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Return of the Emblem Chapter Eight: Affairs of the World


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Toss Over

"Planning to have the popular currency in the future, are you?" Paz asked with a grin. He then took the sun coin he was already holding, swiftly positioned it above his index finger and thumb, and then flicked the coin, sending it flipping over to Bert. The man seemed to have some practice with coin handling. From there, he waited for Bert to give him the ten gold the sun coin was worth.

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He wasn't entirely sure what Paz meant by "the popular currency in the future" -- he could've meant a form of currency which could be handy away from Sanctuary or that he thought eventually all the world would be using the sun coins as the highest form of currency -- but he decided not to dwell on it as he caught the coin and handed over the ten gold in a much more ordinary fashion. "We'll see," he decided to reply, "Thank you. It's too bad it's unlikely we'll do business again."

Gytha nearly dropped a heavy crate on someone's foot (but didn't) when she waved to someone she thought was waving to her, but it turned out he wasn't.

Norbert slipped the coin into Rizen's saddlebag and began suiting her up with her new armor. It'd still be a bit of time before the wagon was ready to leave, he figured. When he was done, he smiled in satisfaction. Rizen's armor was now reflected the patterns on Norbert's new jerkin with the same amount of detail but modified to be flattering on the pegasus as opposed to on a human wearer. It was less simple and bulky than before, too, and now Rizen even had a mask and her own bracers (which had a red pattern on them similar to the simple line pattern on Norbert's boots. "Your leatherworkers did a better job than I thought they wold. I'm impressed," he told Paz before unwrapping his hands, putting the bandages away for later, repurposed use and sliding on his new jerkin and gloves. His own, new armor fit excellently as well. Though now it looked like Raquel was beginning to leave. So, Norbert mounted Rizen, gave a final wave to Paz and followed the wagon.

When they arrived at the palace, apparently Raquel was going to go to a meeting. Norbert figured it'd be best if he waited by the wagon. Avoiding any conflict which could come from his temper was his usual solution, so he didn't have a problem with it. That aside, Rizen deserved some attention. Gytha, however, decided that going along with Raquel would be a good idea. So, she did. When she saw Amon, the mariner waved her arm around vigorously in greeting, though remembered to keep quiet herself as the leaders of the various groups talked.


While he waited outside, something smashed through part of the palace. "What was that?!" It was gone so quickly, though, that he couldn't identify it. It wasn't an attack, he could tell, because there was nothing following it up. So, it was probably Lilith. I wonder what got her angry enough to shoot into the palace like that. They probably deserve whatever damage they got, though.

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Lilith's entrance was quite startling, but she supposed a vasilus could enter however she wished in most circumstances. Veronika was a bit unsure whether Aisha or the head priestess wished to lecture them first or not, but she figured she should say something in case there were any misconceptions.

"I wish to apologize on behalf of my companions for the...incident in the market. We have had an extremely harrowing couple of days and Sancturan culture is very foreign to most of us. We will try to be more conscientious in the future," she said, bowing her head to Aisha a little bit.

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Gabbie's Quest

With Ringo tacked up and ready to go, Gabbie flew the wyvern around the palace and over to the guest quarters main entrance. She landed a short ways from the door, right by the roofed walkway. From there, she told Ringo to stay put and ran inside. Okay time to pack my things ... oh and Connor. Heheh, packing Connor. He's small, but I'd never fit him into a bag. Her first stop was the room they were staying in. Connor's things were out. What was he working on? Not important right now, she figured. She left the room to go find him. hunger pains quickly set in and she detoured to the dining hall. "Oh, there he is ..." she uttered quietly.

"Oi, Connor! Rexians got pissed at us for stuff. Eat fast and pack faster, cause we're leavin' soon." she greeted before flagging down a waiter and ordering ... you guessed it ....

Aisha's Quest

Aisha nodded while Lulu gave a very unamused look toward the group in general. "Conflict was averted. That will have to be good enough." Amon gave a small wave back to Gytha, as well, forcing a smile and trying not to be noticed by the other rexians. It only amounted to him looking really awkward, though. "So, Raquel ... have you thought about my offer?"

