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[FE7] No-Staves Experimental Draft


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And that means Refa gets Renault by default. That's a wrap! Now the draft can get started! Good luck, everyone!

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Wait, Wallace may be decent here, durable, and weapon ranks.

Since fuck getting HNM only Lyn to lvl 15, even running casually.

Haha, Geitz or Wallace, either way its alright.

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1. Undrafted units may only be deployed to recruit other characters.


1. Undrafted units have a 4-turn deployment penalty, per unit per chapter.

Now, this penalty won't apply to deployed characters sent or solely for recruitment (like Priscilla to recruit Raven, and indirectly, Lucius, Florina to recruit Fiora, Serra to recruit Erk, etc).

Good, just making sure.


4. Refa: Florina, Oswin, Erk, Pent, Dart, Renault

2. Elieson: Lowen, Isadora, Canas, Lucius, Rath, Karel

1. The Insane One: Sain, Heath, Hawkeye, Bartre+Karla, Vaida, Geitz/Wallace

5. PKL: Fiora, Kent, Dorcas, Farina, Louise, Jaffar

3. Rapier: Guy, Nino, Raven, Rebecca, Harken, Wil

Refa: You got Flori, but you better bank on Dart and Oswin ripping shit up. Pent is a tasty addition to your team, for sure.

tIO: 2Wyverns? Crap I shouldn't have let that happen. I honestly like your team the best.

PKL: I am a bit nervous about PKL snagging 2 fliers, but I'm positive he will suffer from Dorcas syndrome, where by PFoD, you hate him.

Rapier: Someone once told me that the underdog has the upper hand. You got both heros and both archers. You are gonna have some serious classic style offense running your team, especially late game.

That its my analysis of everyone (barring me).

Good luck all! Boron, please report this in DTE in the new format please

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Now, this penalty won't apply to deployed characters sent or solely for recruitment (like Priscilla to recruit Raven, and indirectly, Lucius, Florina to recruit Fiora, Serra to recruit Erk, etc).

Good, just making sure.

Good luck all! Boron, please report this in DTE in the new format please

That's correct. If you have to deploy a non-drafted character to get someone you did draft, you don't take a penalty for it. Same rule as yours.

I already reported this to DTE, but let me check to see if I did it in the new format.

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I miss being called Harpoon

You should've taken Vaida 4th round, and now my teams balanced a bit.

Lol Hawkeye/Vaida/Geitz for prepromotes.

LolSain and Heath.

Lol if Anna is merciful to barte.

Lolif Eliwood becomes epic win and Lyn crawls out of that hole.

I really am gonna get fucked by PFOD.

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I assume you guys will start this draft as soon as you have time, but in the meantime bumping it up so you guys don't forget about it.

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Hey, it's time to start another draft! While I could just do another standard writeup, I decided to go with something a little different this time. For this draft, I'll have someone who's perfect for commentating for a no staves run. The only person who could do such a run justice. Ladies and gentlemen and gentlemen who dress like ladies, this is my wonderful tactician, Saphy! She'll be commentating all of my chapters and stuff.

Saphy.png Yes, it's very nice to meet you all. I admit that the idea of a "no staves" playthrough had me quite shocked the first time I heard of it. Staves are part of the quintessential Fire Emblem experience, and to rip them apart from it just feels...wrong. Besides, how could you play the game without Warp? Hammerine? Rescue? You know you want to abuse the power, heheh...Erm, anyways, let's start the run.

Chapter 11- 6/6 turns

Saphy.png *Sigh* Do we really have to do this? You know how this is going to turn out, as do I. Oh well, couldn't hurt to go over it once again, I suppose. Hector and his less well built colleague Matthew head towards the left corridor, where Hector does the majority of the combat work and Matthew opens a door and chips in. All in all, a very simple chapter.

