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Matthew has failed me


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HHM, chapter 11.

I leave Matthew behind Hector to take ONE hit from an archer.

1 percent critical chance...

And you know what happens after that.

My question, why does this ALWAYS seem to happen? (Not that particular situation but getting 1 or two percented at the most inconvienient of times throughout all of the games.)

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I think that's because RNG is fixed with those events. For example: Lyn will always get Hp, Str, Skill, Sp and Lck after killing Batta in LNM. Maybe you could use some tricks to make other events happen. No matter what if you do the same, Matthew will always be crt and Hector will miss. That also happened to me.

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Neither is Lyn's LNM level up, if I'm not mistaken.

Actually, it is. Every playthrough of LNM I do (which was a chunk load of plays), she always gain those five stats.

Besides that, yeah. 1% crits happen more often than a 5. XD This has happened to me in all the FE games I've played. FE10, Mia got 1% OHKO'd by a Sniper. I remember it so vividly....

Edited by Magnus Blade
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I have bad luck as well, but I hate to break it to ya, but you have worse bad luck than me. I'm sorry, I don't know what you did to make the RNG Goddess angry at you, and me too. Let us pray to the RNG Goddess for good luck!

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Matthew... I used him my first run through, maxed his stats out with items, and promoted him... Then he died when I fought the dragon. He ended up sucking horribly. I wish his silencer skill had worked on the dragon before he died...

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Yeah, but I wish it did. Screw everybody else, just use Matthew the assassin!Jaffar.gif Behold, the might of one of the weakest hitters out there! *drum roll please* Matthew! XD

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I've learned to be cautious of hit rates below 90% and critical rates above 0%.

But enemies critting when you're such a low level is useless, why would they do it?

You're gonna most likely 1 hit them, and it's all due to bad luck and a screwy RNG goddess.

(Hopefully I won't be smitten for that).

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Terrador's Law: If something could have gone wrong, you'll only notice if it actually does.

But seriously, it doesn't happen every time; it's just that you don't notice the relatively small chance of getting screwed unless it succeeds and/or it's far too likely to ignore. Similarly, it's hard to notice relatively good luck until it gets obscene or departs.

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