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Bored. . . bored. . . .any great strategy/RPG games out there that will get me out of my state of boredom?

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Top Pick:

Tales of Symphonia. Enjoy facing Maniac Mode Abyssion. ebilsmirk.gif

Honorable Mentions:

FF7 (just to see how overrated it is)

It's actually funny how you mention those two in the same post with such different tones. Symphonia suffers from FF7 Syndrome as well.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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This. Google Super Robot Taisen J, its patch and then have fun. If you like it, playing the Japanese games will be doable if you try.

Or one of the Original Generation games. I'd say they're more beginner friendly than J, and they don't need a patch.

J kinda sucks though, and OG1 isn't bad but it's pretty archaic

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J kinda sucks though, and OG1 isn't bad but it's pretty archaic

I was referring to both OG games. I'd say OG1 if you care more about plot and want to understand the story or OG2 if you just care about gameplay, since it's more polished.

I thought J was decent. I didn't think it was Z in a GBA form, but I didn't think it sucked.

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Well, isn't that what the topic creator was asking for? :P

I wouldn't deter anyone from getting Symphonia.

I'm just saying that if you mention FF7 OR Symphonia in a room full of gamers, you're bound to have someone have the fangasm. Both fanbases for those two specific games have an annoying habit of bashing someone with a neutral opinion of either one... including me ._.

I mean both were great games, but the fanbases exaggerate their preferred one way too much and usually end up bashing the other. Why can't you like both? ._.

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I mean both were great games, but the fanbases exaggerate their preferred one way too much and usually end up bashing the other. Why can't you like both? ._.

I used to have this mindset with SRW K vs W. For whatever reason, I had it in my mind that if I praised W in any way it would make K seem worse.

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When? Where? WHAT?!

Symphonia has the "FF7" syndrome because most westerners were introduced to the Tales series with Symphonia and proceeded to declare it the best RPG ever. FF was relatively popular before FF7, but the PS1 and PS2 made gaming popular and the first FF titles on these new systems put FF to the top of the RPG heap during the new gaming boom, especially with Sony themselves pushing the game. ToS received the same treatment from Nintendo and was one of the only Tales series games to get any form of TV advertisement up to that point (though it obviously did not sell nearly as well as FF7, it did sell significantly better than all previous Tales games). They both also mark the first time in the series' history that a game in their series did better in the west than in the east.

In other words, Tales of Symphonia is vastly overrated by its fans.

I mean both were great games, but the fanbases exaggerate their preferred one way too much and usually end up bashing the other. Why can't you like both? ._.

The sad part is that only one of them actually has some form of claim to a title like that :P:. FF7 was legitimately groundbreaking and easily one of the favorites for the best game of that generation. I don't understand where the "ToS = best game ever" stuff comes from :P:. It was outperformed on its very own console! But maybe that's the Skies of Arcadia fangirl in me talking.

Edited by Tangerine
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I've played and beaten ToS(but not Dawn of the New World) with my brothers not to long ago, and haven't played FF7(I forgot to tell you that I have pretty much all Nintendo systems[ meaning having all the systems and mostly owning all Nintendo systems] , the only thing thats not is an Xbox 360 which I've only played FF13. I also have a PS1 emu working on my laptop, but don't have a PC. I got FF8 and Valkyrie Profile"Lenneth" to work on there, but haven't figured out how to get FF7 or 9 to work yet.)

I've still yet to try out the DS emu still, and yes I'm looking for opinions. :P

Oh, and, btw, I've beaten all Fire Emblems. :P

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Symphonia has the "FF7" syndrome because most westerners were introduced to the Tales series with Symphonia and proceeded to declare it the best RPG ever. FF was relatively popular before FF7, but the PS1 and PS2 made gaming popular and the first FF titles on these new systems put FF to the top of the RPG heap during the new gaming boom, especially with Sony themselves pushing the game. ToS received the same treatment from Nintendo and was one of the only Tales series games to get any form of TV advertisement up to that point (though it obviously did not sell nearly as well as FF7, it did sell significantly better than all previous Tales games). They both also mark the first time in the series' history that a game in their series did better in the west than in the east.

In other words, Tales of Symphonia is vastly overrated by its fans.

I guess what I mean is that I've never actually seen the treatment for ToS that I've seen for FF7; the sheer insanity and fanboi-ism for Cloud, Sephiroth, and "One-Winged Angel" is beyond the scope of the English language.

The sad part is that only one of them actually has some form of claim to a title like that tongue.gif. FF7 was legitimately groundbreaking and easily one of the favorites for the best game of that generation. I don't understand where the "ToS = best game ever" stuff comes from tongue.gif. It was outperformed on its very own console! But maybe that's the Skies of Arcadia fangirl in me talking.

FF7 was not ground-breaking. It merely dumbed down Westernized the series so more people could play it. It's really one of the more mediocre FFs by an objective standard. The gameplay is nothing groundbreaking (besides maybe the materia concept, but even that's gimmicky more than awesome or revolutionary, unlike say, the ATB system).

I don't say ToS is "teh best game evar", but it does have fun gameplay (and some decent comedic scenes). The only part of FF7 I actually enjoyed was Yuffie and her sidequest.

EDIT: I've heard good things about Baten Kaitos.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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I guess what I mean is that I've never actually seen the treatment for ToS that I've seen for FF7; the sheer insanity and fanboi-ism for Cloud, Sephiran, and "One-Winged Angel" is beyond the scope of the English language.

It's Sephiroth, you got your FE and FF mixed up :)

Edited by Mr. Game and Watch
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