and he isn't atrocious with an early promotion (I think someone mention a Pirate Ship promotion, he does well with one there because of nice promotion gains, and 5 movement doesn't hurt too much in midgame). He's better than someone like Hector with the early promotion. However, he's not guarenteed the crest, so the 6. whatever is probably merited.

Yeah, but that story changes drastically for S rank analysis. Serra becomes really worthless in efficiency because it's hard to level her up when Marcus is clearing everything in early-game and doesn't need much healing at all (if any).

Also, you never actually said *what* surprised you, because your post seems to suggest just the opposite.wink.gif

EDIT: So what do we base ratings on, anyways? S rank, normal play, LTC, or an average of the three?

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Yeah, but that story changes drastically for S rank analysis. Serra becomes really worthless in efficiency because it's hard to level her up when Marcus is clearing everything in early-game and doesn't need much healing at all (if any).

Also, you never actually said *what* surprised you, because your post seems to suggest just the opposite.wink.gif

EDIT: So what do we base ratings on, anyways? S rank, normal play, LTC, or an average of the three?

I think Serra should be like way lower and Oswin near Hector, or Hector around a 7. Although that's not where I think they should be personally, people overhype both, so I just expected Oswin to be higher.

And I don't really know what to base the ratings on, so I'm basing them on my most common playstyle.

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if you didn't train Dorcas is LHM, Bartre is your second best axe user. but while Hector has his late promotion, it is nice to have another axe unit on the field.

Bartre isn't too hard to train with all those pegasi, and with a little luck he won't get doubled anymore soon.


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if you didn't train Dorcas is LHM, Bartre is your second best axe user. but while Hector has his late promotion, it is nice to have another axe unit on the field.

Bartre isn't too hard to train with all those pegasi, and with a little luck he won't get doubled anymore soon.


The problem with that is that even without Lyn mode, Bartre still loses to Dorcas because of 3 base speed, and he doesn't have any meaningful leads over Dorcas at all.

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He might have a 40% speed growth, but he has the same speed base as WENDY. 2.5/10, he is salvageable, but it takes too much effort, besides, you can use Geitz and Hawkeye.

When Raven, Hawkeye, Geitz, Sain/Lowen/KEnt, HArken, and LHM trained Dorcas exist-HE's mediocre and redundent.

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Overshadowed by Dorcas, who if trained can at least one-shot things like shamans and pegasi with steel, and through LHM can get A rank for the Silver Axe to add more to the kill count. Dorcas also has the advantage of not being doubled out the gate.

Bartre's 3 speed is also a humongous problem. Ignoring the fact that being speed screwed can be a problem, it is a horror when you start with the speed slow enough that it's impossible to double anything. It kills any chance of him having what would be an immense offense. Generally, he is a growth unit who's payoff is way later for when his otherwise nice growths start to pay off. However, again, 3 speed ensures none of this ever pays off at all.

Start is ass, and his payoff comes too little too late. Rather straightforward midgame, but completely overshadowed by another unit who isn't even that good past that point.


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