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[FE8] Integ is going to murder us violently


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1. This draft is for 4 players.

2. Eirika/Ephraim, Tethys, Orson, and Myrrh are free for all to use.

3. Seth, Franz, and the Rescue command is banned from all use.

4. The game will be played on Hard Mode.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, rescue undrafted units and NPCs, trade, visit Shops and Armories and dig up items in the desert.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to meatshielding, building Supports, and opening Doors or Chests.

3. Map shopping is allowed.

4. Skirmishes/use of the Tower or Ruins is disallowed. Skirmishes that are blocking your path may be activated and immediately fled from.

5. Defend chapters count the last played Player Phase for turns if the timer is waited out.

Trainees to 10/1/0


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Seth has a special 8 turn penalty per chapter.


1. Vanessa may be used to Rescue Ross in Chapter 2 even if she is undrafted.

PKL - 43

Natasha - 106

Vanessa - 500

Kyle - 75

Lute - 71

Joshua - 48

Artur - 155

Marisa - 1

Dozla - 1

Wen - 0

L'Arcachel - 25

Saleh - 225

Tana - 200

Knoll - 50

Innes - 5

Garcia - 250

Rennac - 35

Colm - 100

Ross - 110

Me - 0

Syrene - 100

Gilliam - 99

Ewan - 757

Cormag - 44

Lightli - 0

Duessel - 250

Neimi - 76

Moulder - 40

Gerik - 175

Forde - 200

Amelia - 259

PKL: Natasha, Vanessa, Kyle, Lute, Joshua, Artur, Marisa, Dozla
Kopfjager: L'Arcachel, Saleh, Tana, Knoll, Innes, Garcia, Rennac, Colm, Ross
[b]13th[/b]:Syrene, Gilliam, Ewan, Cormag
Lightli: Duessel, Neimi, Moulder, Gerik, Forde, Amelia

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That's the thing. It's not that I like sulking in other people's business, but it's not a beautiful view seeing FE draft threads spammed across the board- Even worse when the OP is someone who has alot of other drafts to deal with. Even I, who have over 10 drafts have set my limits and am actually comitted to finish them.

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No. I'm going to murder you all gently.

Seriously, sod off on the auction drafts and report them in the master log. You of all people should know better, 13.


3. Seth, Franz, and the Rescue command is banned from all use.

wait, what the fuck?

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You all know the drill for Prologue.

So 2 turns. Str/Spd/Lck

Chapter 1: 5 turns

Easy as cake, even without Franz.

Stats after C2.



Eirika 6.91 20 HP 7 Str 10 Skill 10 Spd 8 Luck 5 Def 2 Res
Gilliam 5.55 26 HP 9 Str 6 Skill 4 Spd 4 Luck 9 Def 4 Res

Chapter 3: 12 turns

Lots of comedic things, such as Eir not doubling.

Eirika 9.17 23 HP 8 Str 11 Skill 12 Spd 9 Luck 5 Def 2 Res
Gilliam 6.52 27 HP 9 Str 7 Skill 4 Spd 4 Luck 10 Def 4 Res

Chapter 4: 12 turns

Yep. Stupid hitrates.

Eirika 11.70 25 HP 8 Str 13 Skill 13 Spd 11 Luck 5 Def 2 Res
Gilliam 10.57 30 HP 12 Str 8 Skill 4 Spd 4 Luck 11 Def 4 Res

Chapter 5: 8 turns

Eirika got a superfluous crit on the boss

Chapter 5x: 11 turns

Ephraim was 1 square short on Turn 10. Orsonstomp, of course.

Eirika 14.05 27 HP 10 Str 15 Skill 16 Spd 14 Luck 5 Def 2 Res
Gilliam 12.50 32 HP 12 Str 8 Skill 5 Spd 4 Luck 11 Def 4 Res

Chapter 6: 8 turns

Gilliam and Eirika barely made it. Eirika brought the boss to like 3 HP. Gilliam Slim'd it to dead.

Eirika 15.48 28 HP 11 Str 15 Skill 17 Spd 15 Luck 5 Def 2 Res
Gilliam 14.66 34 HP 12 Str 8 Skill 6 Spd 6 Luck 11 Def 4 Res

Chapter 7: 8 turns

Yay. I survived. The mages worry me.

Eirika 17.26 29 HP 12 Str 16 Skill 19 Spd 16 Luck 6 Def 2 Res
Gilliam 15.83 35 HP 12 Str 8 Skill 6 Spd 6 Luck 11 Def 4 Res

Chapter 8

Preparations included the promotion of Gilliam from Knight to Great Knight

Gilliam 15/1.00 38 HP 14 Str 9 Skill 8 Spd 6 Luck 13 Def 5 Res

Took 9 turns and about 7 resets because Ephraim/Eirika/Gilliam died.

