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What do you mean by 2? If you mean post then it should be clear where i pulled that quote from.

And that is really the only complaint I have atm, so PMing you will be pointless, if you have private information that woudl shed light on why you word it like that, then feel free to PM me, otherwise I'd prefer the information to be public, so that all townies can get a good opinion on it.

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Just now saw this.

*reads Strawman's vote*

The flaw in this is that Slayer told you who he targeted, so what's stopping you from being the hooker, or telling the hooker to target him? I could very well vote you for the same logic. However, I want to hear what Slayer has to say to that PM I sent him first.

Except for the fact that I openly admitted that of course it makes me look super suspicious and of course I could be mafia or the hooker because of it. I never said that wasn't logically a possibility. However, because I know my role and I know I'm not mafia and I know I told no one Slayer's role and I know I told no one to block him, the possibility that came to my head when I realized he targeted you, you knew it, and then he was hooked the next day was that you could be responsible for it. Did I ever say it was the only possibility? No. Did I ever say it had to be correct? No. But I am interested as to if it might be true or as to what really happened and so far I haven't been getting any answers that clear any of that up.

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Because i'd like some more time to solve the hooker issue with Strawman, and the fact that core was so insistent to find my role (along with not sending me a conversation that strawman told me he was going to send [and strawman also provided a conversation of core saying he would send it to me] me that may have helped Strawman's position. I already got it from Strawman.)

##Vote Core

Why are you acting so odd? While i know this goes against my previous suspicion of strawman, I believe its best if a cop would check on him.

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What's up with you guys being retards?

Seriously, you ask me why I said I'd vote Shinori to avoid a tie?


1) I made sure to make clear I did it only as a bandwagoner, and as a way of breaking a tie

2) I didn't actually vote and had no opinion on Shinori of my own yet, which I made clear

3) Which reinforces my first pointer that I would only do it as a means of breaking a tie between Shinori and Creeper

4) I was going to be around for phase end so this was actually possible for me to do

Killing the inactive guy D1 is just an asshole-ish move, especially when you consider a good 5 people found Shinori scummy enough to warrant a vote. And because basic logic dictates that town still had about twice as many players as non-towns/mafia that means that there was an at least fair chance some of these voters were A) town B) had a good reason to vote

The latter of which Kaoz, Core and Strawman did not exactly provide anyone with a vote reason for anything other than looks scummy. Which is a bullshit reason to lynch someone, when you consider A) no logs B) no mentioning of supposedly scummy behavioural patterns

If I had to choose someone for a lynch, it'd be...

##Vote: Shinori

From what I've seen he has been doing quite a bit of talking but without any real purpose behind it. I would like to note that I'm not terribly convinced that he's mafia, just that he looks worse to me than any of the ones that are currently voted for.

Voting because of no particular reason, glorious.

Shinori - Waffling. IMO, slightly scummy.

##Vote: Shinori

Stop trying to look good. Decide on your opinion and stick to it.

At least gives me a reason. Interestingly she tried to unvote him at the last moment, after talking to him

I think I'll ##Unvote:Iris, ##Vote:Shinori. Yes, a vote I don't oppose. He voting has been erratic and without reasoning in the thread. Whenever anyone slightly disagrees with him he switches his vote again. It looks a lot like you're just trying to find a vote that will make the least amount of people mad at you/make as many people agree with you, not like you are actually using those votes to try and lynch a scum.

Erratic voting =/= mafia. It's not like eclipse and some other people didn't shift their vote a lot, or that he stands out in this regard. Pressure voting is a fair technique in mafia. You're "basing" your argument on complete and utter bullshit.

Given a choice between voting some dude that isn't here, and some other dude that I asked to do something about his own lynch, and didn't. . .


##Vote: Shinori

More or less same reason as me. She just did it.


##Vote: Shinori

Looks like sheeping, but I've been thinking his activity was strange for a while now. It looks like either Creeper or Shinori will be lynched, and I'd obviously prefer Shinori to be lynched.

And I'm accused of sheeping?

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1) I made sure to make clear I did it only as a bandwagoner, and as a way of breaking a tie

You said shinori was scummy, that's not just BWing to break teh tie, that's BWing a guy you think is scummy AND to break a possible tie.

