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[FE7] Elieson's 2nd Attempt at a unique draft


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Yep! Even if I take a penalty, I want to get this done with ... and now I know where I have to shave off turns. Believe it or not, my team wasn't the problem. It was because I delayed a few turns to grab items in the early chapters, and because I just don't move fast enough.

But! That will have to wait for a while. Before I do any more playing, I have to finish my take-home midterm exam for hydrologic law. -_-

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That's more important. Drafts not going to destroy everything you hold dear if you hold off on completing it for a little while. laugh.gif

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Jus finish that bitch up~

Speaking of, is my OP correct on current conpletions? And Boron, it is a .2 penalty per turn over 275. If you finish at, say, 278, its not a big deal, just subtract three/fifths of a single point.

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My midterm is due tomorrow, so I should be able to finish the draft either after classes tomorrow or on Wednesday. It'll be finished! And, yeah, looks like I'm taking a penalty. But if I'm careful, I'll only lose a point at most. I hope. :P Need to work on better turncounts. At least most of my characters are at level 20 promoted. Except that freaking Nils. (shakes fist)

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@Boron: Don't stress too much about finishing in more than 275 turns. You effectively lose 20 experience per turn taken, which coincidentally is how much Ninils gains through the rings. So until you use up the rings, (or Nils hits 20) you aren't actually penalised for going slower.

@Elieson: I could've sworn Horace's LC was 338... and you forgot me!

Edited by Baldrick
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Final - 6+1/278

Here we go! I'm finishing this up tonight! I have some time! Either way, I highly doubt that I can finish endgame in 4 turns or less, so looks like I'm eating a penalty. But I can make it in under nine turns if I plan hard enough, so I'll only lose a point at the most.

In an effort to finish this as fast as possible, I give Athos an unlock staff and several of my characters door keys. On turn 1, I open every door except the two uppermost ones. Lyn fails to kill an archer. Rath rushes into Uhai's room and crit-kills him with a Killing Edge. On turn 2, Hector parks himself outside Lloyd and Linus' room with a swordreaver and an iron rune. Lyn can't do anything right. On turn 5, I clear out everything but Nergal. On turn 6, everyone but Nils hits level 20. Also on turn 6 -- Nergal dies from a combination of Fiora, Eliwood, and Rath attacking him.

And then, there's the dragon. He goes bye-bye on turn 1, thanks to Lyn getting a lucky crit after I played Filla's Might for her. Used the three lords to take down the dragon. Thank you for finally doing something right, Lyn!

And that puts my turncount at 278 turns, which gives me a penalty. Yay, I suck! And to think that if I hadn't slowed down on the earlier maps I would have actually not gone over. I blame Matthew for costing me approximately five turns in 19x, where I was trying to level him to 20 before I had to drop him.

Final stats and character evaluation to come! But first ... I have to double-check my turncounts.

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Chapter 31x - 5/198

With two Barrier staves and a Hammerne, I was able to get some experience on this map. Erk can now use Physic. JOY~! Also, I can get Nils' stats~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord+      6.52  42  22   21   17   13   21    8
Eliwood   Lord+      9.00  43  15   20   24   21   17   12
Marcus    Paladin   20.00  47  23   24   18   13   11   16
Rebecca   Sniper    14.47  39  21   21   23   21    8   15
Erk       Sage      10.08  43  16   21   20   13   12   19
Lyn       Lord+      6.41  35  16   23   19   20   10   12
Florina   Peggy+    20.00  49  23   25   28   23    7   20
Lucius    Bishop    10.38  37  25   21   18    8    5   22
Legault   Assassin   3.46  35  10   17   21   16   14    9
Nils      Bard      13.70  24   0    1   22   19    6   11
Isadora   Paladin   17.24  42  20   19   25   15   10   13
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20
Eliwood: 20
Lyn: 20
Legault: 20

Chapter 32 - 14/212

Grabbed Set's Litany, and had Nils go to town with it. Lucius somehow got the kill on Limstella. Hector didn't see quite as much action here as I would've liked, but that's gonna be rectified with the coming map.

