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When I said Creeper was my initial thought, I had also PM'd him to talk to him, and he let me and Raymond know that he would be gone for a few days.

Note to Creeper. Post in the topic.

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The PM system exists, 13th.

##Vote: Proto

1. If you had to lynch someone (because NL can die in a hole), who would you lynch, and why?

2. This is a none-too-subtle reminder to get on IRC.

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1. Since it's Day 1, there isn't any lynch that I actively support except No Lynch. However, if you were actually asking them to know who I'm most suspicious of, it would be Slayer. He claimed Town Roleblocker and then said it was a joke. A significant amount of time passed between the two posts, and it's strange that nobody counter-claimed. If there WAS a Town Roleblocker, it would have caused a lot of trouble, because it would look really bad if he took back his claim after a CC. I think figure out why he would want to do something like that...

2. My connection is slow, so it's not only difficult to get there, but it's impossible for me to stay there for too long before I disconnect

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That's fine, but I refuse to have this day end with NL because "it's too risky". Town isn't gonna win by sitting around and doing nothing. I got pissed off at the last few games because of this.


##Vote: Shinori

Get into IRC when you see this.

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I'm a hooker any cc?

I actually got a mafia (Epicmafia) this way... too bad town lynched me because they can't tell a joke and a mafia trying to get someone lynched asap... Too bad for mafia they ended up dying because i said to lynch that bitch before death. :awesome:

I understood right away that he was being facetious. I don't see why it makes him more likely to be mafia anyways.

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Well ill drop this for now. Not until i know a bit more.


Oh crap I pushed a button I better unvote before anyone gets too mad at me?

Don't make retarded votes then.

no point in keeping you alive


until you start being a better townie and decide to lynch someone after talking to him/her(or by reading his/her post and thinking he/she is scummy)

Potential misspelling of the name aside, this is the most agreeable thing I see posted so far.

However it should be noted that voting for someone just for being an idiot who could potentially be on our team is not necessarily the best idea.

This might be the usual case where it is a good idea, though, as he's just as likely to be a mafia member trying to buy his team time in a casual way (there's still plenty of sheepy town players who legitimately are this stupid to blend in with, despite my best efforts to convince the players of SF mafia that that is not how the town should play).

me = a joke.


Confirming that my actions failure is, in fact, due to a hooker.

Did this involve asking the host something? Is there some flavor you can share with us that will allow us to identify hooks in the future? If you ask the host a question you should share the answer with the town.


To the cop:

- If you have a guilty, now's the time to say something about it.

I am decidedly against this. Doctors are not necessarily reliable and giving away the cop's identity early could be foolish. Assuming Kevin is telling the truth about being hooked, the doctor could be a potential hook target, which is extremely unlikely given the number of people there still are. However, there could possibly be other roles that could interfere with the doctor and in any case the less the mafia knows about our power roles, the better.

It should be noted a powerful technique is for the cop to, upon discovering a supposedly innocent individual, confide in them and have them pretend to be the cop in their place. I would hope this would happen anyway, but in case our cop is stupid, this might give them something to consider.

And I never said something about No Lynching for the entire game.

One phase can make all the difference. It's foolish to dally.

These phases are so incredibly long anyway. We may as well consider ourselves experts and vote.

Also, ##Unvote won't be here for phase end, so I'm trusting you guys to find a good target.

You get back here

How very helpful, Kevin. . .

Tee-hee etc.

Wait... you aren't actually a Roleblocker at all?

Then why did you claim that?

Pay more attention, chucklefuck. Your posts are utter trash. They all look...incredibly stupid.

I was joking... I guess thats a bad joke?

yes, but even still

[kind of long]

See now, this is what a post looks like. I will comment that being suspicious of people who vote without saying anything else on Day fucking 1 isn't very productive. Instead, just reprimand those people for being similarly unproductive and move on.

But yes, picking on people who are inactive to see what they do isn't a bad idea. They have negative utility for the town and always have the possibility of being one of those damned mafia members.

I think Bizz is prabably still mad at me for picking on her over being inactive, but I stand by the claim.

1. If you had to lynch someone (because NL can die in a hole), who would you lynch, and why?

2. This is a none-too-subtle reminder to get on IRC.

I assume this question exists for everyone, so I will answer it too. I encourage the rest of you chucklefucks to follow suit.

