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Rate the Unit, Day 13: Natasha

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An average healer with less availability than Moulder but the option of a horse. Not bad overall, but I rarely use healers that come too late because I've already got one or two, so even if she were a lot better than Moulder (I don't think she is), I wouldn't really use her much. Still, if you do she has some decent promotion options and is statted more mage-like. 6/10.

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You get an Iron Rune in the desert, and he's like, the only unit who makes good use of it.

Which isn't until lategame. And if you're using him, Knoll would want it.

Most crit chances are single-digit, so I don't mind. I use Moulder as bait because I draft. Sometimes, he needs to take one for the team.

True, but imagine having to restart when you were close to winning because your main character got critkilled by a low chance (I don't need to because it actually happened to me. Needless to say, I wasn't a happy camper.).

Edited by Metal King Slime
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6/10 (5+1) because she's decent and I like her.

@Banzai, either give a reason that's legitimate or stop being an ass to try to prove a point that doesn't exist. If staves are so invaluable, then should Moulder get an 11 because he does everything Natasha does with them, but for longer? Should Saleh get a 10 for doing almost the same and being much more durable and having good offense? Should L'archel get an 8 for for being Natasha at a much lower relative join level but having a pony before promotion?

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True, but imagine having to restart when you were close to winning because your main character got critkilled by a low chance (I don't need to because it actually happened to me. Needless to say, I wasn't a happy camper.).

I'm willing to take that chance, because I'm far more likely to die from a bunch of 35% hits. Eh, guess we'll have to civilly disagree on this~!

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Lute cannot ever be a warper in LTC

Assuming everyone plays that way, are we?

Natasha. Shes pretty boring actually.



Ok base speed.

Better luck than the Boulder.

Can get a horsie if one so wishes.

Can have Slayer if one so wishes.


Comes at level 1 when The Boulder will have a level lead.

Frail as a wet paper towel.

Takes ages to level. (even with abuse...)

I like The Boulder better but Natasha is pretty cool sometimes. 5/10. Biased rating: 6/10 because i like her Bishop sprite.

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Natasha's a healer who recruits Joshua. What else about her? Let's see ... she fails durability forever, but has nice luck and okay speed to give her enough avoid. Her affinity gives her defense and avoid, which is what she wants. She starts at level 1 after you get the higher-leveled Moulder, so that's not a point in her favor. She has a lower base magic and a higher growth than Moulder. She'll surpass his magic ... but it'll take a while. Healers take forever to promote. She can either go valkyrie or bishop for promotion, both of which are good options.

5/10, because although she's a healer, she's not the first healer and it's not like she's higher-leveled than her counterpart Moulder anyway. Plus, it'll be a pain to get her to level 10 to promote her because healers level up so slow.

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I'm willing to take that chance, because I'm far more likely to die from a bunch of 35% hits. Eh, guess we'll have to civilly disagree on this~!

I suppose... I just find Moulder's Luck unforgivable not only for crit-related reasons, but also Gorgons. Stone and Shadowshot are very unpleasant to get hit by, after all (even if they don't appear until near the end of the game; more-or-less a roundabout way of saying Moulder can't dodge as well as Natasha can).

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Since my play style emphasizes Creature Campaign, Natasha is invaluable thanks to Slayer. Her average stats are also excellent, with her only weak points being her skill (a problem remedied by Light Magic's high hit rate) and defense; but her high avoid thanks to good speed and great luck means that she can survive a few rounds of combat.

In the main story she joins serves a strong role as a healer, joining the game early with the ability to use Mend, allowing her to fully heal most injuries one's units may have at the time. The extreme convenience of having a healer over having to rely on Vulneraries and Elixirs (the former of which do not heal very much health and the latter of which are rare until later in the game) means that Natasha will have plenty of use. Since this game is rife with status-stave wielding enemies, her ability to use Restore after gaining only one level of staff usage (perfectly feasible to do by the time one reaches Chapter 9, the first level with Sleep) only increases her value, as there are no items which can remedy Sleep and Berserk. She can also use Torch right off the bat, aiding your team in Fog of War chapters by allowing them to see expanded distances. Although the same effect can be achieved with a torch item, the Torch staff is superior both in the amount of uses it has and also because several torches can be lit at once at different areas of the map, maximizing sight.

By the end of the game she acquires use of Warp, Rescue, Fortify, and other power staves, increasing her utility even more. Her one apparent downside, her inability to attack until promotion, is mollified by the ease at which it is to keep her defended from harm, as typically in this game enemies attack solely from a frontal direction, rather than surrounding and flanking your army.

People claim that she is worse than Moulder and thus she should have a lower score; I disagree, claiming that whether or not Moulder is better than Natasha has no bearing on Natasha's individual worth.

For this I give Natasha a 10/10.

Did I do it right?

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I don't see a problem with it, but that's up to Integrity. Anyway, three thoughts, what of the unlimited gold/stat boosters in creature campaign, largely negating statistical differences, the presence of a tower, negating any problems with levels, and if Moulder is better, looking at it from a different view, doesn't he deserve a higher score, or are they so similar that it isn't worth even 0.5?

Edited by bottlegnomes
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I don't see a problem with it, but that's up to Octavian.

No it isn't. Wrong thread, mate. :p

@Banzai: I'll accept that. If somebody else wants to raise a fuss about it overnight, fine, but it's fair to me.

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People claim that she is worse than Moulder and thus she should have a lower score; I disagree, claiming that whether or not Moulder is better than Natasha has no bearing on Natasha's individual worth.

However, if one claims Moulder to be better, not giving Moulder a higher score seems contradictory. If one thinks Natasha's not as good as Moulder, there must be something they think is worth subtracting from Moulder's score to get to Natasha's (availability, level, rank, durability are some valid examples). Of course, people shouldn't give Natasha a lower score from what they think she's inherently worth just because she's not as good as Moulder ("7/10 but -.5 because not as good as Moulder"), if that's what you mean.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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No it isn't. Wrong thread, mate. :p

@Banzai: I'll accept that. If somebody else wants to raise a fuss about it overnight, fine, but it's fair to me.

My bad. Fixed it. That's what I get for reading too many of these at the same time and not paying attention.

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she might have some use healing early on, but since there's not a whole lot to heal in this game, it's quite tough to get her to level 20 without torch staff abuse. (I never promote anyone under level 20.) yet when she does promote, bishop with slayer is a nice reward.


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She comes later, staff exp restriction, horrible accuracy( doesn't matter too much, but I'd like to have at least average accuracy) oh and she will most likely never promote til the last 4 chapters of the game or something. She's darn frail.


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