2) I didn't actually vote and had no opinion on Shinori of my own yet, which I made clear

You said shinori was scummy. I believe that is an opinion.

Killing the inactive guy D1 is just an asshole-ish move, especially when you consider a good 5 people found Shinori scummy enough to warrant a vote. And because basic logic dictates that town still had about twice as many players as non-towns/mafia that means that there was an at least fair chance some of these voters were A) town B) had a good reason to vote

Then why have you accussed virtually all of them?

The latter of which Kaoz, Core and Strawman did not exactly provide anyone with a vote reason for anything other than looks scummy. Which is a bullshit reason to lynch someone, when you consider A) no logs B) no mentioning of supposedly scummy behavioural patterns

Do you not think it is possible that all the voters had the same reasons for thinking shinori was scummy? Or that it definitely is a coincidence?

Voting because of no particular reason, glorious.

Yep, he's worse than any of the other players. That's his reasoning. All of the other BWs at that time were BS.

Erratic voting =/= mafia. It's not like eclipse and some other people didn't shift their vote a lot, or that he stands out in this regard. Pressure voting is a fair technique in mafia. You're "basing" your argument on complete and utter bullshit.

He said the same thing Kay did, but in different words. Read past the first line. Here, I'll even quote the important bit:

It looks a lot like you're just trying to find a vote that will make the least amount of people mad at you/make as many people agree with you, not like you are actually using those votes to try and lynch a scum.

Which is the same reason Kay gave yet you're tunnelling him and implying Kay's vote is "alright"

And I'm accused of sheeping?

When did I accuse you of sheeping? I accused you of tunnelling.

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He voting ... and without reasoning in the thread.
Which is a bullshit reason to lynch someone, when you consider A) no logs B) no mentioning of supposedly scummy behavioural patterns

I just love the absolute hypocrisy.

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You said shinori was scummy, that's not just BWing to break teh tie, that's BWing a guy you think is scummy AND to break a possible tie.

You said shinori was scummy. I believe that is an opinion.

Then why have you accussed virtually all of them?

Do you not think it is possible that all the voters had the same reasons for thinking shinori was scummy? Or that it definitely is a coincidence?

Yep, he's worse than any of the other players. That's his reasoning. All of the other BWs at that time were BS.

He said the same thing Kay did, but in different words. Read past the first line. Here, I'll even quote the important bit:

Which is the same reason Kay gave yet you're tunnelling him and implying Kay's vote is "alright"

When did I accuse you of sheeping? I accused you of tunnelling.

Okay so I forgot I left out that I hadn't actually talked to him, and didn't quite use the proper wording for what I had intended to express.


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There's a lot more to my post than just the first two points.

Also, I want everyone who hasn't voted to vote. This is getting silly now, if noone votes then scum are free to hide their real opinions, possibly while townies just sit here bickering. I want everyone voting, and everyone expressing opinions. There's ~12 hours left of the phase and there is plenty in the thread to ensure that everyone can make a decision.

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I feel like ninja'd almost anything I could have said.

Though how is you voting a player without having any opinion on them better than anyone else voting a player because they think he is scummy?

Also I would like to point out that Shinori's last response came while I was asleep and far too close to phase end. I don't know what you want from me considering I can't suddenly realize how having the opinion that Shinori seemed scummy to me was wrong in my sleep, especially when he hadn't said or done anything to make me think differently. once again I don't think you are correctly understanding most of these posts. You seem to twist them out of their original meaning to something that justifies your own opinions no matter what. I may not have quoted examples, but neither did everyone else. I did express why I found him scummy and said what action he took that led me to believe it. You, however, seem to not want to listen to anything anyone says except to misinterpret it and call it retarded. And might I add that just because someone's opinion differs from your own, it does not mean their opinion is retarded.

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##Vote: Strawman

For a few reasons.

Firstly, Eclipse informed me that you are one of three that correctly guessed that there are two mafias in this game to Shinori. Shinori's role apparently gave him numbers info, which included something stating that there were 2 mafia factions. This is actually pretty minor. I could even be misinformed, there is no way of knowing. Can you confirm that you guessed there were 2 mafias?

