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[FE7] Elieson's 2nd Attempt at a unique draft


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Apparently I overestimated my TC and made some mistakes, but those are the chapters that don't end early if you kill the boss early (I believe...could someone check on 22's Eubans for me?)

I know for a fact that if you kill Eubans early, the chapter ends.

Also, I just finished my Sacae-only playthrough. Now I can start the draft! But first ... I have to finish my take-home midterms. I'll try to start by at least Monday. That's when everything is due.

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29 – 11/198

Rout chapter with significant reinforcements? It’s about time. Nino and Lyn went through the central path, backed up by everyone else. Legault went through the southern path. These three got 25 levels between them alone, and Nino hit C staves and could finally start Barrier-spamming. Nino and Legault doubled back to help Hector with Vaida’s squad. (Strangely, unlike other minions, you have to kill them when their boss is recruited.) Lyn followed the main army up to get the kill on Lloyd.

30 – 6/204

Warp shenanigans, and the thief who sat on the throne after the boss died. Hector had some trouble with him. At least it gave Serra a chance to gain some sweet, sweet CEXP.

31 – 11/215

Hector smash! Everything below the southern deployment area (except a few thieves, which were shared by Legault and Eliwood) was killed by him. Nino and the rest took the nook near where Lilina will be imprisoned. Along the way, she hit B staves and could use Berserk and Rescue for good WEXP and normal experience.

31x – 5/220

Karla get. Nino and Serra practiced staving. Hector ate the other wings.

Name   Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS LG 
Hec 20/13.98 50 26 20 22 14 23 13 31
Eli 20/18.41 51 23 26 21 21 17 17 36
Lyn 20/17.86 46 20 29 29 23  8 12 32
Marcus 19.12 42 21 24 17 14 11 15 18
Bar 20/19.42 58 30 20 18 12 16 10 36
Ser 20/18.22 40 19 14 20 30  9 24 36
Leg 20/15.38 45 14 20 28 21 13  9 22
Ninils 17.31 27  1  0 25 26 10 16 16
Hea 20/18.42 57 23 24 17 13 21 12 30
Geitz  20.00 56 24 15 18 14 13  7 17
Nin 20/12.05 44 20 24 24 23 11 22 26

Levels gained: 300 (This is madness!)

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Chapter 16 - 7/47

Almost the same strategy, except Hector offed the boss, and Lyn got a stupid level. Matthew is doing horribly.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      12.01  27  11   12    9    7   13    1
Matthew   Thief     10.17  25   5    5   15    5    5    1
Eliwood   Lord       6.03  21   7    7   10    8    8    3
Marcus    Paladin    4.54  34  17   17   12    9   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     6.31  21   5    7    9    6    4    3
Erk       Mage       3.75  19   6    7    7    3    2    5
Lyn       Lord       5.08  18   5   10   12    6    2    0
Florina   Peggy      3.45  She hates the RNG

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Thanks for the quick reply, eclipse! I'll create a tactician as well, then. Afa's drops are always nice to have.

And yeah, I'll be careful about the arena. ^_^; I don't normally use it anyways.

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Chapter 17 - 11/58

This time, Matthew went north to steal stuff and get me treasure, while Lyn and Rebecca hung back for the Hero Crest (money) and Unlock (should be helpful later). Everyone else charged forward, and somehow, Florina didn't die.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      14.33  29  12   13    9    8   13    1
Matthew   Thief     11.56  26   6    5   16    6    5    2
Eliwood   Lord       6.81  21   7    7   10    8    8    3
Marcus    Paladin    4.93  34  17   17   12    9   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     7.43  21   6    8   10    7    4    3
Erk       Mage       5.58  21   6    8    8    5    2    7
Lyn       Lord       5.87  18   5   10   12    6    2    0
Florina   Peggy      5.70  20   7   10   10    8    4    6
Lucius    Monk       3.00  Welcome~!

Chapter 17x - 6/64

Had fun walling Damian with Hector, while everyone else took care of the other pirates. Matthew went nuts with the Killing Edge here. Delayed a turn for Canas, the Short Bow, the Lancereaver, and a level for Rebecca, by having her snipe at Dart. Got Lyn/Florina and Hector/Eliwood.

Matthew. WTF. Your Strength and Defense aren't supposed to be equal.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      15.48  30  13   14   10    9   13    1
Matthew   Thief     13.69  27   6    5   18    6    6    3
Eliwood   Lord       7.41  22   8    8   10    9    8    3
Marcus    Paladin    6.34  36  19   17   13   10   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     8.00  21   7    9   11    7    4    3
Erk       Mage       6.06  22   7    8    8    5    2    7
Lyn       Lord       6.54  18   5   10   12    7    2    0
Florina   Peggy      6.29  20   7   11   10    9    4    7
Lucius    Monk       3.66  Welcome~!

Chapter 18 - 11/75

Made sure to genocide everything before ending the map. Florina's job was to guard various people. Stole everything worth stealing.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      16.13  31  14   14   11   10   13    1
Matthew   Thief     15.85  29   7    7   20    8    7    3
Eliwood   Lord       9.15  23   8    9   11    9    8    4
Marcus    Paladin    6.34  36  19   17   13   10   10    9
Rebecca   Archer     9.27  21   7   10   12    7    4    3
Erk       Mage       7.52  23   7    9    8    6    2    8
Lyn       Lord       8.05  20   7   11   13    8    2    1
Florina   Peggy      7.82  21   8   12   11   10    4    8
Lucius    Monk       5.04  19   9    8   10    3    1    8

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I'm starting now, there's no point in waiting. I create a tactician named Gwydion who has the anima affinity. Why anima? I don't know.

Chapter 11 - 8/8

On turn 1, Matthew opens the door. Hector stands on the pillar and hand axes the soldier. On the EP, an archer attacks Hector and he counters with the hand axe. Matthew finishes off the archer, and Hector moves as far down as he can, switching to the Wolf Beil. He counters (and kills) everything but the archer. I decide to let Matthew fight and finish off the archer, so Hector can keep moving and Matthew can gain experience. Hector doesn't reach Wire until turn 7. I have to wait an additional turn before I can kill him, though, because if I can't get a lucky crit (and Hector doesn't double) Wire will just run away and heal. Matthew levels up! 8 turn clear of this map.

Chapter 12 - 6/14

Cool, I get another two units that I can use. Except I decide not to use Marcus so early in the game. I send him to get the Secret Book village instead. The rest of Eliwood's group gets out of my way. Eliwood stands on a fortress and tanks bandits. Serra and Oswin hide in the corner while Matthew and Hector see combat. Hector levels up and gets speed. Also, I think he's gained resistance every level-up so far. blink.gif Eliwood levels up and gains speed. Hector gets lucky and kills Zagan before he gets killed. Rout on turn 6.