Chapter 12- 4/10 turns

Saphy.png This chapter is extremely easy if you keep in mind that everyone is free. Unfortunately, the drafter here was unaware of these rules and just played through the chapter as one normally. Hector and his even more bulky (if you can believe it) pal Oswin handle the majority of the work with Matthew chipping in. Poor Serra is relegated to the sidelines, although there's not much she could normally do anyways. The staff users are always the first ones to hit the bench...*Ahem* Anyways, the man Marcus soloes the southern half of the map and leaves one bandit for his liege Eliwood to clear up. Eliwood, well....it's the thought that counts.

Chapter 13- 5/15 turns

Saphy.png Chapter 13 tends to be the stumbling block for many ill prepared draft teams. Thankfully that's not a problem here. Eliwood, I apologize for my rudeness, but you've been quite the nuisance. Perhaps you should take some time off and train in the arena or something. Anyways, Eliwood attempts to tank a Pegasus Knight while Lowen, Oswin, and some axemen who are nowhere near as skilled as my close friends Othin and Halvan join along for the ride. Lowen rescues Hector and takes him straight to the throne while one of the axemen - I believe his name was Bartre The Bold or something to that effect - went to the village with that oh-so-queer merchant. Matthew, Rebecca, and Marcus take the south. That's a slight exaggeration, as Marcus basically soloes the place. Matthew pressgan-er, kindly asks his friend Guy to join the party, who happily obliges. It was all smooth sailing from there.

Chapter 13x- 7/22 turns

Saphy.png Being a defend chapter, there's really not much to do in terms of turncounts. Warp staves still would've helped, but perhaps I'm being too presumptuous. Regardless, let's talk about how this chapter went, which is according to plan. Marcus took the lead and got some...ah, truly awe inspiring level ups which allowed him to double Puzon. Not that he did, Eliwood finished the dastardly fiend off himself. Eliwood started to make a name for himself here by finishing off some more bandits and generally getting some OKish levels. His lack of speed is quite disappointing, Leaf never would've done so pathetically in that category. Oswin tanked the left before going up to finish off more bandits, and Hector...he helped the party in a more offhands way. I also have to say that Lowen deserves my respect for being shot by a bullion of arrows from that one nomad. Hopefully he manages to shake it off.

Chapter 14- 8/30 turns

Saphy.png The loss of Marcus is truly felt by all of us. Without him, the turncount for this chapter literally doubles. Eliwood and Matthew take the south route to ward off some pirates and the odd bandit, Hector goes straight with some assistance from Erk of all people (haven't seen him since Lyn Mode! Which we didn't do this time because it was against "the rules", but it still happened), and Oswin goes back to take care of those rather annoying pegasus knights. How lovely. The rest of the chapter goes rather swimmingly, with Priscilla joining at the end of it and Erk acquiring an Iron Blade. Oh, how could I forgot? Matthew also spent the majority of the armies gold on vulneraries...I hope you know what you're doing there Matthew (he's still miles better than Lifis...that man...). Oh, and the group made a collaborative decision to pawn off Erk's Goddess Statue. We all love the goddess as much as you do Erk, after all I'm a nun, but war supplies needed funding and your Goddess Statue was just the superflu-um, just the right thing for the job.

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Now, this penalty won't apply to deployed characters sent or solely for recruitment (like Priscilla to recruit Raven, and indirectly, Lucius, Florina to recruit Fiora, Serra to recruit Erk, etc).

Good, just making sure.

Refa: You got Flori, but you better bank on Dart and Oswin ripping shit up. Pent is a tasty addition to your team, for sure.

tIO: 2Wyverns? Crap I shouldn't have let that happen. I honestly like your team the best.

PKL: I am a bit nervous about PKL snagging 2 fliers, but I'm positive he will suffer from Dorcas syndrome, where by PFoD, you hate him.

Rapier: Someone once told me that the underdog has the upper hand. You got both heros and both archers. You are gonna have some serious classic style offense running your team, especially late game.

That its my analysis of everyone (barring me).

Good luck all! Boron, please report this in DTE in the new format please

Boron let me get Heath.

Now, Barte is gonna solo earlygame, and Eliwood is gonna be fun to use.....

Lyn, oh god.......oh god does she suck ass in no Lhm runs.

Getting Geitz is gonna be fun...