"... I have, though I've honestly been trying not to think about it too much." she replied shyly.

"Is it such a difficult decision?"

"For me it is. Lilith never gave me a choice, and it's about half the size it was before. I don't know why, but I've got a feeling I shouldn't just keep letting you people break it to cure your curses."

"I would have given you a choice if the circumstances were different." Lilith interjected. "As far as I can tell, I'm the only one ready and willing to oppose Wrath. It's not enough, but it's a start."

"I'm giving you a choice regardless. I'm not fond of trampling over the hopes and dreams of others as Lilith is." Aisha added.

"You know, I might actually have believed that if you weren't so hell bent on putting every last rexian descendant in the desert on as short a leash as possible."

"You'll never understand."

"Oh I understand full well what you're trying to do. I don't oppose all of your principles ... I know where you learned them. I oppose your methods. They clearly aren't working, and you would rather continue to do that and just hope Wrath doesn't put an end to all of it."

"We can argue about that later if you insist, but right now I need Raquel's answer. Then I can decide what I will do about it." Aisha said sternly. The other rexians gave her their attention, keeping an eye out for any cues that might show up. Aisha's attention and Lilith's were on Raquel, though.

"I ... I really don't want to have my emblem split, again." Raquel finally answered.

"... I see. Lilith, I have a question for you now. What do you think is different about the pieces the two of you hold?"

"What?" That was a little confusing.

"I am asking you what you believe makes them different. A piece of the emblem other than those two will not keep your curse at bay, nor mine. Something is clearly different. So what do you believe that is?"

"I don't know." Lilith shrugged. "... I'll figure it out later."

"The emblem pieces don't normally repress the curses of Wrath, Lilith. That warrants everyone's attention, especially yours."

"And yet you sent Amon to find one, anyway. What were you after?" she shot back, crossing her arms.

"It's easier to test my theories with the subject in my hands." Aisha turned back to Raquel. "You and your companions are free to leave." To Amon she said. "I may have a new assignment for you."

"New assignment?" he echoed, leaning back and lifting his chin up.

"You and several others. We will discuss the details after this ... meeting."

New assignment ... so he's not coming with us, then. I guess she doesn't really have a reason to let him travel with us. We're not doing anything for her in return, after all. Raquel thought to herself.

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Wait... he did what? THAT was what all the yelling was about? "My god..." Aneda mumbled to herself, wondering when she could leave this place. Knowing what little she did know about sanctuary, and humans in general, she wasn't liking how the situation was turning out. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right? So is the reason we're still allowed to walk around something much more sinister, due to one dumbass acting out, or is it a legitimate goodwill that allows it? She went off to find her companion, her one true friend in the world, Hannah the banana. She received a welcoming snort as well as a few licks to the face. "Oh come on, it wasn't that long, was it? Either way, d'aaaw I missed you too, dear!" The patting, the rubbing, the nuzzling, it all happened. After the heartfelt reunion, Aneda simply guided Hannah towards the wagon, having to explain many times for Hannah to stay by it until she gets back. "Now look here, I need you to STAY HERE... just stay here until I come back. Okaaaay? YOu do this, I'll give you treats! Yeeeeah, treeeats, they are deliiiiciooooous. But you can only have em if you stay still for a while!" The pegasus seemed to understand, neigh, it seemed to be playing dumb in order to get free treats from Aneda, but neither of them saw it as anything malicious so it was allowed.


Aneda watched quietly as the meeting was simply waiting to start, everyone doing a headcount in their minds. The Pegasus rider herself had no real idea of who was supposed to be there, even so she did pick out a few people she had at least seen before, namely Aisha, Amon, and Haythem. The others weren't really interesting to her, but she wouldn't let them know that. Gosh that'd be rude. Man, when is this meeting going to st- WHOA WHAT?! She just... the wall... sliding... The slidiiiing! That was so cool! I wanna DO that! But wait, she's like some magical being thing... I'd probably break every bone in my body trying to break through a wall like that. Maybe if I learned magic? Launch a fireball and then tumble on through the wreckage? Aw screw it. New goal, somehow manage to fucking replicate the breaking through a wall and then slide on the ground like you're the coolest thing since sliced bread~! Yes she got sidetracked. Hard.