You don't seem to respect the privacy of others. You blabbed Slayer's action to Eclipse, then gave Slayer my log with Eclipse. While I did mean to send it to him, I would've liked to do it myself. There could be more that we don't know about, too. At least this tells us that you trust Slayer, I guess.

There's the Shinori vote, which is sort of ehh.

And the Eclipse accusation seems rather forced, especially considering its a situation that you would've caused.

I think lynching you tells us a bit about some other people, mainly Slayer and Eclipse.

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Thursdays are my busydays. Ugh.

1. Snike and Bal, I'd prefer to speak to both of you in person. I'm not sure if you guys are sleeping.

2. Way to answer, Excellen. ;/

3. I'm gonna have to take off soon. I'll try to hop on IRC, but no guarantees I'm gonna be on for any significant time.

4. I believe that calling out bad logic is sufficient, and I don't feel the need to beat it to the ground (usually). After a short convo with Slayer, it looks like he didn't fail for the reason I thought he might've.

I hate rushed votes, but this is just in case something happens.

##Vote: Strawman

I'm not quite sure if your logic falls under scum trying to push a mislynch or paranoid townie, but Shinori didn't care for the way you answered his numbers question, and I'm inclined to trust him now that I know what he is.

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asdfghjkl; I was suppposed to post this an hour ago when it wasn't 1 am

honestly, I wanted to spend more time talking about my thoughts, but I kind of want to sleep now

Strawman: strange logic going on here, weird things I've been hearing about him

Excellen: asdf, I don't really understand his views, but not necesarilly scummy

Eclipse - I've had some reservations over her, earlier

Core: - Seems all right.

Kaoz - I've talked to him, but not really sure what to think. Neutral, but, eh.

So this leaves:

##Vote: Strawman

Eh, I'll be prepared to unvote, depending on Strawman's defense though, since I believe I'll wake up early to do my last essay - yay for 4 hours of sleep ;/

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Sorry for thinking about possibilities of 2 mafia I guess. Next time I play I'll just be dumb and pretend that isn't even a possibility and assume like everyone else there is definitely only 1 mafia.

Sorry for making possible connections that shouldn't be made and sharing them in the thread to try and contribute in scum hunting.

Technically she guessed it correctly, but I admit I did blab it to her yes.

I then got permission from Slayer. And only sent that to him myself because it had been an entire day and you hadn't sent it to him. And the Eclipse thing was something that clicked in my head that STILL HASN'T BEEN DISPROVED. Especially now that Eclipse can't answer why Slayer was blocked like she thought she might.

Though I might as well claim. You probably won't believe it, if you even bother reading this post that is. I'm the town watcher but I only get who my target intended to visit, not who they may have actually visited. Night 0 was Kaoz who did no visiting. Night 1 was Kevin who also did no visiting.

I won't be able to post again before phase end, so if I die you guys better get some serious flack on to some people when I turn up town. Because I swear most of you have done nothing but completely misunderstand everything that I have said and done, and you are the ones who are probably mafia. Or at least I'd hope so because otherwise town is definitely losing this one.

Anyways, thats that. I'm too frustrated from real life to try and post some super logical this is why I'm not mafia and all I find myself doing now is complaining and becoming more frustrated. Take it as you will.

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I was thinking it was probably a terrible idea for me to take up new commitments at the moment, but I've been reading this thread on and off and the amount of subbing out is pretty awful. I'd be willing to try OC and sub in starting Friday* if you absolutely can not find anybody else, but I probably won't have the most time in the world for talking on IRC and whatnot since I'll be pretty busy with school. Still, I imagine somebody who can play when not busy is better than somebody who can't play at all.

* "today" if you're not in PST, or just reading this tomorrow

Edited by Prims
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Firstly, Eclipse informed me that you are one of three that correctly guessed that there are two mafias in this game to Shinori. Shinori's role apparently gave him numbers info, which included something stating that there were 2 mafia factions. This is actually pretty minor. I could even be misinformed, there is no way of knowing. Can you confirm that you guessed there were 2 mafias?

Wait a second here. Did Shinori state this anywhere? If not, why not and how do you know it?

Anyway, I said it before but I'll gladly say it again. If you feel the need to do numbers, at least do it right, in other words consider some more possibilities.

Now then, I'll have to think about things a bit more before putting down a vote...

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