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Chapter 15- 7/37 turns

Saphy.png It felt like only a week has passed since you last heard my beautiful commentary. Anyways moving on, it's Chapter 15 time. That's the chapter that everyone finishes in the same amount of time...7 turns! Amazing how that works out so beautifully. Regardless, due to poor management and other issues, we are missing the..er, intel on what exactly happened during this chapter. No matter, I'm sure we'll get it right next time!

Chapter 16- 8/45 turns

Saphy.png Ahhh..I've nevar seen something so pitiful. Oh well, I suppose we'll just have to brace ourselves for more horrible turncounts, eh? Anyways, Hector took care of the starting 2 Pegasus Knights allowing Florina to ferry him but not too far otherwise she'd be killed, and everyone else killed the enemies. Oh, and Lyn and her compatriots helped. Especially Wil. This game would be a lot tougher without his expertise in the art of shopping.

Chapter 17- 11/56 turns

Saphy.png Er...I hope things get better, for your sake. Basically everyone rushes with no thought put into planning whatsoever and poor Raven got killed, may his soul rest in peace (his body is in pieces at the mo...er, sorry, that was rather morbid). Hector used the last of his Wolf Beil on the boss, so Uhai will be a bit..*AHEM* a troublesome foe indeed. Too bad Hector doesn't have anyone as sexy or awesome as Fin at his side to help him deal with that. Oh well...

Chapter 17x- 3/59 turns

Saphy.png Well that was easy. Florina almost got killed, poor thing, and that, er, vile man Damian got away scot free, but otherwise it was a good run. Matthew procced STR twice, now isn't that the loveliest thing?

Chapter 18- 3/62 turns

Saphy.png Florina ferried Oswin to finish off wretched fiend Zoldamn with some help from Matthew and Hector, whilst Eliwood, Lyn, and Erk took care of some enemies on the far side. Erk...no pun intended, kinda rubbed me off on the wrong foot before, but he's doing quite well now. We have high hopes for you Erk, don't let us down.

Chapter 19- 6/68 turns

Saphy.png A beautiful turncount indeed. Florina ferried Oswin as usual, whilst Hector and Eliwood ran down to help. Truly a beautiful friendship. Lyndis and her sneaky friend Matthew helped the...oh my, quite manly Dart take care of the top portion of enemies. Oh, and I suppose Erk did something in all of this. It's hard to tell what though. Florina and Oswin tag teamed Uhai. Dart can be quite uncouth as times though. I saw him eat an entire Skill Book in one gulp!

Chapter 19x- 6/74 turns

Saphy.png *Sigh* And the turncounts were looking so nice too. Oh well, can't win them all. Florina ferries Hector this time, while everyone else bumrushes towards Aias. Pardon my french, but Aias is a little...incredibly obnoxious. His avoid with nothing equipped makes him a pain in the ass to defeat and he definetely wasted a few turns.

Chapter 20- 6/80 turns

Saphy.png Another chapter well done! Florina helped ferry Hector for a while while most of the party rushed ahead, culminating in Hector and Oswin taking the boss. Legault was recruited by Lyn (who could JUST BARELY survive an attack from Darin), and Matthew was busy getting the Brave Bow (the poor Sniper never knew what he had coming for him when he saw Matthew w/ a Killing Edge with his name on it.

Chapter 21- 4/84 turns

Saphy.png While this chapter went...eh, worse than average, I'd say it was a success overall. All of the units got some good levels, with Erk being the surprise MVP (besides Ninian of course, we all love her) tanking a huge retinue of units. Florina did...um, something, while Eliwood ended up getting the Elysian Whip and Legault getting the Wyrm Slayer. This is going quite well so far.

Chapter 22- 5/89 turns

Saphy.png A team such as this one does not get held back by such pitiful offenses! And of course we recruit Heath because he's the best. Anyone who'd kill someone like Heath is not someone I'd like to know...

