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April Fools badge?

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Yeah, that thing. The "April Fools" event? Anyone have a link to the original thread or anything?

Figured it would be the best time to ask with all the badge hype going on in the forums this week.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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I don't get the reference, but it reminds me of something I saw in pokemon green XD if that really is the reference then does that make me look more or less dum?

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...The Hell?

Are you not familiar with Pokemon Red and Blue? (Red and Green in Japan.)

I'm sure everyone who's played has caught their own Missingno. at least once.

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Are you not familiar with Pokemon Red and Blue? (Red and Green in Japan.)

I'm sure everyone who's played has caught their own Missingno. at least once.

I've never caught a Missingno. My first Pokemon game was Pokemon Yellow. However, I am fully aware of the Missingno glitch, as it IS one of the most famous video game glitches ever known.

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I may have caught one, but I probably didn't save if I did.

I mostly just got Alakazams and Snorlaxes to raise to level 255. I was disqualified from the first (also the last) pokamen tournament I went to.

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