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Veronika breathed a sigh of relief as Aisha and Lulu seemed to excuse them and did not demand a piece of the emblem. "Thank you," she said simply to Aisha.

Amon however, was to stay with Aisha, for better or for worse. "Good luck with whatever comes Amon. We-I'll miss you," she said, extending a hand out to him. She briefly considered a more affectionate form of farewell, but figured that may be a bit awkward for him given the company.


Connor gulped down his porridge and turned to Gabbie. "Stuff? That's a bit vague...did you attack someone out of nowhere again? That's how you lost Gemini you know," he decided to remind her, despite it being unlikely she forgot.


Nadya was ready to go rather quickly- she packed lightly other than a few heavy sacks Luca usually carried- and left the room she shared with Robin. No one else seemed to be ready, so she occupied her time with watching what was going on outside the palace window. It really is a nice view... she thought to herself.


Jalil returned to the low quarters, where Omar seemed to be waiting at their usual meeting spot.

"Identity confirmed?" he asked her briefly.

"More or less. Their group is too similar to the reports for it to be another group of foreigners," Jalil noted.

"They seemed to have caused quite a ruckus- hopefully they don't get imprisoned. We don't have the manpower to orchestrate a prison break, so the emblem is lost to us if they never leave Sanctuary," Omar mused, putting his hand on his chin.

"What if Aisha takes it? Then it would be out of our reach as well..." she said worriedly.

"If Aisha knew about the emblem, she would have already taken it. That is her way- to take all that she can, opinions of the people be damned. If she lets them go, we'll need to act quickly- cut them off as soon as possible, but not too close to Sanctuary. I've already contacted the Red Mist and sent Jamal to contact the Horsemen- hopefully some of their number will be willing to aid us. You should keep your eye on them, we need to know when to move. Hopefully they remain in the city for a week or more- that would give us more time to gather our forces," he instructed Jalil, who nodded and left the low quarters, edging towards the palace.

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Both John and Sophia only watched and heard as things went on. These were quite the news.

<So Aisha is also under a curse like Lilith?> John noted. <Must be of a different sort if she isn't out cold although... hm, on the other hand, would the way Rex-Avaz is today has anything to do it with? Hmm...>

Aisha was also cursed by Lord Wrath? Sophia thought. Wait, she is just letting us go despite Raquel's answer? It sounded too good to be true.

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Gytha looked at Veronika with some confusion. "Last time th' mission was t' come with us," she noted aloud, "Maybe this time it's th' same thing." It was an entirely plausible theory and she didn't see any reason to think he wasn't coming with them unless it was specifically stated otherwise. Even if he does stay b'hind, at least I know he's got someone t' look after 'im. She thought with a confidant look over to Haythem. She trusted him enough to look after Amon, who was a good friend of hers: a high compliment. I will miss him if he stays here, though. I'll just have t' find a way t' visit when all this is over.

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Lulu's Office

Regardless of who figured it out first, Veronika was the first to approach Amon to say her goodbyes. He accepted her hand and replied "I'll miss you too, Veronika." saying that out loud was a little embarrassing, but he didn't put his head down or look away. "Don't do anything too dangerous, okay?" he asked, thinking back to when they both nearly got themselves killed trying to haul Axel away from ground zero. Epic.

Before Amon could explain the situation to Gytha, Aisha did. "No, that will not be possible. Raquel and Lilith will not give me what I require, and so I have no real reason to offer aid of any kind. Amon's next assignment will be easier away from your group, regardless."

"Easier?" Amon wasn't sure what to make of that ... not until his trinket came to mind. "Oh right ... the trinket Lulu gave me .... You're sending me to find another piece, aren't you?"

"We will speak more of that shortly." Aisha replied, stalling a bit.