Unit 	Level 	HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   5.62      21   11   06   06   03   11   04
Matthew  5.78      21   05   04   13   04   05   01
Eliwood  2.03      21   05   06   08   07   05   00
Marcus    --/1      base stats
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*points to own notation*

You'll probably want to put your turn counts either on a separate line or in the chapter title. It'll make things easier to verify when the credits roll.

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*points to own notation*

You'll probably want to put your turn counts either on a separate line or in the chapter title. It'll make things easier to verify when the credits roll.

Ah, good idea, eclipse. I'll do that now.

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Chapter 19 - 7/82

Lyn, Florina, and Rebecca handed Merlinus' island. Eliwood wandered to the center, and everyone else went towards Uhai. The map ended with Marcus (Silver Lance), Lucius (survived a Longbow hit), and Hector (Steel Axe with an iffy hit rate, but Wolf Beil would've done him in, too).

Florina needs more experience! Eliwood's tanky.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      17.13  32  15   15   12   10   13    1
Matthew   Thief     15.85  29   7    7   20    8    7    3
Eliwood   Lord      10.70  24   8    9   12   10    9    4
Marcus    Paladin    6.67  36  19   17   13   10   10    9
Rebecca   Archer    11.28  23   9   11   13    8    4    4
Erk       Mage       8.83  24   8    9    8    6    2    8
Lyn       Lord       9.77  21   8   11   14    9    2    2
Florina   Peggy      8.20  21   9   12   12   11    4    8
Lucius    Monk       7.01  20  11    8   10    4    1    9

Chapter 19x - 10/92

Matthew killed the pegasi, then was ferried over the mountain to deal death to the arrow things. Erk and Lucius semi-charged, then doubled back to handle the reinforcements. Florina got some hits here and there. Aion died to Rebecca. I managed to get Marcus close enough to kill a Knight for free experience.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      17.52  32  15   15   12   10   13    1
Matthew   Thief     19.56  32   9    7   20   10    8    4
Eliwood   Lord      11.29  25   8    9   13   11    9    4
Marcus    Paladin    7.09  36  19   17   13   11   10    9
Rebecca   Archer    13.53  23  10   12   13    9    4    4
Erk       Mage       9.45  24   8   10    8    6    3    8
Lyn       Lord      11.34  23   8   12   15   11    2    4
Florina   Peggy      8.90  21   9   12   12   11    4    8
Lucius    Monk       9.25  20  12    9   10    4    1   10

Chapter 20 - 10/102

Delayed a turn for the secret shop, because I think I can find a use for a second Physic. Rebecca got the Brave Bow, and she saved Matthew with it twice. Boss kill went to Lyn, because Eliwood was too weak to do it.

WTF. Eliwood. Gain some Strength!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      18.62  33  16   16   13   11   14    1
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5
Eliwood   Lord      12.87  26   8   10   13   12   10    4
Marcus    Paladin    7.47  36  19   17   13   11   10    9
Rebecca   Archer    14.82  23  10   12   14   10    4    4
Erk       Mage      10.62  24   8   10    9    6    3    8
Lyn       Lord      13.78  24   9   13   16   12    2    4
Florina   Peggy      9.43  21   9   12   13   12    4    9
Lucius    Monk      11.08  22  13    9   12    4    1   11

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Chapter 13 - 11/25

This chapter is NOT fun at all, seriously. At least I get to recruit Guy here. I start by sticking all my undrafted units in a corner, and sending Eliwood to Merlinus' village. Must. Not. Forget. To. Visit. Village. I soon realize that Hector only has a hand axe and a Wolf Beil I'd like to conserve, so I send Bartre after him to give Hector an iron axe. I also have Lowen trade Eliwood his iron sword so that Eliwood doesn't go through the Rapier too fast. Guy crits Marcus. Ouch! I recruit Guy on ... approximately turn 5. I visit Merlinus' village with Eliwood. Guy levels up and gets strength! I seize on turn 11.

Chapter 13x - 7/32

I send Matthew and Guy down south, while Marcus heads for the village. I have Hector hang back a little while Eliwood moves up. Merlinus gets lucky and dodges a mage. Lowen rescues Merlinus and runs away (is that all right?) and the others get out of the way. Eliwood refuses to get strength. -_- At least he's faster than normal. Marcus comes close to death! O_O Eliwood at 1 HP finished off Puzon on the last turn. He also finally gets strength. Guy and Matthew did well, no complaints there. We only add the last player phase waited, right? That means my turncount for this chapter should be 7.

Chapter 14 - 10/42

Yay! I get a deployment screen! Goodbye, non-drafted characters! I sell Serra's staff, since the only staffer I'll ever see is Athos, and he can use the much-superior Fortify instead! I'm really glad I went through my Sacae-only playthrough first. My team for this draft is ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME. Take out Karla, then replace her with Eliwood, Farina, Fiora, and Marcus. Handy. :P I deploy Serra for Erk. He has some nice stuff I can sell or save for later.

I deploy Merlinus, but ... decide I can't spare anyone to protect him and ignore him. So ... he dies, predictably. O_o Marcus rescues Erk and get him out of the way, then goes to the iron blade village. Guy handles the pirates in the south with a little help from the others. Hector makes a beeline for Erik so I can take that dude out before the rain starts. Eliwood starts cooperating and gains strength! Hector reduces Erik to 2 HP with one swing of a Wolf Beil! He then finishes off Erik on the following PP, but Matthew gets in a good hit first. Eliwood and Hector get a support. One thing I fail to realize is that letting Merlinus die kind of causes me supply and shopping problems. I delay a few turns so that Marcus and Guy can get in some shopping. Rout on turn 10.

Chapter 15 - 7/49

Standard defend chapter. I deploy all my drafted characters. I sell Erk's Thunder tome and Priscilla's Mend staff. I save the Goddess Icon, either for cash or to be used, and take Priscilla's vulnerary. I am literally dependent on those things until my characters are leveled enough to dodge and/or tank.

Marcus defends the throne from the north end of the map and does well (of course, he is Marcus). Eliwood is doing remarkably well now. Guy is starting to strength problems. He'd better get strength, soon. I lure out Sealen with Hector, then defeat him on the following player phase. Matthew is too busy stealing things to join combat, which could be bad for my levels. Because I cleared Sealen early, I just have to deal with myrmidon and mercenary reinforcements. I think the RNG hates Guy. He looks a bit speed-screwed ... and his strength isn't all that great either.

