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I fully support SOPA.


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lol kay. Here's another round of clarifying what all went down:

1) I claimed to support SOPA because it enforced property rights and gave the government, at the behest of companies, the right to take down private property material with much greater expediency.

2) That guy claimed to be all for companies shutting down his mediocre, derivative LPs if they so fancied, making all of his bitching either contradictory or dumb.

3) Grab some popcorn, people.

have you actually watched his lp's? they're not bad at all. much less mediocre.

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lol kay. Here's another round of clarifying what all went down:

1) I claimed to support SOPA because it enforced property rights and gave the government, at the behest of companies, the right to take down private property material with much greater expediency.

2) That guy claimed to be all for companies shutting down his mediocre, derivative LPs if they so fancied, making all of his bitching either contradictory or dumb.

3) Grab some popcorn, people.

SOPA makes it a hosting site's problem if someone uploads something a company doesn't like there. If SOPA passed, that company would be able to take down youtube because of seph's video, not just seph's video

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have you actually watched his lp's? they're not bad at all. much less mediocre.

Nah, he just doesn't have any argument left, so he's resorted to using me as a scapegoat for his feeble insults :B

I get more than enough trolls on my videos to take anything that he says to heart ;D

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[inane video that's still better than his shitty LPs LMAO]

Glad you've backed out again from this conversation. I was worried for a moment that you were oblivious to your own debating ineptitude. :lol:

And let me just go ahead and check the "No thanks" box to this Goldie harem. I've got standards thanks :newyears:

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Its bad when Trent is arguing. I can tell.

I am about to do something in FFtF that is amazing and rarely done.

Engaging 13th, Serious mode.

@Jaffar: I disagree with the way the government intends to do SOPA. The idea is good, but the execution is terrible. Working at stopping, or at least limiting piracy. But shutting down entire websites? ENTIRE IP ADDRESSES?

Just no.

If you're powerful enough to take down the Internet, take down the download links that are infringing on it. But leave my personal photos alone.

Oh, and this.

certainly un-American (though probably pro-Canadian AFAIK).

Don't diss Canadians. They're cool bros.

And in other words, I expect to see the Niners playing the Patriots. I will be rooting for Alex Smith and the Niners, of course. But good work against the Ravens, Patriots.

@Trent: Trent, Trent, Trent. You are harsher than the bitter winds of hell's ninth circle. Your creative criticism is amazingly helpful. But on your criticisms of another's idea? It doesn't justify well when you insult people to prove a point.

So I would work on that if I were you. You're still one of the best at criticising, but the execution didn't work how I think it could have.

@The rest of this thread: You guys need to learn to have a little seriousness when arguing this. If its enacted, we would die as a community. So even though this is FFtF, it doesn't mean it should be treated as "lol, this is fftf, why be serious, lets troll". Rather, it should be given some thought.

After hitting preview, I resort to the #1 smiley. :facepalm:

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I miss Nightmare :<

He comes on every day. Although he's always in the FE4 thread...

Well 13th it looks like Hika's been pretty serious in here I haven't paid enough attention to the rest of the topic

Edited by Freohr Abr Datia
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SOPA makes it a hosting site's problem if someone uploads something a company doesn't like there. If SOPA passed, that company would be able to take down youtube because of seph's video, not just seph's video

That part of the bill is almost universally disagreed upon, and was almost certainly going to get amended out (or, more likely, watered down) if the bill hadn't been prematurely killed.

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@The rest of this thread: You guys need to learn to have a little seriousness when arguing this. If its enacted, we would die as a community. So even though this is FFtF, it doesn't mean it should be treated as "lol, this is fftf, why be serious, lets troll". Rather, it should be given some thought.

God Brady is the make-believe concept of "trolling"

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@Trent: Trent, Trent, Trent. You are harsher than the bitter winds of hell's ninth circle. Your creative criticism is amazingly helpful. But on your criticisms of another's idea? It doesn't justify well when you insult people to prove a point.


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That part of the bill is almost universally disagreed upon, and was almost certainly going to get amended out (or, more likely, watered down) if the bill hadn't been prematurely killed.

1. This thread is titled "I full support SOPA"

2. No, it wouldn't have been

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I am about to do something in FFtF that is amazing and rarely done.

Engaging 13th, Serious mode.

you're missing the point of the topic my friend

1. This thread is titled "I full support SOPA"

2. No, it wouldn't have been

Oh please. So if I said something like, "I fully support Obamacare," that means I'm automatically in favor of excise taxes on indoor tanning beds? Nonsense. Practicing loyal support of an idea doesn't mean that every nut and bolt has been polished fully, especially given the unwieldy length of most major pieces of legislation.

Edited by God Brady
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Its bad when Trent is arguing. I can tell.

I am about to do something in FFtF that is amazing and rarely done.

Engaging 13th, Serious mode.

@Jaffar: I disagree with the way the government intends to do SOPA. The idea is good, but the execution is terrible. Working at stopping, or at least limiting piracy. But shutting down entire websites? ENTIRE IP ADDRESSES?

Just no.

If you're powerful enough to take down the Internet, take down the download links that are infringing on it. But leave my personal photos alone.

Oh, and this.

Don't diss Canadians. They're cool bros.

And in other words, I expect to see the Niners playing the Patriots. I will be rooting for Alex Smith and the Niners, of course. But good work against the Ravens, Patriots.

@Trent: Trent, Trent, Trent. You are harsher than the bitter winds of hell's ninth circle. Your creative criticism is amazingly helpful. But on your criticisms of another's idea? It doesn't justify well when you insult people to prove a point.

So I would work on that if I were you. You're still one of the best at criticising, but the execution didn't work how I think it could have.

@The rest of this thread: You guys need to learn to have a little seriousness when arguing this. If its enacted, we would die as a community. So even though this is FFtF, it doesn't mean it should be treated as "lol, this is fftf, why be serious, lets troll". Rather, it should be given some thought.

After hitting preview, I resort to the #1 smiley. :facepalm:

tl;dr: All of you need to start being serious, and thinking about how things are done

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13th, do a check on the poster. Now, check the section you're in.

If this topic was meant to be serious, it would be in Serious Discussion. Instead of YouTube vidoes, he'd be greeted with a lot of people explaining WHY it's bad. He wouldn't be able to insult said people, either. Since I see this in FFtF, I treat it as such. If you want to make a Serious Discussion thread about it, feel free to do so. I'll be a lot less flippant in there.

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