Also, 13 levels on Legault get. He would've gotten more, but he ran out of weapons.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord+      8.91  44  24   23   18   14   21    8
Eliwood   Lord+     16.56  49  18   23   24   26   20   14
Marcus    Paladin   20.00  47  23   24   18   13   11   16
Rebecca   Sniper    19.54  42  22   24   25   26    9   16
Erk       Sage      12.21  45  16   23   21   14   12   19
Lyn       Lord+      9.05  38  17   26   21   21   10   12
Florina   Peggy+    20.00  49  23   25   28   23    7   20
Lucius    Bishop    15.12  41  25   24   22   12    5   27
Legault   Assassin  16.51  43  13   20   26   25   17   12
Nils      Bard      15.51  26   0    1   23   21    6   12
Isadora   Paladin   20.00  44  22   20   25   16   12   14
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20
Eliwood: 20
Lyn: 20
Legault: 20

Chapter 32 - 19/231

Strolled through, with Erk seeing quite a bit of action. Yes, Erk. Time to see if I can level him and Lucius enough for endgame. Here goes~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord+     15.81  50  28   24   18   18   24    8
Eliwood   Lord+     16.56  49  18   23   24   26   20   14
Marcus    Paladin   20.00  47  23   24   18   13   11   16
Rebecca   Sniper    19.54  42  22   24   25   26    9   16
Erk       Sage      15.01  48  17   24   22   14   12   20
Lyn       Lord+     16.56  44  20   29   25   27   10   13
Florina   Peggy+    20.00  49  23   25   28   23    7   20
Lucius    Bishop    15.12  41  25   24   22   12    5   27
Legault   Assassin  20.00  45  14   23   27   28   18   12
Nils      Bard      17.77  28   1    1   25   22    7   14
Isadora   Paladin   20.00  44  22   20   25   16   12   14
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20
Eliwood: 20
Lyn: 20
Legault: 20

Light - 6 + 1/238

Stat booster distribution:

Angelic Robe - Rebecca, Athos

Secret Book x2 - Athos

Speedwings x2 - Rebecca

Goddess Icon x2 - Lucius

Dracoshield - Rebecca

Talisman - Florina

Body Ring - Eliwood, Athos

Explanations: Rebecca got what she did so she'd double Uhai, and live to tell about it. Lucius got his swag because his Luck was funny. Florina got the Talisman because I wanted her to beat up Ursula and Jerme. Eliwood got the Body Ring in case I wanted to be random with the dragon. Athos should be self-explanatory (with the Books for a slightly higher Luna crit chance).

Part 1 was a mad door-opening rush, which probably could've ended a turn earlier, but Lucius was having fun torturing Nergal. Managed to shove some kills down my lord's throats, and I don't think waiting would've made much of a difference.

Part 2 - Bolting, dance, Bolting (Erk levels), Athos critblicks unnecessarily (he doubled with Luna, and Lucius had Recover handy).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord+     17.12  52  30   24   19   18   25    8
Eliwood   Lord+     17.04  50  18   23   24   27   21   14
Marcus    Paladin   20.00  47  23   24   18   13   11   16
Rebecca   Sniper    20.00  50* 23   24   29*  27   11*  17
Erk       Sage      17.58  50  17   25   24   15   12   21
Lyn       Lord+     17.49  45  20   29   25   28   10   13
Florina   Peggy+    20.00  49  23   25   28   23    7   22*
Lucius    Bishop    17.05  41  25   25   23   16*   5   28
Legault   Assassin  20.00  45  14   23   27   28   18   12
Nils      Bard      18.58  29   1    1   26   22    8   14
Isadora   Paladin   20.00  44  22   20   25   16   12   14
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20
Eliwood: 20
Lyn: 20
Legault: 20

Score and postgame notes in the next post.

