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[FE8] Experience Draft the second~!


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Chapter 5 - 10/44

Colm got hit over the head early (by the generic bandits on turn 2-3 while hiding out in a forest), so that threw a wrench into everything. Joshua more than made up for it, though~! Ross shall be promoting with 9 Speed. HOORAY!

Stats later; I'm just leaving this here as a reminder to do it.

Chapter 5x - 10/54

The only important thing is that Orson gained a level. Oh, and free Chest Key.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      10.16  23   8   11   12   10    4    4
Gilliam   Knight    10.89  29  11    8    5    4   13    4
Ross      Scrub     10.00  21  10    5    9   11    6    2
Colm      Thief      6.84  22   6    6   13   10    3    1
Artur     Monk       5.09  22   7    8    9    2    2    9
Ephraim   Lord
Orson     Paladin    4.54

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Whoops, forgot to record Joshua~!

Chapter 6 - 5/59

Ross promoted to Fighter, because it's easier to get a second Hero Crest than Ocean Seal.

I went north, and Ross was fast enough to double here and there. Joshua calmly walked up to Novala and used a Vulnerary. On EP, Novala suicided into Joshua.

Gilliam got Speed, and my sword dudes got Strength. It was a good level!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      10.84  23   8   11   12   10    4    4
Gilliam   Knight    11.56  30  12    8    6    5   14    4
Ross      Fighter    2.58  24  12    6    9   11    6    4
Colm      Thief      7.40  22   7    6   14   11    3    1
Artur     Monk       5.62  22   7    8    9    2    2    9
Joshua    Myrmidon   9.07  28  10   16   16   10    6    3
Ephraim   Lord
Orson     Paladin    4.54

Chapter 7 - 10/69

Dracoshield on Eirika, so she'd survive this stupid map.

It took me way the hell too long to figure out how to do this right. Eir was too slow to go over the river, so EVERYONE took the long way 'round. Got a lot of experience and the Energy Ring.

BTW, this is not how Eir is supposed to look. Port Kiris is gonna hurt like a mofo.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      12.58  25   8   12   14   11    7*   4
Gilliam   Knight    12.44  31  13    8    6    6   14    4
Ross      Fighter    5.23  25  14    9   11   14    7    4
Colm      Thief      8.99  23   8    6   14   11    3    2
Artur     Monk       6.64  23   8    8    9    2    2    9
Joshua    Myrmidon  10.25  29  11   16   17   10    6    3
Ephraim   Lord
Orson     Paladin    4.54

Chapter 8 - 11/80

I thought this would be another reset-fest. I'm so glad I was wrong!

Joshua broke west to give Ephy a hand. Everyone else went through the treasure room, and my strategy of having Gilliam act as a wall while my softer units cleaned up worked beautifully. He had just enough Speed to double, and that made my life easier. Ross decided to be epic, so he got the boss kill.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      14.22  25   9   14   16   13    7*   4
Gilliam   Knight    13.57  31  14    8    6    7   15    5
Ross      Fighter   10.03  30  18   11   13   16    8    4
Colm      Thief     10.11  25  10    7   15   11    3    3
Artur     Monk       8.66  23  10    9   10    2    3   10
Joshua    Myrmidon  11.48  30  11   16   18   10    6    3
Ephraim   Lord
Orson     Paladin    4.54

Chapter 9 - 16/96

Number of resets: 1 (and I got sloppy with Colm).

Even with people running at more-or-less full speed, it took a while. Ross was able to double the Sniper. Eir managed to recruit Amelia, who nabbed Tana's Javelin and got some experience to her name! Colm stayed behind to clean up the pirates. Didn't get the villages, but who cares?

Ross is epic.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      15.96  26   9   14   17   14    8*   4
Gilliam   Knight    14.83  32  14    8    6    7   16    5
Ross      Fighter   12.82  31  20   12   14   18    8    4
Colm      Thief     14.56  26  12    9   18   13    4    5
Artur     Monk      11.17  25  11   11   12    3    3   12
Joshua    Myrmidon  13.02  31  11   16   20   10    6    3
Ephraim   Lord
Amelia    Scrub      2.12  16   5    3    4    7    2    3
Orson     Paladin    4.54

Interlude - Amelia is now a Cavalier. A very amazing Cavalier.