Unit 	Level      HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   12.81 	25   14   11   10   05   12   05
Matthew  9.92      24   05   07   13   08   05   01
Eliwood  9.16      26   10   10   11   09   08   01
Guy      9.61      26   07   14   13   09   05   00
Marcus    --/1      base stats

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32 – 12/232

In a normal draft, I’d perform a complex set of rescue calisthenics to get to Limstella as quickly as possible. Here, there’s so much experience to gain I can just take my time. I like this draft.

Serra warps Karla forward to take the area near Sophia’s village. She survives single-handedly, thanks to the axemen being routed just before the cavalry and dragon knights arrive, so she can switch to a Lance reaver. Heath and Bartre double-team to lift her over the mountains. By then Hector and Nino have cleared the western side (apart from the heroes, who Legault takes). Eliwood rescues Hector, and the next turn, Nino warps them to where Karla and Bartre are. Karla and Lyn cross the river and beat up the reinforcements streaming from Limstella’s area, and Heath carries Hector over. Meanwhile Nino recruits Renault for his stuff, and Renault runs away from where the pegasi spawn. Legault kills them off when they appear. Karla reaches the bridge and goes to EP kill the dragon knights that spawn on the eastern mountains Heath kills Limstella to get to Level 20, and Hector seizes.

32x – 3/235

Karla is warped across the stage to kill the western enemies, including the one with the Runesword. Hector gets within range of the General with a Hand Axe and kills the enemies near the door. Next turn, Hector is warped into Kishuna’s room; he uses a Brave Axe to get the 3 hits necessary to kill Kishuna on turn 3.

F – 6+1/242

Everyone who hadn’t reached level 20 yet, apart from Serra, Nino and Nils who all can get experience without fighting, took a room. Eliwood took Lloyd and Linus, using a Door Key to reach them earlier. Bartre took Darin’s room. Lyn took Uhai’s room. Legault took the magic room, and Karla took Brendan’s room. Lyn, Karla and Heath worked together on Ursula’s room. Eliwood and Athos sat near Nergal’s room, so when Jerme was killed on turn 6, they could double-team Nergal. The dragon goes down like a sack of bricks.

The pimped out team:













I swear, images hate me. The stats, if anyone cares.

Name    Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS LG 
Hector  20/20 56 29 24 24 16 27 16 38
Eliwood 20/20 54 25 26 22 23 18 17 38
Lyn     20/20 48 22 29 30 24  8 13 35
Marcus  20.00 42 21 25 18 14 11 15 19
Bartre  20/20 59 30 20 19 13 16 11 37
Serra   20/20 41 20 14 21 30 10 24 38
Legault 20/20 48 15 24 30 24 15 10 27
Ninils  20.00 30  1  0 27 29 11 19 19
Heath   20/20 59 24 25 18 13 21 13 32
Geitz   20.00 56 24 15 18 14 13  7 17
Nino    20/20 49 24 28 26 28 12 25 34
Karla   20.00 39 17 29 27 19 13 15 15

I was probably too low on earlygame units; my lords did too much of the fighting, which meant I had to use them sparingly until Heaven Seals started turning up. Once they did, the lords gained levels very quickly. Bartre was useful because I could give him lots of experience and basically retire him at about ch. 23. Serra took a while to reach 20, but after promotion, took off. Geitz was useful filler, and Nino and Karla provided a lot of lategame levels.


Name    LG
Hector  38
Eliwood 38
Bartre  37
Marcus  19
Serra   38
Lyn     35
Legault 27
Nils    19
Heath   32
Geitz   17
Nino    34
Karla   15
Total  349


349-((242-275)/5) = 349-(-6.6) = 355.6 points

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Chapter 16 - 9/58

Enter Lyn! Who is horribly underleveled and going to cause me a lot of pain! At least she is good for experience, right? Plus, her team is free in this chapter, so she should be able to survive. -_-

I shoo Florina away, since she's not free. Everyone else on that side of the map moves down. I have Wil do some shopping, since he is free. Kent and Sain follow Lyn, who runs to the left. Marcus gets the Red Gem village, and Sain gets the Horseslayer village. Everyone advances towards the boss, cleaning up the enemies there. Marcus levels up, but doesn't get anything useful. Guy is doing VERY poorly. Bauker falls on turn 8. Seize on turn 9.

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Chapter 21 - 4/106

The usual rush forward, with Hector chipping and hitting level 20, Rebecca using Ballista, Legault snagging the Hero Crest for money, Erk semi-chipping, and Lucius on Ninis' Grace for the win.

I resupplied, and now have 42 Gold left.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord      13.18  27   8   11   13   13   10    4
Marcus    Paladin    7.47  36  19   17   13   11   10    9
Rebecca   Archer    15.51  24  10   13   14   11    4    4
Erk       Mage      11.30  24   9   10   10    7    3    8
Lyn       Lord      13.78  24   9   13   16   12    2    4
Florina   Peggy      9.80  21   9   12   13   12    4    9
Lucius    Monk      12.38  23  14   10   13    4    1   12
Legault   Thief     13.04  27   8   11   16   11    9    4
Ninian    Dancer     1.50  Base everything
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5

Chapter 22 - 6/112

Hector recruited Heath then went shopping for another Barrier. Lyn recruited Rath then was useless. Isadora killed stuff, while Marcus made his way down south to make life hell for Eubans. Speaking of, the big baddie was killed by Marcus (Halberd), Rebecca (Ballista), and Florina (Iron Lance). Got all the treasure, too.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord      14.43  28   9   12   14   14   11    5
Marcus    Paladin    7.83  36  19   17   13   11   10    9
Rebecca   Archer    16.29  25  10   13   15   12    4    4
Erk       Mage      11.60  24   9   10   10    7    3    8
Lyn       Lord      13.78  24   9   13   16   12    2    4
Florina   Peggy     12.07  23   9   13   16   14    4   10
Lucius    Monk      14.29  24  15   12   14    5    1   14
Legault   Thief     13.04  27   8   11   16   11    9    4
Ninian    Dancer     2.10  14   0    0   13   10    5    5
Isadora   Paladin    2.14  29  13   13   17   10    9    7
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5

Chapter 23 - 12/124

Florina used herself as bait, and eventually got to Pent. After that, she dropped him off somewhere safe, while Erk and Lucius ran around the desert like they owned the place. Both boss kills went to underleveled units, and I waited until I got my loot (Ocean Seal, Body Ring, and Filla's Might) before ending the map. As a result, I got Genesis~!

