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Nintendo Direct Feb 2012 Trailer


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I think he IS Marth, but in a reboot of the Akanean story. A "what if Marth was a bad guy".

Hence the "Awakening", the two dragons, the two Falchions, the Fire Emblem at the end of the video.

Again, it may also be another chapter of the Akanea continent, where Marth, as Hardin did, is being controlled or something.

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Because since the GBA games IS has made good effort in having distinct characters even amongst the different games.

Plus showing that the player will actually face Marth will only rise questions and is much more effective in generating hype.

I'm with Marthur. The fact he's barely masked only adds to the hype and uncertainty.

Oh, and when Emelina sheds a tear, you can really see that the continent looks almost identical to Akaneia.

I only just noticed this now, after somebody mentioned it o__o

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Also lol @ Marth having a distinct personality.

I'm pretty sure that based on this:

It looks similar to him, but it's clearly not supposed to be the same person.

...we were talking about the character design. Never mentionned personality. Don't know why you're bringing this up.

I only just noticed this now, after somebody mentioned it o__o

I've been watching this video too much.

Edited by Marthur
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Yeah, it seems so... I can't be the only one who wishes IS cut their ties to FE1 storywise.

I'm so tired of Marth that it's not even funny any more. ;__;

But, at a risk of double mind blowing you, did you know Croik is also a Fire Emblem fan?

...! :D

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Am I the only one who noticed the Shield of Seals? Or just the only one who thinks that with all these other callbacks, it's kinda relevant?

There's something up here, and I think all this adds up to confirm that Tiara Man is either Marth or closely connected. As for the implications of that, we'll just have to wait and see...

Edited by Othin
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Am I the only one who noticed the Shield of Seals? Or just the only one who thinks that with all these other callbacks, it's kinda relevant?

There's something up here, and I think all this adds up to confirm that Tiara Man is either Marth or closely connected. As for the implications of that, we'll just have to wait and see...

Not only does he looks like Marth, but he also has a Falchion and what appears to be the Shield of Seals.

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Woke up. Watched the trailer. Got the most bizzare news. Gotta hope that Marth's appearance is just locked to DLC content (a vs. Marth trial map). If not...crossover game, da fuck?

Well, at least I'll be able to read it this time.

Edited by Arch
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Gotta hope that Marth's appearance is just some DLC content they were displaying (a vs. Marth trial map), or that it's some sort of series reboot.

Doubtful since he's on the game's cover and intro.

Edited by Marthur
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Before I go to sleep, I'm just going to point out some useless trivia from the trailer:

-"Marth's" mask is shaped like a butterfly.

-The magic circle around the portal has astrological signs It also looks like Seisen's blood chart

-The mark on Emelina's forehead and Krom's shoulder is shaped like the Falchion.

-The Laguz-like creature has wings on top of her head when untransformed. So Sumia probably belongs to that race.

-Before sheding a tear, Emelina is looking at a guy (in front of the portal) who I think has similar clothing to her but it's really small, so I'm not sure.

Also I predict that Emelina is a dragon.

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I don't like Marth returning, I dislike Marth's character but I don't care at all! I can't wait to get my hands on this game ^^' it looks amazing! I can already tell so far who's going to be among my favorites ;3; Sumia and Liz! I wonder what class Elemina is.

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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I for my part hope it isn't Marth. Being put against an developed cast didn't do the Dawn Brigade any favors.

Good thing this game doesn't have to deal with that then, eh? Unless Camus Zeke Sirius Marth in his Sirius costume is playable in this new game.

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I've removed various posts from this topic that were either spam or not contributing to discussion. If I see any more such posts I will be handing out warning.

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Before I go to sleep, I'm just going to point out some useless trivia from the trailer:

-The Laguz-like creature has wings on top of her head when untransformed. So Sumia probably belongs to that race.

The Laguz-thing looks like it's the same thing as this baddie on the bottom-right:


Especially what with that drool in his mouth. Either ferals are coming back or demon possesion of some sort... What's to say they're not normally demons? And that the one in the trailer that seemed recruitable/a recruit is a rarity.

Also, I'm sure I've seen a more complicated pre-battle screen with larger sprites? This would be the simple stat view, I assume.

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I was refering to this character:


As was I. I was merely remarking on how the drooling thug looks to be something similar- or just a bandit with rabies.

For the screen issue, you should consider the bottom-screen and it displaying more information.

Of course. I'd completely forgotten that 3DSes have two screens *facepalm*

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