Chapter 10 - 9/105

It was a pretty straightforward rush. . .if "straightforward" includes Gilliam being bored because Colm and Joshua killed darn near everything. Amelia tends to get unlucky on this chapter, and this time was no different (got smacked over the head with a 37% hit). She managed to gain some levels, so whee~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      16.78  27  10   15   17   14    8*   4
Gilliam   Knight    15.25  33  15    8    6    7   17    5
Ross      Fighter   13.40  32  20   13   15   18    8    4
Colm      Thief     16.58  27  13   10   19   13    5    5
Artur     Monk      12.74  26  12   11   12    3    4   13
Joshua    Myrmidon  15.10  32  12   17   20   10    6    4
Ephraim   Lord
Amelia    Cavalier   3.50  23   8   10   12   13    4    7
Innes     Sniper     1.00  Base everything
Tethys    Dancer     1.00  Base everything
Orson     Paladin    4.54

Chapter 11 - 11/116

Artur gladly takes the Goddess Icon.

Ross and Gilliam go down the alley, everyone else takes out the main force. L'Arachel kept me healthy. Innes proved his worth by getting rid of that stupid Deathgoyle.

Gilliam gained Speed~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      16.98  27  10   15   17   14    8*   4
Gilliam   Knight    17.17  35  16    9    7    7   19    6
Ross      Fighter   15.08  33  20   13   15   19    8    4
Colm      Thief     20.00  31  13   10   20   15    5    5
Artur     Monk      14.89  27  13   13   14    5*   4   14
Joshua    Myrmidon  15.59  32  12   17   20   10    6    4
Ephraim   Lord
Amelia    Cavalier   5.80  24   9   12   12   13    5    7
Innes     Sniper     1.60  Base everything
Tethys    Dancer     2.10  19   1    2   13   11    5    5
Orson     Paladin    4.54

Chapter 12 - 13/129

Promoted Colm to Rogue.

It was a nice walk in the canyon, usually interrupted by something or other. Wonder if I can get Artur to promote soon?

Gilliam gained Speed~!

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      17.70  28  10   15   17   15    8*   5
Gilliam   Knight    18.38  36  17   10    8    7   20    6
Ross      Fighter   16.70  34  20   14   15   20    8    4
Colm      Rogue      2.22  34  14   11   21   16    7    8
Artur     Monk      15.45  27  14   13   15    6*   4   14
Joshua    Myrmidon  17.08  34  12   19   20   12    6    5
Ephraim   Lord
Amelia    Cavalier   7.77  25  10   13   13   14    7    8
Innes     Sniper     2.17  31  15   13   16   15   10    9
Tethys    Dancer     3.42  20   1    2   13   12    5    6
Ewan      Scrub      3.61  17   4    3    5    5    0    4
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20

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chapter 5x - 14/57 turns

go ephraim ride in orson's saddlebags

chapter 6 - 5/62 turns

go franz ORKO that boss like a goon

chapter 7 - 8/70 turns

go again Franz 2RKO that boss

and Ross be awesome

and Moulder keep me alive

chapter 8 - 11/81 turns

go Eirika don't fall so far behind Franz

go Franz please hit Tirado

go Ross getting the bosskill

go Ephraim ride in Forde's saddlebags, ride away from the enemies

gogogogogogogo not getting treasure because no Colm

go go Ephraim route

chapter 9 - 20/101 turns

holy mother of all that is unholy that's a big number. I blame the shitton of enemies.

Franz hits level 20. Promotes to Paladin.



Interlude - 0/0 turns

Amelia spams the retreat button until she hits level 10.

chapter 10 - 8/109 turns

That is more like it.

Ephraim runs down with Amelia, Forde and Franz (with Ross tagging along behind). Murder anything that gets remotely close. Recruit Duessel. Rush boss with Paladin Franz + SilverAxe!Duessel. Visit Hero Crest village. Murder Cormag violently. Destroy Boss on turn 8.