Chapter 23- 4/93 turns

Saphy.png Florina is given the oh-so-wonderful robe of angels, so that she can take a few more hits without dying. Wouldn't want lovely Florina to be dying...Erk is a godsend during this chapter, I'll never doubt his abilities again. Pent, even though not officially joining us was also a big help. Florina is now ready for her move into upper management with the power of the Elysian Whip, and the same could be said for Oswin. Despite his help this chapter, Erk will not be moving up places in the world. Perhaps next time, eh, Erk? Oh, and before I forget, Matthew was quite the thi, er, Treasure Hunter.

Combined Lord Levels = 46

Saphy.png Whew, that was a close one.

Chapter 24- 2/95

Saphy.png All of the staves are sold to make room for well....more important stuff! And the spare promotion items that noone was going to use anyways were tossed out the wayside, or rather sold to Merlinus for cash. Fat bastard won't just give us the items upfront. One of these days, if I ever get my hands around that wimpy neck of his, I'm going to wring all of the cash out of his greedy little h..oh! I didn't realize I was talking out loud there. Pay me no mind. Eliwood took the Afa's Drops while noone was looking, but I won't tell because he really looks like he could use the pick me up. Oh...and something happened during the course of this chapter. I think Lloyd or Linus or whatever his name is got thoroughly trashed by Oswin and Florina, the dynamic duo. Erk chomps down a Guilding Ring at the end of it, which is just as well as the party could really use the extra firepower of a Sage.

Chapter 25- 6/101 turns

Saphy.png What a fantastic strategim! Hector, Dart, Erk, Ninian, and Eliwood go north to take care of the Knights, Florina soloes the Monks and picks up some Elysian Whip to go, and Lyn and Legault take the south side.

Chapter 26- 11/112 turns

Saphy.png Vaida and her goons were soundly trounced and there's nothing more to say about it! Oh dear...that wasn't very verbose was it? Um...let's see. Hector and Ephraim go north to ward off the initial batch of enemies, whilst Pent soloes the north western paritition of foes. Oswin and Erk take the south with Florina helping before she has to go do some shopping. Dart went north too before he tanked Vaida for 3 turns, what a beast. Lyn, Matthew, Legault, and Ninian, well...at least they weren't getting in the way of the real fighters. Pent gets sexier than ever, if...possible, by using the Body Ring.

Chapter 27- 7/119 turns

Saphy.png Kenneth, that bastard, gives us followers of the church a bad name. So Florina and Hector kicked his ass while everyone else trailed behind.

Chapter 28- 15/134 turns

be202d44f4d69af131113a343455fe1c.pngSaphy.png *Yawn* Ursula's that fat octopus right?

Chapter 28x- FREE/134 turns

Saphy.png Come back when you make a hard Gaiden mission. Chapter 4x of FE5 was the stuff that made men.

Chapter 29- 5/139 turns

Saphy.png Simply...fabulous. Words do not describe how incredible this feat was.

Chapter 30- 5/144 turns

Saphy.png With Eliwood and Florina, nothing's impossible!

Chapter 31- 11/155 turns

Saphy.png Boring chapter is boring.

Chapter 31x- 5/160 turns

Saphy.png This is a chapter? Seems like a more advanced version of the map menu. Even the more dated FE5 had something like this!

Chapter 32- 8/168 turns

Saphy.png This chapter would have gone SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better if someone *coughFlorinacough* had decided to pick up a little more strength. Oh well, my man Dart managed to destroy Limstella, even if it did slow down the turncount. Refa's Renault was recruited.

Chapter 32x- 7/175 turns

Saphy.png *Sigh* Just little enough to make Warp unviable even IF we had it with us. Refa's Renault wasn't even deployed!

Final Chapter Part 1- 5/180 turns

Saphy.png Victory!

Final Chapter Part 2- 1/181 turns

Saphy.png Damage Totals: Eliwood- 42, Hector- 21, Lyndis- 0, Athos- 60

Final team writeup to come shortly!

Edited by Refa
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Let's Review My Units!


