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[FE7] Elieson's 2nd Attempt at a unique draft


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Chapter 17- 11/56 turns

Another chapter where everyone rushed ahead (also I recruited Raven). The difference this time is that I took my team, maybe a bit too much, but I felt it was really worth it. Also I got the Silver Sword chest because I don't have anyone who uses the Knight Crest anyways, so that's garbage for me.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 13

Matthew- 11

Eliwood- 10

Marcus- 2

Priscilla- 2

Lyndis- 3

Wil- 2

Raven- 1

Chapter 17x- 5/61 turns

Took only 5 turns to kill everyone but Fergus and Dart. Got most of the villages except the Lancereaver one, which is unfortunate, because that's the one I'd want the most. Trying to get Matthew to level 20 so that I can ditch him for Legault without missing out on anything. My man Canas decides to donate his Secret Book for the better cause. And by that, I mean for the money, because everyone I have who needs Skill will probably naturally max it out anyways. Matthew's skill is disappointing, but that's OK, because I'm ditching him for Legault anyways.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 15

Matthew- 13

Eliwood- 11

Marcus- 4

Priscilla- 3

Lyndis- 4

Wil- 3

Raven- 2

Chapter 18- 11/63 turns

Finally, the first chapter where I adhered from LTC mentality, because there is a lot of EXP and stuff to be gotten from this chapter. I think ALL of the level ups in this chapter, without exception, sucked. I shall coin such a happenstance "Horace luck". And I am suffering from it. Oh well, at least I got the levels, I guess.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 15

Matthew- 16

Eliwood- 12

Marcus- 4

Priscilla- 4

Lyndis- 5

Wil- 5

Raven- 4

Chapter 19- 7/70 turns

Well, that wasn't so bad. I destroyed everything except that damn thief with my Torch staff, got a lot of crappy levels, and beat the chapter in a reasonable time. Yay me! Speedwing to Marcus, because who the fuck else am I going to give them to? Athos? Hell no!

Levels Gained:

Hector- 16

Matthew- 17

Eliwood- 13

Marcus- 4

Priscilla- 4

Lyndis- 6

Wil- 6

Raven- 5

Chapter 19x- 10/80 turns

Well, that took forever! Nah, just kidding, had to milk all of the levels for what they were worth. Dunno if I should be doing that this early, but whatever. Matthew hit level 20 here. Eliwood got some pretty good levels. All in all, a good chapter.

Holy poopoo, Raven your luck sucks! Eat this Goddess Statue!

Levels Gained:

Hector- 17

Eliwood- 16

Lyndis- 7

Matthew- 18

Marcus- 4

Priscilla- 5

Wil- 8

Raven- 8

Chapter 20- 8/88 turns

I got Legault, got the Brave Bow, and everything is swell with the world. Kinda sad that I'm not getting very many new characters though, team's kinda starting to feel a little stagnant.

Levels Gained:

Hector: 19

Eliwood: 18

Lyndis- 7

Marcus- 5

Priscilla- 6

Wil- 10

Raven- 10

Legault- 0

Matthew- 18

Chapter 21- 7/95 turns

Well, another easy chapter in the bag. I obviously stalled for quite a bit for the levels, but it was well worth it, especially for Priscilla.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 19

Eliwood- 18

Lyndis- 9

Marcus- 5

Priscilla- 8

Wil- 11

Raven- 11

Legault- 2

Ninian- 0

Matthew- 18

Chapter 22- 8/103 turns

More levels! Also this involved sending half of my unit to the left side, Raven to the right, and the rest straight down to Eubans. Very inefficient, a lot of levels gained, quite fun indeed. Bought a couple of Physics staves for the easy Priscilla levels and later for my man, Pent. Priscilla takes Isadora's Energy Ring because I SWEAR, Priscilla has a negative HP growth.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 19

Eliwood- 19

Lyndis- 10

Marcus- 6

Priscilla- 9

Wil- 12

Raven- 14

Legault- 3

Ninian- 1

Matthew- 18

Chapter 23- 6/109 turns

NOOOOOOO. Pent, stop that-no, don't kill that gay-what are you-MY EXP! Oh well, at least I got to promote Raven and Priscilla got a crazy amount of EXP courtesy of Physics (or is it Psychic, who the fuck knows what it's supposed to be).

Levels Gained:

Hector- 19

Eliwood- 19

Lyndis- 10

Marcus- 6

Priscilla- 12

Wil- 13

Raven- 15

Legault- 4

Ninian- 2

Matthew- 18

Question: Does the first promotion level count as a level? I'm assuming no, so that a character who starts at level 1 and goes to 20/20 will have 38 levels under their belt.

Chapter 24- 6/115 turns

I sure hope this was on par. Man, my turncount's not looking so good. Oh well, I guess without any mounted units besides Marcus, this was to be expected. WIL YOU'RE SO CLOSE, GANBARE!

Levels Gained:

Hector- 19

Eliwood- 19

Lyndis- 12

Marcus- 7

Priscilla- 13

Wil- 15

Raven- 19

Legault- 4

Ninian- 2

Matthew- 18

Chapter 25- 10/125 turns

Oh boy, this chapter is kinda a PITA without a flyer...which I don't have.. Oh well, more time for levels including a promotion from Priscilla! Promotions are the best, guys.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 19

Eliwood- 19

Lyndis- 15

Marcus- 9

Priscilla- 17

Wil- 17

Raven- 23

Legault- 6

Ninian- 3

Matthew- 18

Edited by Refa
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Chapter 11 - 7/7 turns

Got the red Gem, and Matthew got all the kills on the archers. I don't see the turncount limit being an issue, so I just took 7 and the gem.

