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Touhou Mafia


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[spoiler=Chat with Kirsche]

[2012-02-03 21:33:23] [iNFO] Now logging to <file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/kimberly/Application%20Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/mk1hdymu.default/chatzilla/logs/irc.darkmyst.org/users/kirsche.2012-02-03.log>.

[2012-02-03 21:33:33] <kirsche> it looks strange, as a joke

[2012-02-03 21:34:04] <Iris> I think you're just reading too far into it - I've been known to be a little illogical when I'm sick :/

[2012-02-03 21:34:13] <Iris> *sigh*

[2012-02-03 21:34:55] <kirsche> :/

[2012-02-03 21:35:04] <Iris> I have a passive role just to stop confusing the fuck out of both of us

[2012-02-03 21:35:12] <Iris> and I need to leave in around 10 minutes

[2012-02-03 21:35:19] <Iris> to get painkillers

[2012-02-03 21:35:20] <Iris> and bedtime

[2012-02-03 21:35:26] <Iris> so if you have anything else to say

[2012-02-03 21:35:26] <kirsche> that's fine, its 2AM here

[2012-02-03 21:35:34] <kirsche> so I shouldn't stay long either

[2012-02-03 21:35:42] <Iris> why do you stay up so late? o__o

[2012-02-03 21:35:50] <kirsche> doing stuff with friends

[2012-02-03 21:35:52] <kirsche> epic mafia

[2012-02-03 21:35:54] <Iris> oh

[2012-02-03 21:35:56] <Iris> I see

[2012-02-03 21:36:02] <Iris> the last time I stayed up that late

[2012-02-03 21:36:06] <Iris> was 4 days ago

[2012-02-03 21:36:09] <Iris> and then I became sick

[2012-02-03 21:36:14] <Iris> :/

[2012-02-03 21:36:20] <kirsche> my body is used to staying up late

[2012-02-03 21:36:29] <Iris> haha, obviously mind isn't :/

[2012-02-03 21:36:48] <kirsche> unfortunately living in england means that when I'm usually awake and at my best, everyone else is away

[2012-02-03 21:37:07] <kirsche> so for mafia I make my body stay up late to reap teh benefits of an active mafia forum

[2012-02-03 21:37:15] <Iris> oh

[2012-02-03 21:37:22] <kirsche> probably isn't going to do my body clock any favours

[2012-02-03 21:37:26] <Iris> I see

[2012-02-03 21:37:32] <Iris> man, it'd suck to live in a timezone like Joshy's

[2012-02-03 21:37:35] <Iris> on the other side of the world

[2012-02-03 21:37:37] <Iris> oh

[2012-02-03 21:37:40] <Iris> we're getting sidetracked

[2012-02-03 21:37:42] <Iris> "if you have anything else to say"

[2012-02-03 21:37:58] <Iris> say it now - blahblah, man, ugh, mock trial reminders everywhere -___-

[2012-02-03 21:38:05] <kirsche> I got the impression you didn't want to talk about mafia anymore

[2012-02-03 21:38:16] <Iris> oh

[2012-02-03 21:38:25] <Iris> I just want you to finish your thoughts

[2012-02-03 21:38:29] <kirsche> so I thought I'd just strike up conversation

[2012-02-03 21:38:35] <Iris> small talk I see

[2012-02-03 21:38:49] <Iris> but I'd rather talk about mafia

[2012-02-03 21:38:54] <Iris> so I can facepalm at myself

[2012-02-03 21:38:56] <Iris> when I wake up

[2012-02-03 21:38:57] <Iris> at noon

[2012-02-03 21:38:58] <Iris> or so

[2012-02-03 21:39:31] <kirsche> well, the main thing I'm interested in is whether it was a hooker or a safeguard

[2012-02-03 21:40:03] <kirsche> unfortunately my ideas for stuff to search for has never been my strong point

[2012-02-03 21:40:41] <Iris> hooker is the mafia equivalent, correct? and safeguard for non-scum?

