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Is Wendy or Amelia Better?


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I don't understand why the tower is always ignored in FE8 LTC and suddenly it exists to grind on.

If the Tower isn't an option, surely Amelia is worse off.

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It's been said, but Wendy is literally impossible to train. Even with babying you would have to dedicate a huge amount of time (And save states) to get her to... the level of an Armor Knight in FE6. I.E. Worthless. Amelia has the tower, can promote into a Cav and then a Paladin. Who nerfed as they are in FE8 are still kickass.

Now the question of who's worth more of your time... neither. Amelia if I had to pick. but by the time they show up, I either have my team, or don't have room of another Cav/Armor Knight in my team.

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I don't understand why the tower is always ignored in FE8 LTC and suddenly it exists to grind on.

If the Tower isn't an option, surely Amelia is worse off.

Point is, it exists, even though most experienced players don't use it or just use it for 10/1 in drafts. It's still an option while Wendy got none.

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Point is, it exists, even though most experienced players don't use it or just use it for 10/1 in drafts. It's still an option while Wendy got none.

And even without it, Amelia's easier to train, because FE8 is an easier game. She's bad without the Tower, but at least if coaxed to 10/1 Cavalier becomes tolerable and can follow around picking guys off or fleeing from danger. Wendy can't ever do that.

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At least for Amelia there are enemies she can safely attack and not miss to gain cexp. On Ephraim's route corner the archer and the healer on the lhs for Amelia and she'll be gaining easy cexp especially if the priest heals the archer frequently. For Eirika's there are several archers around that can easily be cornered for Amelia. Wendy doesn't have it that easy iirc, and she's lance locked for a while Amelia is not (unless the player choses to keep her lance locked). I think Amelia is better.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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  • 2 months later...

I'll go with Amelia on this due to the option of making her a Super Trainee in your third playthrough. Essentially, she becomes similar statwise to a Swordmaster (including the +15% crit bonus) but with lances, and is the only lance-wielding character in the game with this trait. Of course, there's still the drawback of her lack of Constitution gains in this promotional path. Wendy, on the other hand is too difficult to train to be worthwhile. With okay growths but low base stats for the time at which she joins, she just won't keep up with the rest of Roy's group. The only usefulness I can see for her is the Triangle Attack with Bath and Bors, but even this can be very difficult to set up with three units that can only move 4 (5 if promoted) tiles per round, compared to the more mobile Pegasus Knights.

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Amelia >>> Wendy

FE8 is considerably easier then FE6.

FE8 allows training via the tower.

FE8 general class is better.

Amelia has options besides general if you want.

When I left Amelia was considered great, what has happened that she has become a piece of garbage since I returned?

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Amelia is considered bad because she joins late with terrible bases. Nobody accepts tower leveling as a valid argument anymore.

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  • 4 months later...

Why are Amelia and Wendy getting so much hate? I mean, I'll admit that it was kinda tough getting Wendy started, but once she did, she became a killing machine! I played through FE6 twice - first time, Roy sucked, Wendy was awesome. Second time, Roy maxed out EVERYTHING, Wendy was average, and Bors was the killing machine.

And as for Amelia, well... in MY experiences, at least, every living (and almost every unliving) thing in Magvel craps itself terror before the Goddess of Destruction that is General Amelia, with the only units capable of equaling her awesome are Super Recruit Amelia and Berserker Ross.

Also, I myself don't like mounted units very much, largely because there are so darn many of 'em - Paladins in particular, and I usually make Franze and Kyle Great Knights when I use them. As an explanation for this apparently atypical behavior, I prefer power over mobility. To me, spamming hit-and-run tactics and rescues are not as fun as watching my unwitting enemies walk right into certain death.

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In the community, most people consider efficiency a key factor in judging a unit's worth. Any units that gets off to a bad start (like Wendy and Amelia) is expected to pay it back with a notably superior performance at the end of the game. However, enemies tend to grow slower than allies; so by the time a unit with low base stats but high growths overtakes the units with higher bases but lower growths, enemies typically do not pose enough of a challenge for the extra power to be worth the effort at the start.

This is exacerbated in Wendy and Amelia's case, because their growths are actually not much better than the competition, and so they will probably not gain an advantage at all. Amelia has it easier, because the world map makes training simple and the post-game makes the end result more relevant.