HECTOR    03.48   21 07 06 06 04 09 01 C AXE
MATTHEW   02.99   18 04 04 11 02 02 00 D SWORD

Levels Gained: 2

Chapter 12 - 6/13 turns

Marcus grabbed the secret book, and sold it at the shop for some money. Matthew got Hector's scraps, and snagged the bosskill.

Becca and Eliwood tag teamed down south.

HECTOR         04.48   21 07 06 06 05 09 01 C AXE
MATTHEW        07.27   23 06 06 15 05 03 01 D SWORD
ELIWOOD        01.73   18 05 05 07 07 05 00 C SWORD
MARCUS      ??/01.00   31 15 15 11 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        01.92   17 04 05 06 04 03 01 D BOW

Levels Gained: 8

Chapter 13 - 7/20 turns

Eliwood went solo to the village, Hector crossed the river, and everyone else went south. Marcus picked up Serra so he could weaken stuff for Rebecca. Guy was recruited for his sword.

Hector took out the boss himself.

HECTOR         06.53   22 07 07 07 05 11 02 C AXE
MATTHEW        08.78   24 06 07 15 06 03 01 C SWORD
ELIWOOD        02.61   19 05 05 07 07 06 00 C SWORD
MARCUS      ??/01.33   31 15 15 11 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        03.97   18 04 06 08 04 03 02 D BOW

Levels Gained: 14

Chapter 13x - 7/27 turns

Not a lot to say about this chapter. Marcus got the money, Eliwood, the bosskill.

HECTOR         07.97   23 08 07 07 05 11 02 C AXE
MATTHEW        10.74   26 07 08 16 07 03 01 C SWORD
ELIWOOD        05.07   22 07 07 08 10 06 01 C SWORD
MARCUS      ??/01.50   31 15 15 11 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        05.48   20 04 08 09 05 04 02 D BOW

Levels Gained: 22

Chapter 14 - 4/31 turns

Yeah, Marcus went and killed most stuff. He still gets lots of exp from bosskills, which is nice.

HECTOR         08.44   24 09 07 07 05 11 02 B AXE
MATTHEW        11.66   26 07 08 17 07 03 01 C SWORD
ELIWOOD        05.91   22 07 07 08 10 06 01 C SWORD
MARCUS      ??/02.88   32 15 15 12 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        05.84   20 04 08 09 05 04 02 D BOW
ERK            02.18   18 05 06 07 04 02 04 D ANIMA

Levels Gained: 26

Chapter 15 - 7/38 turns

boring defend chapter, got all treasure. next

HECTOR         09.35   25 10 07 07 05 11 03 B AXE                  C ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        12.81   27 08 09 18 07 03 01 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        08.64   24 09 08 09 10 08 02 B SWORD                C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/03.02   32 16 15 12 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        07.05   21 04 09 10 05 05 03 C BOW
ERK            03.82   19 05 06 07 05 02 04 D ANIMA

Levels Gained: 35

oh god Rebecca please gain strength sometime soon and Erk get a level other than HP and Luck

Chapter 16 - 8/46 turns

Marcus ate the bosskill, everyone else ate the rest.

also :facepalm:


HECTOR         11.23   27 12 09 08 05 13 03 B AXE                  C ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        13.52   28 09 09 18 08 03 01 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        09.97   24 10 09 09 10 08 02 B SWORD                C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/03.93   32 16 15 12 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        07.57   21 04 09 10 05 05 03 C BOW
ERK            04.37   20 05 07 07 05 02 04 D ANIMA
FLORINA        04.67   19 07 09 10 08 04 05 D LANCE
LYNDIS         05.46   19 05 11 11 05 02 01 C SWORD

Levels gained: 42

Chapter 17 - 11/57 turns

Lyn hung back to Mani Katti the reinforcements, Rebecca took a door key and yoinked the chest key off the archer in the lower chest room to get the stuff from there, while Matt went north with the rest to grab the treasure up there.

Marcus got the boss, again.

HECTOR         12.35   28 12 09 08 05 13 03 B AXE                  C ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        15.33   30 09 11 19 09 03 01 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        11.22   25 11 10 09 11 09 02 B SWORD                C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/05.23   34 17 15 12 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        08.77   22 04 09 11 06 05 04 C BOW
ERK            05.55   21 06 07 08 06 02 05 D ANIMA
FLORINA        07.67   20 09 10 11 09 05 07 D LANCE
LYNDIS         07.73   21 07 12 13 06 02 02 B SWORD
LUCIUS         03.00   18 07 06 10 02 01 06 D LIGHT

Levels Gained: 56

Chapter 17x - 6/63 turns

Got lots of exp, and all the villages.