Chapter 11 - ghosts, not motherfucking skeletons! - 9/118 turns


This was tedious. Mostly because Amelia was being 2HKO'd at 45-ish hitrates. And Moulder. And... EYEBALLS GAH. Franz and Duessel made up the vanguard, largely because they were the ONLY ONES who could survive the onslaught for more than a few turns. L'Arachel died, unfortunately, but I'm not about to restart for her if I haven't drafted her.


Ephraim	16	32	16	15	14	15	09	05
Amelia	10/6	25	08	10	11	14	09	06
Franz	20/5	39	20	15	19	12	17	06
Ross	10/16	32	17	11	11	16	10	03
Moulder	12	25	08	09	14	03	05	10
Forde	15	32	09	15	14	07	09	04
Duessel	10	43	19	13	14	09	18	09

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Chapter 13 - 4/133

Could've broken through in two, but decided to stick around for the extra experience. Dude with the Sleep staff wasn't lucky, and it was that bad luck that allowed me to win.

Ross completely obliterated the first wave near the boss by himself. Colm and Artur went north, while Joshua and Amelia made sure I wouldn't get hit by the southern ballista. Ewan took out the lookout armor, and Eir went to the trio of soldiers way south. Once the majority of the enemies were dead, Josh split towards the boss, while Amelia gave Eir a hand. Got the Zanbato, so Orson can go jump in a lake. The boss died to Innes (used an Iron Bow to get rid of something in the way), Gilliam (Javelin), Joshua (Lancereaver), Ross (Halberd), and Ewan (Fire, which was exactly enough to kill the boss). I had to do it in that order, because Ewan would die otherwise.

Ross is amazing. Amelia is amazing. Ewan's pretty damn good. Eir is trolling me.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      18.03  28  10   15   17   15    8*   5
Gilliam   Knight    18.71  36  17   10    8    7   20    6
Ross      Fighter   18.99  35  20   16   16   20    8    4
Colm      Rogue      2.49  34  14   11   21   16    7    8
Artur     Monk      15.83  27  14   13   15    6*   4   14
Joshua    Myrmidon  17.90  34  12   19   20   12    6    5
Ephraim   Lord
Amelia    Cavalier   9.26  27  11   13   14   15    9    8
Innes     Sniper     2.40  31  15   13   16   15   10    9
Tethys    Dancer     3.82  20   1    2   13   12    5    6
Ewan      Mage       7.27  24  10   10   11   11    3   10
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20

Chapter 14 - 12/145

I'm probably taking penalties in the end. Bite me, this one was totally worth it.

Gilliam, Ewan, and Artur went to fetch the second Guiding Ring. After that, Gilliam was converted into a gigantic shield, so Artur and Ewan could snipe. Colm and Innes broke the fourth cracked wall, so Innes could kill the Sniper, several knights, the fighters, an archer, and some unsuspecting sop on a horse. Everyone else charged through. I recruited Rennac, and had enough time to go shopping for a set of Killer weapons. Ross promoted right outside of Carlyle's room, then proceeded to Swordreaver him to death.

I want to give everyone a hug. . .even Eir, because she made good bait.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      18.32  28  10   15   17   15    8*   5
Gilliam   Knight    20.00  37  18   11    9    8   20    7
Ross      Hero       2.27  42  21   19   19   20   11    7
Colm      Rogue      2.49  34  14   11   21   16    7    8
Artur     Monk      16.96  27  15   14   16    6*   4   14
Joshua    Myrmidon  18.03  34  12   20   20   12    6    5
Ephraim   Lord
Amelia    Cavalier  10.39  27  11   14   15   15   10    9
Innes     Sniper     3.48  32  16   14   17   16   10    9
Tethys    Dancer     4.82  21   1    2   14   13    5    7
Ewan      Mage      10.61  26  13   12   14   13    3   13
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20
Ross - 20
Gilliam - 20

