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Thinking of trying this game.

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Status Staves.

Fear them.


Aureola Tower

Gonzoles at 20/1 with killers.

That shit is not funny.

Bring restore.


Noah and Treck are decent, and mounts are good in fe6.


The Hero Crest units are safe choices to train.

And they all seem to be in pairs





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Douglas. He needs to survive chapter 16 to go to 16x.

How much avoid does base level Fir have against him? Alternatively, anyone who can use swords, avoid him, and do 0 damage to him.

Not that that doesn't make it a PITA, it's just a nice way to cope with it. Note that he doesn't attack Lalum.

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Aureola Tower? Also, isn't 20/1 Gonzales with a Killer Axe a good thing, that sounds like training and equipping a player unit, did I misunderstand you?

Okay to everything else.

Chapter 16x, if I recall. It has a (few?) Berzerk stick(s?), and Gonzales has legendary bad RES. You can see where that goes.

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Berserk+Aureola Tower+Low Res High Power Gonzo spells trouble.

Also, just watch out for the status staves.

That's why Cecilia and Clarine are very, very useful.

High Move+Restore/Mend/Psychic/Barrier.


and you might want to save barrier uses for lategame

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Chapter 16x, if I recall. It has a (few?) Berzerk stick(s?), and Gonzales has legendary bad RES. You can see where that goes.

Then agin, this is FE6, and almost every physical unit's RES is garbage.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Berserk+Aureola Tower+Low Res High Power Gonzo spells trouble.

Also, just watch out for the status staves.

That's why Cecilia and Clarine are very, very useful.

High Move+Restore/Mend/Psychic/Barrier.


and you might want to save barrier uses for lategame

But he's anti-valk so he's stuck with 5 or 6 move restore users. This mainly means that he should keep all units within 5 or 6 steps of Saul, Ellen, whoever else he has with Restore, when there are Berserk staff enemies on the map.

Then agin, this is FE6, and almost every physical unit's RES is Le Crap.

Of course, with the high mag that many of the enemy staffers have, even decent res of 10 to 15 would still yield near-100% hit berserk staves against you.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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Of course, with the high mag that many of the enemy staffers have, even decent res of 10 to 15 would still yield near-100% hit berserk staves against you.


Ugh. Don't remind me. I hate status staves.

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Save some Barrier for this chapter. Since it's NM the enemy mag won't be /as/ high so I'd imagine some might escape Berserk's wrath. Staff exp is balls-slow in this game, though, so since he's not using the Valks his only shot at a third Restore staff user at this point is one of the mages/shamans /somehow/ spammed up to C. I mean, yeah, he's not going fast, but that's still A LOT of staff uses.

I'd definitely recommend going Ilia then. Niime comes sooner there and Niime is the best unmounted staffer and the best at ranged staves regardless of mounted or not, and getting slowed down in the dickish Ilian terrain of C18-19 won't be as annoying if you're not gonna go fast anyway.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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I guess if status staffs are such a problem I can go back on not using Clarine...

You might be able to get away with just Saul and Ellen, though. It's just so much easier to have more restore-people available.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I'm glad this topic is here. I'm actually replaying this game, and believe it or not, I could use some pointers.

The first time around, I used *shudder* arena abuse to get my units to level 20 before promoting.

When do you recommend I promote units? From FE7 onward, I typically wait until around level 15, give or take 2~3 levels depending on the situation. In every previous game, early promotions are actually good--in FE1&3, EXP gain isn't affected, and in 1, 2, and 3 promos get bumped up to their minimum stats. In 4, characters can promote at 20, and do not reset level. In 5, difficulty and low caps make early promotion beneficial. The way I see it, FE6 is really the first one in which early promotion can do significant harm.

I'm on chapter 8 right now (Castle Ostia), and just got my first Hero Crest. The only unit eligible at this point is Dieck, at lvl 11. I'm trying out what it's like to promote him, but it feels too early, especially with the decreased EXP.

I have a second question, too--should I just kill Cath? I got her last time, but she's a serious headache, and seems to be more trouble than she's worth.

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I have a second question, too--should I just kill Cath? I got her last time, but she's a serious headache, and seems to be more trouble than she's worth.

If you're not a survival perfectionist, she's totally not worth it. I only used her once because all female playthrough and desert.

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Thanks for all the advice! At any rate, I promoted Dieck at level 11. As for Cath... I just kept her alive for the hell of it. Actually, I stole her lockpick. >:D Am I correct in assuming she'll have a new one when she next shows up?

Only thing better than a 11/1 Dieck for the isles, is a seriously blessed Lott+promo gains for Echidnas chapter.

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I don't get what the two have to do with each other. You're not playing a game because of an argument on the internet about another game?

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