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What extra features would you want in the game?


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He has a 23 speed cap which he joins already capped, equating to excellent Bexp potential. Really, though, the draw is that he'd be a dark magic user who could actually be used; plus he's not like some total asshole or anything so it wouldn't be necessarily awful storywise.

Just looking at his base stats, this game has many far worse units.

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He has a 23 speed cap which he joins already capped, equating to excellent Bexp potential.

But he still has a 23 spd cap, which translates to no actual potential.

Really, though, the draw is that he'd be a dark magic user who could actually be used;

There's no intrinsic value in being able to use dark magic as opposed to any other type of magic.

plus he's not like some total asshole or anything so it wouldn't be necessarily awful storywise.

brb rewriting the entire story so that ike is the black knight

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He has a 23 speed cap which he joins already capped, equating to excellent Bexp potential. Really, though, the draw is that he'd be a dark magic user who could actually be used; plus he's not like some total asshole or anything so it wouldn't be necessarily awful storywise.

You make it sound like the only important thing when deciding if a character should be recruitable is "are they an asshole".

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what about ResolveVeyona? I wanted this game to focus more on the Dawn Brigade than the Greil Mercenaries. Ike already had his own game I would of liked if Ike's team had the least spotlight of all characters. Part 2's length for Ike at best, the 2nd lengthiest for Lincy's team, and Miccy's could have the longest share of spotlight. I would of also liked a dark magic user ^^' Pelleas comes way too late, support conversations, and x chapters.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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what about ResolveVeyona?

Any unit with Resolve has chances to be great. But Veyona's combat won't be reliable enough because of his crappy 3 luck despite there are 4 Ashera Icons in the game. But, I don't know, maybe BEXPing him can help him get that luck up.

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Fourth, recruitable bosses.

I'm pretty sure Oliver is a recruitable boss...

Much like everyone here, I'm all for support conversations. Since I refuse to believe this game has them. I call them talking to each other.

Actually, I couldn't care less about support convos...

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Being able to transfer data from Fe7-fe8 for trial maps stuff.

Oh yeah, Hector+Ephraim+Ike ON TRIAL MAPS.

There would have to be some sort of stat equalizer, because otherwise hector and ephraim would get themselves killed by 3rd-tier enemies.

Personally, i would just love to see hector swing his stupidly giant axe around in 3D graphics.

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-support convos, if not for every single pairing then only for certain ones (like other FE games)

-trial maps with a few bosses playable

-ability to transfer stats from finished game to new game+ and making enemies harder depending on your levels, also allowing all characters to be selectable on all missions

-maybe FE 7 and 8 ported onto the disc

-something like FE7's battle arena where you can make a team of characters from different save files and have them battle against each other. except in this game they can also be from the same save file

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-something like FE7's battle arena where you can make a team of characters from different save files and have them battle against each other. except in this game they can also be from the same save file

or we should be able to upload them to our wiimote to play with them on other people's wii too (like how you can upload mii's to the wiimote)

or just add a wfc.

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I know it's not an extre feature, but wouldn't it be nice if Ike promoted earlier in the game? I mean, he's got 12 chapters to gain 9 levels, and once promoted, he's got 3 chapter before he faces the Black Knight!! That doesn't make any sense to me.

By the way, I'm Rolf now? I wanted to stick to being Elincia... :sob:

Edited by xanatha
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it would have been nice if you could listen to the music and make it a playlist.

juna fruit (level-5 while stats remain the same) would be cool and not too broken in this game either.

metis's tome or afa drops are always fun.

some more 5 capacity skills, or some awesome laguz 50 capacity skill. needs more diversity.

luna, devil weapons, reaver weapons, berserk, frey bomb/mine, tempest, serenity, troop scroll

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I know it's not an extre feature, but wouldn't it be nice if Ike promoted earlier in the game? I mean, he's got 12 chapters to gain 9 levels, and once promoted, he's got 3 chapter before he faces the Black Knight!! That doesn't make any sense to me.

But as Anderson88 said, they're enough to get Ike really strong by then, lol and 10 levels are a low estimation, yet, a decent one.

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But as Anderson88 said, they're enough to get Ike really strong by then, lol and 10 levels are a low estimation, yet, a decent one.

I guess that's true, but when you're on a special play through and feel like not using Ike too much, then it kinda sucks...

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I guess that's true, but when you're on a special play through and feel like not using Ike too much, then it kinda sucks...

BEXP the shit out of him. Seems pretty straightforward.

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