Eirika-Is currently wandering to Jehanna via Rausten
Ephraim 7.78 25 HP 11 Str 11 Skill 13 Spd 9 Luck 8 Defense 2 Resist
Gilliam 15/4.16 41 HP 15 Str 11 Skill 9 Spd 6 Luck 14 Def 5 Res

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Went Eph route, now finished C9.

CHAPTER NINE: 24 turns

Maybe Eir route would have been smarter. Gheb was hard... it took some doing to get stuff to work.

Eirika-Is currently wandering to Jehanna via Rausten
Ephraim 14.36 31 HP 16 Str 16 Skill 14 Spd 13 Luck 11 Defense 6 Resist
Gilliam 15/6.27 43 HP 15 Str 11 Skill 10 Spd 8 Luck 15 Def 5 Res

Chapter 10: 10+4=14 Turns

Took a Duessel Meatshield penalty. Seriously, that rule is stupid.

Eirika-Is currently wandering to Jehanna via Rausten
Ephraim 16.19 32 HP 17 Str 16 Skill 15 Spd 14 Luck 11 Defense 7 Resist
Gilliam 15/7.12 44 HP 15 Str 11 Skill 10 Spd 8 Luck 16 Def 5 Res
Cormag 10.45 31 HP 14 Str 10 Skill 10 Spd 4 Luck 12 Def 2 Res

Chapter 11: 11 turns

Phantom ship is a pain with only Gilliam and Cormag. Had to level 10-promote Cormag. Gilly is almost S in axes!

Eirika-Is currently wandering to Jehanna via Rausten
Ephraim 19.21 34 HP 18 Str 18 Skill 15 Spd 16 Luck 11 Defense 8 Resist
Gilliam 15/9.00 44 HP 16 Str 12 Skill 11 Spd 8 Luck 18 Def 5 Res
Cormag 10/1.60 34 HP 15 Str 12 Skill 13 Spd 4 Luck 12 Def 3Res

Chapter 12: 10 turns.

Cyclopses are hard...

Eirika-Is currently wandering to Jehanna via Rausten
Ephraim 19.21 34 HP 18 Str 18 Skill 15 Spd 16 Luck 11 Defense 8 Resist
Gilliam 15/9.00 46 HP 16 Str 12 Skill 11 Spd 8 Luck 18 Def 5 Res
Cormag 10/1.60 34 HP 15 Str 12 Skill 13 Spd 4 Luck 12 Def 3Res

Ewan 10/1.00 17 HP 6 Mag 9 Skill 9 Speed 9 Luck 2 Def 7 Res[/code]

Chapter 13: 26 Turns

Can I say I will cry if I finish this first? Also: Gilliam roflstomped all over them all.

Eirika-Is currently wandering to Jehanna via Rausten
Ephraim 20 35 HP 18 Str 18 Skill 16 Spd 16 Luck 12 Defense 8 Resist
Gilliam 15/13.08 50 HP 17 Str 15 Skill 14 Spd 9 Luck 21 Def 6 Res
Cormag 10/1.60 34 HP 15 Str 12 Skill 13 Spd 4 Luck 12 Def 3Res
Ewan 10/1.00 17 HP 6 Mag 9 Skill 9 Speed 9 Luck 2 Def 7 Res
Tethys No one needs to know how strong Tethys is!

Chapter 14: 48 turns

Yep. EVERY SINGLE FREAKING BERSERK hit Gilliam sans 1. It hit Ephraim.

God I hated this.

Eirika-Is currently wandering to Jehanna via Rausten
Ephraim 20 35 HP 18 Str 18 Skill 16 Spd 16 Luck 12 Defense 8 Resist
Gilliam 15/13.08 50 HP 17 Str 15 Skill 14 Spd 10 Luck 21 Def 6 Res
Cormag 10/1.60 34 HP 15 Str 12 Skill 13 Spd 4 Luck 12 Def 3Res
Ewan 10/1.00 17 HP 6 Mag 9 Skill 9 Speed 9 Luck 2 Def 7 Res
Tethys No one needs to know how strong Tethys is!

Eirika-Is currently wandering to Jehanna via Rausten
Ephraim 20 35 HP 18 Str 18 Skill 16 Spd 16 Luck 12 Defense 8 Resist
Gilliam 15/14.88 51 HP 18 Str 15 Skill 14 Spd 11 Luck 21 Def 6 Res
Cormag 10/1.60 34 HP 15 Str 12 Skill 13 Spd 4 Luck 12 Def 3Res
Ewan 10/1.00 17 HP 6 Mag 9 Skill 9 Speed 9 Luck 2 Def 7 Res
Tethys No one needs to know how strong Tethys is!

