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ITT: We Break Up Pokemon English Names Into Actual Words

Flying Shogi

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Wasn't going to say anything, but...

More likely 'squirrel' than 'squirt'.

It can be both since they make sense either way.

Sigilyph = Sigil + Glyph

Leavanny = Leaves + Nanny

Vespiquen = Vespi + Queen

Wormadam = Worm + Madame

Parasect = Parasite + Insect

Dustox = Dust + Toxic

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Actually, this could be Shark + Torpedo, note that Sharpedo is kinda shaped like a torpedo.

Manectric is also likely Mane + Electric

Seaking= ...well this one is obvious

Goldeen = Gold + Queen

Swalot = Swallow + Lot

Sudowoodo = Psuedo + Wood (incidentally I have a shiny one from Colosseum)

Feebas = Feeble + Bass

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More likely 'squirrel' than 'squirt'.

Squirtle's a squirrel?

Voltorb = Volt + Orb

Electrode = Electric + Diode

Dragonair = lolobvious

Dragonite = Dragon + Knight

Sneasel = Sneaky + Weasel

Mareep = Mary + Sheep

Ditto = Ditto :p

Trapinch = Trap + Pinch

Flygon = Fly + Dragon

Metapod = Metal + Pod

Butterfree = Butterfly + Free

Beedrill = lolobvious again

Charmander = Charred + Salamander

Charmeleon = Charred + Cameleon

Wartortle = War + Turtle

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Dragonair = lolobvious

Actually, I don't know what it is. Care to break it up?

Charmander = Charred + Salamander

Charmeleon = Charred + Cameleon


Lol. Don't tell me you didn't see that coming.









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Sawsbuck = Summer-Autumn-Winter-Spring + Buck

Squirtle's a squirrel?

He's got a squirrel's tail. Not really directed at you, but people really can't seem to grasp when there's multiple words that fit.

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Actually, I don't know what it is. Care to break it up?

Dragon + air.


Someone else did charizard, so I didn't think it was necessary

Bellsprout = Bell + Sprout

WeepingBell = Weeping + Bluebell

Gloom = Gloom

Vileplume = Vile + Plume

Rhyhorn = Rhino + Horn

Jynx = Jynx

Pinsir = Pinsir

Spearow = Spear + Sparrow

Fearow = Fear + Sparrow

Jigglypuff = Jiggly + Puff

Wigglytuff = Wiggly + Tuft

Onix = Onyx

Hoot Hoot = Hoot + Hoot (lol)

Noctowl = Nocturnal + Owl

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Articuno = Arctic + Uno (one in spanish)

Zapdos = Zap + Dos (two in spanish)

Moltres = Molten + Tres (three in spanish)

=o I actually did not notice that.

Ninetales = Nine + tails

Beautifly = Beautiful + butterfly

Venusaur = Venus + dinosaur

Ekans = snakE

Arbok = cobrA although ending it with a k would make more sense than with a c

Sandshrew = Sand + shrew

Sandslash = Sand + slash

Geodude = idk if they were going for Geo or Geode + dude

Rapidash = Rapid + dash

Chansey = Chancy?

Snorlax = Snore + lax

Sentret = Sentry + ferret

Furret = Fur + Ferret? Or just ferret, idk what if they were aiming for just a different spelling or they wanted to add a word into it.

Bellossom = Bell + blossom

Teddiursa = Teddy + ursa (bear)

Ursaring = Ursa + ring (Does that just have to do with the ring shape on his chest?)

Combusken = Combust(ion) + chicken?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Torkoal = Tortoise + Coal

Numel = Numb + Camel

Camerupt = Camel + Erupt

Slugma = Slug + Magma

Magcargo = Magma + Escargot (which is the French word for snail)

Lunatone = Lunar + Stone

Solrock = Solar + Rock

Pinsir = Pinsir

You mean Pinsir = Pincer, right?

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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  • 1 month later...

Hmmm...here's a few I can think up off the top of my head.

Sunkern: Sunlight+Kernel

Sunflora: Sunlight+flora and/or sunflower

Volcarona: Volcanic+Corona

Kangaskhan: Kangaroo+Genghis Khan

Aggron: Aggressive+Iron

Exploud: Loud+Explode

Tailow: Tail+Swallow

Spearow: Spear+Sparrow

Blitzle: Blitz(German for lightning)+le? I'm not sure where the le comes from.

Regirock, Registeel, and Regice: Region+Ice/Rock/Steel

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