[2012-02-03 21:40:45] <Iris> I always get terms confused

[2012-02-03 21:41:15] <kirsche> safeguard is a role which prevents all non-killing actions that target a player from working

[2012-02-03 21:41:36] <kirsche> hooker is someone who simply stops one user from performing their actions

[2012-02-03 21:41:37] <Iris> ohhhhhh

[2012-02-03 21:41:44] <Iris> alright

[2012-02-03 21:41:48] <Iris> thanks for clearing that up

[2012-02-03 21:42:36] <Iris> oh, do you mind giving Raymond this log ? I kind of plan on going to bed asap, and I've forgotten to log most of it, so ugh, now I get stupid copy-paste format for my notes /

[2012-02-03 21:42:58] <kirsche> lol ok then

[2012-02-03 21:43:19] <Iris> thanks

[2012-02-03 21:43:25] <Iris> k, any last words?

[2012-02-03 21:43:30] <kirsche> nope

[2012-02-03 21:43:34] <Iris> cool

[2012-02-03 21:43:36] <Iris> wow

[2012-02-03 21:43:39] <Iris> that sounded morbid

[2012-02-03 21:43:46] <kirsche> it did :p

[2012-02-03 21:44:03] <kirsche> well I guess if I die N1 I know who did it ;)

[2012-02-03 21:44:20] <Iris> heeeeeeee, the one and only

[2012-02-03 21:44:41] <Iris> man

[2012-02-03 21:44:50] <Iris> I sound retarded at the moment

[2012-02-03 21:44:53] <Iris> time to hit the sack

[2012-02-03 21:44:56] <kirsche> lol

[2012-02-03 21:44:57] <Iris> good night

[2012-02-03 21:44:59] <kirsche> goodnight

[2012-02-03 21:45:00] <Iris> you should go to bed too

[2012-02-03 21:45:03] <kirsche> proibably

[2012-02-03 21:45:07] <kirsche> people to interrogate

[2012-02-03 21:45:10] <kirsche> and the like

[2012-02-03 21:45:26] <Iris> I kind of want to stay up to talk to others

[2012-02-03 21:45:27] <kirsche> saturday tomorrow, so I'll just get up at midday or something

[2012-02-03 21:45:34] <Iris> since I know like everyone gets on later

[2012-02-03 21:45:35] <Iris> but meh

[2012-02-03 21:45:36] <Iris> so tired

[2012-02-03 21:45:49] <kirsche> noone will blame you for going to bed

[2012-02-03 21:46:06] [WARNING] Extra parameters ``myself / :O'' ignored.

[2012-02-03 21:46:06] [ERROR] Command ``except'' must be run in the context of a channel.

[2012-02-03 21:46:10] <Iris> except for myself :O

[2012-02-03 21:46:13] <Iris> okay

[2012-02-03 21:46:15] <Iris> good night

[2012-02-03 21:46:16] <Iris> for real

[2012-02-03 21:46:20] <kirsche> night

[2012-02-03 21:46:50] [QUIT] Disconnected from irc://irc.darkmyst.org/ (irc://irc.darkmyst.org/). [[Reconnect][Reconnect to irc.darkmyst.org][reconnect]]

Okay, so basically, as you can see, I have half a log, since Chatzilla is dumb, and doesn't auto-log chats, and I'm a retard, and I can't find my copy-pasta shit. About half-way through my conversation with Kirsche, I realized I hadn't turned on logging when I spoke to him. So I have half of a log - and proof that a conversation existed. Anyways, I tried to copypasta the first half, but evidently, I don't have that -

[2012-02-03 21:42:36] <Iris> oh, do you mind giving Raymond this log ? I kind of plan on going to bed asap, and I've forgotten to log most of it, so ugh, now I get stupid copy-paste format for my notes /

Ughu, I was going to ask him to send it to me, but now-

What happened before the log, is the important part:

- Kevin proposed that we share information on who we targeted; I was extremely hesitantly, and as a sick crazy person contacted Obviam on Skype, just to see if it was normal (see the conversation between Kevin and Obviam). And so I was hesitant, but Kevin insisted that we shared, since it'd help us "catch contradictions" and benefit us, or so - whatever. It bothered me that he was pushing this, anyways - I being my sick and strangely, not coherent self, agreed - he told me who he targeted, and I told him that I didn't target anyone, and that's how we got into a confused discussion over that - the first few lines of the half log I just end with saying that:

[2012-02-03 21:35:04] <Iris> I have a passive role just to stop confusing the fuck out of both of us

So anyways, I think Slayer can reinforce how an inquiry over night actions leads to this, so I hope that makes sense.