HECTOR         13.59   29 12 09 08 05 14 03 B AXE                  C ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        16.26   31 09 11 20 10 03 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        12.52   26 11 11 09 11 10 03 B SWORD                C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/05.40   34 17 15 12 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        09.06   23 04 09 11 07 05 04 C BOW
ERK            06.62   22 07 08 08 06 02 06 D ANIMA
FLORINA        08.32   21 10 11 12 09 05 08 D LANCE
LYNDIS         08.27   21 07 12 14 07 02 02 B SWORD
LUCIUS         06.86   18 09 06 11 02 01 09 D LIGHT

Chapter 18 - 10/73

I wasn't waiting a turn for that one Myrmidon

got the speedwings.

HECTOR         13.93   29 12 09 08 05 14 03 B AXE                  C ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        17.73   32 09 12 20 10 03 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        12.76   26 11 11 09 11 10 03 B SWORD                C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/05.46   34 17 15 12 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        09.72   23 04 09 11 07 05 04 C BOW
ERK            07.30   23 07 08 08 06 02 07 C ANIMA
FLORINA        10.85   21 10 13 12 11 06 08 C LANCE                C LYNDIS
LYNDIS         08.58   21 07 12 14 07 02 02 B SWORD                C FLORINA
LUCIUS         10.56   18 09 06 11 02 01 09 D LIGHT

Chapter 19 - 7/80 turns

how come I always leave a myrmidon alive

ran out of stuff to kill, so I just ended the chapter.

HECTOR         14.08   30 13 10 09 06 15 04 A AXE                  C ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        19.43   34 09 13 20 12 04 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        13.34   27 12 12 10 11 10 04 A SWORD                C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/05.87   34 17 15 12 08 10 08 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        10.70   24 05 09 11 07 06 04 C BOW
ERK            07.60   23 07 08 08 06 02 07 C ANIMA
FLORINA        11.47   22 10 13 12 11 06 08 C LANCE                C LYNDIS
LYNDIS         10.00   23 07 14 15 07 02 02 B SWORD                C FLORINA
LUCIUS         13.27   23 13 10 12 03 01 11 C LIGHT


Chapter 19x - 7/87 turns

Ran to the boss, and Marcus didn't 2HKO with steel, so Rebecca (!) got the bosskill. Also, Kishuna spawned all weird because a mage was in the way, see:


mind that was a turn late or something.

HECTOR         14.32   30 13 10 09 06 15 04 A AXE                  C ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        13.34   27 12 12 10 11 10 04 A SWORD                C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/06.58   35 17 15 12 08 11 09 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        11.70   25 05 09 12 08 06 05 C BOW
ERK            07.60   23 07 08 08 06 02 07 C ANIMA
FLORINA        14.08   24 12 15 13 13 07 09 C LANCE                C LYNDIS
LYNDIS         10.00   23 07 14 15 07 02 02 B SWORD                C FLORINA
LUCIUS         15.42   24 15 10 12 03 01 13 C LIGHT

Edited by General Horace
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Raven certainly has the drop on availability, though Nino has dibs on unpromoted enemies for her first few chapters, so she should provide good value.

Serra - she wasn't my first choice (I would've like to secure a horsey as well) but she's quite useful.

Heath - I chose him for my flier over Fiora because he has more solid growths, and looks cooler. Also Heath x Legault, if only it wasn't so slow I'd do it.

BK - I had hoped a horsey or a magic man would survive this far, but it turned out to be too optimistic. So I buffed up my earlygame team.

Nino - I was going to pick her second, but then I remembered mounts = good. All other prepromotes are either archers, or too expensive and their niche had been filled, so even if I didn't want her, she would've been an obvious pick. I predict she will be my best bargain.

Geitz/Wallace - I honestly don't care about you guys, but Renault and Jaffar are too high levelled and Vaida is mean.

Blegh, and I thought I was gonna be clever and spam Matthew... I bet Horace has already figured out all my clever plans.

Horace, who is that girl anyway?

Edited by Baldrick
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Chapter 26- 11/126 turns

FINALLY, a new unit! Took long enough. Pent is the master badass of baddassery, and the fact that he can gain less levels than other units certainly doesn't stop him from dominating and being a huge asset to team.

This chapter went well enough until I accidently went into Vaida's range and then it became a PITA until I somehow managed to kill her. Oh, and Priscilla was promoted at 20/20 and you guessed it. NO FIRE TOMES.


Levels Gained:

Hector- 19

Eliwood- 22

Lyndis- 19

Marcus- 10

Priscilla- 18

Wil- 19

Raven- 25

Legault- 7

Ninian- 4

Pent- 1

Matthew- 18


I have to restart this because goddamn it dude who's not Harken and therefore not as badass.

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Might as well start.

Chapter 11 7/7

Matthew nabbed a few kills.

Hector 2

Matthew 1

Chapter 12 5/12

Why does neither Marcus nor Lowen have Javs


Hector 5

Matthew 2

Eliwood 1

Chapter 13 7/19

The Ma Men went south. Recruited Guy for his sword. Bartre, Serra and Lords went west. Met up to kill the boss, and forgot Hector is meant to seize.

Hector 7

Matthew 4

Eliwood 1

Chapter 13x 7/26


Hector 8

Matthew 6

Eliwood 4

Bartre 1

Serra 1

Chapter 14 9/35

Pegasus knights ruining my shit again. Should have left Bartre behind, but he had a good run, so I'll leave it at that.

Hector 9

Matthew 8

Eliwood 6

Bartre 5

Serra 2

Chapter 15 7/42


Hector 10

Matthew 8

Eliwood 7

Bartre 7

Serra 2

Marcus 1

Levels gained: 35

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Anybody want to offer a team for me to shadow? I liked the look of the concept, and have a few Ideas about it in general.