"Hmm ... does anyone know where Miss Nadya is?" Haythem spoke up. If it was time to say goodbyes, he'd better find her, and fast. Raquel felt guilty that Amon was leaving the group for the reasons he was. She had no way to prove her emblem piece would get weaker if it was split a second time; she couldn't gauge its strength to begin with. She just felt that that was the truth. She couldn't bring herself to watch the farewells between him and the others and kept her head down.

Dining Hall

"Grrrr." Gabbie growled. "I was shopping. Gytha and Bert decoided to try and get us all killed with a combination of voiolence and insults. Missed the whole damn thing. Speakin' of which, you stay close until we're back at the Dauntless."

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Well, that was discouraging news. "Looks like yer not allowed t' come with us, then," Gytha replied, far less cheerful than a moment ago, but retaining her smile, at least a little bit. "Keep 'im safe, Haythem! I'm counin' on ye t' watch his back while I'm gone!" she hastily instructed to the wyvern rider before centering her focus back onto Amon.

For a moment, she couldn't find the words. Then she walked right up to him and pulled the blue gem she'd won at the Ascension Festival out of her belt pouch and tossed it over to him (a more virticle toss than a horizontal one.) "I'll help Raquel, but some day I'll find a ship headin' for a Rexian port n' try t' make a habit out o' visitin', savvy? This won't be th' last time I see ye, so ye'd better practice while I'm gone! Both with yer knives n' with yer celery spoon!" she informed with her broad grin before stepping back so she was standing with Raquel's group again. She wanted to give him a hug, but felt that would take away from all the confidence she was putting into seeing him again someday. I will. When all this is over, I'll pull into a Rexian port n' send 'im a message t' visit, since we won't be comin' t' Sanctuary anymore. So there's no reason t' be sad right now. It's silly since this isn't a permanent goodbye. I'll be fine n' so will he. "Ye can trust me," she added with a grin.

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"Well...I'll try," she said to Amon, not wanting to make a promise she doubted she could keep. The Organization was dangerous after all and she had a feeling her road would cross with theirs many times before this was all over. Aisha wants a different piece? Well...if we run into Amon again he'd still be our ally, it's not like we actually need to keep the whole emblem.

"Nadya was getting things from her room I think, I'd try there," she advised Haythem before excusing herself to leave. There was a fair amount left to pack after all, especially including the extra supplies Raquel had gotten.


"Raquel hires some of the strangest people...sure I'll pack up and go I guess. I barely got any experimenting done though, the last few days haven't exactly been prime working environments. Are we going to get some peace and quiet anytime soon?" he asked Gabbie.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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<So that's what it is. So that means Amon won't be coming with us now. Well, at the very least...> John turned to face him. ''I guess this is good-bye then.'' He said. ''I don't think we ever talked much, but good luck on whatever you do next nonetheless.'' <Farewells huh. I wonder if we will see him again. Heh, if he is indeed sent to search for another piece, it may be likely that having found Raquel's once, he could do it again not thinking it's hers.>

Sophia just watched as the farewells to Amon happened. She didn't felt she had anything to say. After all, she hasn't been with the group for long, and much less to know about most of them, Amon among them. At most just a generic farewell but considering the situation, it wouldn't really fit.

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Raquel had passed Bert's pegasus' apparent test and approached Bert, asking if he was going to be okay. Then the merchant made the observation that she should return to the wagon and finish business. This was almost immediately followed by the axeman trying to downplay his condition, and his official, unprompted apology to his employer. Well, at least he realized he screwed up. John approached Raquel around then, as he asked what they were going to do now. He apparently didn't hear either of Blake or the Skotian noble's suggestions, or had simply wanted 'official' approval of the course of action. Which went to show the varying levels of discipline within the group, as Robin once again moved impossibly fast and continued to 'assume' authority. This was honestly getting to be a bit ridiculous, but the swordsman said nothing. Regardless, the punished managed to get to his feet and, with the aid of his mount, was able to make his way to the armory in due time. That was a good sign. He'd be fine, eventually.