Chapter 15 - 12/157

Ross flattened everything south, Eir and Joshua tag-teamed north, and I got everything in the desert that was worth getting. My spellcasters made wonderful bait. Had Joshua dodged a Silver Axe to the head, this would've been 11.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      19.33  29  10   16   18   16    8*   6
Gilliam   G. Knight  1.45  40  20   12   11    8   22    8
Ross      Hero       5.43  43  23   20   20   23   11    7
Colm      Rogue      4.28  36  15   12   22   16    8    9
Artur     Monk      19.11  28  16   17   16    8*   4   15
Joshua    Myrmidon  20.00  36  12   20   20   12    7    5
Ephraim   Lord      15.30  32  16   17   14   11   10    4
Amelia    Cavalier  11.94  28  11   14   16   16   10    9
Innes     Sniper     4.40  33  17   15   17   16   11    9
Tethys    Dancer     6.02  23   1    2   15   15    5    8
Ewan      Mage      12.71  28  13   12   14   14    3   14
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20
Ross - 20
Gilliam - 20
Joshua - 20

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Chapter 1 (2/2) - Eirika is such a bro with her strength gain, and this time she got HP as well!

Chapter 2 (6/8) - Gah. I dislike soldiers and their 71 hit on Eirika.

Chapter 3 (7/15) - Ross is free and isn't hurting me so far. Excellent!

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Chapter 16 - 12/169

Promoted Joshua.

Ross dodged death on several occasions, used two-thirds of an Elixir, and then casually tossed a Hand Axe at Orson until he died. Joshua dodged death once, and Colm was busy looting stuff. Artur promoted mid-chapter, and got a lot of staff experience in.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    Lord      19.64  29  10   16   18   16    8*   6
Gilliam   G. Knight  3.12  42  20   13   12   10   24    9
Ross      Hero       8.15  46  25   21   21   24   13    7
Colm      Rogue      5.17  37  15   12   22   17    9   10
Artur     Bishop     1.35  32  18   18   17    8*   7   18
Joshua    Swordity   2.28  42  14   21   21   12   10    6
Ephraim   Lord      19.60  36  18   19   15   13   13    4
Amelia    Cavalier  13.50  29  11   16   18   17   10    9
Innes     Sniper     5.02  34  18   15   18   16   11    9
Tethys    Dancer     7.22  24   1    2   16   15    5    9
Ewan      Mage      13.52  29  14   12   14   15    3   14
Myrrh     Manakete   3.84  18   5    3    6    4    6    7
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20
Ross - 20
Gilliam - 20
Joshua - 20
Artur - 20

Chapter 17 - 11/180

Ohey, I'm taking a penalty. Ask me if I care.

I had no Warp, so I had to endure things like a round of just about every enemy attack landing on my units (and nearly killing Amelia), and then spent even MORE time recovering from that mess. Eventually broke through to the boss, who first ate Killing Edge, then had his face redone with Siegmund.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    1.39  34  13   19   19   17   11*  11
Gilliam   G. Knight  4.96  43  20   13   12   10   24    9
Ross      Hero       8.59  46  25   21   21   24   13    7
Colm      Rogue      6.00  38  16   12   22   17    9   10
Artur     Bishop     2.42  32  19   18   17    8*   7   18
Joshua    Swordity   3.74  43  14   22   22   13   10    6
Ephraim   G. Lord    4.66  43  23   26   19   15   18    9
Amelia    Cavalier  17.40  31  13   19   20   20   11    9
Innes     Sniper     5.66  34  18   15   18   16   11    9
Tethys    Dancer     8.32  24   1    2   16   16    6   10
Ewan      Mage      16.69  29  15   13   17   17    3   15
Myrrh     Manakete   8.56  24  10    8   11    6   15   10
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20
Ross - 20
Gilliam - 20
Joshua - 20
Artur - 20
Eirika - 20
Ephraim - 20

Chapter 18 - 9/189

Boots to Ephraim. He'll need them.

Using a trick called "Eir has problems killing eggs while she has an Iron Sword equipped", I was able to get both Amelia and Ewan up to level 20. Rausten's gonna be a party and a half.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    2.15  34  13   19   19   18   11*  11
Gilliam   G. Knight  6.31  45  21   13   12   10   24    9
Ross      Hero       9.21  46  25   22   21   24   13    7
Colm      Rogue      8.00  40  17   12   23   19    9   11
Artur     Bishop     3.71  33  19   19   18    8*   7   18
Joshua    Swordity   4.32  44  15   23   23   14   10    6
Ephraim   G. Lord    7.24  46  23   26   20   16   18   10
Amelia    Cavalier  20.00  33  15   20   20   21   12    9
Innes     Sniper     7.24  36  19   15   19   17   11   10
Tethys    Dancer     9.12  25   1    2   17   17    6   11
Ewan      Mage      20.00  32  17   16   17   19    3   15
Myrrh     Manakete   9.06  25  11    8   12    7   17   10
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20
Ross - 20
Gilliam - 20
Joshua - 20
Artur - 20
Eirika - 20
Ephraim - 20
Amelia - 20
Ewan - 20

