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HEY! Did someone miss my post about my team being called GJ Armor Hype?

I saw it, but I'm lazy by nature and didn't bother to change it.

and the name is absolutely terrifying, I'm scared Cam is gonna steal Ardan from me.

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okay fuck that was a lot of editing

SCORING: I like the points system that whoever came up with a few pages back (it's early). I'm setting the values here at 5/3/2/1 because goodies for finishing first place BUT ALSO a one-point incentive for finishing, even if you're last.

EDIT3: To clarify, the rankings will still be based on turns taken. The difference is, if Horace absolutely lambasts us all with a 180 turns clear for FE4, he's still only getting 2 points more for his team than the poor sod who can't beat his score.

@eclipse: Your team name has been set.


Next step, get to group PMs and get me lists of who's drafting for what game!


Once your list is set, captains, kindly open a PM with Furetchen and send him your list then inform us that your list is done. Once we're all done he'll give me the four at once and we'll get rolling.

Edited by Integrity
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k, so, we PM the lists to Furet, not you when we are done, correct Integ? We just tell you when we're done.?

Yes, PM the list to Furetchen. Integrity is playing, so the idea is to prevent a team from using the list of another team to gain some advantage.

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He's discovered my secret plot! Curse you, Horace!

we should all draft Sharlow just as a joke

what you talking about, Sharlow is legit! He looks like a shota Sigurd, and can use rescue staves effectively!

We could start drafting FE4 now theoretically, since we know that Cam, Shin, Rapier and I are doing it because integ isn't

Edited by General Horace
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