Raquel began on her trek towards her wagon, while Blake pointedly ignored Robin's attempt to try and rein in the group. After being nearly shot with an arrow by the archer, he didn't find her to be the best leadership figure. As members of the group continued to file out of the plaza, the swordsman stayed behind. He began to return to the armory after everyone else had left, so that if the Rexians were to begin picking members off, he'd probably be first to be attacked. Which meant there would be a possibly winnable fight on his hands. Which was exactly what he wanted right now, to vent some frustration.

Unfortunately, no rogues harassed him on his leisurely journey to the stables, and as he finally arrived, a Rexian messenger was just leaving. Raquel explained the situation once more and asked for people to act as guards. The swordsman naturally volunteered, just in case, and within twenty minutes, they were in the meeting place. The woman or vasilus known as Aisha welcomed them, and mentioned that they were down a 'party member'. Moments later, Lilith blasted through the wall as if it was parchment. Blake would say unbelievable, but, seeing as she apparently survived several bullets to the head, the vasilus/demigoddess could likely easily break through a wall. But it was spectacular, so he settled for surprised for the moment. After the shock effect wore off, the Skotian noblewoman tried to explain the group's actions, but Aisha simply brushed aside the explanation and moved on to other matters. There was banter between Lilith, Raquel, and Aisha, through which Blake learned that apparently Raquel's emblem was unique, as other pieces couldn't lift the curse both factions supposedly had. In the end, it was decided that the merchant could keep her emblem, but Amon would not be continuing with the group. Fair enough.

The farewells began almost immediately, first between the Skotian -Veronika was her name, it seemed- and Amon, then between Gytha and the Rexian, and now John was saying farewell to his now-former colleague. It was kind of awkward just standing there as these farewells were made, though the sooner they were, the sooner they could leave. As a result, Blake, just stood aside, and waited.

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"Sure thing! He's safe with me!" Haythem replied. He got his answer, and he also got a slight opening to bypass the crowd. Raquel saw his lower body coming and moved out of the way to let him by. His cape got picked up by the wind, though and tried to cover her, causing her to lean out of the way even more. Meanwhile Amon received a couple more goodbyes. It was getting harder to stay composed, though the assignment Aisha let slip offered some hope. At the very least, they might still have an opportunity to meet in the future.

"We'll meet again, definitely." Amon nodded in agreement with Gytha, once again thinking to his next assignment. To John he replied "Good luck to you, too. Keep doing what you do best.", alluding to the his guarding habits. They saved lives, and that's exactly what the group needed, now more than ever. "Raquel ..." Hearing her name, she finally looked up. She remained silent though. "It's okay ... and thanks for having me along at all. I appreciate it. Tell everyone else I said goodbye ... for now." She nodded, still silent, but feeling a little better.

Aisha and Lulu watched the proceedings, the former with great interest, and the latter with irritation. At the very least, Lulu was glad that the next time Amon went out into the frontier, he wouldn't be alone. The fond farewells were irksome, though. She didn't harbor much respect for these people.


Haythem ran for the guest quarters like any man would who was late for an important get together. He even attempted a few stunts to buy himself a second here and another second there, jumping over the side of a fountain, and then running onto and jumping over the edge of a bench near the corner that led into a hallway. He past at high speed with his cape being dragged in the wind. <"The commander's son must be late for something."> a worker commented as he ran by.

When Haythem finally reached the guest quarters, he was tired, and had his arms on his knees to support himself. <"Okay, that wasn't so smart ... if I want to say goodbye, I could just wait by Raquel's wagon, right? Right. Still, maybe I can find her while she's alone~"> Of course, he spent the next minute recovering at the entrance.

Dining Hall

"Peace and quoiet? Not durin' the daytoime, no. We've got the Dauntless' deflectors--a little noisy--extreme heat, and uneven terrain for pretty much the whole damn day. Ya moight have better luck after sundown, though." Gabbie replied. "Did you make that suit yet, loike I asked?" she added, glaring slightly. She already knew the answer.

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''Heh, that I'll do. Don't you worry about it.'' John said. <Sure, I can't guarantee I'll be able to all the time, but I'll manage no matter what it may take.> He thought.