Thank you ~

What are these ideas you have, in general, General?

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I have this idea that should become apparent pretty quickly. You'll see for yourself!

Chapter 20 - 6/93 turns

Ran to Darin, Marcus killed him. Legault is now my thief, since Matthew has capped his level.

HECTOR         15.10   31 14 10 10 06 16 04 A AXE                  C ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        14.17   28 12 13 10 11 10 04 A SWORD                C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/07.81   36 18 15 12 08 11 09 A LANCE A SWORD B AXE
REBECCA        12.13   26 05 09 12 09 06 05 C BOW
ERK            08.30   23 08 09 09 06 02 07 C ANIMA
FLORINA        16.21   25 13 17 14 13 07 11 B LANCE                C LYNDIS
LYNDIS         10.20   23 07 14 15 07 02 02 B SWORD                C FLORINA
LUCIUS         17.45   24 16 11 12 03 01 13 B LIGHT
LEGAULT        12.10   26 08 11 15 10 07 03 C SWORD

Chapter 21 - 4/97 turns

There were less enemies on this map than I remembered...

HECTOR         15.23   31 14 10 10 06 16 04 A AXE                  C ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        14.45   28 12 13 10 11 10 04 A SWORD                C HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/09.04   36 19 16 13 08 11 09 A LANCE A SWORD A AXE
REBECCA        12.60   26 05 09 12 09 06 05 C BOW
ERK            08.79   23 08 09 09 06 02 07 C ANIMA
FLORINA        16.93   25 13 17 14 13 07 11 B LANCE                C LYNDIS
LYNDIS         10.20   23 07 14 15 07 02 02 B SWORD                C FLORINA
LUCIUS         18.30   24 16 12 12 03 01 14 B LIGHT
LEGAULT        12.62   26 08 11 15 10 07 03 C SWORD

Stole the hero crest for moneh

Chapter 22 - 5?/102 turns

i'll have to doublecheck this one

no stats, because I thought I put them down before chapter 23

Chapter 23 - 7/109 turns

Florina rescued Pent, Erk had a field day, Lucius gained an entire staff rank, and I am now off to 20 free turns of 23x.

HECTOR         15.49   31 14 10 10 06 16 04 A AXE                  B ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        15.10   28 13 13 10 12 11 05 A SWORD                B HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/10.61   37 19 17 13 08 11 09 A LANCE A SWORD A AXE
REBECCA        13.78   26 05 10 13 09 06 05 B BOW
ERK            12.47   26 08 11 13 07 03 08 B ANIMA
FLORINA        19.39   27 14 19 15 15 07 13 B LANCE                C LYNDIS
LYNDIS         10.72   23 07 14 15 07 02 02 B SWORD                C FLORINA
LUCIUS      20/02.20   28 21 15 13 04 04 19 A LIGHT B STAVES
LEGAULT        12.76   26 08 11 15 10 07 03 C SWORD
NINIAN         02.71   15 00 00 13 11 05 04 DANCER
ISADORA     ??/04.31   30 15 12 17 10 09 07 A SWORD B LANCE D AXE

Levels Gained: 122

Chapter 23x - free/whatever

HECTOR         15.49   31 14 10 10 06 16 04 A AXE                  B ELIWOOD
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        16.17   29 13 14 10 13 11 05 A SWORD                B HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/11.84   38 19 17 13 08 11 10 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
REBECCA        17.89   28 08 12 15 11 06 06 B BOW
ERK            14.04   28 09 12 14 08 03 09 B ANIMA
FLORINA     20/01.00   32 17 19 15 15 10 15 A LANCE E SWORD        C LYNDIS
LYNDIS         13.72   24 08 15 18 09 02 03 A SWORD                C FLORINA
LUCIUS      20/02.20   28 21 15 13 04 04 19 A LIGHT B STAVES
LEGAULT        12.98   26 08 11 15 10 07 03 C SWORD
NINIAN         05.01   17 00 00 16 13 05 06 DANCER
ISADORA     ??/04.94   30 15 12 17 10 09 07 A SWORD B LANCE D AXE

rebecca finally got strength

Chapter 24 - 3/112 turns


HECTOR         15.50   31 14 10 10 06 16 04 A AXE                  B ELIWOOD C LYNDIS
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        17.17   30 13 14 10 13 11 06 A SWORD                B HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/12.52   38 19 17 13 09 11 10 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
REBECCA        18.22   29 08 13 16 11 06 06 B BOW
ERK            15.23   29 10 12 14 08 04 09 B ANIMA
FLORINA     20/01.25   32 17 19 15 15 10 15 A LANCE E SWORD        C LYNDIS
LYNDIS         13.72   24 08 15 18 09 02 03 A SWORD                C FLORINA C HECTOR
LUCIUS      20/02.49   28 21 15 13 04 04 19 A LIGHT B STAVES
LEGAULT        14.11   26 09 12 15 11 07 03 C SWORD
NINIAN         05.31   17 00 00 16 13 05 06 DANCER
ISADORA     ??/05.97   31 16 12 17 11 09 07 A SWORD B LANCE D AXE

Chapter 25 - 7/119 turns

haha Lyn gained like 7 levels

With my mass amounts of lancereavers, Lyn went to town on the cavaliers. Hung around later in this chapter because the enemies give lots of exp for some reason.