Chapter 19 - 4/193

Ephraim was the star here, beating up stuff like no one's business. He eventually got to Riev and critted him to end the map (not that it would matter, because he would've ORKO'd anyway).

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    2.66  34  13   19   19   18   11*  11
Gilliam   G. Knight  6.89  45  21   13   12   10   24    9
Ross      Hero       9.75  46  25   22   21   24   13    7
Colm      Rogue      8.15  40  17   12   23   19    9   11
Artur     Bishop     4.19  34  20   19   18    9*   8   18
Joshua    Swordity   5.15  45  16   23   24   14   10    6
Ephraim   G. Lord    9.44  48  25   26   21   17   20   10
Amelia    Paladin    1.57  34  16   21   22   21   13   11
Innes     Sniper     8.06  37  19   15   19   17   11   10
Tethys    Dancer     9.52  25   1    2   17   17    6   11
Ewan      M. Knight  1.86  36  19   16   17   19    5   17
Myrrh     Manakete  11.21  27  13    9   13    8   20   11
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20
Ross - 20
Gilliam - 20
Joshua - 20
Artur - 20
Eirika - 20
Ephraim - 20
Amelia - 20
Ewan - 20

Lagdou Ruins, Floor 1 - 12/205

I had to go a bit more slowly, because everyone that wasn't Gilliam was taking enormous amounts of damage. Artur finally hit A staves, so maybe the next part won't be so damn painful.

Stuff I need to get rid of: Elixir, Secret Book

Stuff I get to keep: Javelin, Killer Axe, Steel Bow, and some other common weapon

Total gold gained: 200

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    8.46  38  14   23   22   22   15*  14
Gilliam   G. Knight 12.01  51  24   16   13   12   26   11
Ross      Hero       9.75  46  25   22   21   24   13    7
Colm      Rogue      8.15  40  17   12   23   19    9   11
Artur     Bishop     8.80  36  21   21   20   10*   8   20
Joshua    Swordity   9.39  48  18   25   26   14   11    6
Ephraim   G. Lord    9.44  48  25   26   21   17   20   10
Amelia    Paladin    5.01  35  17   22   23   23   16   12
Innes     Sniper    11.12  39  20   17   21   19   11   11
Tethys    Dancer    10.72  26   1    2   18   17    6   12
Ewan      M. Knight  6.46  41  23   18   19   21    6   20
Myrrh     Manakete  11.21  27  13    9   13    8   20   11
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20
Ross - 20
Gilliam - 20
Joshua - 20
Artur - 20
Eirika - 20
Ephraim - 20
Amelia - 20
Ewan - 20


Stat booster distribution time.

Angelic Robe: Myrrh

Secret Book x2 (from Chapters 5 and 11): Ross

Speedwings: Gilliam

Haven't figured out what to do with the rest.

Chapter 20 - 5/210

Got Artur to Barrier, then warp Ross. Ross ate an Aura crit like a man and redid Riev's face. After a couple of Physic, he took out the boss.

Everyone else killed what they could, with varying effects.

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    8.67  38  14   23   22   22   15*  14
Gilliam   G. Knight 12.09  51  24   16   15*  12   26   11
Ross      Hero      12.29  49  25   26*  22   26   13    8
Colm      Rogue      8.42  40  17   12   23   19    9   11
Artur     Bishop    10.80  36  23   23   20   11*   9   22
Joshua    Swordity   9.56  48  18   25   26   14   11    6
Ephraim   G. Lord   10.00  48  26   26   21   18   21   10
Amelia    Paladin    5.41  35  17   22   23   23   16   12
Innes     Sniper    11.67  39  20   17   21   19   11   11
Tethys    Dancer    11.22  27   1    2   18   17    6   13
Ewan      M. Knight  6.85  41  23   18   19   21    6   20
Myrrh     Manakete  19.04  47* 20   16   19    9   20   14
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20
Ross - 20
Gilliam - 20
Joshua - 20
Artur - 20
Eirika - 20
Ephraim - 20
Amelia - 20
Ewan - 20

Endgame - 2 + 2/214

Talisman and Body Ring to Ross; Energy Ring to Artur and Joshua.