1. I'm actually not feeling the Kevin thing (see below); I'm leaning more toward Broto or Rapier for apparently interfering with the lynch.

However, Rapier is now Haze, so I guess I will wait for him to inevitably prove he is mafia (as Haze always does) before I do anything too hasty.

2. ecliiiiiiiipse~

Now then, I've been playing FFXIII-2 all day and didn't get around to posting until just now, but here are some chat logs I've produced. The information may be completely useless, but I'd rather risk them being useless and potentially find a mafioso than to risk missing a chance to and potentially not look like an idiot for posting empty text.

[spoiler=Iris][15:51:00] Iris: heyo

[17:49:23] Hextator: hm?

[17:49:27] Hextator: y u appear offline

[18:07:33] Iris: because you messaged me while i take nap

[18:17:32] Hextator: because you messaged me while I was busy!!

[18:17:36] Hextator: or maybe I was at work then too

[18:18:09] Iris: ok

[18:18:15] Iris: what's up?

[18:18:16] Hextator: >:{

[18:18:18] Hextator: NO IT'S NOT OGAY

[18:18:21] Iris: :P

[18:18:42] Hextator: just doing nerdy stuff on the compooter

[18:18:52] Hextator: getting ready to play FFXIII-2 /all weekend/

[18:18:58] Hextator: gay*

[18:19:08 | Edited 18:19:09] Hextator: I'm going to gay FFXIII-2 all weekend

[18:19:40] Iris: cool beans.

[18:19:53] Hextator: no

[18:19:56] Iris: I haven't FFed since VI

[18:19:56] Hextator: the beans I just ate were pretty warm

[18:19:59] Hextator: good guess though

[18:20:08] Iris: ah, my mistake, then

[18:20:12] Hextator: yes

[18:20:14] Hextator: your bad

[18:20:17] Hextator: (I blame Cam)

[18:20:17] Iris: k

[18:20:21] Iris: why Cam

[18:24:25] Hextator: why not

[18:25:13] Iris: I don't get why you blame him

[18:25:18] Iris: but I don't mind

[18:25:19] Iris: :P

[20:15:42] Iris: when someone asks you to swap night-actions with each other, what is the proper response to this?

[20:15:45 | Edited 20:15:46] Iris: //noob

[20:16:18] Hextator: I think they're trying to get you tell them what you're doing in exchange for information about what they're doing

[20:16:22] Hextator: with your roles

[20:16:30] Iris: ohh

[20:16:30] Hextator: the proper response is "fuck off mafia scum"

[20:16:35] Iris: lol

[20:16:35] Hextator: incidentally, who is it?

[20:16:41] Iris: I can't tell if scummy or

[20:16:43] Iris: uhhhhh

[20:16:44] Iris: alright

[20:16:46] Iris: Kevin

[20:16:51] Hextator: Kevin?

[20:16:58] Hextator: he seemed like someone who'd be too smart for that

[20:17:01] Iris: Kirsche?

[20:17:04] Hextator: usually good players don't try shit they know won't work

[20:17:14 | Edited 20:17:17] Hextator: (on other good players at least)

[20:17:16] Iris: hmmm

[20:17:16] Iris: lol

[20:17:19] Hextator: yes him

[20:17:23] Hextator: he's...not an idiot

[20:17:26] Hextator: compared to the rest of SF at least

[20:17:33] Hextator: it is weird to see him ask that, if that's what he meant

[20:17:44] Hextator: in fact I would hope if he really were mafia he wouldn't be that stupid

[20:17:58] Hextator: but either way you should be super careful about sensitive information like that

[20:18:17] Hextator: I personally wouln't tell him anything, or I'd lie to him just in case

[20:20:28] Iris: he's relatively insistent

[20:23:49] Iris: I dont' know him personally, so idk what to think of this

[20:24:44] Iris: bleh

[20:24:46] Iris: w.e

[20:25:02] Hextator: he's just playing like a dick

[20:25:07] Hextator: tell him something simple to shrug him off

[spoiler=Kevin](20:56:52) kirsche: who told you that I talked to them?