HECTOR         15.99   31 14 10 10 06 16 04 A AXE                  B ELIWOOD C LYNDIS
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        18.70   30 14 15 10 13 11 06 A SWORD                B HECTOR
MARCUS      ??/13.37   39 19 17 13 09 11 11 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE
REBECCA        20.00   30 09 14 17 12 06 08 B BOW
ERK            17.11   30 10 12 15 08 04 10 B ANIMA
FLORINA     20/05.82   35 20 23 16 18 11 16 A LANCE E SWORD        C LYNDIS
LYNDIS         20.00   27 10 18 20 11 02 06 A SWORD                C FLORINA C HECTOR
LUCIUS      20/02.49   28 21 15 13 04 04 19 A LIGHT B STAVES
LEGAULT        14.12   26 09 12 15 11 07 03 C SWORD
NINIAN         06.04   18 00 00 16 14 05 07 DANCER
ISADORA     ??/06.18   31 17 12 18 11 09 07 A SWORD B LANCE D AXE

Chapter 26 - 11/130 turns

got exp, finally everyone is promoted (except legault and Eliwood, but whatever)

HECTOR         19.48   35 17 11 13 07 19 05 A AXE                  B ELIWOOD C LYNDIS
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        20.00   32 16 16 10 14 12 06 A SWORD                B HECTOR C MARCUS
MARCUS      ??/13.62   39 19 17 13 09 11 11 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE  C ELIWOOD
REBECCA     20/01.07   34 12 15 18 12 08 10 A BOW
ERK         20/01.00   35 12 13 16 08 07 14 A ANIMA E STAVES
FLORINA     20/07.35   35 20 24 16 19 12 18 S LANCE E SWORD        C LYNDIS
LYNDIS      20/01.87   27 10 18 20 11 02 06 A SWORD D BOW          C FLORINA C HECTOR
LUCIUS      20/06.01   30 24 17 15 04 04 21 A LIGHT A STAVES
LEGAULT        16.64   27 10 13 15 12 07 04 B SWORD
NINIAN         06.97   18 00 00 16 14 05 07 DANCER
ISADORA     ??/07.85   32 17 12 19 12 09 07 A SWORD B LANCE D AXE

Chapter 27 - 9/139 turns

real men have Isadora attack myrmidons with axes

so erk can hopefully maybe get D staves

haha oops Lucius S ranked Staves

HECTOR         20.00   36 18 11 14 07 19 05 A AXE                  B ELIWOOD C LYNDIS
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        20.00   32 16 16 10 14 12 06 A SWORD                B HECTOR C MARCUS
MARCUS      ??/14.84   40 19 17 13 10 11 11 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE  C ELIWOOD
REBECCA     20/02.49   34 12 15 19 12 08 11 A BOW
ERK         20/02.95   36 13 13 16 08 07 14 A ANIMA E STAVES
FLORINA     20/09.99   36 22 24 18 20 12 19 S LANCE E SWORD        C LYNDIS
LYNDIS      20/02.64   31 12 20 21 12 05 12 A SWORD D BOW          C FLORINA C HECTOR
LUCIUS      20/07.36   30 24 18 15 05 04 22 A LIGHT S STAVES
LEGAULT        16.68   27 10 13 15 12 07 04 B SWORD
NINIAN         08.38   20 00 00 17 16 05 09 DANCER
ISADORA     ??/10.26   35 17 13 19 14 11 07 A SWORD B LANCE C AXE

Edited by General Horace
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Chapter 27- 16/142 turns

I had some decent description, but I accidently closed the tab and fuck you Google Chrome. All you really need to know is that I got the levels and Raven got a Talisman.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 19

Eliwood- 25

Lyn- 16

Marcus- 11

Priscilla- 20

Wil- 23

Raven- 27

Legault- 8

Ninian- 6

Pent- 6

Harken- 1

Matthew- 18

Chapter 28- 15/157 turns

Another easy chapter. Basically involved everyone rushing to the enemy, although I scrambled at the end for the treasure chests. Also the Rings that Ninian uses give 20 EXP, who knew? Too bad they're not as good as her dancing.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 19

Eliwood- 26

Lyndis- 16

Marcus- 12

Priscilla- 21

Wil- 25

Raven- 29

Legault- 8

Ninian- 8

Pent- 6

Harken- 2

Chapter 28x- FREE/157 turns

Man, what a pain. There were so damn many reinforcements, although at this point, my units are so boss that they can take practically anything. Except Lyn. Oh yeah, I did get another Heaven Crest, didn't I? Promoting Lyn and Legault. Another Speedwings to Marcus because why the fuck not? Afa's Drops are going to Legault because he's going to be getting a fuckwin of levels in the near future. Boots to Hector!

Levels Gained:

Hector- 19

Eliwood- 32

Lyndis- 16

Marcus- 14

Priscilla- 23

Wil- 28

Raven- 30

Legault- 8

Ninian- 9

Pent- 9

Harken- 6

Matthew- 18

Chapter 29- 11/168 turns

Another chapter that went well, thanks in no small part to the crapton of enemies littering the map. Legault got a damn lot of levels, atlhough he unfortunately couldn't get the boss kill.

