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it's time to train her


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I trained her once. It was very tedious, and not worth it. Unless you really like the female druid animation.

Ummmm, isn't Niime already in the game to give you that.

Anyways, I tried training her with save states (normally I wouldn't be doing that and with her, I had to) and the growths were not worth the effort.

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Good god no.

On top of the absolute pain of getting her to a high level to begin with, given her base level and join time, she just isn't worth it. All Sophia has going for her is overkilled magic and resistance. Her skill is mediocre at best(decent growth, but very poor base. And this matters since Sophia uses inaccurate dark magic), and her AS will never get to a point where I would call acceptable, as she starts off with a very poor base with a rather bad growth. Not only that, she really doesn't have the con to use dark magic effectively, further cutting her AS.

Honestly, you are much better off trying to train Ray, and he's already hard enough to train.

Edited by darkandroid125
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give her 1 speedwing so she won't get doubled.

on chapter 14x, stay at your starting point. Let your 3 strongest units defend the entrance without any weapons, place Sophia behind. have 2 or 3 healers stay behind that to heal her and her defenders.

you might need some resets for her dying in the beginning, but once she starts leveling she'll be alright. you might want to have a high movement unit standing ready for when the eclipse!druid decides to move closer.

she should be at least 20/1 after 14x.

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^ how many turns will it take?

curious, because i'm reminded of once seeing someone train nino to 20/20 sage in one level but it takes 999 turns and that's just...

considering she only has like 2 stats maxed out in the end, one would be better off with hack

Edited by suzy49
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Good god no.

On top of the absolute pain of getting her to a high level to begin with, given her base level and join time, she just isn't worth it. All Sophia has going for her is overkilled magic and resistance. Her skill is mediocre at best(decent growth, but very poor base. And this matters since Sophia uses inaccurate dark magic), and her AS will never get to a point where I would call acceptable, as she starts off with a very poor base with a rather bad growth. Not only that, she really doesn't have the con to use dark magic effectively, further cutting her AS.

Honestly, you are much better off trying to train Ray, and he's already hard enough to train.


Sophia is very hard to train

Even with AA

Oh, and yell at the OP loudly

Like this


Or do this


Sophia is extremely crappy

And will cause you stress, premature baldness, and the want to kill puppies

If training her, promote her at lvl 10 ASAP

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definitely wait until level 20 to promote her. don't promote her at lvl 10, she will never do a lot for you if you cut her short like that.

I've trained her multiple times, she always turned out just fine.

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She's not worth it. Take Lilina, with 5% less speed growth, the skill's irrelevant (and hell she starts with 3 less) since dark is inaccurate, and move her back several chapters as a level 1 unit. That's basically Sophia for you. Her 20/20 stats, for those of you who care about that, aren't even that good. Her mag and res is overkill, but her other stats are mediocre at best/uttershit. Which translates to a waste of effort. And since it's dark magic that she uses, shoddy con actually does matter. If you want a growths dark magic user, go for Ray. He has far better bases and his statspread is more useful, though neither are stellar, by any means. If you don't care about growths vs bases, I'd rather just throw a robe on Niime and watch her Physic someone from across the room.

To sum up: You get a worse version of Lilina with a more terrible weapon type.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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She's not worth it. Take Lilina, with 5% less speed growth, the skill's irrelevant (and hell she starts with 3 less) since dark is inaccurate, and move her back several chapters as a level 1 unit. That's basically Sophia for you. Her 20/20 stats, for those of you who care about that, aren't even that good. And since it's dark magic that she uses, shoddy con actually does matter. If you want a growths dark magic user, go for Ray. He has far better bases and his statspread is more useful, though neither are stellar, by any means. If you don't care about growths vs bases, I'd rather just throw a robe on Niime and watch her Physic someone from across the room.

Hell, you could even have Niime derp around on a mountain peak and solo a bunch of wyverns with Nosferatu if you want. There's something the other two are unlikely to ever do. There's also staff utility to boot.

Of course, if you want to train Sophia, feel free to try; just note that we aren't liable if you pull your hair out in the process.

Edited by Black★Rock Shooter
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That is pretty fucking amazing.

Robe Niime is quite amazing. 32 HP (base + robe) means she isn't oneshot by things and she's got sufficient mag to soak it all back up with Nosferatu.

But Apocalypse Niime has the most ridiculous finite staffrange I've seen. FE6 uses mag for calculation, so base mag Niime w/ Apocalypse lets you have 26 squares of Physic. That is pretty fucking awesome. That means she can physic from halfway across the map and them FE6 maps are pretty huge.

Okay Lumi we get it stop Fangirling over Niime :B

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Robe Niime is quite amazing. 32 HP (base + robe) means she isn't oneshot by things and she's got sufficient mag to soak it all back up with Nosferatu.

She needs 2 Angelic Robes to survive wyvern lords and manaketes on HM, but the investment pays off depending on what you need her to do. The Niime use is even greater in my revised playthrough since she has an extra chapter in Ilia to get to S dark (no need to farm wyverns on a mountain) and she ends up getting 4 Boots and does some other crazy stuff.

But Apocalypse Niime has the most ridiculous finite staffrange I've seen. FE6 uses mag for calculation, so base mag Niime w/ Apocalypse lets you have 26 squares of Physic. That is pretty fucking awesome. That means she can physic from halfway across the map and them FE6 maps are pretty huge.

FE6's staff range calculation is mag/2 + 5, so it's 18 tiles of staff range at 26 mag.

Edited by dondon151
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Huh, I actually checked SF before I said anything about ranges this time and it said 1-mag. Perhaps bring it up to Vincent?

Wait no derp it was at the top


Dammit FE6 rom text you lier/troll

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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WEll yeah I trust you that's why I said bring it up to Vincent and then I read his note on it and was like "-1 to Lumi's reading skills"

26 range Physic would be soooo cool though

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Use her anyway. She's cute and deserves more love because she's cool.

I've always wanted to use her but by the time she comes around my team's set and, well, she has trouble hitting things anyway.

But next playthrough, I'm definitely using her. On hard.

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I've always wanted to use her but by the time she comes around my team's set and, well, she has trouble hitting things anyway.

But next playthrough, I'm definitely using her. On hard.

Talk about masochistic... There's a limit to the amount of abuse I'll put up with when raising a character, and Sophia goes WAY beyond that limit.

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Talk about masochistic... There's a limit to the amount of abuse I'll put up with when raising a character, and Sophia goes WAY beyond that limit.

to me, Wendy goes way further beyond that. Sophia is right on the edge where it's still fun to train her.

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to me, Wendy goes way further beyond that. Sophia is right on the edge where it's still fun to train her.

Well, I don't see training Sophia as "fun"... I consider it much closer to an exercise in frustration.

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