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Did you ever find the Light Rune useful?


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I never ever ever EVER had to use it. I never found good use to it, either. What made me make this thread is a screenshot I saw about it being used to help Matthew recruit Guy. I can see it being useful for chokepoints but I'm not sure.

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it might actually work well for the pirate ship. Block one of the paths to the left,

and let 1 of your unit stand guard at the other point like oswin or kent (or lolcius).

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My first playthrough of FE7 HHM, I was on Genesis, and Kishuna fucked off, and the angry 20+ sages and druids were coming at me (or something, I can't quite remember) and Hawkeye got put to sleep, and Prissy was on the other side of the map. So I plunked a light rune down and waited for Prissy to get over.

Other than that, no, I've never used one.

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I did. It's only that I didn't find them necessary, that made them go unused for so many playthroughs. This is also how I never used Silver Weapons, because they weren't necessary when Iron Axes did the same job.

Once I did start splurging everything, they were nice to have. Tactical walls and all that. Would have preferred a staff that could do the effect though :/

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Only time I've ever used them for anything serious was on the final chapter when I would sometimes leave a chump unit behind with nothing but the Light Rune, and have them set it to block off Uhai so I could blow him up with nothing but Athos Boltings or Eclipses. By the time it disappeared, Uhai would be dead and the Snipers would come rushing out to their doom.

But yeah, I never actually had to do that, I only did it cuz Renault came with one, and selling it at that late point was worthless, unless you were doing bad on the Funds ranks or something.

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At first I thought you meant the iron rune.

I think you get only two in the whole game? A village in ch. 21 (H) and the following one with Rath.

It's only use is to divert enemy AI or stall them for a few turns.

I used it a few times my first time playing the game. I was so paranoid about taking multiple attacks that after I got rath and Lyn, I holed them up in the room on the right. Used the light rune when enemies got close. Why is it so easy now? It should have been easy then. Anyway, I have considered using it in 23x (H) to slow the progress of the premotes from one part of the map while you dispatch the others. Simply have not needed to though.

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It's nice for blocking off Morph Lloyd in the final chapter; easy to pin him down and attack from range.

Bingo. There are other situational uses for the Light Rune, but this is the one that jumps out the most.

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