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Fire Emblem Draft Hall of Fame


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That Harry Potter and the Sacred Stones draft should not count.

It REEKS of BS. I just read through it, and it is obvious that savestates were abused.

I agree it reeks of BS, but I don't think the RNG blessings are the case.

I RNG abused like no tomorrow in the experimental FE8 draft.

But its obvious when someone like nessie takes a 10HP jump from chapter 8 to chapter 9 that i robed and whip'd her.


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I dont think it was only PKL. CRS-01 playthrough is just as fishy. Especially since she said in the very 1st post that she had never played past Chapter 3 and yet she cleared the game in 119 turn IN A DRAFT.

They both beat Horace's record by over 10 turns, and they were in the same draft...

Slight RNG abuse to land a 50% hit is one thing. They took it to a whole new level.

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That doesn't mean I haven't seen the game before. I've seen Horace's and dondon's videos and also Vykan's speedrun. I'm not a newb to this game. :/ Where do you think I abused?

Also keep in mind that Horace spent 13 turns on the final chapter so that the turncount would be achievable. He would've gotten 117 turns without that, and he also didn't have Tethys.

I'm all for not counting this draft. I just don't take kindly to being accused of abusing :/

Edited by CR-S01
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Sorry, I guess yours isnt quite as bad.

Horace's is kind of a joke too. He had the top 3 units Saleh, Lute, and Ross. Tethys or no, that is the best team in the history of fe8 drafts.

Also Esme's participation in that draft was a joke. Forde as the 1st pick??? Hes not even in the top 8.

And no, im not new to drafting. I follow them very closely. I know what im taking about.

Edited by Hawk King
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Sorry, I guess yours isnt quite as bad.

Horace's is kind of a joke too. He had the top 3 units Saleh, Lute, and Ross. Tethys or no, that is the best team in the history of fe8 drafts.

Also Esme's participation in that draft was a joke. Forde as the 1st pick??? Hes not even in the top 8.

And no, im not new to drafting. I follow them very closely. I know what im taking about.

How many drafts have you entered, and were the other drafters competant.

Sometimes, you can be stuck in a draft full of people who firstpick Lute.

I've gotten Jill, Boyd, Manith, Neph and Calill in one fe9 draft.(Still trying to unlock fixed mode..-_-)

Credits to Soul giving advice

Some FEs are easy to trivialize with 1-3 units/types of units.





Of course, some people just draft favorites.

(Most of PKLs recent fe10 drafts have gotten him Titania)

Or my getting Hawkeye in fe7 almost all the time.-_-.

Point is, the better the team:The higher the chance that the fellow drafters aren't very good.

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Which is exactly what I had, plus Ross and another flier. And Tethys.

This is what I like about FE10. Since Haar is banned, each pick has a strategic value and isn't completely gamebreaking like Franz or Jill/Marcia.

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And no, im not new to drafting. I follow them very closely. I know what im taking about.

you clearly don't

whether or not you "follow" them is irrelevant

play one. play several. when i can ctrl-f your name on the DTE thread and see like 10 results then i can say you're not new to drafting. you can "follow" them all you like, your gut instinct changes drastically after you've actually played with your toys.

for example i used to call BS on the 230-something turncounts for FE4, since my experiences with drafting FE4 up to that point had led to much higher counts. now that i've actually tried the new strats (and toys like rescue-leaf), i realize that it's possible.

and personally i trust the people whom you're calling out more than i believe you; rng-blessing happens. fuck, rng-abuse happens all the fucking time, get over it. i would personally allow savestates too, since they don't reset the rng (try getting into a battle, reloading the save, and doing the same thing. i guarantee you that the result will be the same).

not to mention if you call someone out for wtf teams then all i have to say to you is "tough". people are stupid, if we were allowed to call bs on team selection then horace would not have that 3rd place spot in fe4. we don't penalize people for drafting really well while everyone else drafts stupidly.

read: unless you can give me proof that they were hacking the game or convince me that the rules were too "non-standard" (archaic drafts are mostly exempt from this unless it's like a stupidly huge change) that person is going up

Cam putting his foot down

To everyone else:

I'll log your things tomorrow. I dunno what I'm gonna do about the 0% draft, I'll think about it later.

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Drafts can be backed by personal experience through actually playing several.

**Needs to get off his butt and finish 2 fe8s and 2fe7s at lategame.

Also, savestates and rng abuse are standard fare.

Look at people battle save resetting for a 1-p 3/4 turn! In fe10.

Look at folks getting fe7 Marcus to get good lvl ups!

Look at people who go through fe6 drafts w/o a staff user or any high res units in siege tome land!

Look at people who do the fe8 2 turn for prologue, its become standard fare for folks who know fe8 drafting.

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you guys know i didnt give two fucks about that fe8 draft where i had the ridiculous team and didn't try right :/ i threw that for a reason

But honestly, i'm somewhat with Hawk King here. I realize that RNG abuse is definately existant in draft; I do it myself to a certain point. But level ups are a whole different story. Sorry to use you as an Example PKL, but I saw one of your Marcus's in like chapter 19 with 16 speed and 15 defence. That happens once on its own like once in a blue moon.

Apparently FE10 is the worst of all, but I really have no experience there, so i'll stay out of it. No real reason for stuff no not be counted in my opinion though. I know I don't really care about being on top of any game, and I have no intention of rigging level ups anytime in the near future for drafts. i dont even know unit stats in fe4 until the arena because i frameskip through the ep

Edited by General Horace
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Eh I'll take a good level up if I find it while redoing something and don't need those RNs for a crit, but I don't go looking for them.

Also I make scripts that involve as few explicit RN burns as possible, typically 0, just reordering actions to get the desired result. Did you know the Warp staff burns an RN in FE8 btw?

Edited by zahlman
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FE10 level up abuse is due to getting a slow Micaiah will make you lose the draft, as she won't be able to do anything. That and there's a point where you need to feed Elincia three Str levels so that she can ORKO a boss without having to abuse luck (11% chance) or take an extra turn.

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Just take the good with the bad. A 110 turn clear of FE8 would mean nothing to me if I buttfucked the RNG for it. If by some Christmas miracle it happens legitimately, then that's great and I would enjoy it immensely. This thread is sort of flawed anyway, since it's not really reliable to have a hall of fame based on top performances when everyone has their own opinions on how the RNG should be treated, and of course, the luck factor. Those who don't RNG abuse can be subject to wild statistical swings, and any kind of player can end up with a hax team if their opponents are retarded.

I would pick a good drafter based on their ability to consistently pull high quality turncounts in the games they play without having to rely on abuse or luck to do so. Not much else actually means anything.

edit: It's true that this thread doesn't really say as much as may be ideal about the ability of the players mentioned within. Which gives me an idea for some kind of voting-based Drafter of the Year thing. Like that Character Battle stuff GameFAQs does. I doubt that would be especially accurate either, but it sounds like fun.

Edited by Naglfar
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and any kind of player can end up with a hax team if their opponents are retarded.

I would pick a good drafter based on their ability to consistently pull high quality turncounts

This, pretty much. Although I'd make an argument that fully exploiting a bit of RNG "abuse", and making it look natural, is a skill in itself. Maybe because I put effort into it, lol no bias here

Or we could, you know, make patches that take luck out of the equation completely, or at least almost completely (AW style?).

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