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Also, Kevin, if you were a Watcher, I don't think Clipsey's role would have been that relevant to whether you targeted her. You would want to target someone who would be killed, and Clipsey was very likely not to be killed, since the mafia should have figured that she looked bad enough.

Considering half the town now seem to blindly trust her for some reason which she still hasn't shared with me, I wouldn't be totally surprised if they shot her if she was town.

And because Core wants me to respond to the rest of prims post.


Well indeed.

I'm not a redirecting role.

K, sure.

I didn't even know you softclaim a protective role. If you did, then I didn't take note of it.


think not posting/talking to anybody is more harmful in OC since NOC usually has prod/modkill rules in place as it's easier to moderate player activity.


Also, I have never played in a game where trackers and watchers can't see eachother.



##Vote Kevin OMGUS

OMGUS indeed.

I'm thinking you tried to NK me last night and failed if you were the only person there. I should have been kill immune for reasons that aren't very interesting. Your claim looks desperate to me. Nobody has claimed being redirected up until now, have they?

I don't know why other people haven't been redirected, and your right about that being a valid point, but all I can say is, I was redirected. I can't explain what I don't know.

Happy, core? I'm sorry for missing on the last important point considering I haven't been able to stay on here for longer than about 5 minutes each time. And no, it wasn't a majority of it either way, stop exaggerating things please Mr. scum.

Kevin, what's your flavor?

There isn't really any. It's basically "Surprise! You watched prims instead." and I daren't say more in case of modkill.

It could have been a Dazzler targeting you

A what now?


I try not to sit there doing nothing for the first 5 phases, try and bait eclipse and kay, putting my own life on the line as a result, and am now getting lynched for actually trying to participate more than usual. And you wonder why people can get apathetic eclipse.


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@Kevin: Your bluffs don't sound like the way a townie should bluff. Feigning doc is totally reasonable for a townie with a weak or passive role like BP trying to draw a roleblock or nightkill, but you're a watcher, which is similiar to a doc in usage and in some ways better since it can catch scum. I don't think a town watcher would want to draw potential scum attention to themself like that. All your traps just seem forced, and I get the impression your claim is a forced attempt to make people interpret scum actions as town ones due to how poorly it flows.

Do you believe that the person you claimed to initially is scum, or just eclipse? Additionally, what makes you think I have to be a reverse martyr, instead of there just being an ordinary scum hijacker who redirected you to me knowing no scum were targeting me? I'm pondering if you're just attacking me because voting eclipse would get you poked at for OMGUS and you want to avoid that.

No need to be bitter Kevin. I was referring to this post, not the other, which makes a bit more sense in the context.

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Dear kirsche,

you are Aya Shameimaru.


You're a Tengu working as Gensokyo's resident reporter, and you're known to write slightly exaggerated news articles about what happens in Gensokyo. There's hardly anyone you haven't interviewed yet, and you're not above "interviewing" someone against their will.

You're very quick, and able to hear and see things from very far away. Combined with your camera, this allows you to take pictures of people without them even noticing you if you really want to.

At night, you may reply to your role PM with "Night X - Taking a picture of <USER>". You will photograph <USER> from far away, and anyone visiting <USER> that night will be visible on the picture. Additionally, you won't be detected by others.

You are allied with the town. You win if all threats to the town have been eliminated.

I give up.

You don't want this section to die. One less person is going to play.

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Ok kids, now that Kevin just bloody killed himself, I may as well step up.

I'm a Mayor variant. I want all claims to me, via PM.

If you don't think I'm trustworthy, you can wait for either my dead body or an inspection to come out. Or you can read that there were no deaths last night, despite the fact that I bloody guessed Kevin's role and he was in a position to be easily killed.

I didn't want to try and Town Leader this, but we just haven't been successful in our enterprises. And that has to change.

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Also I don't know if I actually have the authority to put this game on hold so if you want to talk to people I can't really stop you.

I am unsure if Raymond will continue the day phase and let the town lynch someone or what. This isn't my game, and it's not my decision. I have my own opinion on this but I do not know if he shares that opinion

Edited by Paperblade
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Dead? There are mafier communities out there a lot worse off than this one. It's the internet and people can be rule-breaking dicks but what can you do. I'd be sad if my first OC game actually "died" just because of a modkill.

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Kevin has been modkilled for quoting his role PM. This also prematurely ends the day phase.

It is now Night 3. Night 3 will end on Wednesday, February 15th at 10pm GMT (36 hours from now).

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9. If someone breaks the rules, action will be taken as soon as possible (if necessary). If someone happens to be mod-killed near the end of a phase, it will most likely be extended to allow the other players to react to this change.

This implies that the phase would continue in the event of a modkill. I can kind of see this being meant to be just night phases (as a premature end to the night phase could result in missing actions), but it probably should be specified.

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Yeah, that's mostly for night phases.

Considering you were modkilled for something that could be considered to help the town, I didn't feel like giving them a lynch on top of it. You could view it as a penalty for your team for breaking the rules.

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Ether has been subbed in for Obviam. In light of this, the current night phase has been extended by 12 hours. It now ends on Thursday, February 16th at 10am GMT.

However, depending on certain circumstances I might not be around when the phase ends, so the actual update might happen a bit later.

As usual, please add Ether to any PMs you might have had with Obviam.

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