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[FE8] Experience Draft the second~!


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Soooo, I guess I shouldn't send my picks to Eclipse (no offense meant)...


Oh, and PKL, feel free to shadow my team

I'm following this thread intently. you can send then to me if you want.

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1. No offense taken!

2. My team is squishy, and I'm not gonna complete Chapters 5 and 8 in any reasonable time without someone to wall stuff. I'm taking Gilliam.

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I can play at least until chapter 10 now.

Chapter 1 3/3

Used Seth's Silver Lance to kill the axe fighters.

Chapter 2 5/8

Miss Eirika more dumb enemies

Chapter 3 8/16

Trainees have the word "train" in their name.

So why is it so difficult to do that to them.

Chapter 4 13/29


We need to talk, Ross.

Why do you gain 3 points of res and no defense.

Chapter 5 8/37


Ross gained defense twice.


Ross handled north and east, Garcia south, Eirika west.

Chapter 6 10/47

Villages are really far away!

Name   Level HP ST SK SP LK DF RS
Eirika  9.74 19  8 13 15  9  5  2
Ross    8.30 29 15  6  8 13  8  3
Garcia  9.29 33 12 10  9  7  7  1
Neimi   4.35 19  6  6  7  5  3  3

Edited by Baldrick
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1. Undrafted units have a 8 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Seth has a special 20 turn penalty per chapter.

Chapter 1 3/3

Used Seth's Silver Lance to kill the axe fighters.

Since Eirika can't use Lances... :>_<:

EDIT: Also, where's you're prologue? NVM, your chapter count is off...

Edited by The Spanish Inquisition
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Prologue - 3/3

Screw it, I want some extra experience. Got a hilariously bad level for Eir.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       2.84  17   4    8    9    5    3    1

Chpater 1 - 7/10

Gilliam gained Speed, the end.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       4.46  18   5   10   10    6    3    1
Gilliam   Knight     6.26  27  10    7    4    3   11    3

Edited by eclipse
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Prologue - 3/3 turns

I hate rigging RNs and this is no exception.

Chapter 1 - 5/8 turns

you smell like diggle pee

Eirika	04	19	05	08	11	07	04	01
Franz	02	21	07	05	07	03	06	02

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Chpater 2 - 7/17

I have no idea how Ross got this good, but I'm keeping it, even if it cost me a turn.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       5.67  18   6   10   11    7    3    1
Gilliam   Knight     7.35  27  10    8    4    3   12    3
Ross      Scrub      3.17  17   7    3    5    9    4    0

Chpater 3 - 10/27

Ross gained Speed, Colm gained Strength, and dammit Eir.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       7.93  20   6   11   12    8    4    2
Gilliam   Knight     7.89  27  10    8    4    3   12    3
Ross      Scrub      5.54  19   7    3    6   10    5    0
Colm      Thief      3.08  19   5    5   11    9    3    1

Edited by eclipse
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Chapter 2 - Must keep pace with Eclipse-! - 7/15 turns

Franz went to go distract the boss (racking up a bit of EXP), Moulder took Ross (Vanessa rescuing Ross is okay, right?) and DIDN'T let go (so then I can get the EXP for healing him), Eirika runs around and mops up. Ross gets quite a few kills, since Eirika leaves bandits with like 3 health!

Eirika	05	19	05	09	12	08	05	01
Franz	03	21	07	05	08	04	06	02
Ross	03	16	05	03	03	10	03	00

Ross's stats are scaring me. In a bad way.

Chapter 3 - THE MIGHTY BAZBA FALLS - 8/23 turns

Ross and Franz and Eirika team up on the walls. With this, I don't bother going after Colm (if he opens the chests as an NPC, they don't count as penalties, right?) until all the treasure is in his hands and Neimi can get him (and the weapons) without getting a penalty. Ross smacks bandits around (Franz and Eirika leave enemies with just enough HP for him to kill, which is nice), and Moulder keeps the team alive.

Eirika	07	22	05	09	13	08	05	02
Franz	04	23	07	05	08	04	06	03
Moulder	04	21	05	06	10	01	03	05
Ross	07	20	06	04	05	13	04	00

I'm assuming I made some clerical error on Franz's HP for the last chapter, since I don't think he gained 2 HP in one level.