You guys probably still don't believe that I had

(20:56:52) kirsche: who told you that I talked to them?

(20:57:03) kirsche: I haven't said a single word to anymore more than 20 minutes ago

(20:57:11) kirsche: *anyone

Alright, so this is Obviam's timezone. Obviam is one hour behind me, so this would be 21:57 when he said this.

[2012-02-03 21:46:13] <Iris> okay

[2012-02-03 21:46:15] <Iris> good night

[2012-02-03 21:46:16] <Iris> for real

Anyways, about ten minutes before that, I was talking to him. :/ Obviously, one of us is bullshitting, and it's not me.

(21:00:19) kirsche: I didn't ask any someone anything

Kevin's probably going to be Kevin, and word it so that he said he proposed that we swapped night actions. But I know his night action, and he knows mine [which, you guys as the post above says, I have a passive role]- if you guys want me to share, go ahead.

I find it strange that someone would lie about swapping night-actions / proposing to swap them, though - and the timezone discrepancy ain't helping.

Man, he hasn't been on since last night, so he can't share his side of the story, but:

##Vote: Kirsche

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DAMMIT 13TH, CAN YOU GO ONE GAME WITHOUT LOOKING LIKE A SHEEP? I'll see if I can catch you when you get home.

Not actually sheeping here. Blitz voted because of uselessness on Rapier's part. I voted because of some really odd logic on Haze's part.

And Proto, when I voted for Haze because of him blaming Rapier, I also voted because he said all he has to work with is what he has in the thread. To that: Before posting stuff, go talk to people. One of the first things I did was PM people so I COULD HAVE SOME FUCKING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH.

Not that I got much because people DON'T ANSWER ME ABOUT EVERYTHING.

That and I haven't gotten much good info from the one who HAS answered me. And when I am dragged to a wedding on the other side of the state, then get trapped in a hotel with my family, I can't exactly get on IRC.

So I am being forced to run with limited access. Thank god I make it back to my home at 3 PM MST tomorrow. Around then, anyways.

So Yeah. I don't like the looks of Haze right now. I will hold my vote onto him.

My apologies for not being able to contribute more in this phase.

Just previewed, and so I read Iris' post. The logic is sound, especially with the IRC logs as proof.

But I can't shake this feeling that Kirsche is town.

So for now.


I can't get this vote settled down. I will stay up for a little longer to gather some thoughts on who to lynch.

If I don't make another post, I will have gone to bed.

I will make at most one more post tonight on the game.

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Okay, Kirsche has a lot of explaining to do, and if it wasn't for the fact that he said he won't be around for the rest of the day, I would have voted for him right now.

But as Obviam said, that might have been his intention. Hoping that he doesn't get lynched because he announced that he won't be here.

Still, there's no point in starting a bandwagon on him right now, so I'll just wait for further developments before doing anything.

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*wonders why he hasn't received one of the magical PMs that 13th sent*

Ah well.

It's a known fact that we have little to nothing base votes upon. I want to hear Kirsche's defense, so if it sucks, then he can be lynched tomorrow.

For today, I think Proto is a decent target. Not for misunderstanding Slayer, but for pressuring him for it. Also you've seemed to make yourself distant, but that's probably just your connection.

##Vote: Proto

whoever is online in less than 5 hours when phase ends had better make sure that there won't be a tie. I'm going to sleep now.

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Okay, Kirsche has a lot of explaining to do, and if it wasn't for the fact that he said he won't be around for the rest of the day, I would have voted for him right now.

But as Obviam said, that might have been his intention. Hoping that he doesn't get lynched because he announced that he won't be here.

Still, there's no point in starting a bandwagon on him right now, so I'll just wait for further developments before doing anything.

Further developments? There is less than 5 hours left. You don't seem to be able to search for developments for yourself, and one isn't just going to appear. Kirsche/Iris time thingy was the only new development we'll get.

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Hey 13th. You SUCK at messaging me.

*wonders why he hasn't received one of the magical PMs that 13th sent*



Stupid freaking SF ate my PMs. It has done this a handful of times to me.

Now I will have to rewrite PMs. Thanks, SF.

I will do it in the morning.. Sorry for accusing you all of ignoring me. I didn't realize the error had occured.