So after this we're finally going back to Ursium. Sophia thought. After all this, that no longer sounds so inviting. And that's not even taking into account what may happen in-between.

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"No, I haven't had much time to work really. Besides, it's probably more important to upgrade people's arms and armor who are actually in fights. Staying inside the Dauntless should be safe barring any weird accidents," he admitted to Gabbie.


Nadya eventually left her musings by the window and began heading out of the guest quarters towards the wagon. On the way however, she encountered Haythem who seemed...tired?

"Oh howdy. Guess your mission went all right, ya came back alive anyway. I was gonna ask ya about it earlier, but things got a little messy back in the market there," she said, walking up to him.

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"'More important'? This ain't a business. Don't put people's menial requests above your own safety. Man, I thought you'd be ecstatic about the chance to turn yourself into a walkin' tank." She sighed. "True, the Dauntless is 'decent' protection, but I'd still prefer we had a plan B ... and a plan C. The last people we fought sent us to another realm for gods' sake."


"Oh, just the person I wanted to see! Uh ... yeah, the mission failed ... utterly, but that was inevitable, apparently. We may have gotten a new ally out of the deal, though." he explained, maintaining a smile since the news was good overall. Of course he couldn't maintain a smile once he remembered the 'other' news. "There is one more thing .... Amon won't be coming with you people when you leave. He has another assignment on the way."

Raquel and Co

"Well then, we have other matters to see to. You may leave now." Aisha said to Raquel, keeping a neutral tone. Raquel still felt she was being rushed out of the office, either that or she was about to be.

"Thank you for providing us shelter ... and everything else, as well. And thank you for not being so harsh." Raquel concluded with a slight bow.

"You have enough troubles to deal with, Lilith included." Aisha replied. Lilith rolled her eyes at the comment. Raquel turned to leave slowly but didn't motion for anyone to follow her. She just hoped they would take Aisha's hint and leave to. Without Amon our overall strength is down ... not much but it's still an issue. I've got to remember to try and recruit some new people as we go along, or things are just going to get worse. Raquel thought to herself as she left the office. She didn't notice Lilith follow her, though.

"So you are minus one combatant. What are you planning to do about that?" Lilith asked. What a coincidence.

Raquel shook her head. "All I can do is try to hire more mercenaries to fill in the gaps. Why are you asking?"

"I'm letting you hold that piece of the fire emblem ... against my better judgment. If you people get killed, it will fall into someone else's hands. I'm curious about how you regain lost strength. That's all."

"There's only one way to 'replace lost strength'. I don't have a choice in the matter. I have to hire new people, or every time someone leaves or dies, we get a little weaker." Raquel replied defensively.

"I see. So you have no intention of helping out, yourself?"

"I get enough flak about endangering myself, and I've been suppressing my power for over a year. I'd be lucky if I could injure someone without any resistance."

"It's not as if you have to fight offensively. Even I had support from noncombatants."

"I don't have enough power to heal, either ...."

"I'm a vasilus; you think I needed healing? I need to discuss some things with Aisha. I'll find you again once I'm finished, and we can ... look at some other options."

"Okay ... fine."

Cassandra and Co

Naomi didn't give Cassandra the full tour ... she didn't ask for it. She did show her where essentials were, though, such as the kitchen. Once the two of them acquired a snack, they went into the lounge where the Spear Coffin was lying and sat down. "So I have a week ...."

"Plenty of time. It may be a little too soon for me to suggest this, but I think you should talk with Burke." Naomi replied. Cassandra flinched and dropped the pork cutlet right back onto the plate.


"Well, I think that maybe part of the reason you don't trust us yet is because you don't know Burke very well."

"He knocked me out. What else do I need to know ...?"

"He knocked Raquel out ..." Naomi corrected. "He hasn't done anything to you."

Cassandra sighed and put her head down. "Why are you defending him? He's clearly a maniac."