Hector- 19

Lyndis- 21

Priscilla- 23

Legault- 18

Eliwood- 37

Marcus- 16

Wil- 29

Raven- 30

Pent- 10

Harken- 10

Nils- 11

Matthew- 18

Chapter 30- 10/178 turns

Turncounts, smurfcounts.

Hector- 22

Lyndis- 23

Priscilla- 26

Legault- 18

Eliwood- 37

Marcus- 16

Wil- 29

Raven- 30

Pent- 10

Harken- 10

Nils- 11

Matthew- 18

Chapter 31- 11/189 turns

Again, bumrush, where I sent Hector and Harken to take out the reinforcements, Lyn, Legault, and someone else to take out the swordsmen, Marcus to take care of the indoor (indoors area of an indoors map, lol) knights, Pent to kill everything else, and other people to leech EXP off of Pent. Wil somehow managed to fall asleep, but on the plus side, I managed to trap the boss in the corridor so I could kill all of the reinforcements. Oh, and Wil took care of the Snipers. He's turning out to be really quite awesome. Dragon Shield to Priscilla because she dies too easily!

Levels Gained:

Hector- 24

Lyndis- 24

Priscilla- 29

Legault- 21

Marcus- 17

Wil- 33

Raven- 30

Pent- 13

Harken- 11

Chapter 31x- FREE/189 turns

I had fucking over 80,000 gold when this began and I still have over half of that when this ended, and keep in mind that I bought way too much.

Levels Gained:

They numerate > 9,000!

Edited by Refa
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Ahh, there we go. Vaida/Ren are banned now (you can still.recruit then if you want. Just can't use them.

Its officially begun!!

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Chapter 28 - 15/154 turns

holy smokes through the power of Ninian and Torch staves Erk hit C Staves O.o

HECTOR         20.00   36 18 11 14 07 19 05 A AXE                  B ELIWOOD C LYNDIS
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD        20.00   32 16 16 10 14 12 06 A SWORD                B HECTOR C MARCUS
MARCUS      ??/15.89   41 19 17 14 10 11 12 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE  C ELIWOOD
REBECCA     20/04.41   36 12 16 19 12 08 12 A BOW
ERK         20/04.58   38 15 14 18 08 07 14 A ANIMA C STAVES
FLORINA     20/10.96   37 23 24 18 20 13 19 S LANCE E SWORD        C LYNDIS
LYNDIS      20/03.62   31 12 20 22 13 05 13 A SWORD C BOW          C FLORINA C HECTOR
LUCIUS      20/08.84   31 24 18 16 05 04 22 A LIGHT S STAVES
LEGAULT        17.75   28 10 13 15 13 07 04 B SWORD
NINIAN         09.98   21 00 00 17 17 05 10 DANCER
ISADORA     ??/13.51   36 20 13 21 16 11 08 A SWORD B LANCE C AXE

Chapter 28x - free/whatever turns

what am I going to do with all these statboosters I have

HECTOR         20.00   36 18 11 14 07 19 05 A AXE                  B ELIWOOD C LYNDIS
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD     20/05.34   39 19 19 11 15 13 10 A SWORD D LANCE        B HECTOR C MARCUS
MARCUS      ??/17.13   42 19 18 15 12 11 13 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE  C ELIWOOD
REBECCA     20/06.41   38 12 16 21 13 08 12 S BOW
ERK         20/07.51   41 16 16 20 09 08 14 A ANIMA A STAVES
FLORINA     20/15.46   42 23 25 20 23 15 19 S LANCE E SWORD        B LYNDIS
LYNDIS      20/05.84   31 13 21 24 15 05 15 A SWORD C BOW          B FLORINA C HECTOR
LUCIUS      20/11.29   34 25 19 18 05 04 24 A LIGHT S STAVES
LEGAULT        20.00   30 11 14 16 16 08 06 A SWORD
NINIAN         12.01   24 00 00 18 20 06 11 DANCER
ISADORA     ??/16.83   38 22 14 22 19 11 09 A SWORD B LANCE B AXE

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dude look at Eliwood's now, it's worse

Chapter 29 - 7?/161 turns

routed and stuff, got warp, Florina got boots, Isadora stole everyone's good level ups, and stuff

HECTOR      20/01.00   39 18 13 17 07 20 10 A AXE D SWORD          B ELIWOOD C LYNDIS
MATTHEW        20.00   35 09 13 20 12 05 02 B SWORD
ELIWOOD     20/09.79   43 20 22 12 18 13 11 A SWORD C LANCE        B HECTOR C MARCUS
MARCUS      ??/19.64   42 21 18 16 12 11 13 S LANCE A SWORD A AXE  C ELIWOOD
REBECCA     20/08.17   40 13 17 23 15 09 12 S BOW
ERK         20/11.23   43 19 17 22 10 08 16 S ANIMA A STAVES
FLORINA     20/20.00   52 23 25 21 27 15 21 S LANCE E SWORD        B LYNDIS
LYNDIS      20/07.71   33 13 23 26 17 06 15 A SWORD C BOW          B FLORINA C HECTOR
LUCIUS      20/12.75   34 25 19 18 05 04 25 A LIGHT S STAVES
LEGAULT     20/10.56   38 13 20 21 22 14 10 A SWORD
NINIAN         12.01   24 00 00 18 20 06 11 DANCER
ISADORA     ??/20.00   40 23 15 25 21 14 09 A SWORD B LANCE B AXE

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Chapter 32- 14 turns/203 turns

It was epic, there was victoring and deathing and all in good fun. Later, VoD, nice catching up. Talisman to Priscilla!