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I've been suggesting this to various people, and now I shall follow my own advice:

- Rapier/Haze: I'm inclined to think that Rapier was clueless. I'd like to talk to Haze a bit more, but for now, I'm not feeling this lynch.

- Proto: I'm not the absolute happiest with that convo we had. I'm somewhat in favor of this lynch.

- Kevin: I want him to get his ass in here before I make any more judgments (though it's very convenient that he's gone ATM). Depending on what he says, he might make a good vig target.

I'm a bit on the fence about 13th. His entire play style bewilders me.

My vote stays on Shinori, because I had a nice conversation with several other people. . .and I didn't like what I heard from them.

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Dang it, this is stressing me out. I need people to respond, but I'm afraid I won't get the answers in time.

I won't be surprised if I'm wrong about this(because this happens to me all the time) but I think if either Kevin or Iris is mafia, its not Kevin9not that one of them has to be mafia). I don't know how much she has been doing outside the thread, but Iris only has much of a presence here now that she was put in the spotlight with Kevin in those chat logs. (I know I'm a hypocrite btw). From which she has been able to make Kevin look much worse than her when he is unable to respond. There were things that I was confused about Kevin, but I believe he has adequately helped me figure them out(assuming he told me the truth). Therefore I don't think I'll be voting for Kevin.

I also don't agree with lynching Rapier. A bit of prodding was fine, but we are close to phase end and I think his concerns seem innocent enough.

Next, I will have to disagree with a Proto lynch. He got confused and took Slayers joke as seriousness, and pressured to get more info because of it. I almost did the same thing until I realized/asked if it was a joke. I don't think his actions really count as scummy, just a mistake in reading comprehension.

I think the only lynvh I can get behind at this moment, as crazy as it might seem, will be ##Vote: Iris. The reasons are mostly in my first paragraph up there. Shes really only done much in here once she came under "suspicion," opportunistically votes and whatever elses Kevin, and just comes off as scummy to me.

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I refuse to have a NL. I think lynching him before he has a chance to speak his mind is a horrid idea. I do see someone that has been idling on IRC for quite a while. . .


##Vote: Proto

Please. Fight this. Give me a reason not to lynch you.

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<Kaoz> and I spot a kirsche

<clipseykitty> He's back?

<Kaoz> reading the thread right now

<Kaoz> should we pressure him to talk?

<clipseykitty> Gotcha. I hope he says something.

<Kaoz> yeah

<clipseykitty> Hmmm. . .I have a better idea. . .

<Kaoz> oh?

This is fair warning that if you leave without explaining yourself, Kevin, I've got a reason to vote you.

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That 20 minute thing is a miscalculation born of exhaustion.

[spoiler="Logs from my perspective]

[spoiler=Iris][02:05] Session Ident: Iris (DarkMyst, kirsche) (chatzilla@otkp-00-53-087-9.spfdma.east.verizon.net)

[02:05] <Iris> Sup?

01[02:05] <kirsche> yo

[02:05] <Iris> How ya doing?

01[02:05] <kirsche> good thanks, nice to win PMD mafia

01[02:05] <kirsche> although annoyed that I got my action blocked

[02:05] <Iris> Haha, yeah

[02:05] <Iris> oh, who did you target?

01[02:05] <kirsche> in touhou mafia

[02:05] <Iris> ohhhh

[02:05] <Iris> touhou

[02:06] <Iris> I thought you meant PMD

[02:06] <Iris> lol

[02:06] <Iris> but then there was like no roleblocker in PMD iirc

01[02:06] <kirsche> think there was a town one

01[02:06] <kirsche> but never really paid attention

[02:06] <Iris> haha, I dunno, my memory of the game is pretty hazy, considering mafia decided to kill me off :(

[02:09] <Iris> are days normally supposed to be this slow-paced ?

01[02:10] <kirsche> SF is bad at OC

[02:10] <Iris> I can see :/

01[02:10] <kirsche> VERY bad

01[02:10] <kirsche> but I'm probably no better

01[02:10] <kirsche> any interesting things on your end last night?

[02:11] <Iris> haha, nothing

[02:11] <Iris> I was warned that SF OC would be bad, but well:P

[02:11] <Iris> anything else you'd like to know?