Move is also highly valued. A common extra challenge is to complete the game in the fewest turns possible - LTC. Mounted units can carry the lords quickly across the field, and reach enemies quicker. When a mounted unit is sufficiently strong (Seth being a prime example), they can charge into a group of enemies and kill them all before slower-moving units get there. So when playing for LTC, it's often impossible for slower-moving units (and archers, who can't counterattack) to get the experience necessary to remain or become strong.

Most people here are tolerant of other people's playstyles. But a good way to start a flame war and become infamous is to go around telling others that they're wrong for not liking units with low bases and high growths (known around here as Est archetypes).

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In the community, most people consider efficiency a key factor in judging a unit's worth. Any units that gets off to a bad start (like Wendy and Amelia) is expected to pay it back with a notably superior performance at the end of the game. However, enemies tend to grow slower than allies; so by the time a unit with low base stats but high growths overtakes the units with higher bases but lower growths, enemies typically do not pose enough of a challenge for the extra power to be worth the effort at the start.

This is exacerbated in Wendy and Amelia's case, because their growths are actually not much better than the competition, and so they will probably not gain an advantage at all. Amelia has it easier, because the world map makes training simple and the post-game makes the end result more relevant.

Move is also highly valued. A common extra challenge is to complete the game in the fewest turns possible - LTC. Mounted units can carry the lords quickly across the field, and reach enemies quicker. When a mounted unit is sufficiently strong (Seth being a prime example), they can charge into a group of enemies and kill them all before slower-moving units get there. So when playing for LTC, it's often impossible for slower-moving units (and archers, who can't counterattack) to get the experience necessary to remain or become strong.

Most people here are tolerant of other people's playstyles. But a good way to start a flame war and become infamous is to go around telling others that they're wrong for not liking units with low bases and high growths (known around here as Est archetypes).

I did not at all mean to say that anyone was WRONG for not liking Ests, I just didn't understand why they had such a bad rep when I've had them consistently as (sometimes VERY) good units. Starting fights is the LAST thing I want to do.

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I did not at all mean to say that anyone was WRONG for not liking Ests, I just didn't understand why they had such a bad rep when I've had them consistently as (sometimes VERY) good units. Starting fights is the LAST thing I want to do.

I undestand. Though what it comes down to is that they require a ton of effort just to fail to compare to others in their class (and Wendy has it especially bad, seeing as she has the combination of poor jointime, underleveledness, and awful bases as strikes against her, and it doesn't help that FE6 maps are pretty huge in general).

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I undestand. Though what it comes down to is that they require a ton of effort just to fail to compare to others in their class (and Wendy has it especially bad, seeing as she has the combination of poor jointime, underleveledness, and awful bases as strikes against her, and it doesn't help that FE6 maps are pretty huge in general).

Again, I'm more than willing to concede that training Wendy is a bit of a chore, but to ME personally it usually pays off in terms of killing power. I once gave her the Boots. Elibe broke in half. But then again, on the next playthrough, she was only average and Bors absorbed all her awesome from the playthrough before. So of course HE got the Boots on that playthrough.

The only units I can recall where training them really was not worth it were Rennac and Sophia - and Sophia because while she ended up a certified mage killer... and everything else became a certified Sophia killer due to her EXCEPTIONALLY craptastic Speed and Defense.

... Wow. When I first saw this thread, I was expecting a debate of which is the more awesome killing machine. Totally went the other way, but I guess that's life. Still, I think I have some more insight into the community than I did before, and I think the community has a little more insight into me, and (I hope) nobody got mad. Win-win!

Edited by Might Gaine
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  • 5 months later...

Hey, I find both of them awesome!

Wendy has low con, but damn, is she the best Stone Wall ever

And Amelia as a General is basically the same thing, only with more HP and resistance!

So yeah, they're pretty good units.

Plus, Barth and Douglas aren't good substitutes for the former IMO, and Amelia can get better speed than Gilliam or any of the Cavaliers or Seth.

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Hey bub, Amelia ties 20 Seth's speed at 10/20/4 as a paladin/GK, and 10/20/7 General.

That's a looooot of effort and extra leveling for what is widely regarded as unnecessarily high speed.

Her CON will only ever equal Seth's as a General, meaning that even though her speed is slightly higher at extremely high levels, her using heavier an more powerful weaponry will cause her [Attack] Speed to suffer moreso than Seth would.

Res: Amelia as a general at 10/20/20 TIES Seth at 20. Nevermind this I misunderstood the statement.

Edited by Elieson
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