(20:57:03) kirsche: I haven't said a single word to anymore more than 20 minutes ago

(20:57:11) kirsche: *anyone

(20:57:23) Remiria_Sukaaretto: a disconcerted individual

(20:57:38) Remiria_Sukaaretto: would you like to purchase their name

(20:58:04) kirsche: depends

(20:58:06) kirsche: on the price

(20:58:11) Remiria_Sukaaretto: butter me ujp

(20:58:13) Remiria_Sukaaretto: giiherohgre

(20:58:13) Remiria_Sukaaretto: up

(20:58:18) Remiria_Sukaaretto: rub me down

(20:58:21) Remiria_Sukaaretto: stroke it all around,

(20:58:40) kirsche: ;/

(20:59:00) Remiria_Sukaaretto: ;>

(20:59:06) kirsche: it's in your benefit to tell me anyway

(20:59:21) kirsche: if someone's BSing all townies should know about it

(20:59:27) Remiria_Sukaaretto: it's always in my benefit to withhold as much information as possible while acquiring as much as I can

(20:59:33) Remiria_Sukaaretto: oh?

(20:59:38) Remiria_Sukaaretto: they're BSing, is that your theory?

(20:59:42) kirsche: yep

(20:59:46) kirsche: not a theory

(20:59:48) kirsche: fact

(20:59:53) Remiria_Sukaaretto: well supposing it's a fact

(20:59:58) Remiria_Sukaaretto: and it's been super long since you talked to anyone

(21:00:02) Remiria_Sukaaretto: what did you ask that someone

(21:00:19) kirsche: I didn't ask any someone anything

(21:00:21) kirsche: that's the point

(21:00:39) Remiria_Sukaaretto: if I trusted you then I would gladly give their name

(21:00:48) Remiria_Sukaaretto: but trust isn't something you can buy

(21:00:57) Remiria_Sukaaretto: you can buy me letting my guard down though

(21:01:00) kirsche: and obviam, as a townie, you should be revealing as many suspicious people as possible

(21:01:11) kirsche: unfortunately not obviam

(21:01:14) Remiria_Sukaaretto: you could be suspicious too though

(21:01:18) Remiria_Sukaaretto: for lying to me

(21:01:27) Remiria_Sukaaretto: at this point you both look like liars now

(21:01:29) kirsche: I haven't lied though

(21:01:34) kirsche: sigh ok then

(21:01:35) Remiria_Sukaaretto: but I'm not you

(21:01:36) Remiria_Sukaaretto: I'm me

(21:01:40) Remiria_Sukaaretto: I don't know that you haven't lied

(21:01:49) Remiria_Sukaaretto: in fact

(21:01:52) Remiria_Sukaaretto: I'm not even me either

(21:01:55) Remiria_Sukaaretto: I'm someone else!

(21:01:59) Remiria_Sukaaretto: always a step ahead

(21:02:08) kirsche: why would I come to you claiming that I haven't talked to anyone?

(21:02:24) kirsche: what woudl that acomplish me, or anyone else for that matter

(21:02:30) kirsche: *would, matter?

(21:03:17) kirsche: obviam, there is inofrmation which you should share and information which you should withold

(21:03:31) kirsche: *information

(21:04:38) kirsche: witholding everything does not promote discussion

(21:04:55) kirsche: and is part of the reason why people on SF aren't very good at OC

(21:05:12) Remiria_Sukaaretto: but I've always done that in OC and do much better at it than most

(21:05:18) Remiria_Sukaaretto: no one's realized it, is all

(21:05:27) Remiria_Sukaaretto: anygay I'll have to think about the consequences for a bit

(21:05:37) kirsche: yes well done you can be a one-man player

(21:05:49) kirsche: so when its 4 maf vs you, you can still win!

(21:05:56) Remiria_Sukaaretto: Yep

(21:06:14) Remiria_Sukaaretto: you do realize that SF's idea of "team play" is bullshit blindly-follow-the-leader crap right

(21:06:24) Remiria_Sukaaretto: it's good for the town to be composed of free thinking individuals

(21:06:35) Remiria_Sukaaretto: and right now I think you're a pushy brat

(21:06:54) kirsche: that is because the less strong at OC get trounced because noone gives them any info

(21:07:17) kirsche: likewise, obviam, I think you're being a stubborn fool

(21:07:38) Remiria_Sukaaretto: those are contradictory terms in mafia

(21:07:44) kirsche: nope

(21:07:49) kirsche: stubborn is not good

(21:07:53) kirsche: being a fool is not good

(21:07:59) Remiria_Sukaaretto: stubbornness; the very will to keep going no matter what

(21:08:02) Remiria_Sukaaretto: is what keeps you alive

(21:08:11) kirsche: or dead

(21:08:19) kirsche: because you don't tell the mafia anything

(21:08:22) Remiria_Sukaaretto: Do you know how good mafia team members play?