01[02:11] <kirsche> I might have to role claim tomorrow if this keeps up

01[02:12] <kirsche> need some organisation

01[02:13] <kirsche> not that anyone would believe me

01[02:13] <kirsche> well, here's an idea

01[02:13] <kirsche> how about we share who we targetted last night

[02:14] <Iris> haha, um, I'm wondering how this would help us, though

01[02:15] <kirsche> help us catch inconsistencies

[02:15] <Iris> but yeah, town is like non-existant

[02:15] <Iris> existent*

01[02:16] <kirsche> does it hurt you if you share that information?

01[02:17] <kirsche> ?

[02:17] <Iris> eh, it makes my role more obvious, but

[02:17] <Iris> um

[02:17] <Iris> fine

01[02:18] <kirsche> just saying who you targetted shouldn't make your role obvious

[02:18] <Iris> hold on

01[02:18] <kirsche> unless its driver

[02:18] <Iris> mom spilled the soup

[02:18] <Iris> asdf

[02:19] <Iris> okay, back. No soup for me today:/

01[02:19] <kirsche> ok

[02:19] <Iris> I'm not the driver, haha, but I dunno, this kind of information seems sensitive

01[02:19] <kirsche> oh?

01[02:20] <kirsche> it will be useful for potentially finding patterns and such

01[02:20] <kirsche> and it will give us information

[02:20] <Iris> I'm new to this, so I dunno

[02:21] <Iris> you're awfully insistent, you know. If you weren't such a good player, I'd find this a bit more, uh, suspicious

01[02:21] <kirsche> for example, if I find someone else targetted my target but didn't fail then I'd know the reason I was blocked wasn't due to a safeguard

01[02:21] <kirsche> that confirms teh role blocker to be in the game

[02:22] <Iris> alright...?

[02:23] <Iris> Kevin?

01[02:23] <kirsche> surely you can see how that is helpful information for the town

[02:24] <Iris> alright

01[02:25] <kirsche> I'll go first then

01[02:25] <kirsche> I targetted XXXXX

xxxxxxxx (snipped for making it obvious who I targetted).

01[02:30] <kirsche> ok

01[02:30] <kirsche> the main thing I wish to address is this watcher softclaim thing

[02:30] <Iris> that was a joke

[02:30] <Iris> because your response confused me

01[02:30] <kirsche> .... I see

[02:31] <Iris> hard to believe, eh?

01[02:31] <kirsche> yep

[02:31] <Iris> I dunno, I'm thinking we're misunderstanding each other's words

01[02:31] <kirsche> that doesn't make any sense no matter how you look at it

[02:31] <Iris> explain?

01[02:31] <kirsche> "that wasn't a watcher softclaim if you're wondering"

01[02:32] <kirsche> "targetting no one would imply you have a passive role"

[02:32] <Iris> oh

[02:32] <Iris> *sigh*

[02:32] <Iris> "that was a joke"

01[02:32] <kirsche> if you are a watcher and didn't target anyone, I would be very disappoint

[02:32] <Iris> "wasn't"

01[02:33] <kirsche> it looks strange, as a joke

[02:34] <Iris> I think you're just reading too far into it - I've been known to be a little illogical when I'm sick :/

[02:34] <Iris> *sigh*

01[02:35] <kirsche> :/

[02:35] <Iris> I have a passive role just to stop confusing the fuck out of both of us

[02:35] <Iris> and I need to leave in around 10 minutes

[02:35] <Iris> to get painkillers

[02:35] <Iris> and bedtime

[02:35] <Iris> so if you have anything else to say

01[02:35] <kirsche> that's fine, its 2AM here

01[02:35] <kirsche> so I shouldn't stay long either

[02:35] <Iris> why do you stay up so late? o__o

01[02:36] <kirsche> doing stuff with friends

01[02:36] <kirsche> epic mafia

[02:36] <Iris> oh

[02:36] <Iris> I see

[02:36] <Iris> the last time I stayed up that late

[02:36] <Iris> was 4 days ago

[02:36] <Iris> and then I became sick

[02:36] <Iris> :/

01[02:36] <kirsche> my body is used to staying up late

[02:36] <Iris> haha, obviously mind isn't :/

01[02:37] <kirsche> unfortunately living in england means that when I'm usually awake and at my best, everyone else is away

01[02:37] <kirsche> so for mafia I make my body stay up late to reap teh benefits of an active mafia forum

