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What Annoys You?

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You don't like the beauty that is pink. You are by definitely picky.

icky XD

Pink is icky it's too bright and it annoys my eyes.

What's worse is that my roommate and half her friends have an obsession with pink.

Pinkie pie and joshua's love of pink are all I can like~ =3

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Mostly, the act of sitting in the aisle seat when there's nobody at the window seat.

Edited by Rehab
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When there's no toilet paper on the rack, so I have to waddle across the bathroom, half crouching, almost crawling for a new roll. As well as the degrading crunching sound the bag makes as I get a new roll out as if to say "HA, YOU'RE A FUCKER FOR NOT CHECKING TO SEE IF THERE WASN'T A ROLL BEFORE GOING!" and echo perpetuated throughout the house for all to hear of my misdeed to society.

Edited by Maji
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Oh well yeah I'm not really that picky... Although I do get afraid to experiment I do just tell myself there's no harm in trying. Oh wait unless it's supposed to be real spicy but I'm real sensitive to spiciness so that isn't really a bad reason for me... And carbonated drinks. =o I tried my first when I was little but it hurt too much for me D=

Yet again, understandable.

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When there's no toilet paper on the rack, so I have to waddle across the bathroom, half crouching, almost crawling for a new roll. As well as the degrading crunching sound the bag makes as I get a new roll out as if to say "HA, YOU'RE A FUCKER FOR NOT CHECKING TO SEE IF THERE WASN'T A ROLL BEFORE GOING!" and echo perpetuated throughout the house for all to hear of my misdeed to society.

I have successfully refilled my back up roll upon reading this.

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When there's a smoker walking in front of me while I'm walking to class and just so /conveniently/ happens to be going to the same building so I have to hold me breath as I find a way to walk past this person. Especially annoying if said person is with a group of friends and I have to take a fairly long way to get past him/her.

Don't want to smell that shit. Gives me headaches.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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people who complain about spicy food.

People who are more obnoxious and stubborn than anyone on SF.

People who force things down my throat.

Oh, and running out TP, when having diarrhea+mass headache and being alone in the house.

And, pets.

especially the neighbors dachshunds that go yip, yip 24/7, and bite anyone.

Oh, and 1000 island is gross, even on a reuben. Gimme mustard>that goop.

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people who complain about spicy food.

And, pets.

especially the neighbors dachshunds that go yip, yip 24/7, and bite anyone.


You must hate me sooooooooooo much!!!

Because I hate things that are not weakly spicy.... because my mouth is sensitive... Wait I said that in this topic already! D= You must've said that because of me!

But don't go hating on my Vic >=I I refuse to allow it!!

And the only reason my dachshund started barking is because he saw our neighbors' dogs doing it all the time =[

And I'm really stubborn, but I'm right here in SF, soooo....... I suppose it won't count...

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Stubborn kids

Blunt individuals (NOTE: They also live inside my home; hence why...)

Anything that induces my negative tendencies (which is like happening around 90% in a regular day on me)


My self-spite resulting to dangerously high suicidal tendencies.

Edited by Frostbite
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You must hate me sooooooooooo much!!!

Because I hate things that are not weakly spicy.... because my mouth is sensitive... Wait I said that in this topic already! D= You must've said that because of me!

But don't go hating on my Vic >=I I refuse to allow it!!

And the only reason my dachshund started barking is because he saw our neighbors' dogs doing it all the time =[

And I'm really stubborn, but I'm right here in SF, soooo....... I suppose it won't count...

I don't even know you that well. And, why would I hate a young lady that I haven't even chatted with much?

you like pokemon, there's no way I wouldn't be freindly

My neigbors wife keeps the 3 dachshunds in a cage all day in their patio.

When those dogs get out, they're very nasty.

They've even gone and bitten a bunch of toddlers, and then the lady just says "whatever" to the crying kids


Also, people that think SOPA is a great idea, make me undergo murderour urges.

Also, people that bully small kids for no reason, annoy the fuck out of me.

Same with this one guy that was nasty(to the point of shoving and cursing worse than Any of us could do) to this old WW2 vet bomber pilot. I mean, the old guy told stories to kids, never had an enemy in his life, and was a nice guy. This happened about 2 weeks before the old vet died.

Yeah, made me feel sick when that bastard showed up at the funeral.

Yeah, and people who hate Star Trek annoy me a lot, along with those who hate DC/Marvel comics.

And assholes with too much power and influence over figures of authority.

Noq, people that try to force their skewed and screwed up view of reality annoy me, along with people who pick on the very young, the defense-less, elderly, or the very, very ill.

God, the murderous urges I have, I just want to break their limbs and have them watch 2girls1cup for eternity.

Also, Lightli is borderline annoying me, but not really annoying.

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People who call me out on things they full well know that I was BS'ing just to look cool, and I'm too stubborn to ignore them. I then have to Google definitions and BS things from there. I wish I didn't give a shit about anything.

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