(21:08:25) Remiria_Sukaaretto: they play like you're doing

(21:08:31) Remiria_Sukaaretto: they push and push until they get shit out of townies

(21:08:35) kirsche: good for them

(21:08:37) Remiria_Sukaaretto: on the grounds that it's "beneficial for everyone"

(21:08:37) Remiria_Sukaaretto: yeah

(21:08:40) Remiria_Sukaaretto: if you TELL everyone

(21:09:01) Remiria_Sukaaretto: Why would I want to tell the mafia anything?

(21:09:11) Remiria_Sukaaretto: So you're mafia and you're going to kill me because I'm not telling you anything?

(21:09:23) Remiria_Sukaaretto: Isn't that pretty much what I just said

(21:09:28) kirsche: no, but that's how mafia members think

(21:09:38) Remiria_Sukaaretto: I suppose you're the expert

(21:09:41) kirsche: which is why obviam, the key is to not be too stubborn

(21:10:16) kirsche: and at teh same tiem not give too much away

(21:10:27) kirsche: *the, time

(21:10:33) kirsche: damn typos

(21:11:14) Remiria_Sukaaretto: I never said I would appear on the outside the way I am on the inside

(21:11:29) Remiria_Sukaaretto: Even if I appeared to be spewing my heart out to you I could still be being incredibly stubborn

(21:11:39) Remiria_Sukaaretto: the reason I do alright in mafia games is because no one ever knows

(21:11:44) kirsche: yes and that's where good reads come in

(21:12:11) Remiria_Sukaaretto: unfortunately I'm pretty good at that too

(21:12:18) Remiria_Sukaaretto: gg

and THAT is what a mafia post should look like, at least if you're gone all day. If you're not, you should be posting about the same amount, but within more posts and more often.

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All right, my apologies for doing other shit besides mafia. Anyway. . .I'd like the cop to start talking to whoever's clear (assuming they don't think they hit a godfather) because having two people look at the same thing and give input is much better than one. It's doubly effective if neither side has to announce what they do to everyone else.

As for a guilty, there's no guarantee that any of us will be alive come tomorrow. It would be SUPREMELY STUPID if the cop saw a guilty, did nothing about it, and died the next day.

Me. . .I think my vote should state my thoughts. Now, the rest of you - start talking, dammit.

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Replying to myself because I can.

Someone please explain me again why we must lynch someone when we have no clues, like now. I still insist that we'd do much better if we did a no lynch and then gave our opinions about the Night 1 death.

That's stupid because what are we going to do day 2?

"Oh I think X killed Night 1 victim because... ... ... oh wait, no one did anything day 1, so we have nothing to go on. Darn."

No Lynching Day 1 just delays Day 1 stupidity to Day 2. Giving the mafia an edge (though honestly I've never actually seen mafia push for no lynch on day 1.)

Also worth noting is that if the number of pms I've been invited to so far is indicitive of anything my predecessor did exactly nothing. Joyous joy.

##Vote: Proto

Slayer's "claim" was obviously a joke due to the anecdote that followed it immediately, therefore your incessant pushing on him makes absolutely no sense, and is currently the only thing in the thread (which is the only information I have to go off of right now) that stands out to me as odd.

I most likely will not be here at phase end, wonder if I'll live or not.

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Proto crap aside, there is a contradiction here that we should be thinking about maybe?


[20:16:35] Hextator: incidentally, who is it?

[20:16:41] Iris: I can't tell if scummy or

[20:16:43] Iris: uhhhhh

[20:16:44] Iris: alright

[20:16:46] Iris: Kevin


(20:56:52) kirsche: who told you that I talked to them?

(20:57:03) kirsche: I haven't said a single word to anymore more than 20 minutes ago

(20:57:11) kirsche: *anyone

Considering the forty minute gap here, someone's bullshitting. Here's what Iris had to say. Empty spaces are emotes because lolmibbit.

12:57 Iris oh. Didn't realize you replied, sorry about that

13:00 Naglfar Oh, there you are~

13:00 Iris What's up?