[02:37] <Iris> oh

01[02:37] <kirsche> probably isn't going to do my body clock any favours

[02:37] <Iris> I see

[02:37] <Iris> man, it'd suck to live in a timezone like Joshy's

[02:37] <Iris> on the other side of the world

[02:37] <Iris> oh

[02:37] <Iris> we're getting sidetracked

[02:37] <Iris> "if you have anything else to say"

[02:38] <Iris> say it now - blahblah, man, ugh, mock trial reminders everywhere -___-

01[02:38] <kirsche> I got the impression you didn't want to talk about mafia anymore

[02:38] <Iris> oh

[02:38] <Iris> I just want you to finish your thoughts

01[02:38] <kirsche> so I thought I'd just strike up conversation

[02:38] <Iris> small talk I see

[02:39] <Iris> but I'd rather talk about mafia

[02:39] <Iris> so I can facepalm at myself

[02:39] <Iris> when I wake up

[02:39] <Iris> at noon

[02:39] <Iris> or so

01[02:39] <kirsche> well, the main thing I'm interested in is whether it was a hooker or a safeguard

01[02:40] <kirsche> unfortunately my ideas for stuff to search for has never been my strong point

[02:40] <Iris> hooker is the mafia equivalent, correct? and safeguard for non-scum?

[02:41] <Iris> I always get terms confused

01[02:41] <kirsche> safeguard is a role which prevents all non-killing actions that target a player from working

01[02:41] <kirsche> hooker is someone who simply stops one user from performing their actions

[02:41] <Iris> ohhhhhh

[02:41] <Iris> alright

[02:42] <Iris> thanks for clearing that up

[02:42] <Iris> oh, do you mind giving Raymond this log ? I kind of plan on going to bed asap, and I've forgotten to log most of it, so ugh, now I get stupid copy-paste format for my notes /

01[02:43] <kirsche> lol ok then

[02:43] <Iris> thanks

[02:43] <Iris> k, any last words?

01[02:43] <kirsche> nope

[02:43] <Iris> cool

[02:43] <Iris> wow

[02:43] <Iris> that sounded morbid

01[02:44] <kirsche> it did :p

01[02:44] <kirsche> well I guess if I die N1 I know who did it ;)

[02:44] <Iris> heeeeeeee, the one and only

[02:44] <Iris> man

[02:45] <Iris> I sound retarded at the moment

[02:45] <Iris> time to hit the sack

01[02:45] <kirsche> lol

[02:45] <Iris> good night

01[02:45] <kirsche> goodnight

[02:45] <Iris> you should go to bed too

01[02:45] <kirsche> proibably

01[02:45] <kirsche> people to interrogate

01[02:45] <kirsche> and the like

[02:45] <Iris> I kind of want to stay up to talk to others

01[02:45] <kirsche> saturday tomorrow, so I'll just get up at midday or something

[02:45] <Iris> since I know like everyone gets on later

[02:45] <Iris> but meh

[02:45] <Iris> so tired

01[02:46] <kirsche> noone will blame you for going to bed

[02:46] <Iris> except for myself :O

[02:46] <Iris> okay

[02:46] <Iris> good night

[02:46] <Iris> for real

01[02:46] <kirsche> night


Session Start: Sat Feb 04 02:56:38 2012

Session Ident: Remiria_Sukaaretto

01[02:56] <kirsche> who told you that I talked to them?

01[02:56] <kirsche> I haven't said a single word to anymore more than 20 minutes ago

01[02:57] <kirsche> *anyone

[02:57] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> a disconcerted individual

[02:57] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> would you like to purchase their name

01[02:57] <kirsche> depends

01[02:58] <kirsche> on the price

[02:58] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> butter me ujp

[02:58] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> giiherohgre

[02:58] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> up

[02:58] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> rub me down

[02:58] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> stroke it all around,

01[02:58] <kirsche> ;/

[02:58] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> ;>

01[02:59] <kirsche> it's in your benefit to tell me anyway

01[02:59] <kirsche> if someone's BSing all townies should know about it

[02:59] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> it's always in my benefit to withhold as much information as possible while acquiring as much as I can

[02:59] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> oh?

[02:59] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> they're BSing, is that your theory?

