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Touhou Mafia


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Shortly before the morning, a loud but distant voice disturbs your sleep. Half-asleep, you listen:

Howdy everyone, I'll be your broadcaster this lovely evening. I don't have much to tell you tonight but that's simply because its night 0, but lets get this show on the road. A little knowledge, i can only post at the end of each night. So each night i'll be informing everyone of bits of information i know, or don't know, that will get everyone's interest. This broadcast is most definitely going to be the shortest one of my broadcasts.

You wake up in the morning and are greeted with a lovely dawn. Everyone seems to be alright. Time to do something about these thieves!

Naglfar has been subbed in for JBCWK.

It is now Day 1. Day 1 will end on Sunday, February 5th at 12pm GMT (48 hours from now).

You can now continue posting. If you feel like you should have gotten a result but didn't, let me know!

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Some...explanation would be nice

Those are extremely crappy votes...and/or excuses. Kevin is the only person who looks like he intends to play and the rest of you will prabably have to fit into my backpack.

Also, does it even make sense for an announcer to announce at night?


Work sucks. I miss being home all day.

That is all

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Alright, the internet connection is more reliable now. I wanted to place a vote just in case I couldn't get back on while the internet was being reconnected. We switched to a different internet plan, and SHOULD have better. Now that I'm done, I can get some more done.

Sprry for picking on you Strawman.

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Someone please explain me again why we must lynch someone when we have no clues, like now. I still insist that we'd do much better if we did a no lynch and then gave our opinions about the Night 1 death.

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I'm a hooker any cc?

I actually got a mafia (Epicmafia) this way... too bad town lynched me because they can't tell a joke and a mafia trying to get someone lynched asap... Too bad for mafia they ended up dying because i said to lynch that bitch before death. :awesome:

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... I followed the server thing in the IRC or whatever it was that is on that pinned topic... It was all empty... like 2 hours ago

Edited by SlayerX
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Alright, the internet connection is more reliable now. I wanted to place a vote just in case I couldn't get back on while the internet was being reconnected. We switched to a different internet plan, and SHOULD have better. Now that I'm done, I can get some more done.

Sprry for picking on you Strawman.

Uuuuuh let's see

All I saw was one unexplained vote by you on him and nothing else. Hmmmm

Someone please explain me again why we must lynch someone when we have no clues, like now. I still insist that we'd do much better if we did a no lynch and then gave our opinions about the Night 1 death.

Oh for fuck's sake

We're supposed to just expect the mafia to lay down and die? Is that what you believe? Why should anyone have to explain this again? Town should always lynch.

RE: Kevin

I admire your enthusiasm, but there's a difference between shoving people around to try and scumhunt and straight up asking stupid questions. Granted I don't actually know if you were asking the person who contacted me what I think you were, but the story sounded pretty extravagant either way.

Be a liiiittle more tact.

If anyone else wants to tell me about something weird they've seen I'd appreciate it.

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