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Chapter 15: 52+8 turns

Innes was massively helpful in doing stuff. Went and nabbed some items. Metis Tome and Body Ring for Ewan. Managed to nab the Warp when fighting Caellach. Got the Swiftsoles for Gilly. Got the Silver Card.

Eirika 20 31 HP 12 Str 19 Skill 20 Spd 19 Luck 6 Def 3 Res
Ephraim 20 35 HP 18 Str 18 Skill 16 Spd 16 Luck 12 Defense 8 Resist
Gilliam 15/17.51 54 HP 20 Str 17 Skill 15 Spd 12 Luck 23 Def 6 Res
Cormag 10/3.26 36 HP 17 Str 12 Skill 15 Spd 5 Luck 13 Def 3Res
Ewan 10/1.00 17 HP 6 Mag 9 Skill 9 Speed 9 Luck 2 Def 7 Res
Tethys1.51 18 HP1 Str 2 Skill 12 Spd 10 Luck 5 Def 4 Res

Chapter 16: 53 turns

This was an absolute hell to get through AND grind Ewan to Mage Knight.

Forgot to record stats before doing the next chapter.


Chapter 17: 5+4

Innes shot something to save me. Lost tethys and Syrene.

Eirika 20/1230 35 HP 14 Str 21 Skill 21 Spd 19 Luck 9 Def 8 Res
Ephraim 20/1.50 39 HP 20 Str 21 Skill 18 Spd 16 Luck 14 Defense 13 Resist
Gilliam 15/19.50 56 HP 21 Str 18 Skill 15 Spd 12 Luck 24 Def 6 Res
Cormag 10/4.30 37 HP 17 Str 13 Skill 16 Spd 6 Luck 13 Def 3 Res
Ewan 10/10/2.76 28 HP 14 Mag 13 Skill 14 Speed 14 Luck 8 Def 16 Res
Tethys DEAD
Syrene DEAD
Myrrh 2.28 16 HP 4 Str 1 Skill 6 Speed 3 Luck 3 Defense 7 Resist

Chapter 18: 57 turns

I frigging hate Gorgons.

And oops, changed the stats. :facepalm:

Chapter 19: 5 turns

Riev is a pain. But he got killed easily by Garm!Gilliam.

Eirika 20/5.67 35 HP 16 Str 25 Skill 23 Spd 22 Luck 10 Def 9 Res
Ephraim 20/8.21 46 HP 22 Str 25 Skill 23 Spd 18 Luck 17 Defense 14 Resist
Gilliam 15/20.00 57 HP 21 Str 18 Skill 16 Spd 12 Luck 25 Def 7 Res
Cormag 10/5.41 38 HP 18 Str 14 Skill 17 Spd 7Luck 13 Def 3 Res
Ewan 10/10/4.66 29 HP 14 Mag 14 Skill 14 Speed 16 Luck 8 Def 16 Res
Tethys DEAD
Syrene DEAD
Myrrh DEAD

Chapter 20: 52 turns

Yep. I am striving for the longest time ever.

Eirika 20/9.02 41 HP 17 Str 28 Skill 25 Spd 24 Luck 10 Def 10 Res
Ephraim 20/15.17 51 HP 24 Str 26 Skill 24 Spd 22 Luck 19 Defense 16 Resist
Gilliam 15/20.00 57 HP 21 Str 18 Skill 16 Spd 12 Luck 25 Def 7 Res
Cormag 10/6.49 39 HP 19 Str 15 Skill 17 Spd 7 Luck 13 Def 3 Res
Ewan 10/10/8.42 32 HP 15 Mag 18 Skill 16 Speed 18 Luck 8 Def 20 Res
Tethys DEAD
Syrene DEAD
Myrrh DEAD

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Final Chapter

Part 1: 47 turns

YEEHAW. Had to do this in a careful matter. Turn 45 left me in position. Gilliam Tomasmacked Lyon, then a Siegmund double brought him to Barrier!Eirika with Sieglinde range.

Part 2: 3 turns.

Eirika and Eph weakened, and Ewan critkilled the ugly Demon King.

Final Turncount: 502 turns.

EDIT: 487 apparently. then 16 penalty turns.


Let me look...

Nope, its just the defend chapter, which I count as the number of turns it says in the chapter. So 502.

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As a unit, he's godly. He hit level 20 in like C14, and rocked the party. Then he promoted and began to suck. But Siegmund and Reginlief are both great weapons. Definitely 2nd MVP here.


Rocky as hell start, but ended up GODLY. Sadly, had to finish Garm off in C20. So he was near useless against Fomortiis. But he got rid of a guy who blocked Ewan's path. MVP of all of Eph Route.

Cormag: He sucked. All I have to say.


He was so worth it. Especially killing Fomortiis.


MVP earlygame.


Most useless dancer ever.




C5x stomped.

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