Total experience: 1107

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord      15.60  29  10   13   14   15   11    5
Marcus    Paladin    8.15  37  19   17   13   12   11   10
Rebecca   Archer    18.86  26  11   14   16   13    5    6
Erk       Mage      13.00  26  11   11   10    9    3    9
Lyn       Lord      13.78  24   9   13   16   12    2    4
Florina   Peggy     13.56  24   9   14   16   14    4   11
Lucius    Monk      15.78  25  15   13   15    5    1   14
Legault   Thief     13.97  27   8   11   16   11    9    4
Ninian    Dancer     3.41  15   0    0   14   11    5    6
Isadora   Paladin    2.52  29  13   13   17   10    9    7
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5

Chapter 23x - 20

Left Lyn behind, so that I'd get Lloyd's map.

Turtled my way through, then remembered that it was a rout map. I had Marcus and Isadora chain-rescue Ninian, and Marcus had enough oomph to OHKO walls. On turn 20, Ninian used Filla's Might, and Marcus ended the map by killing a General I forgot about. Rebecca hit level 20 mid-map, so she ran back to Merlinus to promote.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord      16.13  29  10   13   15   15   11    5
Marcus    Paladin    9.48  38  19   18   13   12   11   10
Rebecca   Sniper     1.73  32  14   16   18   14    7    9
Erk       Mage      13.94  26  11   11   10    9    3    9
Lyn       Lord      13.78  24   9   13   16   12    2    4
Florina   Peggy     16.13  27  11   15   19   16    4   12
Lucius    Monk      16.77  26  16   13   16    6    1   15
Legault   Thief     14.87  28   8   11   16   12   10    4
Ninian    Dancer     5.92  17   0    0   16   13    5    7
Isadora   Paladin    3.40  30  13   14   18   10    9    7
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20

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Chapter 24 - 2/126

Afa's Drops to Erk, so I'm more motivated to use him.

Turn 1: Legault runs north and Torches, Lucius runs north, Ninian dances for Lucius, Lucius runs on the fort (58 avoid), Marcus runs north. Erk and Florina kill the snag, Isadora runs all the way east and Torches. Everyone else runs east.

Turn 1E: Lucius kills stuff and somehow dodges everything, Isadora's at half health. Lucius hits Lloyd for 6 damage (35 HP remaining).

Turn 2: Erk kills the merc that Isadora weakened, Isadora peels off and buys magic for Lucius, Rebecca kills the Bishop for his item, Florina kills the Monk. On my turn, Lucius hits Lloyd again (29 HP remaining), then Ninian uses Filla's Might on Marcus, so he can wipe out Lloyd's remaining 29 HP in a single Iron Lance blow.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord      16.13  29  10   13   15   15   11    5
Marcus    Paladin   10.39  39  20   19   13   12   11   11
Rebecca   Sniper     2.16  33  15   17   19   14    7    9
Erk       Mage      14.34  27  11   12   11    9    4   10
Lyn       Lord      13.78  24   9   13   16   12    2    4
Florina   Peggy     16.47  27  11   15   19   16    4   12
Lucius    Monk      18.01  27  18   14   16    7    2   16
Legault   Thief     14.87  28   8   11   16   12   10    4
Ninian    Dancer     6.22  18   0    0   17   14    5    8
Isadora   Paladin    3.47  30  13   14   18   10    9    7
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20

There's an error in Lyn's Luck, which I just fixed. ONWARD!

Chapter 25 - 7/133

Lyn and Legault took care of the south, Florina and Lucius ran through the monks, with Lucius promoting along the way. Rebecca used the ballista to kill the other ballista, and Marcus went nuts. Do not argue with the guy holding the Silver Lance.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord      16.87  29  10   13   15   15   11    5
Marcus    Paladin   12.83  40  20   21   13   12   11   11
Rebecca   Sniper     3.46  33  16   17   19   15    8   10
Erk       Mage      15.99  28  11   13   12    9    4   10
Lyn       Lord      16.15  26   9   16   16   15    5    5
Florina   Peggy     18.84  27  12   16   19   17    4   13
Lucius    Bishop     1.00  31  21   17   17    8    5   20
Legault   Thief     17.33  31   9   12   18   13   10    5
Ninian    Dancer     6.84  18   0    0   17   14    5    8
Isadora   Paladin    4.36  31  13   14   18   10    9    8
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20

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Chapter 17 - 15/73

I deployed Priscilla for Raven and Lucius, since they both have stuff that I can use or sell. I start by sending everyone up (although I plan to have Marcus run right back to Merlinus afterwards). Matthew and Marcus run to grab the chests, while the others move towards Raven. Lyn actually pulls her weight with Mani Katti crits. Guy is being abysmal. Eliwood rocks. I recruit Raven on turn 6. Marcus fights off the cavalier and nomad reinforcements. Matthew grabs the stuff in the lower chests and runs up. I recruit Lucius on turn 11. Lyn kills Bernard and gets strength! While I could seize on turn 14, I wait a turn for Matthew and Marcus to grab the upper chests.

Chapter 17x - 7/80

Before the chapter, I sell some stuff I don't need (like tomes and gems) and rearrange everyone's stuff. I need more vulneraries, badly. Good thing there's a shop. Lyn REALLY sucks without her mode, but I never imagined she'd be THIS bad. And Guy's decided that he hates me now. At least my Eliwood is epic.

I recruit Canas for his items and put him in the corner. Hector and Matthew take the lower houses while Eliwood, Lyn, and Guy go through the upper houses. On turn 2, Eliwood stands on a forest tile to provoke the pirates. Marcus visits the Short Bow house. Hector stands in Damien's range to get rid of him easily. Everyone somehow survives the next two enemy phases (seriously, I thought Hector was going to DIE, but he dodged an Elfire mage). It was a REALLY lucky call, and both Lyn and Guy got strength as well! I run around getting all the villages before talking to Fargus on turn 7.

Chapter 18 - 7/87

Yay! There's a shop and an armory on this boat! I buy as MANY vulneraries as I can, since I'll need them. I buy a few things from the armory as well. Guy has a little help from Marcus in clearing out the right part of the map. Matthew goes nuts, stealing everything he can. Guy runs into a little trouble, so Marcus gives him a hand. Matthew finishes off Zoldam on turn 7.