01[02:59] <kirsche> yep

01[02:59] <kirsche> not a theory

01[02:59] <kirsche> fact

[02:59] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> well supposing it's a fact

[02:59] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> and it's been super long since you talked to anyone

[02:59] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> what did you ask that someone

01[03:00] <kirsche> I didn't ask any someone anything

01[03:00] <kirsche> that's the point

[03:00] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> if I trusted you then I would gladly give their name

[03:00] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> but trust isn't something you can buy

[03:00] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> you can buy me letting my guard down though

01[03:00] <kirsche> and obviam, as a townie, you should be revealing as many suspicious people as possible

01[03:01] <kirsche> unfortunately not obviam

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> you could be suspicious too though

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> for lying to me

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> at this point you both look like liars now

01[03:01] <kirsche> I haven't lied though

01[03:01] <kirsche> sigh ok then

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> but I'm not you

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> I'm me

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> I don't know that you haven't lied

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> in fact

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> I'm not even me either

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> I'm someone else!

[03:01] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> always a step ahead

01[03:02] <kirsche> why would I come to you claiming that I haven't talked to anyone?

01[03:02] <kirsche> what woudl that acomplish me, or anyone else for that matter

01[03:02] <kirsche> *would, matter?

01[03:03] <kirsche> obviam, there is inofrmation which you should share and information which you should withold

01[03:03] <kirsche> *information

01[03:04] <kirsche> witholding everything does not promote discussion

01[03:04] <kirsche> and is part of the reason why people on SF aren't very good at OC

[03:05] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> but I've always done that in OC and do much better at it than most

[03:05] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> no one's realized it, is all

[03:05] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> anygay I'll have to think about the consequences for a bit

01[03:05] <kirsche> yes well done you can be a one-man player

01[03:05] <kirsche> so when its 4 maf vs you, you can still win!

[03:05] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> Yep

[03:06] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> you do realize that SF's idea of "team play" is bullshit blindly-follow-the-leader crap right

[03:06] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> it's good for the town to be composed of free thinking individuals

[03:06] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> and right now I think you're a pushy brat

01[03:06] <kirsche> that is because the less strong at OC get trounced because noone gives them any info

01[03:07] <kirsche> likewise, obviam, I think you're being a stubborn fool

[03:07] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> those are contradictory terms in mafia

01[03:07] <kirsche> nope

01[03:07] <kirsche> stubborn is not good

01[03:07] <kirsche> being a fool is not good

[03:07] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> stubbornness; the very will to keep going no matter what

[03:07] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> is what keeps you alive

01[03:08] <kirsche> or dead

01[03:08] <kirsche> because you don't tell the mafia anything

[03:08] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> Do you know how good mafia team members play?

[03:08] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> they play like you're doing

[03:08] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> they push and push until they get shit out of townies

01[03:08] <kirsche> good for them

[03:08] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> on the grounds that it's "beneficial for everyone"

[03:08] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> yeah

[03:08] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> if you TELL everyone

[03:08] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> Why would I want to tell the mafia anything?

[03:09] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> So you're mafia and you're going to kill me because I'm not telling you anything?

[03:09] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> Isn't that pretty much what I just said

01[03:09] <kirsche> no, but that's how mafia members think

[03:09] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> I suppose you're the expert

01[03:09] <kirsche> which is why obviam, the key is to not be too stubborn

01[03:10] <kirsche> and at teh same tiem not give too much away

01[03:10] <kirsche> *the, time

01[03:10] <kirsche> damn typos

[03:11] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> I never said I would appear on the outside the way I am on the inside

[03:11] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> Even if I appeared to be spewing my heart out to you I could still be being incredibly stubborn

[03:11] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> the reason I do alright in mafia games is because no one ever knows

01[03:11] <kirsche> yes and that's where good reads come in

[03:12] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> unfortunately I'm pretty good at that too

[03:12] <Remiria_Sukaaretto> gg

Session Close: Sat Feb 04 03:18:37 2012

So yeah, I wasn't at my best and my time judgement was 20 minutes off. My bad.

Did this involve asking the host something? Is there some flavor you can share with us that will allow us to identify hooks in the future? If you ask the host a question you should share the answer with the town.

No it involved doing the same thing with Iris with a lot of people. I explained why I wanted to do it (to determine if it was a hooker or not), and told them who I targetted first. I would hope that they wouldn't lie after I said who I targetted and gave us false information. If they did they are either scum or they are feeding the town false information by paranoia.

