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6 days ago, my hot water heater goes out. The parts finally came in the mail yesterday, so I repaired it yesterday. Today, when I get ready to take my son to school, I find that two of my tires are flat

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The flat tires part is ouchies; and I recall experiencing flat tires on transportation when I'm about to head off to school, it is so ASDFSGKGJSGS to handle.

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They looked at my hands, and believed my story.

That, and he is so far ahead of his classmates, that he is being skipped over 5th grade when he finishes this year.

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Awwwww you have a smart kid!!! Awesome!!

And sounds like the flat tire thing didn't turn out as bad so that's great!

Hopefully nothing else is going to happen... Oh no that better not have jinxed you! Oh no saying it jinx you better not jinx you! Or acknowledging that it might jinx you might jinx you! Or acknowledging that I'm acknowledging something that may jinx you might jinx you! Or blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahetcetcetcetcetcetcetcetcetcetcetcetc

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