Chapter 19 - 10/97

I deploy Florina for her sister. I can only hope that Fiora decides not to troll me in strength. Oh, hey, Dart is forced on this map. I get him and Florina out of the way. Guy goes right, while the others move down. Fiora shows up! I trade her a few lances I gave to Florina, then she joins the lords on the lower part of the map. Dart and Florina attempt to stay out of the way. Uhai goes down on turn 10 after several hits from Lyn, Eliwood, and one from Fiora.

Chapter 19x - 18/115

And so, Fiora joins the group. I'm happy to have another unit (and a flier at that), but she kind of trolled me already in her first level up. I hope she doesn't make this a habit. Eliwood must be stealing everyone else's RNG luck ...

Lyn stays behind to fight the axereaver pegasi. Everyone else moves down to fight mages. Yikes, Matthew is at level 15. I'd better get him to level 20 in this chapter ... FAST. Kishuna shows up and makes things interesting. Ha! I have no mages, nice try Kishuna. Marcus goes to visit Renault's village. Everyone else continues to move forward, running into just a little trouble with mages who wander outside Kishuna's forcefield. Hector reaches level 20. Lyn nearly had a close call with a silver lance armor, but she dodged. Everyone whacks at Kishuna's guards to get experience. I delay SEVERAL turns to get precious experience. I don't seize until turn 18, wasting time getting Matthew to level 20. This had better be worth it! I could've seized at least five turns ago! -_-

Chapter 20 - 11/126

I retire Matthew. He's hit level 20, he sucks massively, and I could use Legault for more experience. Guy's ready to promote. Too bad he sucks as well. What's the matter with you, Guy, you did well in my Sacae-only playthrough! Lyn's not very exceptional either, but Eliwood and Hector more than make up for her terrible-ness. Rath and Karel, you two had better not suck when I get you guys! Since Guy's about to promote, I think it's about time I started using Marcus seriously.

I give Marcus a door key and a chest key, and have him kill the sniper in the first room. Eliwood moves as far up as he can, provoking Cameron and killing the cavaliers he comes with. Lyn can barely do anything without the Mani Katti. Eliwood is doing almost all the work. Marcus likes to crit a lot with regular weapons. It's been happening a lot this playthrough. O_o I almost lose Legault, but catch up to him just in time with Lyn. Guy gives me strength on his last level-up! Darin falls on turn 10. I delay a turn to get the Luna tome and to promote Guy.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20.00     33   19   16   13   08   15   07
Eliwood  17.72     32   14   16   15   10   11   04
Lyn      17.47     28   08   19   20   13   06   05
Guy      20/1      38   12   20   20   13   11   05
Fiora    14.96     27   10   14   16   10   07   12
Marcus   --/5      35   15   17   11   09   10   10

Well ... my Hector looks a bit defense-screwed, methinks. Eliwood is, quite obviously, fantastic. Lyn's defense is acceptable, but her strength is NOT. Guy's about on average with his strength, which is still low, but he's pretty defense-blessed. Fiora's doing all right, I just hope she continues to gain a lot of strength. Marcus is ... well, I purposely waited to use him because I wanted my lower-leveled units to grab experience in the early levels. But now Marcus isn't all that impressive. 11 speed is what BASE LYN had about seven chapters ago. At least he almost doubles her strength. :\

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Chapter 26 - 11/144

I defeated Vaida on this map. I didn't have time to go shopping, though, because I killed her on turn 11 EP. Go figure. Anyway. . .

Had Rebecca hop in a ballista on turn 1, and slowly made my way over to smack her. Once I was ready, I had Ninian use Filla's Might on Rebecca, and Rebecca hit a ballista crit for 51 damage. Using some rescue-dropping with Florina and Hector, I took Rebecca out of the ballista and dropped her on top of it. Vaida flew over, and Rebecca finished with an Iron Bow. Oh, right, everyone else. . .

Marcus went south to guard everything. Florina got Hammerne, killed some stuff on the way out, then killed a few more things, then promoted mid-map. Lucius was used mostly to keep stuff alive. Erk was used as bait, much to his disappointment. Legault and Isadora guarded Merlinus.


Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord      18.25  31  12   14   16   16   12    5
Marcus    Paladin   14.09  42  21   22   15   12   11   12
Rebecca   Sniper     5.12  34  16   17   19   17    8   11
Erk       Mage      18.89  31  11   15   13   10    5   11
Lyn       Lord      16.61  26   9   16   16   15    5    5
Florina   Peggy+     1.00  34  15   16   20   18    6   15
Lucius    Bishop     1.98  31  21   17   17    8    5   20
Legault   Thief     20.00  32   9   15   20   14   11    6
Ninian    Dancer     8.05  19   0    0   18   16    5   10
Isadora   Paladin    5.52  31  14   14   19   10    9    8
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20

Chapter 27 - 9/153

So Kenneth was all like "Come at me", and Florina was all like "Do some good chip Rebecca", and then Rebecca critkilled Kenneth. Florina also got my Bolting ASAP, because I know it's helpful during Endgame. Erk promoted during this chapter, but it looks like Torch spam will go to Lucius. Erk will be turbo-healing instead.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord      19.51  32  12   15   17   17   12    6
Marcus    Paladin   14.41  42  21   22   15   12   11   12
Rebecca   Sniper     8.01  35  18   20   19   19    8   12
Erk       Sage       1.82  37  13   16   14   10    8   14
Lyn       Lord      16.61  26   9   16   16   15    5    5
Florina   Peggy+     2.34  35  15   16   21   18    6   15
Lucius    Bishop     3.24  33  22   18   17    8    5   20
Legault   Thief     20.00  32   9   15   20   14   11    6
Ninian    Dancer     9.08  20   0    1   19   16    6   10
Isadora   Paladin    5.97  31  14   14   19   10    9    8
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20

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Chapter 21 - 6/132

So ... last time: Fiora get; Hector hit level 20; Guy promoted; I dropped Matthew for Legault; and Lyn sucks. Wait, the last one's not anything surprising. She's really bad without Lyn's mode, and she's trolling me. -_-

I deploy all of my drafted characters. Fiora and Marcus have superior movement, so they hang back to get the villages and shop. The others advance to the right. Who wants to see me try to marry Eliwood and Ninian in a draft?! I'll try it, but no promises! Lyn is so getting that first Heaven's Seal so she can stop sucking sooner! Eliwood and Lyn get poisoned by pegasi. Lyn continues to troll me with her level-ups. Ninian dodges hits and barely avoids dying. Marcus gets the all-important Elysian Whip. Fiora is rather close to promoting. Oleg pops up on turn 5. I steal his Hero Crest, even though I don't need another one, then I smash his face in on turn 6. Eliwood accidentally got the kill. He crit with a steel sword. mellow.gif I ... kind of wanted Fiora to grab that kill. At least Eliwood got a good level-up from it.