Levels Gained:

Hector- 34

Nils- 13

Lyndis- 31

Legault- 27

Pent- 14

Eliwood- 38

Priscilla- 36

Marcus- 19

Wil- 35

Raven- 34

Harken- 12

Chapter 32x- 8/211 turns

Good lord Kishuna, die already.

Levels Gained:

Hector- 38

Nils- 14

Lyndis- 35

Eliwood- 38

Legault- 27

Pent- 14

Priscilla- 36

Marcus- 19

Wil- 35

Raven- 34

Harken- 12

Final Chapter Light- 5/214 turns

VICTOLY! No death today!

Let's see how my units did!


Hector was pretty damn godly, although for like half of the game, he was kinda useless for the purposes of this draft (level 20), and then I had to scramble to get him to 20/20. Oh well, his final stats are pretty awesome.

Total Levels- 38


Oh Matthew. Besides DEF which seems unusually good, I think he got screwed on almost everything. Speed doesn't count. Still, the levels that he gave me were invaluable.

Total Levels- 56


Eliwood turned out pretty fucking awesome. Like he almost maxed 4 stats! Also his horse proved to be invaluable and he was one of my first units to hit 20/20.

Total Levels- 94


Marcus is awesome as always, although I had to reign him in a little there so that my other units could get some EXP.

Total Levels- 113


WOW. Priscilla turned out more than a little ridiculous. Also that staff was incredibly helpful. Something tells me if I had bought Fire Tomes early on, she would've hit 20/20 MUCH faster. Oh well, that's how it goes. I would say shame about that DEF, but most of my units have only 4-5 more DEF than that. Oh well.

Total Levels- 149


Huh, Lyndis turned out surprisingly good for me. She even doubled the Dragon with Sol Katti and DAMAGED it! Imagine that. Too bad that her incredibly mediocre DEF until promotion made her very hard to use.

Total Levels- 184


Wilbert turned out surprisingly useful too, with quite nice final stats and his bow chip against flyers was also pretty helpful. I mean, in a draft like this, everyone is bound to be useful, but I'm surprised at HOW useful Wil was. Also he has 53 HP, what the fuck.

Total Levels- 219


Raven is ridiculously awesome as always. There's really nothing more to say, other than he kicked ass, always kicks ass, and will never stop kicking ass. What a player.

Total Levels- 253


Holy crap, Legault was fucking awesome. Pretty much all of his stats are fantastic, and he has one of the better DEF stats on my team, if not the best sans Hector.

Total Levels- 280


Perhaps not the best choice for an EXP draft, but whatever. Pent is a cool dude, I like cool dudes. So obviously I like Pent. And yes, he did turn out fantastic, thank you very much, can you not see his stats?

Total Levels- 294


Harken is fucking awesome as always too. He's like Raven but with no time investment involved, which is always a plus in my book. Plus dat axe rank. What's NOT to love about Harken, besides the fact that he may cost turns?

Total Levels- 308


Dammit, I kinda wish you maxed your level, but whatever. Very big help to my cause, obviously.

Total Levels- 323


Godwin with Luna, but didn't help contribute any levels.

Total Levels- 323

Total Score = 323 - (214-275)/5

Total Score = 323 + 61/5

Total Score = 335

Final Score: 335

PS Also I beat a draft before Horace finally, yay accomplishment!

Edited by Refa
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Chapter 30 - 3/164 turns

Rescue, Warp, drop, killer lance

Chapter 31 - 11/175 turns

didn't field Marcus, Isadora, or Florina since they capped level.


Eliwood was almost ORKO'd by Denning

Chapter 31x - 5/180 turns

uh, sat around

Chapter 32 - 11/191 turns

ok I lied Marcus was 19.83 so he got a kill here. Otherwise, Lucius warped Hector ahead, and everyone else gathered exp. Lyn and Rebecca were a bit on the short side though.

Chapter 32x - 2/193 turns

Took an extra turn to get Lyn maxed and Rebecca to 19.53.

Brave Axe Filla's Might Hector ORKO'd Kishuna.

Chapter Final Part 1 - 3/196 turns


Chapter Final Part 2 - 1/197 turns


video of unit stats in the final chapter to come.


i obviously didn't need and rigged the crit

342TL - ((197-275)/5)= 357.6

I think that's right anyway

oh also, Eliwood beat out Florina for the most speed screwed award, as his speed of 14 (he ate two speedwings) put him at a deficit of 9.2 speed, beating out Florina's screwage of 8.9 (disregarding caps)

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Through witchcraft, no doubt, my final turncount is off by 20 turns, which leave me with an alarmingly mediocre turncount of 234, and my final score is


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Good job guys~ I take it that this draft was enjoyable? After reading your completions, I'm thinking that in the future, I'll change the "magic" number from 275 to 200, to attempt to minimize bonus points, since obviously the deficit points aren't going to be that high, if at all, by anyone.

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Alright. I should probably do a pre-game unit Analyguess, so shoot, here we go.


Lowen- I'm really hoping that you get a little bit of extra speed or str (or both) early on, because it would be nice to have a strong EP with you, since I know you'll survive every hit that comes at you that isn't from Horse-killing weaponry.