Turn 1: Artur uses Barrier on Ross, everyone else splits in the vain hope they'll gain a level.

Turn 2: Artur Warps Ross right in front of the boss (this is what the Energy Ring was for); Ross crits and hits, and Lyon's still alive (he missed, but even if he hit, Tethys would've danced for Artur, who would then use Physic to make sure Ross survived). Everyone else does stuff. On EP, Lyon suicides.

Part 2!

Turn 1: Ephraim hits the boss, Artur heals Ephraim. I have everyone else run forward in anticipation of the monster spawn.

Turn 2: I get more than one level off of my return; Ross and Ephraim finish the boss for good.

Final stats:

Name      Class     Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Eirika    G. Lord    9.15  39  14   24   23   22   15*  14
Gilliam   G. Knight 12.40  51  24   16   15*  12   26   11
Ross      Hero      13.43  49  25   26*  22   26   13   10*
Colm      Rogue      8.42  40  17   12   23   19    9   11
Artur     Bishop    11.52  36  25*  23   20   11*   9   22
Joshua    Swordity  10.10  49  20*  26   26   14   12    6
Ephraim   G. Lord   10.33  48  26   26   21   18   21   10
Amelia    Paladin    6.14  36  17   22   23   23   16   12
Innes     Sniper    12.14  40  20   18   21   20   11   12
Tethys    Dancer    11.62  27   1    2   18   17    6   13
Ewan      M. Knight  7.41  41  23   18   19   21    6   21
Myrrh     Manakete  20.00  49* 20   17   20    9   20   14
Orson     Paladin    4.54


Colm - 20
Ross - 20
Gilliam - 20
Joshua - 20
Artur - 20
Eirika - 20
Ephraim - 20
Amelia - 20
Ewan - 20

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Total levels gained:

Eirika: 27

Gilliam: 27

Ross: 40

Colm: 25

Artur: 28

Joshua: 24

Ephraim: 25

Amelia: 33

Innes: 11

Tethys: 10

Ewan: 33

Myrrh: 19

Orson: 1


Turn penalty: (214-180) / 4 = 8.5

FINAL SCORE: 303 - 8.5 = 294.5

Final thoughts:

Eirika - Thanks for, like, failing towards the end, and for somehow being Speed-screwed for most of the run.

Gilliam - He outpaced his Speed average by a bit for most of the game. This was immensely helpful in earlygame, where I needed to use him as a portable shield.

Ross - Got so much Speed early that he was able to stomp the game neatly. MVP!

Colm - He might have forgotten how to dodge, but he sure as hell didn't forget how to hit hard! Thanks~!

Artur - He leveled steadily, and once he picked up the higher-ranking staves, it was off to the races!

Joshua - Gained Strength in spurts, but it was enough. He reminded me of what Eirika should've been.

Ephraim - Didn't end up as screwed as my past few. Thank goodness!

Amelia - She took off, and never looked back. She was a bit frail, but had a hell of a lot of offense to back it up. Thanks~!

Innes - EXP is such that he couldn't gain very much, but he made use of what I could give him very well. His job was to kill Gargoyles and Deathgoyles, and he did that spectacularly.

Tethys - Always managed to keep herself out of OHKO range, which was helpful in the desert.

Ewan - I'm pretty sure that's him when he's on "gotta keep up with the other two" syndrome. Hit hard, hit fast, and was just durable enough to not die when looked at by enemy physical units.

Myrrh - Awesome as usual.


I got damn lucky with my trainees. I get the feeling they'll help make or break teams. Even though I was warpless and mostly on foot, I was able to do okay. Next time, I'm making it the first TWO floors of the Lagdou Ruins.

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Chapter 5x: 8/55

Orson got a level. I forgot about the Chest Keys, which will cause me some strife in chapter 8.