Chapter 22 - 6/138

I love this chapter for three reasons.

1) I get to recruit Rath

2) I get to recruit Heath (although I can't use him in this draft, boo)

3) the map ends early if I kill Eubans, plus I get a nice spear for doing so.

First, I rearrange everyone's items before the map. I have Rebecca trade her iron bow to Lyn at base, so she can trade it to Rath after I recruit him. Then, the chapter actually starts. I kick Isadora to the top of the map to avoid penalties. Then, I move Eliwood down as far as he can go, have Marcus rescue him, and Ninian dances them over to the leftmost part of the map. I want Heath for his items, especially that axereaver. Fiora will appreciate that in the desert. Legault follows them, so he can open the door and loot the chests. Lyn moves to the rightmost part of the map to recruit Rath. Eliwood recruits Heath on turn 2, and he runs away. I recruit Rath on turn 3, and he immediately shoots a fighter that an NPC armor knight weakened. Legault kills the enemy thief and pilfers the chests. Eliwood hit level 20! Eubans go bye-bye on turn 6.

Chapter 23 - 14/152

It's the desert chapter! Fiora, this is why I drafted you (aside from liking your character and your pairing with Kent). Go out there and make me proud! I rearrange items again. Fiora gets a new shiny axereaver and the spear I took from Eubans. I'm really happy I have Rath, because he moves a little faster in the desert than normal mounts. So ... I start off by moving Fiora towards Pent, and have everyone else move up towards the grassy plain. NPC Hawkeye kills a mage. I decide that NPCs can do whatever they feel like. I then recruit him on the following turn. Lyn gets a point of strength! Good for you! Everyone then moves into the desert, towards Jasmine. Fiora rescues Pent, then starts flying back towards the others. Everyone else takes the time to heal if they need to. Guy lures in Jasmine, so Legault could steal his Guiding Ring. Fiora avoids a wyvern and takes no damage from a mage while ferrying Pent, then she gives him to Hawkeye. Guy kills Jasmine, much to my annoyance. Hector digs up a body ring. I wait until turn 13 to dig up all the treasures, then I kill Paul on turn 14 with Rath. Eliwood and Ninian got a C support!

I accept chapter 23x! Bring it on! I will do my utmost best to finish you in 20 turns or less. :P

Unit 	Level 	HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20.00 	33   19   16   13   08   15   07
Eliwood  20.00 	35   17   16   17   10   12   06
Lyn      19.16 	29   09   20   20   14   06   05
Guy      20/3      39   12   21   22   13   11   05
Fiora    19.25 	30   13   16   20   12   08   15
Rath 	13.44 	29   13   11   14   06   09   03
Marcus    --/6      36   15   17   11   09   11   10
Legault  16.39 	28   08   14   18   12   09   03
Ninian    3.35      16   00   00   14   11   05   05

What can I say? I love the way my Eliwood turned out.wub.gif

Edit: ... WTF. I'm not Yune anymore?

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Chapter 28 - 15/168

Marcus ran south and did Ursula in, while everyone else charged south and west. I was able to promote Eliwood shortly after the map began, and then I realized I was out of Javelins. Hooray, another horse. Anyway. . .

Erk was on turbo-healing duty. Ninian did her best to gain levels. Erk is still several uses away from D. Lucius is halfway through B, so he gets Physic with Pent-like range. Rebecca blicked Maxime. Hector and Eliwood hit A support.

Eliwood reminds me of a tankier Isadora.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord+      1.70  36  14   16   19   17   13   10
Marcus    Paladin   16.78  44  23   22   16   13   11   12
Rebecca   Sniper     9.01  35  18   20   20   19    8   13
Erk       Sage       2.89  38  13   16   15   11    9   14
Lyn       Lord      16.61  26   9   16   16   15    5    5
Florina   Peggy+     6.73  39  17   18   23   19    6   16
Lucius    Bishop     4.45  33  23   18   17    8    5   20
Legault   Thief     20.00  32   9   15   20   14   11    6
Ninian    Dancer    11.08  22   0    1   20   17    6   11
Isadora   Paladin    7.69  33  15   15   20   11    9    8
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20
Eliwood: 20

Chapter 28x - 20

Boots to Eliwood, so he can carry Hector around.

And then there was experience and staff spam all 'round. Had Legault steal the Angelic Robe for giggles. Erk made it from E to C staves, and Lucius hit A staves. Florina was stuck bailing everyone from the northern reinforcements, then went and killed the northern Wyvern Lord and Sniper thingy. Lyn and Legault promoted here. . .so that means the rest of my promotion items are gravy~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord      20.00  35  17   16   13   12   16    3
Eliwood   Lord+      5.38  40  14   18   22   18   15   12
Marcus    Paladin   18.84  45  23   23   17   13   11   14
Rebecca   Sniper    11.43  36  20   21   21   19    8   14
Erk       Sage       4.90  40  13   18   16   12    9   16
Lyn       Lord+      1.00  32  14   19   18   18    9   11
Florina   Peggy+    14.80  45  21   21   27   21    7   19
Lucius    Bishop     6.02  35  25   19   18    8    5   21
Legault   Assassin   1.00  35  10   15   20   14   13    8
Ninian    Dancer    12.98  23   0    1   21   18    6   11
Isadora   Paladin   10.02  35  16   16   22   13   10   10
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20
Eliwood: 20
Lyn: 20
Legault: 20

Chapter 29 - 9/177

I forgot Ninian's stats. ;/

Florina did some fancy flying, and grabbed me a certain staff and some books, then went north to join the fray. Marcus ferried Isadora, while Lyn, Legault, and Rebecca crossed the river. Linus met his doom at the hands of Florina with a Silver Lance.

Fun fact: If you kill Vaida in Unfulfilled Heart, she doesn't show up here. Or, at least, she didn't for me. That means I'm out of a Spear. Dammit.