Edited by eclipse
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I am so stupid, stupid, stupid. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif My turncount at the end of the credits did not correspond to what I got when I subtracted all the chapters and turns that were not supposed to be counted. I checked my recorded turncounts with those of the game, to find that I had written everything down correctly. So I rechecked my math. For some reason, on chapter 25, I added an extra ten turns to my total. Which puts my actual total at 268 turns, which is enough to avoid a penalty. And I call myself a math person?

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So ... here are my characters' final levels and stats, as well as my opinions on the team and each of them individually.

Hector   20/20     53   30   24   23   12   27   16

What can I say? Hector is Hector, and he did pretty well for me in this draft. His resistance was strangely high, which allowed him to tank magi better than the average Hector. A good thing, too, because he was one of the only characters on my team to have consistent 1-2 range. He had pretty good speed, and that helped him both pre-promotion and post-promotion. His defense was, for a while, a bit on the low side. But hey, this is Hector. His defense was still good, and he laughed at almost everything. Way to go, Hector!


Eliwood  20/20     51   26   26   23   20   19   17

Would you look at that Eliwood! He was one away from capping strength and speed. His luck is high, so he dodged a lot. His defense and resistance are both freakishly high. He's tanky. And he pulled his weight throughout the draft. He got blessed early, and stayed that way. I purposely promoted him after Lyn, because I knew that his pre-promotion stats were good enough so that he wouldn't struggle with combat. I absolutely love this Eliwood. He is also married to Ninian. Thanks for turning out epic! wub.gif


Lyn      20/20     47   19   29   30   25   11   15

I think Eliwood stole all of Lyn's RNG luck. She had terrible strength pre-promotion (I think it was 9 before I promoted her) and she is really terrible without Lyn's mode. Can't double anything, low strength and durability ... I'm just glad that I managed to get her to 20/20. She refused to crit stuff on final, though, and left things at 1-4 HP. At least she fixed herself somewhat after promotion. Plus, she got a critical hit on the dragon, which allowed me to kill it on PP 1. Thanks for that at least, Lyn. She is also married to Rath.


Marcus    --/20     46   20   21   14   13   13   14

Ah, Marcus ... I really don't like using this guy. It's not my style. I purposely avoided using him in the early maps so my lower-leveled units could grab experience. By the time they had all promoted, Marcus was so subpar in comparison that I had to literally remind myself to use him. He got nothing but mostly HP and skill for the first few level-ups. At least his strength is good. His speed is terrible. I would've been far happier if he weren't free, but oh well. Thanks for protecting Merlinus in various chapters, though.


Nils     16.49     27   00   01   21   21   07   13

The only one of my characters who did not hit level 20. Ah, Nils (and Ninian), how I despise you (both) right now. I had to spam rings near the end so I could get enough experience, but apparently it wasn't enough. If I had deployed Nils in 32x, I probably would've hit 20 for Nils. But that might have either cost turns, or prevented someone else from hitting 20/20. What else can I say about Ninian and Nils, though? They're dancers. They're handy. Ninian married Eliwood, while Nils went home in shame.


Legault  20/20     42   15   26   30   26   16   09

I don't use thieves for combat, unless I'm playing one of the Tellius games. Legault's strength didn't really go up very often, but with a steel sword and base strength he was able to 1RKO things or finish them off. Better durability than Matthew. He didn't do much thieving after chapter 23x because I was trying to shave off turncounts. His combat was not very good, but I was surprised by how well he could dodge after he was promoted if I put him on a forest. At least he gained levels fast.


Matthew  20.00     32   06   12   20   12   08   03

Matthew did most of the thieving utility on my team, because I only really took the time to grab chests in the early maps. I think that was a mistake. Also, I'm pretty sure he cost me about five turns in 19x because I was waiting for him to finish off a sniper with his puny strength and an iron sword. I was trying to get him to hit 20 before Legault showed up. Look at that strength. It's horrible. He is the epitome of why thieves generally should be used for combat. Thanks for the earlygame items and levels at least.


