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So, autocursor, the setting that makes the cursor go to the lord at the beginning of each turn. Does anyone actually use it? I always see people turn it off in LPs and such. It bothers me to the extreme, and I always turn it off (when I can. Seriously, FE3 needs it to be able to be removed).

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I think i may keep it on. But I tend to have a high tolerance for things like that so it doesn't bother me at all. In fact I hardly notice it I can't remember completely if I actually keep it turned on or not. i mean its not like it really does anything thats a big deal or anything.

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I think i may keep it on. But I tend to have a high tolerance for things like that so it doesn't bother me at all. In fact I hardly notice it I can't remember completely if I actually keep it turned on or not. i mean its not like it really does anything thats a big deal or anything.

I can relate to this. Never notice it, so it can't be that big a deal to me.

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For the most part I leave it on because it doesn't really bother me that much. I will turn it off though if for whatever reason I have my party spread out all across the map and I don't feel assed to do much with my lord.

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I turn it off in every game except FE4.

Horace has it right here.

Sometimes I leave it on for an extended period in some games (FE8) when I have few units to work with and Eirika is my best anyway, but it always goes off by midgame.

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