Hector is always a bit give or take. He always starts out awesome when you're in sore needs of units with good offense and defense with less of a need of speed. However, he ALWAYS peters out later on when he doesn't get the option for promotion. Still, thanks to this no staves draft, I had more of a chance to level up Hector (because less time for Warping), so he turned out better than usual. His RES was also unusually good.


Oooh, he's usually not free, and I never draft the guy. Still, I found that he was quite the useful dude when you get to use him! Silencer is an extremely underrated ability as is his propensity to critblick everything on sight. Maybe he's not a good early pick for later drafts, but when you're shuffling around for units to pick for that oh so painful earlygame, Matthew's certainly not a bad pick. In fact he's a very very very good pick when thieving isn't free!


Oswin is damn godly. Whoever said Knights sucked obviously wasn't talking about Oswin. His poor move in no way hampers his incredible offense and defense, it just means you need to plan more around it. His STR and DEF parameters are ridiculous, and I got lucky enough to have great SPD as well (he doubled the Warrior near Father Reed for a ORKO, lol). So when you say that his lategame is good enough, and his early game is incredibly fantastic where he'll be your MVP when Marcus has been banned, Oswin is really, truly, one of the best characters you could possibly draft on your team in FE7.


Fucking clutch as hell. I mantain in these HNM drafts that he is one of the most underrated units on the team. Early on he's really no better than Lyn, in fact he's worse than Lyn, but at least he's better than the likes of Wil and Rebecca. The Rapier really helps him out early on, and it's not too hard to feed him kills. However, his usefulness comes after his promotion, when he gets a horse. Not only that, but he can ferry around Hector and perhaps more amazingly, promoted Oswin (er, not w/ the Body Ring, but you only need to give it to him for the Final Chapter anyways, and only if he maxes SPD and has a decent enough STR to harm the final final boss). All in all, not a bad pick (atthough he was free here), but really all 3 lords should be free for every draft. But that's just me.


I. Completely. Underrated. Erk. Who knew the bastard was so damn good? He starts off slow for sure, at least without Lyn Mode to back him up. But once he gets going and eventually promotes, he doesn't stop. Obviously his use is somewhat limited in a No Staves draft, but his offensive 1~2 range power against RES, passable enough DEF, and great desert combat makes him WAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better than Lucius in such a draft. 10/10, will draft again.


Getting a good Lyn is always a roll of the die. A 100 sided die. Only 18 of them are the good rolls. Her STR is always suspect, although with Manni Katti, Killer Edge, Silver weapons, and more it's not too hard to redeem that until later chapters where everyone else is godly and she starts to falter. It's her awful DEF that makes one hesistant to put her anywhere near the reaches of danger. Sword lock doesn't help. Sure, Erk may have similar DEF, but at least he doesn't suffer from WTD and he has inherantly better weaponry. Erk may be the Lyn of mages, but that's a somewhat flawed statement seeing as the Lyn of mages will always be better than Lyn herself, swordlocked until she gets bows that she doesn't make much use of (unless you promoted her early, but who does that when they've got Eliwood). Oh well, I still like her as a character, I guess.


God incarnate. Why do people pick Florina first all of the time? It's simple, my dear Watson.

1) Flying utility lets her ferry Hector around to get to the Seize point faster (than even other mounted units until Fiora!), or people like Oswin to the Kill Boss here point. Or even just to reach Fargus!

2) Great stats once leveled up means that she will also be one of your better combatents once given the time to mature (no Afa's Drops for her, lol)

3) An incredible help in the desert chapter, whichever version of Pale Flower Of Darkness you've got, going through terrain, etc. Flyers just deal better w/adverse conditions.

4) Goes great with Marcus.

5) Low CON is actually a feature when it means she can ferry ANYTHING that isn't featuring a Body Ring or super duper fatass promoted Oswin.


Dart is superunderrated. People look at him, and say, why pick him when I can pick Raven? He's just another low move, high offense guy! Those guys suck in LTC...right?