My Eliwood is four points Strength-screwed and six points Speed-blessed. Go figure.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord+      1.00  38  17   18   16   12   17    8
Eliwood   Lord+      8.19  43  14   20   24   20   16   12
Marcus    Paladin   19.13  46  23   24   18   13   11   15
Rebecca   Sniper    12.57  37  21   21   21   20    8   14
Erk       Sage       7.36  41  15   20   18   12   10   17
Lyn       Lord+      3.32  33  14   20   18   19   10   11
Florina   Peggy+    19.62  49  23   25   28   22    7   19
Lucius    Bishop     7.56  35  25   20   18    8    5   21
Legault   Assassin   1.25  35  10   15   20   14   13    8
Ninian    Dancer    12.98  23   0    1   21   18    6   11
Isadora   Paladin   12.94  37  17   18   24   14   10   11
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20
Eliwood: 20
Lyn: 20
Legault: 20

Chapter 30 - 5/182

1. Warp Isadora.

2. Warp Hector.

3. Screw this chapter.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord+      1.44  38  17   18   16   12   17    8
Eliwood   Lord+      8.19  43  14   20   24   20   16   12
Marcus    Paladin   19.13  46  23   24   18   13   11   15
Rebecca   Sniper    12.57  37  21   21   21   20    8   14
Erk       Sage       7.36  41  15   20   18   12   10   17
Lyn       Lord+      3.32  33  14   20   18   19   10   11
Florina   Peggy+    19.62  49  23   25   28   22    7   19
Lucius    Bishop     8.80  36  25   20   18    8    5   21
Legault   Assassin   1.25  35  10   15   20   14   13    8
Ninian    Dancer    12.98  23   0    1   21   18    6   11
Isadora   Paladin   14.57  39  18   18   25   15   10   12
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20
Eliwood: 20
Lyn: 20
Legault: 20

Chapter 31 - 11/193

Held out for as long as possible before killing off Denning. At least I got some decent levels? I hope?

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Hector    Lord+      6.52  42  22   21   17   13   21    8
Eliwood   Lord+      9.00  43  15   20   24   21   17   12
Marcus    Paladin   20.00  47  23   24   18   13   11   16
Rebecca   Sniper    14.47  39  21   21   23   21    8   15
Erk       Sage      10.08  43  16   21   20   13   12   19
Lyn       Lord+      6.41  35  16   23   19   20   10   12
Florina   Peggy+    20.00  49  23   25   28   23    7   20
Lucius    Bishop    10.38  37  25   21   18    8    5   22
Legault   Assassin   3.46  35  10   17   21   16   14    9
Ninian    Dancer    12.98  23   0    1   21   18    6   11
Isadora   Paladin   17.24  42  20   19   25   15   10   13
Matthew   Thief     20.00  33   9    7   20   11    9    5


Rebecca: 20
Lucius: 20
Florina: 20
Erk: 20
Eliwood: 20
Lyn: 20
Legault: 20

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Chapter 23x - 13/152

I reshuffle items and move characters around the map. Eliwood, Ninian, Marcus, and Fiora go left while the others go right. Hawkeye is forced. I'm going to stick him in the corner.

So, once the map starts, I move everyone around the map to do their various things. Fiora kills a bishop and Marcus kills a sage. People smash through walls to advance through the map. Marcus continues to level up skill, but doesn't get much else. I decide to let Marcus handle everything on the left side of the map, and have Eliwood, Ninian, and Fiora join the others. The group (except for Marcus) gets together on turn 9. Lyn and Rath get their C support. Fiora hits level 20! I chase away Kishuna on turn 12. I rout on turn 13. I also got all the treasure.

Chapter 24 - 7/159

Obviously, I end up on Linus' map. I promote Fiora at base and sell stuff that I don't need. Afa's Drops go to Rath, I don't feel like holding on to them until Farina shows up (even if it's only one chapter later). I deploy Dart for Geitz.

Marcus and Dart head off towards the Earth Seal village and Geitz. Everyone else heads up towards Linus. Marcus FINALLY gets a point of speed. Lyn hits level 20! Dart recruits Geitz and they both run away. Marcus gets the Earth Seal village. The others advance towards Linus, cutting through everything in the way. Hector gets the Orion's Bolt village but falls one space short of getting the Silence staff village. Oh, well, no one can use it and Athos certainly won't. Legault gets a point of strength! Linus falls to Guy, Fiora, and Rath on turn 7.

Chapter 25 - 9/178

I get Farina on this chapter, and I'm happy about that. I could use another unit. I give Fiora an iron sword and send her to the rightmost part of the map. I am so happy to have a flier. :P Rath and Lyn go down to fight off pirates, although Rath will probably do most of the work since Lyn is already level 20. The others head up towards Pascal. Legault hits level 20! He also gets strength again. Fiora visits Karla's village for the second Elysian Whip. My characters are all set to promote! Marcus draws out Pascal on turn 2, and counters him with a spear on the EP. Unfortunately, he wears through the spear on the cavaliers that attack him. Marcus throws a javelin at Pascal and levels up everything but strength! Guy crit-kills Pascal. Farina! Would you show your face already?! I recruit her on turn 6. Eliwood and Ninian get their B support! Rath hits level 20 and promotes. Farina gets nothing but HP on her first level up. -_- I capture the third fortress on turn 9.

Chapter 26 - 11/189

I get a Heaven's Seal! Lyn gets to promote and become useful. Also, after several attempts at this chapter, all ending with Farina's death, I decide to give her the Angelic Robe. -_- I promote Lyn on turn 1 and put her in range of the mages. Farina moves down towards the Hammerne village with an axereaver. Marcus takes on the rightmost part of the map. I get Pent and Louise out of my way. Guy and Rath get a C support! Farina gets the Hammerne staff. She also survives this time around. Good thing I gave her that robe. Rath and Lyn get their B support! I survive all the turns and get experience for people. Farina is almost ready to promote.

Chapter 27 - 13/202

And my team is just about ready to be complete. Of course, I ended up on Jerme's map and I have to recruit Karel, which is a bit more difficult for me. At least my Sacae-only playthrough gave me practice on running around like crazy opening doors. And since I have two additional FLYING units, this shouldn't be as hard.

I open the first door with Legault, and have Rath attack the warrior in there. He and Lyn clear out the room on PP 2. Everyone else attempts to move forward. Good thing the snow stops on turn 3! Eliwood and Ninian get their A support! Farina levels up everything but resistance on her last level up. Lyn reaches the room with the archers on turn 5. Legault gets to the treasure chest room. Lyn gets a good level up. Rath opens the door to the room with the mercenaries and hero. Rath levels up everything but defense! I recruit Karel on turn 10. I clear the map on turn 13. Farina gets the boss kill. I miss the Hero Crest in the last room.