13:01 Naglfar Being unchucklefucked and reading the thread.

13:02 Iris Haha, thread being Obviam's post?

13:02 Iris he's very

13:02 Iris opinionated

13:03 Naglfar He's an enthusiastic guy.

13:04 Naglfar gay*

13:04 Iris haha, he did the same thing to me yesterday

13:10 Naglfar Incidentally, Obviam has pointed out a contradiction

13:11 Naglfar I'd address that if I were you

13:11 Iris which?

13:11 Iris oh, for me?

13:11 Naglfar Yeah.

13:12 Iris Ugh, lemme reread.

13:12 Naglfar It's the chat logs at the end of the post.

13:12 Iris Wait, what exactly is the contradiction?

13:12 Iris oh

13:12 Iris that

13:12 Iris fuck

13:12 Iris is that the log

13:12 Iris that I lost?

13:13 Iris "(21:00:19) kirsche: I didn't ask any someone anything"

13:13 Naglfar potentially

13:13 Iris fucccck

13:13 Naglfar that

13:13 Naglfar is not a very good log to lose, missy

13:13 Iris I asked Kevin to send it to me in a PM with Shade

13:14 Iris since chatzilla was acting up

13:14 Iris okay

13:14 Naglfar ctrl+c

13:14 Iris this was the night where I was acting retarded and sick

13:15 Iris so I have half a log

13:15 Iris of a chat with him

13:16 Naglfar So you have evidence of your conversation after all?

13:17 Iris yeah, I have part of it, but not the part where he asked me insistently for it

13:17 Iris like the last 8 minutes or so

13:20 Iris fml

13:22 Naglfar I can't imagine why someone would lie about someone asking them to swap night actions.

13:22 Naglfar Would it hurt to post what you have in the thread anyway?

13:22 Iris Probably not

13:22 Iris and Slayer can probably back me up on this one

13:22 Iris since we discussed night actions

13:22 Iris I dunno

13:23 Iris [2012-02-03 21:42:36] <Iris> oh, do you mind giving Raymond this log ? I kind of plan on going to bed asap, and I've forgotten to log most of it, so ugh, now I get stupid copy-paste format for my notes /

13:23 Iris evidently my computer didn't save the copypasta part of the log

13:23 Iris

13:23 Iris wait

13:24 Iris timezones

13:24 Iris hmmmm

13:24 Iris he claimed not to have talked to anyone, huh

13:24 Iris wait

13:24 Iris different day

13:24 Naglfar Post your timezone too.

13:24 Iris hmm

13:25 Iris hold on, thinking

13:25 Iris Do you know Obviam's timezone?

13:26 Iris Wait

13:26 Naglfar I don't. I'll ask him.

13:26 Iris is he on?

13:27 Iris I'd like to speak with him

13:27 Iris it's one hour behind me

13:27 Naglfar ...Doesn't look like it

13:27 Iris I need to know if his chat with Kevin was on the same day I talked with him

13:30 Naglfar What day was your conversation?

13:30 Naglfar The first half of the phase?

13:31 Iris yesterday night

13:32 Naglfar ...How far into the phase was this?

13:34 Naglfar Iris?

13:35 Iris sorry

13:35 Iris my mom pulled me aside

13:35 Iris to yell at me

13:35 Iris [2012-02-03 21:46:16]

13:36 Iris Uhh, around 9-10 my time last night (EST)

13:36 Iris she's calling me again

13:36 Iris brb

13:36 Iris

13:40 Iris ugh, she's mad

13:40 Iris I've got to practice piano, right now

13:40 Iris but I'll be back

13:40 Iris in like half an hour

13:40 Iris but if that conversation occurred between Obviam and Kirsche occured last night

13:40 Iris which it must have

13:41 Iris I'm tending to think that Kevin's probably lying

13:44 Naglfar Should I post the relevant part of this conversation in the thread?

13:45 Iris yeah, go ahead

13:45 Iris I was going to ask Kevin for the log

13:45 Iris but then

13:45 Iris this

13:45 Iris (20:57:03) kirsche: I haven't said a single word to anymore more than 20 minutes ago

13:45 Iris [2012-02-03 21:46:20] <kirsche> night

13:45 Iris this was both last night

13:46 Iris Alex is an hour ahead of me

13:46 Iris I'll post the whole log

13:46 Iris when back from talk / piano with angry mother

13:46 Iris

13:46 Naglfar Alright, later.