Chapter 4 - HOLY MONSTERS - 10/33 turns

I am far too used to FE4, where you're at 33 turns after two chapters. Silly Ross gets to level 10, and then he's delegated to reinforcement duty with Eirika. Franz ORKO's a bunch of the enemy units, which is funny.

And then Moulder is healer. Again.

Eirika	10	22	07	12	15	09	06	03
Franz	07	26	09	05	09	04	07	03
Moulder	05	21	06	06	10	01	03	06
Ross	10	21	08	06	05	13	06	00

I'll post Ross's promotion gain stats after I actually promote him. Probably gonna go Zerker for waterwalk.

Edited by Camtech
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Being a point of HP off isn't gonna incur my wrath. NPCs do whatever the hell they want, and if you recruit Colm after his little shopping spree, more power to you.

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Prologue 2/2

Whee! first hit's a crit!

Seth ran off like the little boy he is :XD:

Realized the trick for a 2 turn win was an RNG'd crit on the boss, now feel really guilty about it based on the last two posted runs...

post-4639-068263600 1330739633_thumb.png

Chap 1 5/7

Lucky crit on boss helped a lot

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Chap 2 7/14

Vanessa is useful, and Ross trains under Eirika's guidance

Eirika crit the boss for the 3rd map in a row wtf.gif

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Vanessa at base

Chap 3 16/30

Ross chipped from safety, Eirika went N, Vanessa broke into little treasure room

Thief stole Eirika's vulnerary, she critted him in response, laugh.gif

Eirika critted 4th boss in a row Facepalm_emote_gif.gifbiggrin.gif

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considered retrying, but Eirika has to keep up her title of Boss-slayer...tongue.gif

Chap 4 11/41

It was the Monster Mash

Vanessa trained, Ross became a Hoss, and Lute's village was ignored.

Vanessa needed a level, so Eirika is no longer Boss-slayer.

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post-4639-065388400 1330739895_thumb.png

post-4639-043259800 1330739917_thumb.png

I completed Chapter 5, but level screencaps will come after 5x...

Also, how do you make those character stat listings so neat?

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Chapter 4 - 7/34

One extra turn or not, Ross is turning out amazing, and Colm's not far behind. In a rather hilarious move, Artur baited the boss, got hit, and double critted it into oblivion, before getting a stupidly stupid level.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord       8.91  21   6   11   12    9    4    3
Gilliam   Knight     9.51  29  10    8    4    3   13    3
Ross      Scrub      7.72  20   9    5    7   10    5    1
Colm      Thief      4.75  20   6    5   12   10    3    1
Artur     Monk       4.53  21   6    7    8    2    2    8

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Chapter 5 - JOSHUAAAAAA - 10/43 turns

dear lord

yar har har ross is a pirate

Ross ran up the left, and barely survived (he did, thanks to a good amount of VULNERARIES). Moulder broke his heal staff (lucky there's a shop and Natasha's mend...), but he did do a lot of work. Eirika and Franz lured Joshua and recruited him just for that sword (and the fact that it wasn't worth trying to kill him). I could've shaved another turn off but I'd rather give Ross the EXP, so he 2RKO'd Saar (instead of Franz Armorslayer ORKO).

Eirika	12	24	08	14	17	11	06	03
Franz	10	28	11	06	12	05	07	04
Moulder	06	21	07	06	11	01	04	07
Ross	10/05	26	12	07	08	14	07	01


Edited by Camtech
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There's a special set of tags called Code tags, which you can either type in manually, or steal by quoting someone, ripping the table from their post, and filling in what you need to accordingly.

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Im so gonna shadow the vanessa team :). Tomorrow i start. Btw, whats better? take my time getting levels or rely on the turn buffer thingy to get more score?

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That's arguable. I'd say go for turns first and foremost, but don't just leave EXP totally in the dust.

eDIT: is Orson free for 5x?

edit2: forget my 1:1 bullshit i'm on autopilot again

Edited by Camtech
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