WRONG! Dart's ridiculous caps allow him to destroy everything, yes, but there's more! For instance, the Berserker class comes w/ a few neat perks. Being able to walk on mountains and tank Vaida is one of them, and that comes in handy on later chapters too, such as...that one chapter with Linus! He is also super clutch against Kishona, even WITHOUT Warp to get him to critblick the old fart. He also makes the final battle relatively painless and can even chip (!) against the final boss if worst comes to worst. Plus, drafting him means you don't have to worry about an obnoxious penalty in Ch. 19. What's not to like about this guy?


Legault turned out pretty well, actually probably better than Matthew, and he's always a nice backup combatent, but honestly? NEVER draft him and Matthew, it's just too redundant.


Yes yes, dancers are always great, ohwait he's a bard, ohwait what's the difference, MOVING ON.


Pent is always like first to go in normal drafts. This being a No Staves draft, obviously people didn't pick him early, although honestly? I think he's FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE just for his combat prowess alone. But ahem, anyways! Is Pent worth picking early on in drafts? I'll have to say I'm a bit iffy on first pick, but he's a phenomenally good 2nd pick, so I can see why people pick him 1st just to prevent other people from getting him. Pent is just that good. He destroys anything in his way, has great durability, ridiculous bases, and normally? The easiest sure fire Warper when you need one! His ONLY problem is his availability, and honestly the whole decision of when to pick him depends soley on that alone. Personally, I think Pent is one of the best units you can have drafted on your team, but that's just me. :awesome:


ProTip- Give him the Ch 28x Speedwing so you can solo the final boss w/him.

Units Not Shown

Refa's Renault- Ah, what a miserable creature indeed. Renault's call to fame is his staff prowess, and without that, he is nothing. He truly is Refa's Renault.

Marcus- Stopped helping right when I needed him, the prick.

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Congrats for the being the first to finish Refa. By the way ...


That resistance is pretty awesome, but that luck is ... mellow.gif

Edited by Boron
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  • 2 weeks later...

Stupid question, but how do I skip Lyn's mode and go straight to Hector's mode? From what I know, if I clear the game on Lyn's mode at least once, the stats I got on it are going to be passed to the other modes.... Or am I wrong?

I'll do this draft. Seems madness to me, but I'll do it anyway. =P

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If I do this draft on a completely cleared game, that won't affect me at all by giving my team disadvantages/advantages over others, right? That's all I want to know.

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You won't have a disadvantage, but it'll put you at an advantage. Lyn is free, and you have Wil. So you'd be able to level up those two and no one else would have (had) a leveled-up Lyn, so you have to play on only Hector's mode.

You've cleared both Eliwood and Lyn's mode, right? When you start a new game, the game should give you the option to start on either of the three modes once Eliwood and Lyn's have been cleared.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Forgot to fucking log this one.



He got to 20/20 by BBD.

Gave him boots for fun shit.

He proceeds to get tinked by everything, and ORKO's everything but the Reed Bros.

For the rest of the game, until Final.

Also, Final went like this.

(SLight RNG abuse to get some things done.)

Bartre kills Uhai by Brave Bowing him in the face.

*Gets rescuedropped in front of the door keyed open Brendan Reeds room.

Position units just right

ep 1-


Kills Brendan Reed.

Hawkeye+Tomahawk kills Ursula and Jerme

Vaida kills Darin

Eliwood kills Kenneth and Co.

HEath and Hector wait just by Nergal.

ep 2-

Swordreavers Lloyd, while Athos lunacrits Linus.


Bartre gets rescuedropped and danced to Nergal

Then proceeds to splatter Nergal with his wtf stats.

and for the dragon...........

Lyn critting once and hitting for normal damage on the double.

Hector and Athos doing chunks of damage.

ELiwood Critting Dragon :smug:

FInished in 245 turns.

Early on, staves are nice.

in NoF/ch28x Restore is nice.

for poison/status, restore is nice.

But the thanks goes to my BArtre, who single handedly got me through a horrid earlygame.

Ch15 was a PITA.

Oh wait, he doubles the boss with 75 acc.

and had about 5 res.

ch16 has Bartre+Hector rush to throne, stemrolling.

ch19 had Bartre promote.

ch20 was Steamrolled by Bartre.

See a pattern?

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