If Kevin were actually around this would be a lot easier to figure out, but nope. Voting him would be useless because he won't show up anyway and I'm still trying to measure the significance of this.

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I have slight internet at this hotel, but I don't trust it anymore than I trust a mafia not to kill an unprotected Cop.

So I will speak up now before I get some sleep, as I was an absolute idiot and didn't bring my DS on this trip into the hotel.

I have my suspicions about Shinori. He seems to be doing very little productive work, especially when we're so pressed for time anyways. I don't like the look of the Proto wagon, because not everyone is Obviam and reads everything perfect on the first try. And there aren't any other votes out but the Haze vote. Which, given that we need something to base it off of, I will move in on analyzing this thing.

Haze voted Proto because of Proto missing that. info on Slayer joking. Sarcasm is easy enough to tell, especially when Slayer is one of those who jokes by not using much puncutation when he normally uses it well.

Haze also blames Rapier for the lack of info he has to work with.

I don''t see much possibility he could have for that. So I will have to resort to a vote on him. Core replied decently well, and I feel I can trust him for now.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Haze

Not my favorite lynch target, but I have no real other chances to get on, as I am going to hit the bed early, as in, within 20 minutes. So I won't try another reaction on someone, ands instead jump on an already existing vote that looks to be both a decent lynch and a good source of information.

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##Vote: Proto

Slayer's "claim" was obviously a joke due to the anecdote that followed it immediately, therefore your incessant pushing on him makes absolutely no sense, and is currently the only thing in the thread (which is the only information I have to go off of right now) that stands out to me as odd.

Incessant pushing? iirc, I only had two posts where I talked about Slayer. The first was to ask him why he joked about being a Roleblocker, because I couldn't (and still can't) find any reason why falsely claiming Roleblocker can be a good idea. The second was when Clipsey! specifically asked me to talk more, because that's the only thing remotely interesting going on right now. I don't see how that's considered odd, unless it is now considered perfectly natural for a Townie to falsely claim roleblocker for no apparent reason.

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Incessant pushing? iirc, I only had two posts where I talked about Slayer. The first was to ask him why he joked about being a Roleblocker, because I couldn't (and still can't) find any reason why falsely claiming Roleblocker can be a good idea. The second was when Clipsey! specifically asked me to talk more, because that's the only thing remotely interesting going on right now. I don't see how that's considered odd, unless it is now considered perfectly natural for a Townie to falsely claim roleblocker for no apparent reason.

3 posts total, which made up the entirity of your day 1 in-thread content (which is all I have to go on.)

Yes, that's incessant, especially when it was a clear joke.

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Well if i'm not mistaken, the claim was seen as a joke by other memeber which was its intended purpose. It wasn't to out a possible town roleblocker.

Apparently there is no mafia-game term for humor in Proto's vocabulary.

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Haze also blames Rapier for the lack of info he has to work with.

I don''t see much possibility he could have for that.

Wait, what? The only way Domu could have had any info is by talking to people, or from some night result. And night results don't really tell much, and can't be applied without being revealed. So unless Domu talked to a whole lot of people and posted all his logs in the PM, what makes you find Haze's lack of info unlikely?

btw Haze, it may have been obvious to you, but I swear I did not know that the roleblocker claim was a joke until he said it was. I even asked him whether it was Kirsche that he roleblocked. If you want me lynched because I can't recognize a joke, well, that sounds kinda stupid...

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In response to the vote for Haze, consider this:

If you were Rapier and you were mafia, why would you suggest a NL? Mafia wants a mislynch, not a NL. Sure, NL isn't helping the town, but it isn't really helping the mafia either.

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Eying the votals loosely and noting that I'm about to go to bed soon, I'll avoid the possibility of a tie (I think there is one right now?) and switch my vote.

13th once again proves he somehow knows more about posting than the rest of you and reminds us that Proto is probably just an idiot, but I don't know about making a Haze vote.

Shinori notably sucks at contributing regardless of what game he's in so voting for him is about as productive as lynching Psych.

##Unvote, and...##Vote: Kevin

It's true voting for him is kind of shitty because he won't be around to explain himself, but maybe that was his intention.

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