Chapter 28 - 15/217

Standard defend chapter. Merlinus promotes. I send the Sacaeans and Legault to the left side of the map, while the pegasi, the Lycians, Ninian,and Legault go the other way. Jaffar does stuff and stays alive. I want that side-chapter. Lyn gets strength! Rath lures out Maxime and weakens him. I am able to avoid making Ursula use Bolting. NPC Nino decides to be an idiot and run in the range of Ursula and her bolting, so I have to rescue her. She then avoids being killed by a mercenary. I then recruit her. Eliwood gets hit by Bolting, but he lives. :P Jaffar runs out of Killing Edge uses. Ninian uses her rings to gain experience. Farina 1RKOs Ursula with a silver lance and gets a horrible level up. I talk to Jaffar on turn 10. Farina and Fiora get their C support! I get all the treasures before the map ends.

Chapter 28x - 16/217

I take Nino's Elfire and promote Eliwood at base. I give the boots to Hector so he can stop falling behind everyone. Fiora goes down to kill the pegasus knights and Farina kills the sniper. I have to keep Nino and Jaffar out of trouble. -_- Eliwood kills stuff. Fiora and Farina head towards Sonia. Hector and Eliwood get their B support. I have Farina use a pure water to help her avoid the sleep staff. Fiora uses the pure water a few turns later. I get lucky and Farina crits the wyverns that suicide into her. Farina and Fiora reach Sonia. Fiora finishes off Sonia with an inopportune crit (I wanted Farina to grab the kill). I have a few turns before I start taking turncount penalties, so I run to grab stuff in the treasure chests, especially Thor's Ire. Lyn and Rath get their A support. Legault takes the Fell Contract and promotes. Fiora rescues Hector and is danced towards the throne. Once Hector is there, I proceed to do all sorts of shenanigans. Guy and Rath get their B support. I seize on turn 16.

Unit 	Level 	HP   ST   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Hector   20.00 	33   19   16   13   08   15   07
Eliwood  5.72      43   19   18   20   14   13   11
Lyn      20/10 	39   14   27   26   19   10   13
Guy      20/10 	44   13   26   27   15   12   07
Fiora    20/14 	45   19   21   26   17   13   21
Rath 	20/10 	47   23   19   25   14   14   09
Karel    --/11     33   16   25   21   16   13   12
Farina    20/11 	49   18   21   23   20   16   17
Marcus    --/16 	43   18   21   14   13   13   13
Legault  20/1      35   11   18   19   14   11   05
Ninian    12.71 	24   00   01   19   20   06   09

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I did not realize how bad my turncounts were compared to everyone else's. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Better get my act together, now.

Chapter 29 - 10/227

I send Rath and Legault to the left, towards Murdock's village. Lyn can handle the cavalier and nomad reinforcements alone to the north. Eliwood, Marcus, Karel, and Guy go down the middle. Fiora and Farina will fly around and help wherever they're needed. Hector is still useless, so he gets to stay behind and wait for Vaida. If she pops up, I can recruit her and stop wyverns from messing up my clears. I desperately need weapons. Last chance to spam Ninian!

Rath and Legault go kill stuff on the left. Eliwood takes his group up, while Lyn and Fiora head north. Farina follows Eliwood. Things decide to suicide on Rath, not Legault. -_- Lyn can take care of herself, so Fiora goes to help Eliwood's group clean stuff up. Apparently, getting Legault experience is going to be harder than I thought. I move Rath out of the way so things will attack Legault. Guy and Karel get their C support. Vaida shows up on turn 6. I decide not to get the Warp village, costs me a turn or two. Legault does pretty well, running around at less than half health and using forests for cover. Eliwood attacks Lloyd on turn 8. A berserker decides to be a jerk and climb a mountain, so that Legault can't reach him. I'm forced to kill him with Rath. A myrmidon decides to be a jerk and not suicide into Legault. This costs me a turn. -_- Rout on turn 10. Ninian hit level 14 before she left. Legault got 9 levels in one chapter. :P

Chapter 30 - 9/236

I deploy Hector, Legault, and Eliwood since they are my lowest-leveled characters. Hector can handle the upper part of the map by himself. Eliwood takes Legault and goes left. Eliwood uses his last steel sword use on a thief and 1RKOs him. Hector gets nothing but HP on his first level up. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Legault got strength at least once or twice on the previous map, but he is still dependent on silver swords to do damage. Silencer is too risky when I want low turn counts. I decide not to bother with any of the chests, except for the Elixir one if I can grab it. Legault gets poisoned. Eliwood gets poisoned. I get the elixir. I reach Kaim on turn 7 and hammer his face in on turn 8. Clear on turn 9.

Chapter 31 - 11/247

Oh, great, another defend chapter. My turncounts are horrible, I think I'll be taking some turncount penalties by the end of this ... Rath, Legault, and the pegasi are on the "island" part of the map. The others are up north. I take the chance to get everyone as much experience as they need. Marcus gets poisoned, criticaled, and misses stuff with ~80 hit. Karel, stop blocking stuff with your face. You are not Edward. I accidentally provoke Denning on turn 4. The enemies are retarded and won't stop suiciding onto Farina. -_- Seriously?! Farina and Fiora block Denning and try to stop things from suiciding onto Farina. Denning falls on the last turn to Eliwood. My swordmasters and Hector are the lowest leveled characters I have.

Chapter 31x - 5/252

Shopping chapter. Couldn't use arena. Bought stuff.

Chapter 32 - 10/262

I'll have to complete this chapter, fast, if I want to avoid penalties. I have to finish the next three chapters in 23 turns or less. Yikes! The three lords go up to get Renault's village. Guy, Karel, and Marcus head towards Sophia's village. The others take the center route. Because Marcus now sucks in comparison to the rest of my team, everything insists on suiciding onto him. He will be level 20 anytime now. Strangely enough, enemies would rather suicide into Guy than Karel. Marcus hits level 20, but I'm angry at him so I ditch him while I move Karel and Guy up. Farina is sniper bait. Marcus gets Sophia's village. Legualt draws out Limstella's Bolting. Nils plays for Renault for experience. Legault reaches level 20. I seize on turn 10.

Chapter 32x - 9/271

I deploy Eliwood, Lyn, Karel, and Guy. Nils the little effer is not hitting 20 unless I waste turns. Hector and Eliwood blaze on through to get to Kishuna while the other three try to gain experience. Karel, Guy, and Lyn all level up strength! Eliwood is freakishly tanky, but I'm not complaining. ^_^ I reach Kishuna's room on turn 7. Eliwood and Hector team up to kill Kishuna on turn 9.

Oh, man, I have to finish the final in 4 turns or less or else I take a penalty? That's not happening. I'll do that ... as soon as I do something else first.

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