Actual chapter 6: 8/63

Ross and Garcia stood in front and took most of the punishment. Eirika and Neimi scooted forward to take out the boss when the coast was clear.

Chapter 7: 8/71

Eirika and Ross walked over water the cleared the top half of the map.

Garcia and Neimi cleared the bottom half of the map.

Chapter 8: 14/85

Ephraim went on an epic solo up the western side, taking on the cav reinforcements along the way. The rest went north, and then to the throne room. Extra attention was given to Neimi. While Ross beat up the general, the others broke the wall and got the Elysian Whip, because I don’t want to have to rely on Cormag not being an asshole or using up the Master Seal.

Eirika 13.62 21  8 15 17 11  6  2 12
Ross   16.66 35 20  8 11 18 11  6 24
Garcia 14.16 36 14 12  9 10  7  3 10
Neimi  13.18 23 10 10 13 11  5  4 12

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Wow, eclipse ... that Eirika is worse than your Lyn from the FE7 experience draft if I'm remembering correctly ...

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Wow, eclipse ... that Eirika is worse than your Lyn from the FE7 experience draft if I'm remembering correctly ...

Eir has two modes:

1. "I am killing everything in this game, and don't get in my way."

2. "I make Karla look good."

Guess which one she chose this time?

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Lagdou Ruins:

Floor 1 - Mostly everything stays put, so you can bait enemies as needed. I wouldn't recommend rushing through, unless you like random Killer weapons to the face.

Floor 2 - You've got things like those three-headed dogs, the centaurs on steroids, and several Cyclops running at you, intent on killing your party. More enemies stand around, ready to rip you if you get into range. Due to the defensive nature of the chapter, I figured that a not-fully-promoted party would have problems surviving the initial rush.

Floor 3 - Everything starts in rooms. . .and then some asshole Wights with Door Keys unlock the rooms, and you have to deal with everything that made Floor 2 annoying, plus a few Gorgons with Stone/Demon Surge (which is hitting for 40-ish damage, give or take a couple).

Floors 4-9 have varying levels of aggravation, and then there's the final floor, which is about as easy as the first one. . .as long as you have a spare Purge tome handy.

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Chapter 9 – 18/103

I cut deep into my supply of Vulneraries for this one. Ross went south, and cleared the east side. Garcia, Neimi and Eirika moved forward slowly, and Tana rushed to the Dragonshield village. Then, she flew back, picked up Eirika, and flew over the sea while Garcia and Neimi tried their best to stay alive. Luckily the pirates went for the village rather than attacking her. She dropped Eirika within range of Amelia just before she retreats, and Ross cut off the pirates and got the village. Garcia and Neimi had just finished by then, and trailed behind Eirika. Tana went to help Ross kill the boss.

Amelia is now a Cavalier. She has plenty of speed but not enough strength, so she can tink enemies twice!

Chapter 10 – 16/119

Last chapter before I get a healer. Ross is the only person with double-digit defense, so this takes a while. Eventually Tana breaks through to talk to Innes, and Innes recruits everyone else and gets the hell out of there before Marisa’s squad comes up. Tana and Garcia kill them off, and Marisa managed to survive long enough for Gerik to recruit her. It was a nasty surprise when reinforcements showed up, probably the first time I’ve seen them ever; THIS IS HOW SLOWLY I’M GOING (But it’s probably also due to the fact I almost always go Ephraim’s route). Ross finally promoted, and Amelia and Neimi finished the boss.

Eirika 15.35 22  9 16 19 13  7  2 14
Ross 20/1.49 43 21 10 12 21 14 11 28
Garcia 15.99 37 15 13  9 10  7  3 11
Neimi  16.00 23 10 13 15 14  5  4 15
Tana   12.29 25 10 15 17 14  7  9  8
Amelia 11.61 29  9 14 15 14  8  6 19
Tethys  2.02                       1

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Chapter whatever


Having Ross and Eirika in this chapter IS NOT FUN, especially when that archer always attacks Eiri. stupid archer.

Chapter whatever + 1


Would've been 8, but the zombies have the most idiotic AI ever and sit next to Ross instead of trying to kill him (they could actually kill him if they hit)

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