Kent- Kent, I've had you in every FE7 draft I've done. PLEASE, for the love of god, gain Strength. At least to your average, please please please! If you do that, I'll be sooooo happy~

Canas- Woo, umm I don't know what to do with you. Wait, yes I do. You're my healing stick! And you're my Lunabuser! I'll be sure to get Luna for you, so you can plow through your opposition. Fortunatly, the game is littered with Anima too, so you're covered there.

Dart- Urgh, Dart. I just hope that you can pull your weight this time. Just hit things with a Hand Axe, and I'll be glad. You didn't do it for me last time. Also, you better be worth that damn Ocean Seal that I have to hunt for. At least I can dig it up with...

Hawkeye- Yes, Mr. McTanksalot. You're gonna tank. You're gonna ORKO with dat Killer Axe, and train Dart to do the same. Yes, I sense good things from you.


Lyn-Lord of Chance. I'm not gonna give you too much of a hard time, but I am going to try to train you to use Bows. That would be nice, if you could pull a Killer bow crit here or there.

Hector-Lord of Destrucity. You've got it covered. That Armads is yours. That Ch15 Silver Axe is yours too. Hammer. Yours. Yea, I'm not worried about you.

Eliwood-Lord of Mediocrity, just try to gain some Spd. That's all I want from you.

Marcus-Yea, we all know you will f*** their shit backwards. Just, don't hog the spotlight. This isn't a 100% pure speedrun.

Ninian- Dance Baby Dance!

Athos- No level contribution, but you can at least help me achieve a bonus from completing the end a bit faster and weakening the enemies/fortifying my team.

Ch.11 7/7

Usual run. Crap levels all around.

Ch.12 6/13 (I'm pretty sure it was 6 and not 5)

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	2.36	20	8	4	5	3	8	0
Matthew	3.19	18	4	4	12	2	3	1
Eliwood	Base
Lowen	Base
Marcus	Base

Wolf beil'd some pegs, and Matthew struggled, as expected. Marcus got the book, and Eli/Lowen dished out some pain. Marcus only hit 1 peg; the one that had 3 HP left and tried to hide on the mountain that no 1-range units could hit. Also, Lowen proc'd a speed! With 8 speed, you can actually double some enemies! C'mon Lowen!!!

Ch.13 11/24

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	4.06	22	10	5	6	3	9	0
Matthew	3.19	18	4	4	12	2	3	1
Eliwood	2.67	19	5	6	8	7	5	0
Lowen	3.14	23	7	6	8	4	7	1	
Marcus	XX/1.09	31	15	15	11	8	10	8

An archer ended up somehow camping on the Gate... I couldn't hit him ,with 65+% hit rates. Finally, I wolf-beil'd a crit on him, after 5 turns of him dodgetanking like a fucking king.

Marcus and the Lords went way of Merlinus, and Lowen/Matthew tanked the entire southern front, even all the reinforcements. I would've taken a 7 or 8 turn happily, but that archer....

Hey, I recruited Guy for his Killing Edge, and Matthew hit C in swords just in time to use it for next chapter though?

Ch13x 7/31

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	7.09	25	12	7	7	4	11	1
Matthew	8.55	23	5	5	15	5	5	1
Eliwood	4.66	21	5	6	8	8	5	0
Marcus	XX/1.32	31	15	15	11	8	10	8
Lowen	8.58	28	8	9	9	8	10	3	

Usual stuff. Marcus got the village. I decided to try to have Eliwood tank the bottom brigand squad, but I forgot about the nomads that joined, thinking he would have gained 1 Str or 1 Spd. Nope, he didn't, so Marcus had to rush back down with Hector on his back in order to help Eliwood simply survive the onslaught of Puzon's flank. Matthew Killing-Edge Crit'd twice at 32% (which helped), and Lowen beasted his way through, gaining 5 lvls (+5HP, +4 Luk, +3 Def/Skl, +2 Res, and +1 Spd/Str).

Ch14 5/36

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	7.09	25	12	7	7	4	11	1
Matthew	8.55	23	5	5	15	5	5	1
Eliwood	4.66	21	5	6	8	8	5	0
Marcus	XX/1.32	31	15	15	11	8	10	8
Lowen	8.58	28	8	9	9	8	10	3	

Well, I got some good levels here at least. Matthew burned through half of the Killing Edge (ugh), and still has only gained +1 str. I also blew through the Iron Blade...after missing 6 consecutive 80+% hits, I just said f' it. Also, Marcus killed Erik, and Eliwood held back to deal with the loldiers.

Ch.15 7/43

Unit	Lv.Ex	Hp	St	Sk	Sp	Lu	De	Re
Hector	9.27	27	12	7	8	5	12	3
Matthew	10.13	25	5	6	16	5	6	1
Eliwood	7.49	24	7	9	9	9	7	1
Marcus	XX/2.68	32	15	16	12	9	10	8
Lowen	11.19	31	9	11	10	8	12	3	

I thought Killing Sealen finished the chapter. Oh well. Got a Silver Axe, a Mend, and some levels. Nothing shiny here. Lowen got more mad experience. Oh yea, Eliwood finally gained a Speed point, and got 2 Strs while at it. About damn time.

Yay, 2 new units next chapter! I hope Kent can compete with Lowen.

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