"Well, I'm not saying he's isn't dangerous. He's tried to shoot me a few times. ... I don't know ... I've been around him for so long, I... maybe I've just gotten used to his faults. I just don't want any lingering feelings to affect your decision. If you just get to know him, you'll see that he's not a bad sort. He's just a little prone to violence."

"He tried to shoot you ...?

"Well ... yes. To be fair, though, we do work for-"

"Who cares who you work for?! He's a maniac! I don't want to talk to him!"

"Ohhhh I'm only making it worse." Naomi realized with a wince.

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"I don't think having more armor could protect me from getting teleported...I really don't know what to do to stop these criminals frankly. They invaded Uncle's estate, the military can't even seem to stop them...I'm not sure what we're supposed to do. All I can really do is make everyone's equipment a little better, but that doesn't seem like it's enough," he said to Gabbie, frowning a little.


"Well, Amon's service is to Aisha, not to us. He's got his path, I've got mine. Guess you heard about our group havin' to head out- wish we coulda stayed a little longer, but we overstayed our welcome about as quickly as we could. Pretty brave of ya to stand up to your own men back there for us by the way- maybe not the smartest thing to do, jumpin' in front of angry armed soldiers- but I appreciate it," she said to Haythem.

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Raquel began to leave the room, as good as any of a sign that it was time to leave, which was promptly followed. And now she and Lilith were talking about Amon's departure.

''Come to think of it,'' John thought out loud. ''Didn't we had someone who could do stuff like Amon? Wonder what happened to him.'' <Not to mention, when was the last we heard of him? Hopefully he didn't died like that archer kid and just got left behind or something... and hopefully not back at the fort.>

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Raquel and Co

"He didn't make it either? I thought it was just Domovoi ..." Raquel replied to John with a grimace. "I thought for certain he was just skulking around somewhere." She sighed. One, two, no ... three more people that needed replacing.

"Seems you have more gaps to fill than you thought." Lilith commented as she turned to head back to the office. "You should definitely consider helping out directly."

"Yeah, and why not paint a bullseye on my head while I'm at it .... This can't end well."


"Don't take this the wrong way, but as long as you don't get killed ... mission accomplished." Gabbie explained with her hands on her hips. "I don't know if Raquel and her mercs can beat those lunatics, but my priority is to make sure Weyland's generosity doesn't cost him big toime. You're his nephew and you're on the front loines ... and even I get too caught up in the foighting to protect you most of the toime. You're doin' enough for now, but we need to make sure you'll be alroight even if something happens to the Dauntless. I'm serious; if you can't make an armored suit, come up with some way to keep yourself aloive."


"Ah who needs bravery when you've got Isis and a Tide assassin at your side?" Haythem boasted. "I couldn't let a culture clash lead to a whole lot of bloodshed, though. I couldn't stand by and watch that. I would be a disgrace to my father to let that happen." he added, taking on a more serious tone. "You might want to consider keeping the pegasus rider quiet in the future, though. He knew just what to say to start a skirmish. That's dangerous, heheh. I wasn't sure I could stop them without having to rough a few of them up."

Cassandra and Co

And their conversation continued.

"Like I said, I'll go with you."

"He's already tried to shoot you ... how is that going to make a difference?" Cassandra asked, giving Naomi a confused look.

"It's just his way of telling people to ... give him some space."

"You're insane. He tried to shoot you, didn't he? How can you be alright with that?"

"I'm loyal. Eternally. You aren't. The last thing Burke is going to do is try to scare you away, or worse, kill you." Suddenly a gunshot rang through the lounge. A bullet flew right passed both of their heads, nearly hitting both of them in line, bounced off of the Spear Coffin and was caught by Burke's waiting hand.

"She's right, I'm not going to shoot you. You're finicky, but you're also a wrathdamn masterpiece." he greeted.

"You're not helping!" Naomi yelled. Cassandra sat still, frozen. Flintlocks weren't the most accurate ranged weapons, so the fact that he even took the chance was frightening.

"So what's this about me shooting people?"

"I was TRYING to convince her that you aren't just waiting for the chance to kill someone."