Rath     20/20     55   25   24   30   19   14   11

Rath is the first character I actually drafted. Was it a foolish move? Not for me! This guy decimated everything in his path. Even if he's locked to bows until promotion, his high strength and speed really helped me out. I actually had to hold him back later so that he didn't hit level 20 too fast, because I knew that if he hit his level cap too soon that would lead to a lot of wasted experience. What can I say? I depend on this guy a lot when I play the game. He turns out well for me all the time. He's also married to Lyn.


Fiora    20/20     51   20   25   28   20   15   24

Fiora is my favorite of the three pegasus sisters. Usually, she's a hit or miss for me because of her strength, but I drafted her specifically for the desert and chapter 25. Her strength was good enough to get me through the game without problems, and she was invaluable in stuff related to flying, like rescuing Pent in the desert and getting the overseas fortress in chapter 25. I also like her resistance, which allows her to laugh at mages and counter them with no problem. Absolutely invaluable. Got a C with her sister.


Guy      20/20     52   18   29   30   16   15   11

I wondered at first if drafting Guy third round was a mistake. Much as I like him, I could've used a potential healer (like Nino, who was at this point still available). He trolled me in strength at first, but then he seemed to realize that trolling the person who drafted you is a bad idea and quickly amended his strength. It was passable and enough to get me through the game without causing much problems. Everything else about Guy is excellent. Also was defense-blessed. Got a B with Rath and a C with Karel.


Farina   20/20     57   23   23   27   25   20   19

The only reason her HP is so high is because I gave her the Angelic Robe. She cost me turns to recruit in chapter 25 and made me reset chapter 26 numerous times because she kept on dying. I got sick of it and finally gave her the robe. But after she got a few levels and gained key stats, she performed very well. She was my second choice pick after I couldn't get Nino. I'm happy I got Farina instead of Nino, though. By the point Nino showed up, I didn't really need healers. Having two fliers was nice, and no one else had two fliers. Got a C with her sister.


Karel    20/20     39   20   29   23   17   14   14

He's the last unit I picked, and I had picked Renault over him at first. Good thing I changed my mind. Karel is lower leveled, contributed more, and I didn't really need a healer when Renault showed up. He performed surprisingly well (better than on my Sacae-only playthrough) and pulled his weight. I'm a little disgusted at his speed, which is good for this game but abysmal for a swordmaster. His HP is also terrible. If Farina hadn't eaten my robe, it would've gone to Karel. Got a C with Guy.


Athos    --/20     40   30   24   20   25   20   28

He was my only magic user in the entire game. He used unlock to open Brendan and Darin's rooms, and spammed Fortify when I needed him to. I wanted Fortify for the dragon, in case I couldn't finish it off on PP 1, but due to Lyn getting a crit I didn't need him to use Fortify. I think he hit Darin once. Maybe he killed the armor with Darin? Thanks for being my only healer, Athos.

327 TL - (268-275)/5 TC = 328.4

At least I'm not dead last?

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Levels gained:

Hector - 35

Eliwood - 35

Marcus - 19

Rebecca - 38

Erk - 35

Lyn - 32

Florina - 36

Lucius - 33

Legault - 27

Nils - 17

Isadora - 19

Matthew - 18

Athos - lol

Total levels gained: 344

Final score: 344 - ((238 - 275)/5) = 351.4


Hector - He was fairly solid through the beginning, and more-or-less stayed that way. His only real hindrance was RES, but that's what Barrier is for.

Matthew - That was painful. . .

Eliwood - He was shaky during the beginning, but eventually gained some Speed. I would've gladly traded some of that Speed for Strength.

Marcus - I'm glad his Speed cooperated! Having him around made everything a lot easier. His weapon was Basilikos.

