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Uncaring Night

Defeatist Elitist

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"I have faith in you, Sternblade!" Tamara shouts down. "Crom has chosen you as his champion, and Galora and Fharlanghn watch over you! You cannot fall to a creature this ... this sickening!"

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That's not good... Blue bolts of energy erupted from Stella's hand as she used her last prepared Magic Missile for the night on the flesh golem.

Damage Roll


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Tamara attempts to gauge if she's in range to turn any of the zombies. If she thinks she can get more than two or three of them, she turns; otherwise she lets off a shot at the golem.

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Matthis placed himself before Sternblade and raised his shield towards the flesh golem. "Do not waver brave warrior," Matthis said letting his aura of courage(or whatever aura that was that makes people braver, and maybe glow~) wash over the mighty barbarian, "I shall be your shield and your support."

With that he uses his Detect Evil on the golem, using the knowledge he gleans within that moment would shape his strike. If it were evil, he would smite it. If not, then he would swing at it with the full might of his warhammer the mortal way followed with a shield bash in all occasions.

Warhammer Attack roll: 10(12 with smite evil)

Warhammer damage roll: 6(9 with smite evil)

Shield bash Attack roll: 11

Shield bash damage roll: 5

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Tamara brandishes her holy symbol and feels divine power radiating from it, as the seven closest zombies break rank and begin fleeing, opening up a wider circle around Sternblade, Matthis and the creature. Matthis gazes at the creature and determines that whatever it is, it is not something he can reconcile with his faith. Attempting to smite the beast, he swings his hammer in an arc, but the creature rears out of its path unexpectedly, before catching his shield bash on a plate embedded in its stomach.

Sternblade feels emboldened as Matthis's aura sweeps over him.

OOC: Tamara got 13 on Turning Check, and 12 (!!) + 3 + 2 = 17 on Turning Damage.

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The golemm steps forward, and swings its fist at Matthis, colliding with the Paladin's armor with a thud, while the rest of the creatures surge forward to fill the gap created by Tamara's turning.

OOC: Matthis takes 10 damage.

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Dwayne produces the grappling hook and reties a knot around it, at least to lend a hand to Matthis and Sternblade if needed. If there's time, he then fires another arrow at the golem.

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Emboldened with words and auras, Sternblade bellows once more and tries his luck at hitting the golem again.

Hit Roll: 14 + 7 = 21

Damage Roll: 3 + 5 = 8 + 5 = 13

Edited by Nightmare
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The blow may have hurt physically, but it did far more in galvanizing the paladin mentally. This is what I was trained to do...to take the blow for an ally.

Hefting his warhammer, Matthis again swung it in tandem with his shield at the flesh golem shouting boldly, "FACE ME ABOMINATION! YOU GOT LUCKY LAST TIME!"

Warhammer attack roll: 13+3 = 16

Warhammer damage roll: 5+2 = 7

Shield bash attack roll: 11 + 3 = 14

Shield bash damage roll: 1+1 = 2

Hp remaining: 26/36

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Sternblade steps up to stand beside Matthis, stabbing his sword deep into one of the creatures massive arms, drawing gouts of putrid blood. Matthis assaults the creature as well, but his blows bounce off its hide once again.

OOC: Sternblade hits, Matthis misses.

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Both Tamara and Stella fire their missiles at the golem, with Tamara's arrow bouncing off the creature with no effect, while Stella's spell finds its mark. The flesh golem swings its fist at Matthis again, but the Paladin deflects its blow in his sturdy shield, while the mass of creatures around Sternblade and himself swing wildly, though ineffectually for now, at them.

OOC: Tamara got a 12 on her to hit roll. Flesh golem and zombies missed!

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Dwayne snaps off another arrow, again managing to strike the creature in a softer, fleshy part of its body, the arrow remaining stuck in the wound.

OOC: Dwayne gets a 17 to hit plus bonuses, and ends up dealing 4 damage.

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Reasoning that the flesh golem was no simple foe to strike without his full strength, Matthis decided to forgo swinging his shield simultaneously with his warhammer in his attacks. Focusing all his concentration on one weapon, the paladin hopes to be able to strike the abomination accurately.

Attack roll: 16+5 = 21

Damage roll: 1+2 = 3

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This time the two warriors find their fortunes reversed, with Matthis striking the creature square in the chest with the full force of his warhammer, while Sternblade's sword slides sparking across a metal plate, deflecting away from the creature's flesh.

OOC: Matthis hits, Sternblade misses.

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