And no I am not very good obviam. I have no real idea of how to gather information, I am only good with information given, which is why I tend to become more active at the game goes on.

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Ok, I'll make this quick because I gotta leave.

First of all votals:

[3] Proto: -eclipse, -Obviam, Haze, Diavolo, eclipse

[2] Kevin: Obviam, Iris

[1] Haze: Flint, -13th

[1] Iris: Strawman

[0] Shinori: -eclipse

[0] Kay: -kirsche

[0] Diavolo: -13th

[0] Eclipse: -Shinori

[0] Strawman: -13th

I don't agree with lynching Proto over not getting Slayer's joke and the push is a result of that, so both Haze's and Core's vote are worthless in my eyes.

Lynching Kevin over the time discrepancy which was apparently just an error doesn't sit right with me either.

Blitz's vote on Haze was old and the reasons for it vanished.

Strawman's vote seems to be the most solid of the bunch, but that's not saying a whole lot.

If I had to choose someone for a lynch, it'd be...

##Vote: Shinori

From what I've seen he has been doing quite a bit of talking but without any real purpose behind it. I would like to note that I'm not terribly convinced that he's mafia, just that he looks worse to me than any of the ones that are currently voted for.

That being said, I request an extension, so that we can get stuff done properly.

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Man, the things I have to do to get what I want. . .anyway. . .there's a couple of you I want to talk to.


##Vote: Naglfar

You're first.

I'm giving Shinori one more chance to get himself in here and start explaining things. I'm also in favor of a phase extension, since people didn't bother showing up until tonight.

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[01:17] <Blitz> so, I completely forgot to ask you yesterday, is your role active or passive?

[01:17] <clipseykitty> My answer is to stop fucking asking that. It makes you look REALLY bad.

[01:18] <Blitz> since when did I care about that?

[01:19] <clipseykitty> Do you want to become today's lynch?

[01:19] <Blitz> I think I can avoid it if I had to

Yes, I was fucking serious.


##Vote: Blitz

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Upon request, the phase has been extended by 24 hours. It now ends at February 6th at 12pm GMT.

Also, here's the current votals:

[2] kirsche: Obviam, Iris

[2] Proto: eclipse, Obviam, Haze, Diavolo

[1] Flint: eclipse

[1] Iris: Strawman

[1] Shinori: eclipse, Kaoz

[0] Naglfar: eclipse

[0] Diavolo: 13th

[0] Haze: Flint, 13th

[0] Kay: kirsche

[0] Eclipse: Shinori

[0] Strawman: 13th

Edited by Shade of Shadow
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Not actually sheeping here. Blitz voted because of uselessness on Rapier's part. I voted because of some really odd logic on Haze's part.

And Proto, when I voted for Haze because of him blaming Rapier, I also voted because he said all he has to work with is what he has in the thread. To that: Before posting stuff, go talk to people. One of the first things I did was PM people so I COULD HAVE SOME FUCKING INFORMATION TO WORK WITH.

Easier said than done when you find out you've been subbed in at 3 in the morning and the phase ends at noon.

Now that there's been an extension, I can do so.

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Well im here. My vote on eclipse was a simple pressure vote to get his attention. I wanted to talk to him and i wanted to see how people would react, and in turn talk to those people. The people who came and talked to me solely because i put a vote on eclipse had some very interesting things to say.

For example What do people think of the possibility of two mafia being in this game? Multiple people mentioned that they thought there were two mafia in this game to me, one of which mentioned it on N0, that person was Kaoz. Forgive me if im wrong but it seems to me that people just normally just assume that there are two mafias in a game. The fact that it was brought up on N0 by one person and then D1 by two separate people in my first conversations with them confused me. I mean those three easily could have gotten the idea from one person and then began to spread it around, or they could be collaborating together and they might have some sort of info that we dont. In other words these people that mentioned two mafias to me could very well be mafia and they have the knowledge of knowing there is a second one or not.

As for you eclipse What else would you like explained? I'll be more than happy to explain what i need to explain.

But just to clarify to obviam, my vote one eclipse was just a simple way to make people talk to me, i wanted to see who was most intrigued by my vote and who would start up a convo with me because of it, i had been on IRC since shortly after N0 started and waited before i started talking to other people on my own.

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