Rebecca - I was worried about her, then remembered that a Longbow appears on Chapter 15, and that Hector Mode has extra flying things for her shooting convenience.

Erk - Magic-screwed, but made up for it by being relatively bulky. I really could've used the extra offense!


Florina - MVP and then some. She gained Strength steadily, and once I got around to promoting her, things died quickly.

Lucius - Had just enough dodge to offset his frailty. I had to be careful with him towards the end, because he was dangerously close to S-ranking staves.

Legault - Didn't gain offense until near the end. Had I not derped so hard with his weapons, I think he could've hit 20 on Chapter 32, which would've meant two mages on 32x. This amuses me, for some reason.

Isadora - Her Strength took off, and that was a good thing. Stayed offensive, and refused to die. Thank you for cooperating~!

Ninian/Nils - I'm amused I got them as high as I did. I used them as bait numerous times, and they did not fail me.

Athos - Amazing as usual.

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Good game, eclipse! I need to learn how to zip through the game faster, since all my units except Nils hit level 20. (Still mad at you, Nils and Ninian.) WTF happened to your Lyn's speed?! O_o

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Hmmm. . .for you, uhh. . .

Have Marcus ferry Hector as much as possible, with everyone else cleaning up after him. You getting Rath was interesting; he's got insane movement in the snow. I probably would've taken Geitz over Karel, because Geitz has everything that's advantageous in this draft - better recruitment time and a much lower level. He's also bulky enough to forever hold his own.

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I don't think Dark Elf/Racer started, but he mentioned something about needing a new HNM save file. I played on a cartridge, so I can't help him there.

Does ferrying Hector with Marcus really cut down on turns that much? I'll have to give that a try next time. I don't really like my lords to be carried around in people's saddlebags, because I think that having that extra unit on the field helps a lot. Especially if they have power like Hector. But the dude has enough time to hit 20 anyway, so I'll try it. Also, I think having Rath is better for the snow and desert chapter because he moves slightly faster than other mounts. I especially had a fun time getting through Jerme's chapter. I had to get Karel in Jerme's chapter for my Sacae-only playthrough, so running around opening doors like stupid crazy paid off. Perhaps I should have grabbed Geitz/Wallace instead of Karel, but I liked how everyone on my team supported each other. By the way, I did not lose turns getting supports. They just happened. laugh.gif

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Hm? I thought he did finish, though ...

Edit: I looked back and he did finish. His image links are broken, though.

Edited by Boron
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Promote Rath and the sisters before Kenneth/Jerme's chapters, and you'd have the most mobile team out of all of us.

By ferrying Hector, Marcus' offense is usually limited to one hit. He's sturdy enough to take what most units can dish out, as well. This means that your other units can kill the weakened enemies.

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Wow, aside from DE, we all finished, including a spectator!

Good job everyone!!!

Man, I sucked in my own draft though...but oh well, it was quite the fun~

Clipsey, like my Lowen's EG stats?

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Who thinks my Eliwood is epic awesome? Because I swear ... I was hoping he'd do good enough to not be a hindrance, but he just surpassed all of my expectations in this draft.wub.gif Honestly, I thought I made a big mistake by not picking any mages or healers, but my team was pretty excellent. Aside from Farina dying repeatedly on chapter 26 before I gave her the robe, Lyn trolling me until she crit the dragon, and Guy trolling me in earlygame, this team was solid. By the time Nino, Athos, and Renault came in I didn't even need a healer!

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Well, with the exception of Nils (that little [censored]) all of my units hit 20/20 anyway. I doubt having a healer instead of one of my combat units would've made Nils hit level 20. Plus, with my personal playing style, I probably would have had to spam the heck out of my healer once they promoted to get them to 20/20 as fast as I could. That might have actually made me slow down even more in the last few chapters. So, I have no regrets about my team. Good game, everyone. Now, can anyone help Racer start, so we could say that everyone who joined this draft finished it?

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