"Don't lie to the new girl. I think it's more important that she knows I have no interest in harming her ... permanently. If she accepts Lord Thanatos' offer, she'll need training at the very least."

"Oh gods ..." Cassandra uttered frightfully.

"Burke, stop! You're just making it worse." Naomi pleaded. He walked over and sat on the couch with them and sighed.

"Cassandra ... listen. Pain ... suffering ... death. It's all apart of life. Don't run from it. Overcome it. You aren't as frail and helpless as you might think. Help us, and you will be able to rid yourself of all weakness. The weakness that led to Jethro's abduction ... the weakness that allowed for the deaths of your old allies ... and the weakness that clouds your judgment with doubts and fears to this very moment." Burke quickly stood up and aimed his pistol right at Cassandra's face. She flinched and leaned away. "See? Your judgment is clouded by fear. You should know damn well that I already fired my shot." he explained, holding up the bullet in his right hand. "You thought you were staring down the barrel of death ... you were staring down a hot pipe and nothing more."

"Not everyone thinks on their feet like that!" Cassandra protested.

"When I'm done with you, you will."

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"All right all right, I can make an armored suit. We'll have plenty of travel time before we get back to Ursium. If I'm going to make an armor suit for myself I might as well go all out, steel plating head to toe. I'll have to make a helmet too-I'm going to start working on schematics now if I'm going to get this thing done in any reasonable amount of time," he said, mostly to himself as he left the dining hall and made his way to back to his room in the palace.


"Raquel doesn't seem to have very high standards for hirin' people. I'd say it's her problem, not mine, but if Bert lands us in hot water like that again I might need a muzzle," she said to Haythem, laughing a bit. "I don't really have time to be gettin' in trouble with authorities, Rexian or otherwise," she said, her face growing more serious.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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As she followed Raquel out of the meeting room, Gytha looked back to Amon and raised her arm in a wave of farewell. Then, they were gone. It'll be a while b'fore I see 'im again... Well, I'd best start thinkin' about who t' fight with now. Hmm maybe I should ask Raquel... The mariner listened to John, Raquel and Lilith talk a bit before asking, "If ye find a way t' join us in battles, would ye like me t' personalla keep an eye on ye? Amon won't be around anymore n' I think Synthia said somethin' about needin' a break from th' fightin' so I'd be fightin' by meself anyway, unless ye have someone ye'd rather have me fight alongside," the mariner suggested.

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''Well, I'd say a good start is not thinking you'll do bad already.'' John commented. ''Besides, there's always training to be done if you don't feel ready right now. I'm sure on the long run it will pay off. Besides, like Gytha says, you can rely on us to protect you.''

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This is what I get for worrying more about making profits than reading up on battlefield strategy. My old friends would laughing at me right now ... well at least I've got help. "I'm not sure where I'd fit in just yet. Until I figure out what's left of my powers, I'm just a target. I guess I should speak with Lilith when she's done ... try to find out what I can do to help out. I wouldn't mind you watching my back though, Gytha." she said with a smile. "What ... kind of training do you think I would need ...?" she asked John, sounding worried.


"I'm not sure I want you training me ..." Cassandra explained to Burke.

"Well it will take too long if Naomi does it, and you do not want Volya whipping your brain into shape, believe me, heheheheh."

"What about the others?" Naomi asked.

"Not trainers ... ... stop worrying, the both of you. Meet me in the training area in ten minutes. We'll start light."

I don't recall agreeing to any training ... especially not with this psycho. Cassandra mentally muttered.


"Oh wow, he actually listened to me." she tilted her head. "... I must be used to dealin' with morons." She shook it off as her food arrived. There wasn't much time, so she took the sandwich, thanked the waiter and left with it in hand.


"Yeah, be careful. You people got very lucky. I'm tempted to head to the stables and get you a muzzle to use on the guy right now, hahah. Well then ..." he paused to take the nomad's hands. "Stay safe out there. I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." At that point he was blushing a little.

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''Well, it'd be pretty much getting your powers back in shape.'' John answered. ''Whether it's offensive or healing magic, I'm sure our magic users can lend you a hand.''

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